
16th January, 1945...

A thundering boom could be heard off in the distance from the underground bunker, dubbed: Führerbunker.

In a small meeting room, that was a part of the complex underground structure, a middle-aged man sat in a chair, his face obviously stressed. His face was very grim and looked as it was etched into a cragged stone, and to top it all off he had a small tiny trimmed mustache right between the bottom of his nose and upper lip.

All around the finely polished maple-wood table were standing officers of the last remaining Third Reich. This was his last meeting with them considering the circumstances that his empire was under.

A officer standing next to the man leaned down and whispered something into his ear. The weird mustache man just shook his head and muttered something in German, his hands in his hair and tightening with each passing second.

"Unsere - defense is deteriorating. The enemy will soon breach the upper base."

He paused for a moment before continuing, "What are your last orders?

He finally looked up and surveyed the room filled with his most loyal and trusted officers. He stood up and then shouted, "We will fight to the death and never surrender!"

Upon hearing this, all the officers in the room snapped their black boots together, shot their right arm out, their hand stiff as could be, and yelled in unison, "We will follow you to the end, great leader!"

Then they all stood up and got in a single file line to say good-bye to the man they all looked up to. As they each went up to him and saluted with the same right hand motion while saying, "Long live our leader!"

To which he replied in a calm voice and a right hand motion of his own, "Goodbye comrades, we shall prevail."

As soon as the last Third Reich officer left, his favorite pet walked trotted into the room. The metal door behind the dog closed suddenly on its own.

His German Shepherd, Blondi, sat down on all fours and then stared at him.

"Come here Blondi" he ordered it.

The dog got up and sat next to him, if anyone had stayed in the room then they would've heard a somewhat feminine voice mysteriously float through the air.

"What can I do for the great leader today?"

He replied in a broken and desperate voice, "Its useless…my empire is slowly falling apart!"

The soothing feminine voice wavered through the air again but this time it sounded somewhat demeaning and sarcastic, "You poor baby. Why not wish for better things?"

He stood up quickly, knocking over the chair, and fired back at the dog, while raising his hand in a movement to strike Blondi, "I know your evil methods and I will not fall for them bitch!"

The dog reared backward and snarled slightly but her tail was tucked between her legs.

The mysterious voice returned while the German Shepherd settled down and began cleaning its paws, "Well, you still have one more wish left. You have plenty of time to think about it."

He pulled up his chair again and then slumped into his seat, in an almost defeated state, and waved the dog away, "Get out of my sight…just go."

The dog gave what looked like a bow and then left the room with its final words trailing behind it, "As you wish master?"

22nd April, 1945...

The Allies were closing in now. He had no more reinforcements to call upon but they still hadn't breached his underground bunker so he was thankful for that much.

The small man was still sitting at his desk, he didn't seemed to have moved from his last position seeing as how he was slumped very lowly in his chair.

He realized that his end was nearing. He wouldn't see his empire rise…but fall. He didn't want to be here when that happened. He didn't want to see his life's work fall before his eyes. The only other option was suicide.

"Where's my physician? Werner Haase, where are you?!"

A few moments later a fragile looking man wearing a white lab coat entered the conference room holding a medical chest of some sort. He answered in a timid voice, "You called for me leader?"

"I'm not going to lie, my empire is dead. What is the best solution to suicide?"

The physician seemed taken aback by the brash action and was at a loss for words until the leader snapped him back into reality with a slam of his palm on the table.

"You could always take potassium cyanide with a bullet through your head." Stuttered the surprised physician.

"Where is my supplier?"

Werner Hasse stood still with his hands held together and looked at the ground, almost afraid to answer. The man stood up and stared him down as he said once more, "Where is my supplier!"

"He ran away."

He slammed his fist down once more and then yelled out in frustration, "That traitor, I'll hunt him down!" To which the physician answered in a more lighter tone, "We still have some capsules leftover"

"Hes a traitor, he might've left behind fake capsules."

"Why would he leave behind fake capsules?"

He slowly turned and looked at Werner, speaking in a strained voice, "Are you questioning me?"

"No, no I'll go see to it that the pills are destroyed."

"You fool, bring me the pills and also bring me Blondi!"

The physician briskly left the room and then promptly returned in a matter of seconds. As he entered the room he almost fell as the whole base shook and rumbled under a direct hit from a mortar. Some loose dust fell onto the table but other than that, it was safe and calm once more.

"Leave the room…now!"

As the physician took a bow and left, Blondi trotted in through the closing door and then sat down in the same spot it always did.

"What does the leader want now?"

"Are these pills real or fake?"

He held them out for the dog to look at. The German Shepherd sniffed the pills once before saying, "They're real, that's for sure."

"That's all I needed to know, you are dismissed."

Then suddenly he stopped the dog, "Wait, I have an idea."

"Is it a wish?" A hopeful voice asked.

"I'll have you swallow the pills."

"That doesn't sound very appealing to me."

"Shut up, I'm your master and you will do as I say."

The German Shepherd trotted back to him and then swallowed the two pills. For a moment nothing happened…then the dog started to twitch and convulse. In a matter of minutes the dog fell on its side and became deathly still.

The commanding leader just stood there a moment longer before calling back in his physician to remove the body.

Werner gasped when he saw the dead dog and then stared at his superior incredulously.

"Are you crazy?"

"I had to test it on something…be glad it wasn't you. Now take the body out before I change my mind."

After the physician left with the deceased Blondi, the lone man standing in the room spoke out loud, "I know that you're there, show your face"

A light dusty mist filled the room and converged together on top of the table to form a ghostly image of the German Shepherd.

"I can't believe that you killed Blondi, your favorite dog."

"I wish that I could rid myself of you"

The dog laughed slightly in its soothing female voice, "You can try and fail over and over again."

As she continued to laugh the dog slowly disappeared into thin air, its eyes boring into him.

29th April, 1945...

There was some scratchy music flowing from the opening port of a single phonograph lying in the corner of the celebration room. There was a marriage taking place, strange as it was, amidst the war.

There was the reason of the start of this war standing in the center of the room, the man himself. And standing next to him was a short lady with blonde hair. Her eyes were a sharp light green that looked very commanding and in control but it contradicted with her small frame which gave the impression that she was not used to being in the spotlight.

The priest had just finished going through the speech and was now officially ending the ceremony.

"Do you, Eva Braun take this man as your husband and your closest friend, and do you agree to be fully committed to the sanctity of this marriage for as long as you both shall live?"

A recognizable voice came from her lips.

"I do."

The groom seemed very fidgety and his right eye twitched slightly. Growing impatient with all the waiting he interrupted the priest with a terse voice, "Can we skip to the kiss and end this now?"

"It is with the greatest pleasure that I present to you, the luckiest people in the world at this moment: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

Hitler then leaned over and placed a kiss on Eva's lips. It was a dry kiss; a very stale one.

Hitler then immediately let go of her and then walked to his secretary, Traundi Junge. Pulling out a small white envelope from his inside his military coat before handing it to him. He then leaned in close and whispered, "This is my last will and testament, keep it safe."

April 30th, 1945...

There were more thundering and shaking around the bunker as the Russian "Red Army" and the Allies drew closer and closer.

Hitler could now hear the rattling of the MG-42's one floor above the bunker, sometimes he thought he heard the rolling of tanks but he dismissed it as nothing.

After about two hours later he heard the explosion right above his head. The entire bunker shook with such force that he was toppled from his chair. Trophies, guns and anything that wasn't tightly secured all fell down in a clattering mess. The cheap overhead lights that lit the entire bunker began to flicker and some of them shattered from the impact.

After a couple more minutes the dust settled and everything was in a hectic, chaotic mess.

Hitler left his study and was met immediately by his commander of the Berlin Defense Area, Helmuth Wiedling.

Hitler asked in a very taunt voice, "What happened?"

The commander managed to stutter, "The Allies have made it to the top bunker!"

"How much time do we have left before they reach our underground base?"

The commander replied in a heavy and defeated voice, "Less than a day."

Hitler's brow furrowed up in distress and his right temple throbbed. He screamed in anger and then slammed his fist against the wall, also screaming in frustration.

He finally noticed that the commander was watching him and calmed himself. "Do what you must…I will be in my study. Do not interrupt me."

He slowly trudged back to his study at the other end of the hallway. As he made his way to the seemingly far away study room, he looked around him and saw the desperation written over everyone's faces. The communications room was a frantic mess of women trying to handle papers and send messages to those listening. The remaining officers were hopeless and down struck by the inevitable fate that awaited them. It was complete hell down here…and he didn't want to be a part of it.

As soon as he entered his study room he was about to call for Eva when he saw the black dark chest propped open against the foot of his bed. His hands shook as he reached down and brushed the chest.

He whispered under his breath, "The source of all my power…yet also the pinnacle of my own demise."

Suddenly the floor creaked, indicating that someone else was in the room. The door hadn't opened so he knew who it was immediately.

She knew that Hitler was going through a stressful mental breakdown, she also knew that it was his weakness at the moment. She would use it against him and for herself.

Eva crouched behind him and massaged his shoulders together while whispering in his ear, "Your wish…is my will."

When Hitler didn't say anything she knew that she had him in her trap. "What is your last wish? Use it now before they take you away."

His face looked as if he had resolved some great mental burden as he stood up and faced Eva, or the one who called herself Eva.

He spoke in a clear voice this time, a voice not troubled by decision or worries, "I wish that the Allies could never capture me."

Eva's hair hid her eyes but her smile said it all, all of her evil intentions, though her voice spoke otherwise.

"Your last wish-

As atmosphere in the room began to change dramatically.

-has been granted."

"Enjoy it while it lasts."

Hitler's body slowly rose up in the air as Eva smiled and while waved at him.

"What's happening to me!"

She just shook her head as a mini tornado began to tear everything apart inside his study room.

Eva took out a bottle of potassium cyanide from Hitler's desk and swallowed it. She smiled one last time at Hitler before falling onto the couch and dying.

As the world around Hitler spun, he suddenly realized that he couldn't feel his legs. He glanced down and screamed.

His legs were slowly crumbling away into black ashy dust. The process quickened to his hands, which got swept away in the powerful gusts.

He glared at the black chest in a final defiant stance, refusing to give Her the pleasure of seeing his defeat.

He shouted "I'll see you in Hell, bitch!" as his neck turned into ash.

Then his face exploded in a cloud of ashes, the gust scattering it near and far all over the room.

As soon as his whole body had disintegrated into the ashy substance, the gust stopped and everything fell to the ground in a heap. The only object left untouched in the room was the ominous and mysterious black chest.

From Eva's mouth a small light misty dust rose up and crept along the black dusty floor, slowly moving its way toward the black chest. When it was a reasonable distance away from it, the chest opened and the misty dust got sucked into it. As the last tendrils of the dust got swept up in the miniature vortex the chest slammed shut on itself, followed by a series of clicks.

Couple hours later…

The Red Army and Allies troops managed to storm the underground bunker and kill off all the resistors. They had made haste when they learned of Hitler's study room at the far end of the corridor…only to find black ash scattered everywhere and a dead woman's body lying on the couch.

Hitler's body had remained a mystery but the sergeant came up with his own conclusion that Hitler had committed suicide, ordered his Third Reich officers burn his body and then scatter the ashes all over his room.

They had meant to capture Hitler in order to charge him with genocide and plenty of other crimes in the world court, but it seems that he slipped through their grasp. They had failed to capture Hitler…

After the discovery…

They did go through his personal items and one of the first things that the sergeant had noticed was the ancient looking wooden chest lying at the foot of the bed, completely untouched by Hitler's ashes.

He picked up the chest and shook it a little…there was the sound of some metal object bouncing inside. He tried to open it but the chest wouldn't budge. The lock was rusted but it wouldn't break off when he hit it with the butt of his Springfield rifle. The sergeant scratched his head and then shrugged his shoulders, carrying the chest to back to his truck where other "salvaged" items laid in wait. The sergeant only thought of one thing when he thought of the chest: that it would be a nice souvenir for his daughter back in America…only that and nothing else…He didn't notice the strange markings on the sides…or the hysterical laughter that ensued from the chest, covered up by the loud engine of the truck.

Hitler got his wish granted. Others were about to get their wishes granted too.

Be careful what you wish for……because you may just regret it.