Mary finished getting checked over and was now impatiently sitting in the waiting room. She had managed to grab a cup of coffee and something to eat from the vending machine while she waited. Stan showed up an hour and a half later and sat next to her. "What have the doctor's said about all of you?"

"Samantha had some bruising, lacerations and was dehydrated. I'm pretty much the same. Marshall's doctor hasn't been out yet. He'll be the worst anyways. The doofus doesn't know how to stay out of trouble." She sniffed. It was all catching up to her now.

Stan placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. "What happened out there? Did he get the flu?"

Mary forgot she hadn't explained what happened to Marshall. "The fever was from an infection or at least that's what he said. You know him and his reading. I'm assuming that's what the doctor will tell us." Before she could continue the doctor finally came out.

"You are the party for Mr. Mann?" When they nodded the doctor began to speak. "He has several bruises and lacerations over his body. Apparently they're from the plane crash and falling into some rapids. A couple of the cuts had gotten infected along with the gouge he mentioned came from a mountain lion." The doctor paused and looked at their faces. The woman nodded her agreement while the older gentlemen seemed shocked. "The infection is what was causing the weakness and the fever. We've given him some strong antibiotics to clear it up. Mr. Mann is also dehydrated. We've given him IV fluids to help with that. He mentioned that you put his shoulder back into place. He'll need to keep it in a sling until it heals completely. Mr. Mann should get plenty of rest and take it easy for awhile. Do you have any questions?" When they shook their head no he left.

They sat back down and waited for a nurse to take them to his room. Stan looked over at Mary. "A mountain lion?"

"Of course. This is Marshall. Apparently he didn't seem to think the plane crash and the falling into the rapids was enough. He had to manage to find the one mountain lion that doesn't follow the usual I leave humans alone rule." Mary stated sarcastically.

Stan wisely stayed silent. They had followed the nurse to his room. Marshall was out cold when they entered. Since they thought he would stay asleep for a couple of hours minimum, Mary left Stan to keep an eye on him while she talked to Samantha. She showed her badge and they let her in after verifying her.

Samantha sat on the bed waiting to get moved out of the hospital. "I heard that you were okay."

Samantha looked up and smiled at Mary. "How's Marshall?"

"He'll be fine. They're keeping him here a few days. Stan and another marshal will fly back with you. Stan wants to talk to him first before you leave. I'll see you when Marshall and I get back." Mary turned to leave.

"Thank you. Please tell Marshall I said the same." Samantha stated sincerely.

"Will do. You can tell him in person when we return." Mary smiled at her and then headed back to Marshall's room.

Stan looked up when she entered. "Did he wake up yet?"

"Not yet but he has been twitching a little here and there so I expect it'll be soon. Is Samantha alright?" Stan questioned.

Mary shrugged. "Yeah. I let her know that she'd be traveling back with you and another person."

Mary reached over and took Marshall's hand in hers. Stan watched and knew that she had been scared for him. She would never admit it but it showed. He knew it had been a reminder of what had happened with Horst, only she had to leave him. "You know he doesn't blame you for leaving him."

Mary looked at Stan. "He told me I had to leave. His plans suck Stan. They always require him being injured and left behind. We need to do something about that."

"It was proper procedure and the only option. You would have made me do the same thing." Marshall spoke hoarsely from the bed. "Stan, your timing was impeccable. Where are we by the way?"

Stan smiled at Marshall. "Tennessee. How do you feel?"

"Much better. The hospital has good medicine." Marshall beamed. "Do they have any food that you can sneak in? I'm starving."

Stan laughed as Mary looked at him like he grew a second head. "Food? That is the first thing that comes to mind?"

"Please, like the first thing you didn't do was grabbed a coffee and some junk food." He stated firmly. She looked away and he knew he was right.

They talked for awhile about what happened so Stan could be debriefed. Once they were done, Stan got up and left. He was headed to the airport with Samantha. Mary waited till Marshall fell asleep before she left to find some clothes for them for the next couple of days. She checked into a hotel room, showered and changed before heading back to the hospital.

Marshall was smiling when she entered. He had apparently been fed. Mary waited for the nurse to leave before handing him a slice of pie. "You're the best." He stated and dug in. She stayed at the hospital and only went back to the hotel to shower and change. Marshall had tried to send her to sleep in a good bed but she refused.

He knew they would need to talk about what happened and knew that she would be overprotective of him for awhile. It is how she handled things that happened to him. The day of his discharge she showed up with clothes for him. He happily put them on and they headed to the airport. Stan had sent another Leer jet to get them so Marshall would have more room if he needed to stretch out and sleep.

Marshall looked at Mary once they were in the air. "You know I am fine and everything that happened was done properly. I know that you hate leaving me behind and I know how hard it is not knowing what's going on with your partner." She didn't say a word but listened intently and let him intertwine their fingers as he spoke. "We're fine. I never doubted that you'd return for me."

Mary knew she had to say something and it was hard. She would never be good at this opening up stuff but with Marshall she would always be willing to try. "You can't keep doing that to me. The leaving you behind stuff is painfully hard. I need you as my partner and I don't want another one." She stared him straight in the eyes.

Marshall fearlessly returned her gaze. "I promise to try not to get any injuries that keep me behind. But you know in this job I can't guarantee it."

"The promise is good enough for now. I have your back you know." Mary smiled.

"My backside I believe is what you wanted before." He smirked when she jabbed his good shoulder with her finger.

"You wish I would have that." She smiled back at him and relaxed back in her seat. They fell asleep with her head on his shoulder and his on her head.


Oscar Manelli had the additional charges of attempted murder of two federal agents and one Samantha Redding added to his trial a month later. He was found guilty on all the charges brought up and sentenced to life in prison.