Title: The Elevator

Fandom: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Words: 293

Pairing: One-sided/Pre-slash Willy/Charlie. If you squint.

Willy Wonka could never understand why everyone else had trouble staying upright in his fabulous elevator. Normally his Oopma-Loompa's could handle it, but each of them had an occasional slip up which made him remember that for them, it was a learnt skill. It seemed he was the only person to naturally adjust to the speeding glass elevator.

And then there was Charlie.

Charlie Bucket was the kindest, most selfless person Willy had ever known. As soon as the boy had walked into the Factory, Willy had known he was different from the other children. And he was proven right when Charlie was the last child left. Willy had noticed, on the way around and out of the factory, that Charlie had been able to easily keep his footing. Even when the elevator jerked and swerved, he continued to smile and his hands never left his sides to steady himself.

Unlike Grandpa Joe, Mike Tee Vee and his father who all slammed into the walls. It was what made Willy really notice the child. And after Charlie had refused him, when they were going to see his father, Charlie had effortlessly kept up conversation. Willy had even made the elevator jerk and buck to try and throw the child around. But Charlie ignored the movement and smiled up at Willy, big brown eyes melting the reclusive mans heart.

It was then that Willy Wonka realised that he would do anything to keep Charlie Bucket. He made up his mind that, after he left his father, he would give in to Charlies one demand. Charlie Bucket was going to be his Heir and, if Willy could manage it, best friend. Charlie was, in Willy Wonka's mind, already his.

He just didn't know it yet.

AN: Happy Halloween/Beltane/Samhain! I haven't got an update for The Dragomirs (well, a readable one, anyway) so I am posting four little stories/drabbles. Have fun eating poisoned candy!