Title: Unexpected

Author: jwolf11209

Pairings: Edward/Bella, Alice/Jasper, Edward/Jacob, Alice/Bella, Seth/Jasper

Rating: MA - The story starts off slow, but will heat up eventually.

Warning: M/M, F/F, mpreg, language

Disclaimer: The characters used in this story do not belong to me.

Chapter: 1

Summary: Edward was now standing stock still, frozen in his tracks by Jacob's thoughts. Jacob had imprinted on him? This was going to complicate things.

Chapter 1

Edward was at Bella's house, in her room. They had just recently returned from Italy and Edward was inwardly wondering at his stupidity. He should never have left Bella. He might bring more danger to her by being with her, but at least he could protect her when he was by her side. Forcing the Volturi to kill him would have done nothing but bring pain to his friends and family. And now Bella was in danger again, all because she had gone to Volterra to keep him from dying. She would have to become a vampire before the Volturi showed up in Forks, or she would die. And it was entirely Edward's fault.

It had occurred to Edward that the reasons for his actions lately had become less about his actual feelings and more about what people would expect him to feel. He didn't know what had happened, but he no longer had romantic feelings for Bella. He loved her, but he was no longer in love with her. Maybe he never had been; maybe he had just imagined he felt that way because Bella was the only person he had met whose thoughts he couldn't hear. He had been lonely for so long, always jealous of what everyone else in his family had. Maybe he had just wanted so much to be in love that he had made himself think that he was. It didn't matter anyhow, he had not yet found a good enough reason to cause Bella pain by leaving her again.

It was in the middle of his musings that he heard the knock on the door. It was a testament to how lost in his thoughts he had been that Edward had not known someone was coming. Usually he would have been able to tell Bella who was coming before they even made it to the door. Now that he was paying attention again, he could smell the werewolf.

Edward followed Bella down the stairs and went to sit in the kitchen while she continued to the door. A moment later he heard her saying, "You know I'd love to talk to you Jacob, but Edward's here right now."

He knew from listening to Jacob's thoughts that he wasn't going to let Edward's presence stop him from seeing Bella today. As always, Jacob's thoughts were quite clear.

Just because the leech is over she thinks I won't want to talk to her?

Edward continued to sit at the kitchen table and listen to their conversation. Eventually Bella allowed Jacob to come in and they appeared in the kitchen. He looked up when Jacob came in behind Bella and met his eyes…and froze. Edward couldn't even describe the look on Jacob's face right then. His eyes were wide, his face was flushed, and in the next moment he had turned and run right back out the door.

Without thinking, Edward rose from his seat and followed Jacob out of the house and into the woods. Jacob had not shifted and Edward could see him up ahead, running through the trees. Usually Jacob would have shifted before taking off into the woods, wouldn't he? He was completely confused until he registered the thoughts going through Jacob's head.

This can't be happening…it's impossible, it has to be a mistake! I can't have imprinted on a vampire!!! The pack is going to kill me…what am I going to do??? Then again, Edward is really good looking. Wait…I did not just think that! I love Bella, not Edward!

Edward was now standing stock still, frozen in his tracks by Jacob's thoughts. Jacob had imprinted on him? This was going to complicate things.

If you would like me to continue with this story, please let me know. I will probably keep writing anyhow, but input from readers will most likely keep me motivated. I already have an idea about where this story will go, but suggestions will be taken under consideration, so let me know what you would like to happen as well.