
What is your deepest, darkest fear?



Nah, that's all kiddie stuff

I am your worst nightmare

And you are not dreaming

I am Sirrana

Chapter 1- The Calling

High school can be described in two simple, yet meaningful words- living hell. My name is Anna, and I am currently a 10th grader at a school called Curtis. My status as a 10th grader? Fresh meat. Yes, that's me, the "little 10th grader" that "clogs the hallways", "crowds the dances" and "is always in the way". They even chant "sophomore's bedtime!" at the football games! There's simply no break from it. At least until June 19th, when I'll be a free woman again. I'm just a 15 year old. Almost 16.

If they only knew. The classmates that have come to know me, that is. Do you think you know me? You are wrong. Very wrong. I can tell you that right now. You DON'T know me, for if you knew me, I'd surely be the most popular teenager in school. The world for that matter. And the most feared. Forget the preps and jocks, nah, it's ME who would win her friends, by force that is. I am the forgotten one, yet the most powerful.

There is one part to my life. Just one part that fills every hole of my heart and soul. That part belongs to my master, Darth Vader. He found me, he saved me, and the least I could do was to become his secret apprentice. However, I am not so secret anymore. He knighted me Darth Sirrana, a name I carry proudly throughout the galaxy. I am feared and respected by all. I have one friend, he who is Lord Vader. He is the only person that I can trust, for the friend I once had, Katie, turned against me after I turned to the Dark Side. She went with along with the dreaded Jedi. I begged her to join me, for we could form the most powerful alliance in the entire galaxy, more powerful than Darth Vader could ever imagine, ever dream. He would surely grant me the rank of Sith Lord. Darth Sirrana, Sith Lord, the title that wanders aimlessly in my dreams, crying to become reality in this cruel world. Here is how my story began. But be warned, you may have heard this a thousand times, but I mean it. My story is not for the faint of heart. It all began with the dreaded nightmare…

Katie's blade was blue, mine was blood red, and I stared at her with black fire burning my deep red eyes, now Sith gold. Darth Vader was my master. My loyalties were to him, and she was my mortal enemy. The fury set me on fire from the inside, and I felt every nerve ending burn, fearing it would never stop. It was the most horrible pain, and the anger fueled it, made it burn stronger and brighter. As long as there was any kind of hatred in me, it would continue to melt me from the inside out. As I stared deeply into her teary eyes, I felt no mercy. I suddenly bolted; quick as lightning, towards her useless body, my blade aimed for her innocent heart…or so I thought…

It was my 12th birthday. We'd spent the glorious day playing Star Wars video games, and we were having a movie marathon, watching the original trilogy in order. As we settled down to sleep, we thought we'd just ended the perfect day. That night though, everything in my life changed. We'd had the dream. And we woke up, at the exact same moment, screaming and crying. As we wiped the tears blurring our vision, we looked out into my backyard. And there it was. A beam of the brightest light shining down. Katie became mesmerized by the pure beam, looking as though it had shot down from heaven. It called to us, a harmonious voice, hypnotizing our minds and thoughts. We headed outside towards the beam of light beckoning us. It was calling us into our destiny, into a cruel fate. We walked outside, and something in my mind sensed danger, adventure. Katie reached out towards it, and I grabbed her hand, desperately trying to save her. Sweat beaded on my forehead, and I shouted, "Katie, NO!" It was too late; the second she touched the beam, we were enveloped into a dizzying maze of bright colors, and people I recognized began to appear, people from Star Wars. As we swirled through time and space, we realized what was happening. We were being transported in the Star Wars universe. That was the best and the worst day of my life…

We woke up in the mossy forest of Endor. And from there, I was kidnapped and taken to Lord Vader. I became his loyal apprentice, and after the events of the long days, Katie and I were transported back to Earth, mortal enemies.

4 standard years later.

Beep, beep, beep, beep…sounded my alarm. I tiredly reached for the button to shut off the noise. I figured it must be 6:00. Time to wake up for school. Yes, I was now in high school, which meant waking up an hour earlier every morning. Oh the joy. But when I pressed the "off" button, something peculiar happened. The obnoxious beeping wouldn't stop. I got up and looked at the clock; it read 12:00 am. I didn't understand, why would my alarm go off at midnight? Suddenly, my room began to shake, as if an earthquake was happening. Glass was breaking all around me, sirens sounded, and as I heard my walls begin to crumble fiercely, I jolted from my bed and ran towards the window. I hurriedly opened the blinds, and there it was, staring me in the face. The heavenly white light. It was calling my name as it had all those years ago. Was this a dream? I pinched myself, hard, and felt every ounce of the pain. Oh, no I thought timidly, furiously shaking my head. There must be a reason, was my master in trouble? I kicked the window screen out with powerful force, jumped through my window, and I felt the burning sensation of hatred run through my body. I'd forgotten how horrid the pain was that coursed through my veins, making me shake. I passed a mirror on the way out, I blinked and my hazel green eyes suddenly glowed red. It is time to come to your master… the harmonious voice whispered to me. I prayed for the health of Lord Vader, what if something had happened to him in my absence? I would never forgive myself for leaving. As quickly as I'd woken up, I'd become Darth Sirrana again, my Sithly intentions quickly ignited. I dashed outside towards the portal. I pushed my legs as fast as they could go, and I felt my muscles burn but I kept moving. My breathing hardened, and sweat beaded on my forehead. Finally, I leaped from my back porch, and fell into the blinding light. The dizzying vortex took me to the entry hall of the new Death Star.

When I emerged from the swirling portal, slightly dizzy, I noticed that I was clad in my black leather attire, my lightsaber hanging off my belt on my left side. Alarms were going off, and Stormtroopers were rushing around madly, knocking me in various directions to my displeasure. Report to the main chamber, report to the main chamber! A voice sounded over the speakers. It was high pitched and screeching, and a siren was flashing overhead. I was already getting a headache. Since I was second in command, I grabbed a Stormtrooper by the neck and shouted, "What's going on!?"

"Darth Sirrana, you've returned! Quickly, get to the main chamber! Lord Vader is dying!" he pleaded. Lord Vader is dying. Those words felt like needles. I used the Force and ran at the speed of light towards the chamber where my master lay dying.

As I entered, I saw him on the ground by the railing. The room was spinning, I was experiencing vertigo. As quickly as it had arrived, it vanished. His son, Luke was by his side, holding him, trying to help him, to save him from a cruel, undeserving death. But why was Luke there?! Hadn't I killed him years ago?! Or so I thought…? Luke's gaze met mine, and suddenly the pain went away. My body felt about the consistency of Jell-O, what was happening? Suddenly, I cared about him as much as my master.

"Sirrana!" Vader gasped.

"Don't worry father, this won't take long…" he continued to pulled out a green saber, but I could hear the reluctance in his tone.

"Stop!" My lord said with the life he had left in him. "Sirrana, help me!" he pleaded.

"Luke, stop! I am Lord Vader's apprentice! I promise I will explain everything!" I shouted. The chamber echoed the truth of my own words. I ran to Vader's side.

"What can I do master?!" I asked frantically.

"My system has been damaged by Palpatine's lightning, a-and, I need you to retrieve my replacement chest plate, it's in my breathing chamber. Please…hurry…" He gasped. I hadn't a moment to spare. I dashed to his chamber, and found it in a clutter of other gadgets. Time was of the essence, every second was priceless. I dashed back within a minute.

"Here! I found it master! What do I do?!" I asked.

"Press the red button on my chest plate, it will pop it out, insert the new one and I will be saved…" I had seconds now. I hit the red button, ripped out the old plate, and inserted the new one. His staggered breathing steadied, and suddenly he grabbed me. I realized that he was hugging me.

"Sirrana, thank you, for saving my life." He gasped.

"Of course master, I couldn't live without you," I said. Suddenly I thought of Luke, but why?

"Where's Luke?" I asked. All I knew was that I had this odd surge in me when we met gazes, and I wanted, no, needed, to see him.

"I saw him go down that hall," Vader said getting to his feet.

"Thank you master!" I said and before I knew it I was sprinting down the hall. As I rounded a corner, I spotted him.

"Luke!" I shouted, and he turned around and we met gazes again. The surge went through me again, but it was stronger. He paused when we met gazes, clearly mesmerized by something.

"Hi, Luke," I said and reached out to grab his hand. As soon as we touched, I felt hot, and he appeared to be hot too. I looked at his sandy hair, swept off to the side. And his deep, blue eyes. He was beautiful. He grabbed me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, for saving my father," he said, returning eye contact with me again. His face slowly came closer to mine, and our lips met. As we kissed, I realized that I had just fallen in love. So quickly, yet so forcefully. I'd never truly understand this galaxy. He brought his hand up behind my head, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. This continued through the night. How was this even remotely possible? I was being utterly absurd. As he held me in his arms, I opened my eyes momentarily to see Lord Vader standing 10 feet from us. Luke opened his eyes, noticing I'd stopped, and quickly said, "Oh, father," Uh oh I thought. Would he be angry, happy, upset? How hadn't we heard him?

"I didn't mean to bother you," Vader said, noticeably uncomfortable. He crossed his powerful arms over his chest, and looked intimidating. Luke's arm was still draped over my shoulder, and he held me close, as if protecting me.

"Father, let me explain, I-," Luke stuttered but was cut off by his father.

"Luke, what's going on?" he said sternly, looking rapidly between us.

"I'm not quite sure," he said after a moment. He looked at me briefly, the surge running through me again. He made me feel dizzy, and it was hard for me to breath. My arm was around his waist, and I quickly tightened my grip, and he tightened his around my shoulder. This was just awkward. I thought through what had just happened; I saw Luke, a man I once hated and thought to have killed, I kissed him, and Vader had seen everything. Great, the odds were definitely on our side. Weird how things can change in one night. Vader struggled to find words. Luke shifted his weight, and I spoke up.

"Master, I, I didn't know, I just, I," I stammered, trying to find the delicate words, and get them into an understandable order.

"Father?" Luke said, it seemed as if Vader had checked out of reality.

"Uh, Luke, could I talk to you for just a minute?!" I whispered. He nodded at me, and I whispered Padme into his ear. He suddenly became very alert. We had to be very careful, being as Vader ended up accidentally killing his wife.

"Sirrana, I think I love you," Luke said suddenly, to everyone's, including his, surprise This shocked Vader. Luke grabbed me in his arms, dipped me down, and kissed me so hard that a blood rush came into my head and I almost fainted. I held on to his face, and accidentally pulled him down to the floor with me during my collapse. Of course, Vader took this the wrong way.

"Enough!" Vader demanded. We suddenly stopped, still struggling on the floor looking up at him.

"I can't watch this, my son and my apprentice?! Do you know how much trouble this could cause?!"

Luke got up first, and held his hand down for me to grab. He pulled me up and into his arms again. How could we have done that in front of Lord Vader? I couldn't find the words to describe how I felt. "Stupid" and "horrific" were a couple I though of.

"Father, I'm so sorry," Luke began, and I said, "Yes master, what a horrible thing for us to do to you," my voice shaking. What would he do to me? He couldn't destroy his son, but I was just his apprentice.

"I have dishonored you," I said, and got to my knee in a deep bow.

"Sirrana, rise" Vader said calmly. This confused me.

"But, I must have 110% of my loyalties to you master. I'm so sorry Luke, I-," I got teary. Luke held me in his arms, stroking my hair. I secretly wanted him to stop, I felt so bad already, and every second I fell harder for him, if that was possible. I didn't think any of this was possible. Hopefully, I was dreaming. It was utterly impossible to fall in love in only a few minutes. Ridiculous, actually.

"Sirrana, that's enough of that talk," Vader replied, surprising sympathy in his electronic voice. I still knew it was Anakin under the mask, and he certainly had feelings.

"Sirrana, I remember when I fell in love with Padme, and all I ever wanted was to have her in my arms, to kiss her, to love her, to give her everything she deserved, and I can't imagine being ripped away from her to fulfill the duties of a Jedi Master. I wish I had known that she didn't want that from me, and in my selfishness to become one with the Dark Side, I destroyed her and myself," Vader continued gravely.

"Father, are you saying that," Luke began, but Vader cut him off.

"Luke, this is very serious. I don't even know if it is possible. However, as long as Sirrana keeps her loyalties where they belong, do what you wish,"

Luke smiled his big, flashy smile and kissed me as if we'd just sealed our fate.

"May I see you to sleep?" He asked gently, still holding my head in his warm hands,"

"Please do," I said, and we walked hand in hand down the corridor, Vader watching our every step with scrutiny. He stood up straight and tall, crossing his arms over his chest, his loud breathing intensifying.

We entered my room, which contained my bed, desk, folder of missions I'd been previously assigned, and some items I'd left from Earth. Luke led me to my bed, and I'd realized that it was already 3:00 in the morning. As I got into the familiar bed, he sat down next to me.

"How did this happen?" I asked him. How could we fall in love in just one day?
"I don't know," he said to me, and laid down next to me.
"But we must be careful, I don't know if a Jedi and a Sith should even consider being in a relationship," he said.
"I don't think a person chooses who they love," I warned him.
"So what next?"
"Sleep," I confirmed.
"I mean, what are we doing? What's happening when we wake up?"
"We'll find out when we do wake,"
"Well, I'll be right next door," He said. "If you have a bad dream, please come get me," he said lightly.
"I'll make sure to have the worst dream I've ever had," I said, and we laughed.
"I don't want to leave," he said.
"I don't want you to either," I replied as I hugged him close. He kissed me one more time, and got up. As he walked out the door, I hoped that I wasn't about to wake up from this dream.