I don't know exactly where the idea for this came up but I was going through some old old OLD stories I found some random POVs of villains and I thought of this. Here goes!

12-18-09 P.S. I've had this done but I totally lost the original sheet of paper with the story on it for a while. Better late than never! Plus I wrote another story that I really love the plot to it so I guess you get a two-for-one deal. Yay! (Sorry, I've had my coffee shot for the day just recently. XD)

Disclaimer: I don't own crap.

Looking in on this world once more, I see you smiling. Laughing even. Something I always wanted to do. To make you happy. And if I ever get another chance, I know I will. But I've had too many chances already. I have made you many things, but I doubt it was ever happy. I was there for your first feelings of hate, doubt, despair, remorse, and total helplessness.

Not happiness. Never love. Who would love such a monster as me? But even a monster hopes for things. I hoped for you. For you to love, to hold, and to be mine for always. But you turned away from me to them. And the worst part, the part that crushed me the most, is that I believe you knew. You knew what I felt, and you turned to those brats instead of trying. Trying to save me. That was something I hoped for, too.

For someone to be there to save me from myself. Why? I was never good. I know that after all you have suffered you have no reason to forgive me my sins. But to crush my hopes of us so completely, I am hurt…and if only a little proud. Yes, I am proud of you. I never thought I'd be able to teach you betrayal. I thought you would be too soft of heart to do it.

I applaud you for proving me wrong.

Looking at you, I see I still love you for what you were and what you have become. So beautiful and strong. But I can see some things haven't changed. You still laugh with your eyes as well as your mouth. You still love a good trick. And you're just as hard with your heart as you were with me.

But I promise, little love, that I will come back.

And when I do your heart will be mine. Forever mine.


Someone you'll never forget

Looking this back over now I'm not sure if I like it or not. Oh well.