A/N- This is my first Harry Potter fic, my only other fic ever is a bleach fic, that you should check out, its not done yet but, I haven't got many reviews and am unsure of what to do with it. Anyways, this will either be an Harry/Fleur, Harry/Daphne or Harry/Hermione, maybe all 3 at some point, but let me know which you guys would prefer by Private message or review

Somewhere in London a man in a black robe with a skull mask on his face, was kneeling in front of a chair, that was in shadow, so that one could not see who occupied said chair. The kneeling man spoke in a very anxious sort of voice, "My Lord, we have destroyed the muggle bridge, and caused havoc in accordance with Project Mayhem."

"Good, now be a good space monkey and wait for my order's. I need to plan Potter's death, now get out and go make more soap." Said Voldemort (10 pts to whoever can guess that reference!!!!)

The Dark Lord then turned his attention to the bound and gagged figure before him, although the figure was bound with visible ropes, she still could not move or speak. For, you see, Lord Voldemort was a wizard, a Dark wizard, that caused many children to be orphans back in the early eighties, and he was a heartless bastard. He asked the figure in front of him, "Why do you continue to lie to me? I know that you are, so why don't you just save yourself the trouble and tell me where is Potter?"

Nymphadora Tonks replied, "He died of testicular cancer. Didn't you hear? It was in all the papers."

"Fucking cunt, where the FUCKING hell is Harry Potter?!?!?!?"

"You're gonna have to kill me Tom, because I would rather die than tell you that. I would think you would have figured that little piece of information out by now, especially since you have had me here for six months."

"You fucking Half-Blood, Avada Kedavra!!!!"

A couple hundred miles away, Harry Potter awoke with a start. Tonks was dead, but at least she had not been broken, that alone made her sacrifice worth it. Apparently he had been screaming, because Hermione was sitting on his bed, holding him, telling him it was okay, as he wept openly. Ron was long gone, he had been a jealous bastard because when he had come back and saw Harry and Hermione, hugging and sleeping in the same bed, he stormed off again, and said he was never talking to either of them ever again, and this time they knew it was true, because he had left the deluminator in the tent, there would be no way for him to find them.

"Harry, what did you see this time? You were screaming something about Tonks."

"That would make sense."

"And why is that?"

"Because, Tonks is dead. Voldemort tortured her for information, and then when she wouldn't break…"

"Oh God, Harry this is awful, what about Remus and her parents?"

Harry thought about that, he hadn't seen any of them there so they could be perfectly safe, or they could be dead, or any number of things really, but Harry just said simply, "I don't know, love, but I feel so bad for sending Tonks on that mission…"

"I know you do, but she knew the risks involved, and she didn't give us up, so she was a true friend to the end."


"Yeah, what is it, Harry?

"Will we always have each other?"

"I am shocked at you Harry James Potter! Of course we will, you'll notice that I am here now, even though it would have made my life so much easier to back in school this semester."

"If we will always have each other, and since we don't really have anyone else in either of our lives at the moment, do you wanna be my girl friend?"

"Oh, Harry!!! Yes, you have no idea how long I have waited to hear you ask that."

"Really? H-how long?"

"Since you climbed up that trolls back, and shouved your wand up its nose!!"

"But I thought you liked Ron?"

"No, he was a prat, besides didn't you notice how jealous he got when you and I were together, it never would have worked, because I apparently cant stand to not be around you." Holy shit, did I really just say that I can't bear it when hes not around. Judging by the deep shade of maroon Harry's face had acquired, she had.

"That's good to know, because you wanna know something, sweetheart?"

Oh my god he just called me sweetheart. Hermione breathlessly answered, "Sure, love, what is it?"

"Ginny was the same way when I talked to you all last year, you know, I think that they were put up to dating us by their mother."

"Mrs. Weasley would never do anything like that Harry, she treats us like family!!"

"Yeah, well how do you explain how mad she got when you and I would talk to each other alone, at the wedding, I thought she was gonna kill someone."

"Oh my God, Harry, your right, that fucking fat bitch tried to slip me a love potion at the reception so I would dance with Ron, she mixed in to my soup, but luckily I smelled it right away and didn't eat it, but I still danced with Ron, but only because you didn't ask me to." Harry was dumbstruck, Hermione had wanted to dance with him? She knew he didn't like the spotlight that was probably why she hadn't asked him to dance. But he decided to find out for himself, "If you wanted to dance with me, why didn't you just ask me too, I would never have said no to you. Besides, I was already broken up with Ginny, who btw did manage to slip me a love potion on my birthday."

"I didn't ask because I knew you would feel uncomfortable, remember the Yule ball this would've been like that on steroids, and when and how did Ginny slip you a love potion?

"Well, thanks for the consideration, you were right, I would have been way out of my comfort zone, and Ginerva offered me some special mints about an hour before she asked me to go into her room, when I asked her why she hadn't eaten any, she said they were prepared especially for me, and for that occasion. Now that I look back on it that alone should set off alarm bells, but you know we were more worried about avoiding Ron's mum and finding Voldemort's Horcruxes, and I just went along with it."

"It couldn't have been a very strong or well made love potion, because Ronald was able to break its hold you, by just bursting into the room. And to think I yelled at him for that, when he actually saved you from the clutches of that horrid woman."

"Well, he was my best mate until about 5 days ago, I assume he was just looking out for me, I did the same for him when he had swallowed that love potion from Romilda Vane, last year, that was pretty funny, except for the whole Ron alomost dying part. Even if I hate him now, I still don't want him dead. I don't even want Malfoy dead, he was just being used by Voly-moldy as a punishment for his father for getting his Pure-blood ass kicked by us half-blood and mud-blood teenagers, Voldy's words not mine, Hermione"

"Well, I had the same sort of reaction to finding out that Ginerva, was trying to do that to you, and to think I actually helped to make those accursed mints."


"Yeah, she asked me to help her with an extra credit project near the end of last year, I guess it wasn't really a school project afterall. Sorry, Harry, you know that I would never willingly hurt you, not like Ron or Ginny."

Thinking about this, Harry and Hermione were glad Ron and now Ginny would not be in the inner circle of friends. Harry also got a naughty thought thinking about this and asked Hermione rather sheepishly, "You know what would help us forget about all of our troubles, and piss of the idiotic parts of the Weasley family?"

Hermione responded, "You think we should fuck?"

"Yes, I do, but more for our relationship, because I feel like I have been dating you for six and half years, we already know everything else about each other, what else is there to do besides shag, get married, and have lots and lots of kids?"

"I wasn't disagreeing, Harry, I was just seeing if that's what you meant, remember I have wanted to bed you since first year, well this is gonna be worth your while, your gonna love this so much, if you put pensieve memories on the internet, you could stick a credit card payment on it and we would be bloddy rich."

Harry just blushed and spluttered, while Hermione just laughed and said, "We could just cuddle if that's better for now, actually I think it is better, we don't want our first time together to be out of spite, I want to be able to remember this fondly."

"What do you mean our first time together, aren't you still a virgin?"

"Of course I am Harry, you think I would actually have sex with Ron?"

"I don't know you just made it sound like you weren't a virgin, I mean I know I am but I honestly didn't know if you were or not."

"Well, there is some good news, Mr. Potter, I have been saving myself for you. Although I was getting pretty worried that I was going to have to sleep with Ron, because Mrs. Weasley was getting more and more clever all the time with her fucking potions and manipulating."

"What manipulating, did she ever manipulate me?" Asked Harry, who was honestly clueless in such matters. Hermione looked at him, her face full of sympathy, "Oh, Harry all the fucking time, calling you her son and all that bull shit, she was put to that by Dumbledore, and she was really only after your gold, which is why she wanted so desperately for you to marry Ginny, so that you could get their whole fucking big ass family out of debt."

"What, you mean Dumbledore was manipulating me, and so was Molly, Arthur, Ron, Ginny, Bill, and Charlie?" He no longer cared about remaining hidden, he was gonna go to the Burrow and burn that shit hole to the ground with all of them trapped inside, he was almost outside of the tent we he felt Hermione's hand on his shoulder, "No, Harry I think the only ones manipulating you were Ron, Ginny, and Molly, Arthur and the elder boys actually like you for you and not because of your money."

"I never understood, how Molly and Arthur could be married, they are so different, Arthur just seems like a broken man now though, but Molly, is just a bitch, the biggest bitch in the whole wild world."

Harry then finished humming the South Park song outloud and Hermione giggled. Then she said, "You know what she really is if you think about it, she fought tooth and nail to keep you from learnig stuff about the order, she hated Sirius, she was Dumbledores lap dog, she tried to poison us with love potions."

Harry had a dark look in his eyes when he said, "Come on, love, lets go pay dear Molly for a visit and show her how in love we are."

"That's a great idea, and normally I would say no but we need to let the Order know that Tonks is dead, and going to the Burrow is currently the only way we have of contacting the Order, and besides we can taunt Ron and Ginny while we are there, and show them what they missed out on."

"And I think that after this, we really need to come up with a new way to contact the Order, seeing as how we really don't to have much unofficial contact with the Weasley's anymore, how about something like the Protean charm I used on the fake Galleons I did for the DA?"

I knew there was a reason I loved you."

After a quick kiss, and short planning session, the two walked out of the tent, took town their campsite and apparated to the Burrow

A/N I know I said I would leave it up to you for the pairing but I decided no to while I was writing it, and btw the reference at the beginning is a reference to Fight Club