Creature: ::snoring::
Marik: ::wicked smirk, takes a deep breath::
Creature: ::eyes snap open:: Aah!
Marik: Aah! ::stunned blink:: Hey, wait...
Creature: You have done that to me twice this week. I am, contrary to popular opinion around here, not as stupid as I look.
Marik: ::pauses, then laughs:: Yeah, right.
Creature: ::sly grin:: Marik... do you know what today is?
Marik: Sunday?
Creature: Indeed. And, do you know what that means?
Marik: ::gulps, squeaks:: Sunday newspaper?
Creature: ::diabolical smirk:: Bingo! ::smacks::
Marik: ::scowling:: I hate Sundays.

P.S. This was my favorite chapter to write. And not because of alluded to naked Yami. Well... not just because of that. ::coughs, blushes::

By: Creature of Habit

Other people wished on stars.

When I'm hot...

He had wished on a puzzle.

I need...

The pale skin bare, except for the maroon towel that snugly hugged his slender hips.

When I'm cold...

Yugi inwardly sighed.

I need...

Absolutely nothing held a candle to a half-naked Yami.


Discarding the patch of fabric that had, up until now, preserved his modesty, the Pharaoh took a deep breath. Velveteen eyes grew heavy, the calming scent of sandalwood and rose bath oil already beginning to work its magic on his frazzled senses. An exhale of utmost content. One of the few things that had not changed in five thousand years – the pleasures of a well-earned, well-deserved bath.

Yami hesitated.

Almost forgot...

Now, Yami with clothes on was delicious. But, Yami without clothes? O, be still my beating heart. The saying, if memory served, went something like, lead me not into temptation, for I can find it just fine on my own. In lockstep with the Lucifer on this one. Yugi could simply no longer sit idle. His thirst demanded to be quenched. Participate? Could you call it that? Yugi was going to call it that. That was his story. He was sticking to it. Hush.

Yami turned.

Fine lot of good that washcloth would do him way over there on the sink...


Wait. Where did it...

"Looking for this?" Yugi, mischievous grin, purred, playfully wiggling the washcloth.

Drifting in between...

"Gah!" Yami... not quite expecting that.


Whoa. Wait a minute. "Hey!" Was all Yugi could get out.

This was not exactly what Yugi had in mind when he said participate. But, of course. Yami grabbing hold of him was nice as pie. For how long had he dreamed about this moment? However, this unceremonious, erratic, clumsy, trippy-spinny-tumble fest between the toilet and the sink, resulting in badly damaged equilibrium, ending in corny, melodramatic, cliched, not to mention horribly messy, backward fall into bathtub? Not part of the participation thing. Or, the dream. The best laid plans of mice and men, sprang immediately to mind.

Stupid rubber duck.

Yugi dealt Yami, who had landed beneath him in the tub, a flat look. "You, Mr. Man, are a jinx." Young Mutou, selectively ignoring the fact that it was his fault for scaring the daylights out of Pharaoh in the first place.


Yami blinked up at Yugi.


Yugi blinked down at Yami.


Why did this suddenly feel like one of those awkward, pivotal, something really big is about to... "Yami, wha-" If Yugi ever got the urge to compile a list of the best ways to be interrupted in the middle of a sentence, Yami kissing him was definitely going to be at the top.

I need my toy.


Am I the only one who finds the idea of Yugi scaring the wits out of Yami absolutely hilarious? Not to mention cute as sin? Heh. Yugi the pervy bathroom stalker. I just cannot get enough of that. Speaking of which...Yugi owes that rubber ducky. Like, big time.

Marik: ::holds up giant rubber duck:: Perverted rubber ducky – bringing yaoi couples together since 1981!
Creature: ::O_O:: The hell...?
Marik: ::rolls his eyes, looking peeved:: For once, would you just try to be supportive?
Creature: ::shrugs:: Quack, quack! ::shakes her "tail feathers"::
Marik: ::glares:: Condescension. Very mature. ::stomps off with giant rubber duck::
Malik: ::wanders in, passing Marik on the way:: What... was that all about? ::totally bewildered::
Creature: ::shrugs:: Dunno. Something about yaoi – and kinky rubber ducks. ::shrugs again::
Malik: ::O_O::