Author's Note: To those who have been following my story since the beginning, thank you so much. But I just want to point out that this story is NOT about Sean. And to someone who keep pestering me about Sean for years, please stop. The kid is 8 years old. He can't be 6 foot 6 and taller than Mike and mature than any high-schoolers. To others, please enjoy the story. Thanks!

Larry took a huge bite from his burger and chewed loudly, "Man! This hit the spot!" His friends were sitting at the same table at the diner downtown, and enjoying their food and milkshakes – Tina frowned watching him eating like a pig. Bob was sitting next to him, also chewing his French fries and slurped his thick milkshake. Everyone nodded in agreement; they were so hungry after smoking all those weeds at Brody's house.

Andy shook his head while trying to talk and eat at the same time, "I feel bad for you Mikey. You know you don't have to stay with this loser." He pointed to Larry. "You can stay with me until your parents get back."

Michael shrugged, "Believe me, I'd love to. It's been hell living with this jerk face. The guy just came in and never left, mom felt guilty so she fed him, and he never left." Tina and Brooke giggled while eating their burgers and salads. "So I think it's best for me to stay with him, 'cause I expect his parents to feed me too."

"I'm right here!" Larry yelled, and everyone laughed. "Don't forget I paid for all of these."

"Courtesy of the Mayor." Bob chimed in. "I don't mind getting free food."

"Maybe you should stay at my house instead of me. You'd get free food all the time." Larry had finished eating and put his cigarette in his mouth. He wasn't going to light it, but Tina already took the cigarette off his mouth. "Hey!"

"We're still eating, doofus. Later, will 'ya?"

Larry didn't say anything, but he stared at her with his intense eyes, and then put another cigarette to his mouth, which Tina promptly took it away from his mouth again. "Quit it, girl."

"Don't you have enough from back at Mikey's house?"

"That's different, babe."

"Don't call me babe." Larry stuck his tongue out and threw her a piece of fry. He grinned when Tina looked at him in disbelief. Tina narrowed her eyes, and then threw a piece of lettuce from her salad. Larry shot his eyebrows upward.

Everyone looked at their interaction intently: Doug looked confused. Brooke scooted away from Tina; because she could sense there was going to be some sort of explosion next. Bob stared at them with wide eyes, not really understanding what was going on. Andy looked at them both like he was watching a tennis match. Timmy chewed his burger without care. Patrick looked at Larry like he just found out about Atlantis. Michael just rolled his eyes.

"Larry…" He warned.

"Babe," Larry said and popped his lips together. He grinned and then dipped a French fry in tomato ketchup, and then he flicked it. A glob of ketchup landed on Tina's nose, and it dripped to the table. Everyone looked at the scene with wide eyes, but they held their laughter.

"Uh-oh…" Andy said.

Tina stood up as she wiped the offending glob from her nose. Brooke squealed as she scooted closer to Timmy.

"You're dead, Vaughn." Tina narrowed her eyes, while Larry was grinning widely. She grabbed a bottle of mustard and then squirted the content onto his hair.

Everyone burst into laughter, especially when Larry grabbed a handful of fries and then threw them to Tina.

"Food fight!" Bob yelled.

Everyone started to grab their food and threw them to their friends, while laughing and squealing. Timmy tried to avoid any kind of food while still chewing. Brooke and Tina were squirting some ketchup and mustard to the boys, while the boys were throwing some ice chips and fries to the girls.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

The teens stopped with what they were doing when the owner of the diner came out from the kitchen looking very angry. The diner was a mess after the food fight and other customers were staring at them with anger.

"Uhh… Having a lunch?" Larry offered. Other teens giggled and snorted.

"GET OUT! I don't care if you're the Mayor's son, I want them to arrest you all if you're still here!"

Larry shrugged and put some money on the table, while his friends were snickering. "This place stinks anyway!" They clambering out from the diner while laughing and ran towards the beach. Brooke and Tina were holding hands while running. The boys were laughing and running to their cars which parked near the beach. They were sticky from the ketchup and mustards and everything. Timmy was still chewing while running.

"Hey, let's go to The Peterson's home and use their swimming pool! The whole family is on the mainland." Andy said while running.

The teens yelled in agreement.

Andy jumped into the swimming pool while yelling "Canon ball!"

The water splashed everyone and the girls shrieked. The teens were swimming and playing around at Len Peterson's swimming pool. They didn't care that the water turned murky from the dirt and the food. Nobody likes Len Peterson, so they didn't care that they were trespassing his home. Tina was laughing along with Brooke. She felt… free after what happened more than a month ago. She felt like she could be herself again, hanging out with her friends, and do normal things again before the school starts.

The girls didn't bring any swimsuits so they were wearing their bras and underwear. The boys wolf-whistled them but the girls just stuck out their tongues. The boys were wearing their shorts and underwear as well. Timmy and Douglas were wearing their tighty-whities but they didn't care. Larry broke into Len Peterson's cabinet and took some cigars and few glasses of bourbon. Andy was eating a sandwich he stole from the refrigerator and ate it in the pool.

"This is life…" Michael sat on the edge of the pool, smoking a cigar with Larry next to him, and then he coughed violently which made everyone laughed. Tina was sitting next to Larry, drinking a glass of bourbon and then she made a face.

"Ugh, yuck!"

Larry laughed and took her glass, and then finished the drinking.

The teens were either sitting on the edge of the pool or swimming leisurely.

"Maybe we should have the party here. I saw a pool table inside the house." Douglas said.

"No, we can't do that. They're coming home tonight. So we better skedaddle after this." Andy answered with a mouth full of sausages. He raided the pantry and took so many foods.

Patrick was floating around and watching the sky. He didn't feel like having a party, but it would be great to keep his mind busy from Lucy. Michael was still blowing smokes from the cigar. Douglas held his own cigar and then he stood up and spoke with a faux-British accent, "I'd say good chaps, it is wise to leave this vestibule before the sun set so we won't leave any suspicion!"

"We better buy some beers and some snacks first. And then call Bo to get some weeds." Patrick said. He then dived a bit and resurfaced. "I can call him, but we need some money."

"Yeah, we can all pitch in," Brooke said. "I'll get the beers and maybe we can get a keg." The teens agreed. "How many people do you think we should invite?"

"Just us, and maybe few others like the skaters and the surfers. So no more than twenty, okay?" Michael said. "That includes the girls as well!"

"Charge them 2 bucks per cup if we're getting a keg. Freshmen should pay 4 bucks." Andy said.

"We can make some jello-shots or something." Timmy offered. "Or some brownies."

"SPECIAL BROWNIES!" Everyone yelled, and then laughed.

"Well, I better grab something to drink first before we bolt. The bourbon tastes like horse piss!" Tina said which made everyone laughed. She stood up and ran inside. Larry looked behind and glanced to his friends who were playing with themselves. He then stood up and followed her inside.

Andy and Michael exchanged some looks and then shook their heads together.

Inside, Tina grabbed a glass of water in the kitchen when Larry strolled in. They were only wearing their undergarments, and they were standing in the kitchen that didn't belong to them. Tina smiled at him, "Wanna a glass of water?"

Larry didn't answer but he stared at Tina, who was only wearing a bra and underwear. Tina went quiet when she saw him staring at him. She put the glass in the kitchen sink and looked away; her heart was beating so fast and her cheeks felt warm.

"Tina…" Larry said.

"I think we should leave if we want to have that party at Mikey's house…" Tina turned around and faced the sink. Larry walked towards her and stood behind her. His hand slowly touched her bra strap and then came down to her back. She shuddered and closed her eyes when his hand touched her waist. His fingers ghostly touched her warm skin and she sighed. Her head leaned back to his chest, and Larry kissed her neck. He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her closer to his. His mouth left her neck and went to her ear, and then back to her cheek. She turned around and looked at Larry. Larry was looking down at her with some sort of love expression or something, she couldn't tell. "What are you doing?"

Larry swallowed, "I don't know…"

Tina put her hand on his cheek and then she kissed him softly. He kissed her back and pulled her closer.

They really didn't know what they were doing. They only felt this magnetic attraction towards each other, and neither knew what they would do next except surrender and let nature take its course. They've been through a lot this past month; with the heartbreak, the trauma, and the pain. They needed this; this closeness and… whatever it was.

When they pulled away for air, Tina chuckled a bit. Larry also chuckled nervously.

"What are we gonna tell the others?" Tina asked while looking at him in the eyes.

Larry shook his head, "I rather not tell them yet…" He looked at her and said in a serious tone. "Doug likes you."

Tina looked at him and then burst out laughing. "I am so sorry. Doug? Oh, I like him too."

"What?" Larry frowned. He pulled her closer again. "Should I be jealous?"

Tina didn't answer. She just kissed him again. When they stopped kissing, Tina whispered to his ear, "Let's just see what happens, okay? I don't want to make everyone excited or angry."


He smiled and kissed her again. Tina thought he looked very handsome, smiling like that.

She didn't think about Eddie at all.

Andy looked at the house and then glanced to Michael, who was still smoking his cigar. He nudged him and asked in a whisper tone, "They've been a while inside. What do you think they're doing right now?"

Michael rolled his eyes. "I really don't want to know. Let's keep this quiet, okay? Don't want to freak everyone out."

Andy watched the others swimming around and then said, "Larry is such a bastard. He gets all the ladies."

Michael scoffed. "For some reason, girls like jerks."

"I need to get laid tonight at the party, or I'm gonna scream," Andy said. "You better invite all the hot cheerleaders and surfers, Mikey."

Michael nodded and looked at his cigar; he started to like smoking. "The Mayor is not gonna be happy about this."

They both chuckled heartily.