Hey this is my first fanfic for Vampire Academy so please be nice and leave me some constructive critism if you see anything that could be improved on.

This is set between frostbite and shadow kiss.

Rose POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned and rolled over groping blindly for the offending device and slapping at it in an effort to stop the horrendous noise. When it stopped I lay there for a moment trying to collect my thoughts and figure out why it was going off at such an ungodly hour. Then it hit me. Dimitri had sent a note asking me to show up half an hour early for this mornings training session saying that he had something to talk to me about.

Groaning again I rolled out of bed. I felt mildly better at the thought of seeing him but it was still way too early. I showered and got dressed in a complete daze only waking up by the time I was brushing my teeth and hair and finally grabbed my workout bag before heading to the gym.

I had to run the last few minutes to get there on time but at least it woke me up a little. This, I reflected grimly, was just going to be one of those days. I was actually on the verge of slapping myself in an attempt to get some kind of grip; Dimitri was going to hand my ass to me on a plate if I tried to spar with him like this.

Giving up on any thought of getting myself together before noon I entered our usual training room and threw my bag into a corner, looking around hopefully to see if the dummies were set up. They weren't; so much for my hopes of doing some staking before Alto's class.

Looking over to Dimitri I finally noticed that there was someone else in the room. The guy was quite tall with light brown hair and an expression that made him look as though he had just tasted something extremely unpleasant. I shot Dimitri a questioning look wondering who the guy was. He looked official, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and plain tie which to me spoke volumes about his personality.

It was then that I noticed Dimitri's expression. He was wearing what I liked to call his guardian mask but underneath that I could see that he was pretty shaken up and uneasy; his posture stiff and tense like he wanted out of the room.

"Who are you?" I asked, maybe not as politely as I could've done. But hey, Dimitri looked like someone had just sucker punched him in the gut and just looking at the guy was making me nervous.

He looked back at me levelly. "Miss Hathaway I presume?"

"Who wants to know?" I shot back, knowing full well I had gone past the point of being prickly and irritable and was being downright rude. Something about the way he was looking at me was setting off alarm bells.

He didn't dignify my rudeness with a response but rather turned back to Dimitri and said, with certain smugness in his voice. "Well, rumours of her attitude certainly aren't over exaggerated are they, Guardian Belikov?"

Dimitri looked like he wanted to say something but was thinking better of it. I moved to stand next to him; somehow feeling like we were under attack and wanting to show a united front. The man gave us a slightly oily smile and said to Dimitri. "I will arrange for your sessions to be monitored. Obviously we aren't condemning you on the say so of one student but we have to take this kind of accusation seriously you know."

Dimitri nodded stiffly like he didn't trust himself to speak and the man left the room. I let out a long whoosh of breath I had been holding and turned to look at him.

"What a creep." I muttered. "What did he mean anyway? When he said about taking accusations seriously?"

Dimitri hadn't spoken since I came in and although his shoulders had dropped a little and he was slightly more relaxed, I was getting a little worried about him.

"Hey, Comrade, are you okay?"

He raised his eyes to mine and spoke.

"Someone saw us."

Okay now I was really worried. Did he expect me to know what he meant? I was tempted for a second to remind him that despite my awesome skills, mind reading wasn't one of them but he looked so freaked out that the words died in my throat.

"Saw what? You aren't making any sense here."

"They saw us in here that day after your mom punched you. They saw us kissing. They suspect I was forcing you."

I just about had a heart attack when he said that; a million questions were running through my mind at once. Who saw us? Why did they report it? Who else knew? Why would they think he was forcing me? Then it hit me.

Dimitri had been pinning me to the wall when I kissed him after I had been jabbing him and telling him he didn't care about me. From the back it really could have looked like he was the aggressor.

The next words out of my mouth I felt summed up the situation perfectly. "Oh, fucking Hell!"

Well there you have it. This is my first shot at a Vampire Academy fanfic and I'm not sure if I will continue with it, depends on what people think so I would really appreciate feedback. Please Review.