So yeah. This entire plot bunny was one of my own making. Theatre Arts homework can be difficult to deal with, but you get the stupidest ideas there. This came from an improv activity where you and a partner draw a card with a line of dialogue and have 30 seconds to discuss your scene. The following is pretty much what happened, only a lot more fleshed out.

Disclaimer: It's called FANfiction. Need I say anymore?

Prowl was sitting in his office, as usual, when, also, as usual, his friend Jazz burst through the door. What wasn't 'as usual' was the way Jazz simply seemed to come to a halt. Prowl waited for a few moments for him to say something, and when the Porsche didn't, Prowl turned back to his work.

"Hey, Prowl?"

Prowl looked up again. "Yes, Jazz?"

Jazz seemed to almost be…nervous. That was odd. "Erm, ya know those microwave things that humans use?"

"...What about them?"

"Uh…Perceptor was curious about the radiation tha' they use and Wheeljack made one fer him."

Prowl tilted his head at Jazz, failing to see why that would be worthy of concern. "Unless it's about to blow up-" Jazz cut him off with "Oh no, s'already been tested and Percy's studying it righ' now-" He paused.

Prowl waited.

Jazz started speaking again, wincing slightly. "So, ya remember tha' hamster-thing Spike brought in a couple weeks ago and nearly sent Red Alert on the fritz with?" Prowl nodded, slowly. Then it hit him.

A feeling of dread slowly crept over the SIC and his doorwings drooped slightly as he connected Jazz's previously unrelated comments. He struggled to control his facial expression, but emotion won out, helped largely by disbelief. Prowl looked in horror at the bot standing in front of him, who was now staring at the floor.

"What are you trying to tell me, Jazz?"

"Eh...uh…well, see, Percy got all curious about it and he really didn't s'pect what happened to actually happen, and instead of curiosity killing the cat, Ah guess…well, Spike's gonna need a new hamster?" At this Jazz looked up at Prowl, obviously hoping for an easy way out.

Prowl sat for a moment, trying not to lock up. Then he speared his friend with a serious look. "What part did you play in this, Jazz?" Jazz rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to come up with an answer.

"Ah was talking to Wheeljack, making' sure he'd tested the thing before Perceptor came to get it…"

Prowl nodded. At least Jazz had been acting his rank (for once).

"And what," he said, just slightly annoyed, "actually happened to the hamster?"

At this, Jazz simply collapsed into the chair in front of Prowl's desk, placed his arms on the desk, and laid his head in his arms.

"Prowler," he said after a while, muffled by his arms, "he stuck it in the microwave."

Prowl's optic ridges shot straight up. "Perceptor?" Jazz raised his head, and Prowl could tell even with Jazz's visor, he was being given a 'no duh' look. "NAW," Jazz said, "WHEELJACK. A'course Perceptor!"

Prowl stood slowly and placed his hands business-like on his hips. "Well, where are they now?" He asked before walking to the door.

Jazz remained seated. "Where's who? Perceptor?" he muttered. Prowl rolled his optics at his unhappy comrade. "NO," he mocked Jazz, "THE HAMSTER."

Jazz rolled onto his side slightly so that he was half lying on the desk and sitting on the chair, arms sprawled in front of him and looked at Prowl. "Oh, that. Splattered all over the inside of the microwave, a'course. Wheeljack's ticked at Percy."

Prowl smacked his forehead with the heel of his hand and walked out into the hallway. Jazz yelped and jumped out of the chair, quick to follow the Datsun down the hallway. "Where are we going?" he asked once he'd caught up to Prowl. Prowl countered with a smirk, a flip of his doorwings, and the words "To go see some hamster guts."

A/N: Dangit it's hard to write Jazz's accent. Also, does somebody want to write a story explaining exactly why Spike brought a hamster to the Ark and then LEFT IT THERE? Because I have no clue. Like, I'm not even sure why he had a hamster.

Because I'm lazy, I'm putting this up in two parts. Also, I felt it needed to be broken up.

Ok, I lied. I'm putting this on hold for a bit because another bunny bit me during driver's ed.

Review! You'll make me happy!