*Author's Note: This was my first fanfic, and I would not have continued/completed it if you all had not been so nice and supportive. I really appreciate it, and I hope you like it. AND, if you don't, it's alright because I am personally VERY picky about endings, but this is how the game ends, and I didn't want to change that. Anyway... I'm done - promise!*

Day 353

Roxas arrived at Organization headquarters to find Saix, Axel, and Xigbar standing together. "And now we're left with the one we can't use..." Saix scolded as he walked away from the other men.

"What was that all about? Where's Xion?" he asked. He'd seen them leave with her earlier, and now she was gone. It wasn't so much that he really missed her anymore. These days he would pick fights at any time with anyone for any reason, including Xion. He could sense everyone getting more and more annoyed with him, but he didn't care. If anything, it fueled his desire to act out.

"She flew the coop. Flamsilocks here couldn't trouble himself to clip her wings," Xigbar responded, glaring at Axel. "Your friend sat there sucking his thumb while Xion walked right off."

"What happened?" Roxas asked, his curiosity outweighing his anger. If Xion had managed to outsmart the Organization and leave without being murdered, maybe he could too.

"Nothing," Axel insisted.

"Xion's gone, how is that nothing?" he rolled his eyes at Axel's typical avoidance of the subject.

"It's just like Xigbar said. I couldn't stop her from going."

"Why not?"

"Roxas," he came closer and continued in a whisper, "Xion is like a mirror that reflects you. The Organization made her to duplicate your powers. She's a puppet."

"Have you gone nuts? Xion's a person, not a puppet," Roxas fumed. He was sick of hearing placating nonsense and incomprehensible riddles.

"She's smoke and mirrors, Roxas. And when I looked in the mirror... It wasn't you I saw." Axel looked at him seriously.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It was only a matter of time before somebody had to break the mirror."

Roxas thought he was getting the gist of Axel's meaning. "You mean destroy her?"

"Roxas, if somebody doesn't, you'll... You won't be you anymore."

"And why would you care if that happened?" Roxas scowled.

Axel tried to reach for Roxas's hand, but Roxas took a step away. "Roxas, you're...you're not seeing the bigger picture. Any of it," Axel said. "Can't you see? Everything I've been doing and saying. It's all for show. The Organization is threatening both of us, and I'm trying to keep you safe. Please believe me."

"Ugh, forget this," he said, turning to leave.

He heard Axel yell his name, but he kept on walking. Even if that were true, why hadn't Axel told him sooner? Axel was now a total stranger to him. He knew what he had to do.


That night in his room, Roxas thought about everything that had been happening lately. Why had he deceived himself for so long thinking Axel was some incredible person? He could've been gone ages ago and not wasted so much time.

There were good moments too, he reminded himself, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that everything had been tainted by a sense that something was not right, that Axel couldn't be trusted. Well, now I know why, he thought. He should've been protecting himself from Axel. He would do so in the future.

Day 354

Roxas was at an Organization meeting, sitting on an unpleasantly tall chair in a tall room. He was still deathly afraid of heights. Axel used to distract him from this during meetings and try and make him smile, but that was in the past.

"Seeing as how she escaped on your watch, the onus is on you to capture her and return her here. I am willing to overlook any nicks and scratches. Just ensure she still functions on arrival." Xemnas commanded, looking at Axel.

Roxas glared at his old best friend. Axel fidgeted uncomfortably and, to Roxas's immense satisfaction, didn't look at him once. He felt he might finally be gaining the upper hand.

"Axel, you have your orders," Xemnas said, looking at him sternly. "Dismissed."

So Axel had just been ordered to find and kill Xion. Though he was a little worried for Xion, Roxas was surprised by how little this information piqued his interest or concern as far as Axel was concerned, that was until Axel followed him to his room, begging to speak with him.

"Let's make it quick. You're really gonna do what Xemnas says?" Roxas asked.

"I have to, or else I'm not safe here either."

Roxas rolled his eyes – of course Axel was only thinking about himself.

"Roxas... Xion is dangerous."

Roxas folded his arms, wondering what extra helping of stupidity he might be in for now.

"Dangerous how?"

Axel's eyes shifted, and he changed the subject. "How have you been lately, Roxas?"

Roxas was surprised by the earnestness in his voice. It bypassed his usual emotional safeguards against his old crush and made him feel a tenderness he hadn't experienced in a long time. But it passed, and he entered his room and slammed the door behind him.

Day 355

Roxas hadn't slept at all. He hadn't moved from his bed, hadn't done anything except stare at the ceiling for hours until the morning came. He had decided to leave the Organization, but his apathy for life was deadening his resolve, and he found it difficult to start the process, even though he felt strongly about the end result. He finally left his room and discovered Axel standing against the wall in the hallway.

"Did you find Xion?" Roxas asked. What he really wanted to ask was "Did you murder her?" But he was too tired to pick a fight.

"Like it's gonna be that easy," Axel sighed.

"Have you been keeping the truth about her from me this whole time?"

Axel looked him in the eye and said firmly, "Not the whole time."

"When did you find out?"

"Oh, I dunno," Axel sighed. "Somewhere along the way."

"Didn't get it memorized, huh?" Roxas accused "Axel... Who am I, really?" Axel looked uncomfortable. Roxas continued, "I'm special, like Xion. I know that, And I think the Organization wants me out of the picture. Is it because Xion copied my Keyblade and they don't need me anymore? Whatever the case, I'm sure you agree with them." Roxas had been thinking about Xion a lot during the night– her and Sora.

"No, you've got that part wrong," Axel said, looking at him directly. "You'll always be my best friend."

Roxas couldn't believe that after everything, Axel could say that to him. "Best friends are honest with each other. Who am I, Axel? Xemnas said me and Xion are connected to Sora. Am I a puppet like Xion?"


"What, then?"

"You really think the truth is going to make you feel better? It won't."

"What makes you so sure? I have a right to know who I am! How did I get here? Why am I special? Where did I learn to use the Keyblade? I deserve those answers!"


"Are you gonna tell me or not? Axel... Who am I?" Roxas could feel the only energy he had leaving his body.

"You've just gotta trust me, Roxas."

"I don't. I've told you before. I don't," Roxas said, turning to go. He had wanted things to end there, but Axel obviously wasn't going to let that happen. Oh well.

"Hey, c'mon," Axel said, pulling on Roxas's arm and turning him around.

"If I can't get answers here, I'll get them somewhere else. Somebody knows where I came from. That'll be the person I trust," Roxas declared.

"Roxas, you're… you're leaving?" Axel asked. He looked hurt, and Roxas, in spite of everything, couldn't bear to see his disappointment.

"I… Axel, I need to go."

"Roxas, what are you talking about? Where are you going to go? There's nothing for you out there. I've fought so hard to protect you. Don't you understand?" He tried to move closer to Roxas, but Roxas took a step back.

"I'm leaving, Axel… I'm… it's what I have to do."

"No, Roxas, no," he said forcefully.

"Axel, you… what is wrong with you?" A few weeks ago he would have been terrified to ask it, but given how their conversation was going, it didn't matter anymore. He was going to say what he really felt. "You have been playing with my head since I got here, and I'm sick of it! So yes, of course I'm leaving! You've given me no reason to stay!"

"Roxas, no. I'll explain everything if you stay. I promise," Axel urged, trying to move closer to him again as Roxas dodged him.

"I'm not staying. Nothing you could say would change that. I've heard too many lies already."

"Roxas," Axel said, putting his arms around him. Roxas was too surprised to get away this time. Axel kissed his forehead. Roxas allowed himself to temporarily slip back into their former relationship. He felt a moment of calm, but he couldn't let it last. He had to leave. He took a step away from Axel, and Axel didn't do anything to pull him back. He just looked at him. His expression was so forlorn, it pained him. He walked away disappointed at himself for caring. Never again, he thought.


Now for the second thing… Roxas figured it was his own fault that his relationship with Demyx had become so distant. Roxas had been avoiding Demyx for so long. He hadn't wanted to talk about Demyx's relationship with Axel or admit to Demyx, or himself, that his relationship with Axel was messed up. He realized that he should have. It might have changed things. Too late now.

He knocked on Demyx's door, heard him grunt something similar to "come in" and walked inside.

Demyx looked surprised to see him, but he smiled and gestured for Roxas to come sit on a chair next to his bed. Demyx plopped down on the bed itself. "How you been?" Demyx exclaimed. His cheerful demeanor was an unusual departure from Roxas's glum existence.

Roxas smiled back. "Pretty good." Should he say something about how soon he'd be leaving? No. He decided Demyx didn't have to know. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Uh – wha? Oh yeah, just doing missions and stuff – the usual. Hey – how come I haven't seen you around much lately?"

"Erm… " Should he explain? There were too many possible answers to that question. All this time, he'd thought Demyx had been the one avoiding him, but apparently he'd been wrong about that. He should've reached out to Demyx sooner.

"Well, uh…is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Er… Well, Axel and I aren't together anymore."

"Oh wow. Really?" Demyx didn't seem to know how to react.

"Yep." Roxas nodded.

"You know," Demyx said, fidgeting slightly, "I was always afraid to say this when you were together, but… I've always thought that… Well, he's kind of an asshole. I think you're better off now, man."

Roxas laughed. He couldn't help it. It felt good to hear someone else say it. He couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed.

"Well, I'm proud of you for ending it," Demyx said, looking at him seriously, "I'm sure it wasn't easy, eh?"

Roxas wondered what it would be like if he stayed and hung out with Demyx for a change. But he had to find out more about Sora and his past. He needed answers, and he wasn't going to find them here.

"Hey, uh… thanks for stopping by," Demyx said, seeming to sense that Roxas was ready to leave. "I'll let you get off to.. whatever you're doing. See you around okay? Let's talk more." He smiled.

"Yeah," Roxas responded, smiling back, but he felt uncomfortable for lying. He stood up to leave.

Demyx stood up as well. "Hey Roxas… You look like you could use a hug." Roxas was surprised but happy as he felt Demyx's arms wrap around him. He felt safe. He would think of this hug when he was alone. Roxas felt exponentially better as Demyx stepped away, leaving his hands on Roxas's shoulders. "You're okay right?"

"Yes, yeah," Roxas said, smiling and nodding. "Yeah… I'm alright."

"Okay then," Demyx said, walking him to the door.

"You'll really come to see me more often, right?"

"Yeah," Roxas agreed. He thought Demyx might sense that something was off, but he didn't say anything. Roxas was thankful for it. Saying goodbye to Axel had been hard enough.

He returned to his room and took one last glance through his things to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything, not that he had much. In the drawer by his bed, he found a popsicle stick with the word "winner" written on it. Roxas sighed, put it in his pocket, took one last look at his room, and walked out the door.

After making sure that Axel's room was empty, he stepped inside. It was a bit messy, but that was normal for Axel. Roxas left the popsicle stick sitting on the windowsill. Getting rid of it made Roxas feel a little lighter. It felt symbolic. He was leaving his old life behind.


As he walked towards the headquarters' entrance, he saw Saix.

"We don't accept resignations," he sneered.

Roxas really wasn't in the mood for this. He was too exhausted. "I've got nothing to say to you," he replied, trying to walk away, but Saix blocked his path.

"Then let's keep this short and sweet." Saix pulled out his weapon.

Roxas summoned the Keyblade. He really didn't think he was a match for Saix. What if he died? Instead of the apathy that usually surrounded the question, now he felt he had something to live for. He fought hard, and he won.

Roxas panted as he watched Saix stagger and fall on his knees, giving Roxas the chance to finally escape.

He pondered his future. Maybe in the real world, he could find someone who really cared about him. Xion was gone, Axel didn't care about anyone but himself, and Demyx - well, he could survive it. Everyone would be fine without him.

Roxas had never been on the streets outside of the Organization alone before. He felt uneasy as he walked away. Which direction should he go? He walked straight forward, praying that no one would notice him. He couldn't handle another fight.

He heard a voice behind him. Axel.

"Your mind's made up?" Axel asked. Roxas paused.

"Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know," he said, not turning back to see the expression on Axel's face. He didn't want to stand here defending himself to Axel. He needed to leave now, and Axel couldn't talk him out of it.

"You can't turn your back on the Organization! You get on their bad side, and they'll destroy you!" Axel's impassioned speech didn't move him in the slightest. If anything, it made his next steps forward a little easier.

"No one would miss me," Roxas said simply, and he walked down the dark street, away from Axel and everything he knew.

Thank you for reading this! I wrote this when I was 19 years old, and it was very near and dear to my heart. In 2020, at the age of 29, I made it my goal to finish the sequel. It's told from Axel's point of view and is entitled "No One Would Miss Me." If you're interested to see where the story goes (through Kingdom Hearts 2 and beyond), please check it out. Thank you again for reading my work. I hope you enjoy escaping into the lives of these characters as much as I do. ️