
A/N: Ok, am back. I really hadn't planned on writing a sequel to "So Close" but then earlier today I heard this Westlife song again (after a long time) and thought it tied up nicely with a story I had been toying with in my head. And so, here's another UB songfic, which takes off after the end "So Close."

No actual conversations from the series though, except for one quote and the song lyrics are boldly italicized for ease of reading.

It is unbeta'd and written in one sitting so I don't know if it's any good. That being said, hope some of you would enjoy it anyway.

As usual, I would like to say I do not own Ugly Betty, nor the song "Obvious," so please don't sue me. This is purely done for fun.

Daniel stared morosely at the empty chair in front of him as he waited for her to arrive. He had stared at the calendar on his desk earlier that day and realized that he had been in London for six months now. Make that six months, one week, two days and 12 hours now, give or take a few, with nothing to show for it. Well, nothing by way of a love life that is. Thankfully, he had landed a spot as an editor at a small, publishing company that specialized in children's books.

Initially, he had only taken the job because the office was near hers, her being the main reason he'd chosen London as a place to start again. He'd been pleasantly surprised to realize however that he actually liked his new job and was actually quite good at it. She had teased him at first that the reason he liked it was because he was still actually a child at heart himself. Who knew? Maybe he was, because it turned out he had the uncanny ability to choose which stories would sell.

Unfortunately, he hadn't made as much progress with Betty as he would have liked, other than make himself a regular lunch date of hers, with the occasional dinners thrown in when their schedules permitted them. It would have been a good thing too, however she never could quite 'get' it that he was trying to be more than a friend.

We started as friends
But something happened inside me

He supposed she couldn't be blamed. After all, it had taken him years to comprehend what had happened. It had been so gradual that he hadn't even realized it was there until it had grown and bit him in the ass. But being the emotional dunce that he was, even when Hilda had hit it in the head with her speech, he had failed to recognize it for what it was.

"That's love right? When you know somebody better than they do and you would do anything in the world to protect them."

All he could focus on during that wedding had been her. She had looked so beautiful in that green dress it had been all he could do to choke out a compliment when he'd first seen her by the door of the hotel. In retrospect he thought it would have been better if he had gone to sit next to her when she called him just before Hilda started her speech. Maybe up close, she'd have noticed how intently he had been staring at her all the while… and maybe she'd have asked and he would have been forced to think about why that was and came to this knowledge much sooner.

Now I'm reading into everything
But there's no sign you hear the lightning, baby

He wasn't really sure if it was because he hadn't been obvious enough or maybe he was losing his touch or worse, she just wasn't interested in him that way and so was deliberately being obtuse.

At first he had deliberately not made any romantic overtures, not wanting to spook her. He made sure he called her just before the end of her work that day even though his fingers had itched to dial her number the minute he lost sight of her at that square. He made sure that first dinner had really only been just about catching up. She hadn't asked about or made any reference to his last letter to the editor so he didn't bring it up even though he wanted to ask desperately if she had read it – because, basically, that was like a love letter of sorts right?

You don't ever notice me turning on my charm

But he'd been steadily trying to up his game by sending her flowers and choosing more romantic settings for their dinners and even calling her at work saying he just wanted to hear her voice and that he missed her.

She didn't get it.

Or wonder why I'm always where you are

She didn't even notice how he always made himself available to her no matter what time of day. How the first thing he bought was a car – never mind that he hated driving on the wrong side of the road – so that he could drive her to and from work. Or how he dropped anything he was doing when she called.

I've made it obvious
Done everything but sing it
(I've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong

He couldn't understand how she couldn't have noticed. After all, she'd been his assistant for so long, she couldn't have forgotten how he was when he was actively courting someone could she? If it were anyone else but Betty, she'd already have known. Well, he supposed he could have thrown in some jewelry as gift, but she was never one to be impressed with material stuff. She was all into romantic gestures and so that's what he'd been doing. At least, that's what he though he'd been doing all these months

I'm not so good with words

He thought he'd really made it clear. Well as clear as he could short of actually saying the L word to her, because really, he wasn't all that good with words. He was more of an action man.

And since you never notice
The way that we belong

So a couple of days ago he'd decided to finally come clean after she had called him that morning to say she had wanted to unwind. But a storm had been forecasted which precluded him from taking her to that restaurant she had wanted to try for the longest time. So he'd wracked his brain trying to come up with a fun night for her indoors. He finally ended up calling Amanda long distance to ask for suggestions and then he'd scoured the shops in the rain (Did he mention he hated the rain?) during his lunch hour just so he could get things set up in time for dinner.

"Daniel what's this?" She asked him in confusion when she walked into his penthouse apartment (Yes he was starting over but that didn't mean he had to live in some dump did it? He was still a Meade after all) and saw the setup in his living room.

"You said you wanted to unwind – so I figured, what better way to do so than to belt out our favorite tunes at the top of our voice?" he grinned at her.

"But wouldn't your neighbors mind?" she asked, though an excited expression had already crossed her face.

"It's raining so loud outside and this place is sound proofed." He pointed to his ceiling.

"Cool!" She clapped happily as she went about her selections.

She wasn't the best of singers really. Actually, she had been awful. He was besotted with her yes, but he wasn't deaf either. But she had looked so happy that he didn't mind her off key singing. And when she asked, well, how could he refuse?

"Your turn." She said as she plopped down the sofa in exhaustion and reached out for her pizza.

"Are you sure you want to subject yourself to my singing?" he'd teased her.

She laughed. "Come on, we've done it before haven't we? Go choose a song."

He gave in even though he knew he would probably look like a fool doing so. So he looked through the song selections and saw one in particular. Maybe he could tell her how he felt, without actually saying the words…

I'll say it in a love song

So he did.

"I..I'm so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is alright with me…"

Her jaw dropped when he started singing – and dancing.

"You make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you"

He made sure he was staring intently into her eyes when he sang it. He didn't need to look at the TV, he knew the lyrics to this song as it was one of his favorites.

"Le me say that since..
Since we've been together
Loving you forever is what I need"
Let me be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue"

He sang from his heart, not thinking about whether he looked stupid singing it. He walked to where she sat flabbergasted and held out his hand, asking her in a song to take a chance on him…with him.

"Oh let, let's stay together
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad"

When she took his hand, he thought she'd understood. Especially when she leaned into him as he spun her around so her back was to his front with his arm around her waist as they swayed side to side.

At least, that's what he thought.

He could barely finish the song, so overcome was he by her scent. He figured, if he just leaned down a little, his lips would touch her neck. He was so close. But then the song ended, and she swung around to face him.

"Wow Daniel, I never thought you could dance." She teased him, not even looking bothered at all. Not looking anything like he was feeling. "Whew! No wonder models fall all over you." She continued, blissfully unaware that the brief contact they had had affected him quite physically as well.

So he'd endured. If someone had told him months before that he'd end up half-way across the world, tongue-tied and twisted over his former assistant, he'd have laughed them off. Yet here he was, patiently waiting for the right time and place. Hoping she'd take the hint. How the mighty have fallen.

His only consolation was the fact that in all these months she hadn't been dating anyone either, given that they were almost always together during her free time. Of course that didn't stop her from discussing her little crush on one of the executives at the magazine she worked for.

I've heard you talk about
(Heard you talk about)
How you want someone just like me

It was funny really – at least it would have been, if it also hadn't been painful to hear. Apparently, this paragon of manhood was Mr Dunne's second son. After some research on his part (thank you Google), he found out he had a playboy reputation (which he made sure she knew about). Of course, she'd gone on to tell him that that was actually part of the attraction. She saw him as a bad boy and she'd never really gone out with one. Matt perhaps was the closest to one – but not quite. He had snapped at her in annoyance at that comment, saying if she thought he was the best thing since sliced bread, then why doesn't she ask him out.

She had raised her eyebrow at him in surprise before patiently telling him, like he was some dimwit, that of course she couldn't do that. It wouldn't be proper because he was technically her boss too. He almost said, "What about me then? I'm no longer your boss."

But everytime I ask you out
(Time I ask you out)
We never move pass friendly, no no

He supposed he should be happy in a way. After all, for all intents and purposes, one could be forgiven for thinking they were an item, if time spent together were an indication. He was her constant companion – and they spent more time together than they did apart when they're both not busy with work.

But everytime, he thought there had been a moment between them…a glimmer of something that made him think he had a chance, she'd done something to diffuse the tension. At least, he thought there had been tension. But she'd gotten him so confused he wasn't entirely sure if it were mutual or all on his side.

Like the other night for instance.

And you don't ever notice how I stare when we're alone

"She's so beautiful…" she'd whispered as we were watching "Mr and Mrs Smith" on DVD. "It's no wonder Brad left Jennifer for her."

"Yeah, beautiful…" he agreed as he stared at her profile. He wasn't referring to Angeline Jolie of course, it was all her, trite and corny as that might sound. He wanted to run his finger across her cheek to see if it was as soft as he'd always imagined.

"And her lips. No collagen injection needed." She continued, still engrossed in the movie.

"Uhuh." he mumbled, his attention turning to her lips, which she'd started nibbling on unconsciously, wishing he could do that… nibble it for her. Wishing he could run his tongue across her bottom lip as he kissed her.

Or wonder why I keep you on the phone

"Good night Daniel." She said for the third time that night. "Hanging up now…"

"Wait…" I told her, not wanting to say goodnight.

She sighed loudly with laughter in her voice. " What is it this time? What did you forget to tell me the first two times you called earlier?"

It was a good thing she couldn't see him blush on the other end of the phone. Had it been three times already that evening? Pathetic. "Well, uh…" he began, trying to think of a good reason for the call. "I wanted to know what you're wearing to bed." He decided to throw caution to the winds.

"What?" she squeaked. "Are you coming on to me Mr Meade?" she'd teased.

And because he heard the laughter in her voice, indicating that once again, she'd missed it, he growled out, partly in frustration, "And what if I was Ms Suarez?"

"Then I'd say you were full of it." This time, she didn't even bother to disguise her mirth. "Go call one of your model friends if you're frustrated. I'm going to bed."

"You're no fun." He had to pretend he was just joking. For his own sanity.

"You got that right." She agreed.

And just when he thought it couldn't get any worse for him, she'd whispered softly, "…but just so you know…I just got out of the shower, so I am wearing only a towel…" just before she hung up on him.

He spent that night torturing himself with images of her in just a towel and wishing for the nth time he had the guts to go march up to her apartment and tell her exactly what he was feeling.

And wasn't that the kick with this whole thing. He was stuck. On the one hand, he wanted to just jump in with both feet and tell her. But then what if she didn't really feel the same? What if, it changed things between them so much that it breaks them apart? Wasn't a half relationship better than no relationship at all?

You are my very first thought in the morning

"Good morning Daniel. It's time to get up." Her voice wakes him up each morning. He had made her record the message on his cell during one of their 'friendly' dates, on the pretext that her grating voice made it easier for him to get up in the morning.

And my last at nightfall

"Good night Daniel." She would whisper as she hung up. He always made it a point to call her just before they both went to bed (separately of course – though he wished it were otherwise).

You are the love that came without warning

Sometimes he wished he'd never realized he loved her. Or at the very least, someone should have warned him it would be like this. Although whether it would have made a difference had he known ahead whether or not he would have followed her to London, he didn't know.

I need you, I want you to know

But something had to give because he didn't know how much longer he could endure. And so here he was. Waiting and hoping that tonight wouldn't see him go down in flames.

I've made it obvious
So finally I'll sing it
(I've crushed on you so long)

He looked at the table critically. It had all the requisites for a romantic candle-light dinner. He'd ordered from the nearby restaurant and had called a professional to set the table for him.

I'm not so good with words
And since you never notice
The way that we belong
I'll say it in a love song

He was so nervous he didn't know if he was coming or going. He looked at the clock and took a deep breath. Ten more minutes and she'd be here. He knew she would be surprised. They'd had dinner at his place countless times before but never by candle light. Never with the lights dimmed. And never ever with soft music playing in the background.

And sing it until the day you're holding me
I've wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrong
I more then adore you but since you never seem to see

Was he ready for this? He didn't quite know. But enough was enough. It was time to man up. It had taken him four years and countless relationships and one-night stands and a marriage to realize that she was what he wanted all along. He didn't think he could wait four more for her to realize it too. Tonight, he would be more than obvious.

Tonight was the night he was finally, finally going to tell her.

But you never seem to see
I'll say it in this love song

He just hoped she shows up.