Royai. Four-part ficlet.

My heart breaks in a heart beat
And you storm me when you come and go
The taste of something so sweet should have
Warned me 'bout the undertow
Oh, I couldn't find a better man to let me go

-Sara Barielles, 'Undertow'


It was all over now, except for one thing.

He walked over to his ex-subordinates, a wide grin on his face, and he refused to let it falter when the one last thing gave him a cold stare. He couldn't possibly imagine what he'd done wrong. Wasn't she delighted to see him after all this time? She should have been, if she had missed him nearly as much as he had missed her.

Missed her until he thought that his heart could ache no more.

He went straight to the one last thing and stood in front of her where she would have no choice but to acknowledge him. "Lieutena... Riza."

Riza slapped him soundly across the face and he nearly fell over. Damn that woman was strong.

"What was that for?" He spluttered.

"Giving up," she said, and then she slapped him again, "That one was for leaving me behind." She slapped him again, "And that one was for scaring me out of my wits, Roy Mustang I will never, ever forgive you."

Roy gaped at her, and then he relaxed, and straightened up so that they were eye to eye.

"And here I was thinking that you would burst into tears and fall sobbing into my arms," he said with a cheeky grin.

Riza kept an absolutely straight face as she said, "No sir, you fall in love with those kinds of women."

"If that was your strategy it failed," he said, "The only woman I've ever loved is you."

Her face softened, and then she tensed again, but her put his arm around her waist and dramatically leaned over to kiss her like he's always wanted to do (although when he had fantasised about this moment his face hadn't stung so much). She melted into his arms (like in the fantasies, but not literally) and he knew that this, this, was a moment of bliss.

When she wasn't trying to restrain herself from him.

I just had to write something cheesy and romcom worthy to end... I couldn't help myself. Sorry.

Please Review, 'cause there'll be no more 'Restraint' now.