Additional Notes: Firstly, there's a spoiler about Shadrach in this. Anyway, this chapter is taking place after Shadrach dies, which happens 3 days after the last chapter's events. Its after his funeral and people in the village are gathering around for a ceremony to honour him (I don't think this will actually happen in the show, I'm just making it happen for this story). Anyway so all the characters are gathered in the village to celebrate Shadrach. Also, this is in fact the last chapter in this story, but if feedback is good or whatnot, I might continue the story, but in a different fic. Like the next season of a tv show kind of thing. Anyway, enjoy, and thanks for reading and/or reviewing.

A Happy Ending?

"Are you sure you're okay Aaron? You know its okay to cry or feel sad. He is your grandad". Aaron was upset about Shadrach's death but that's not what was really clogging his mind. His mind blinked back and forth from his ordeal with Wayne to his grandad's death, and having to watch his mam sob her heart out as well as many other villagers. Aaron tried to convince himself Wayne was bluffing about telling. Afterall it had been a week already and no police. Jackson was worrying for Aaron too. It sucked for him because he had no idea what was going on, and Aaron had been distant with him this whole week, but Jackson assumed it was now because of what happened with Shadrach.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Sorry just gonna pop over to me mam for a sec, make sure she's doin' alright". Despite their shady relationship Aaron couldn't bear to see his mother cry and wanted to be there for her. Afterall she had been supportive for him during his crisis with his sexualtiy.

"You alright mum?" he asked silently, placing a hand on her shoulder and then pulling her in for a hug. Carl was comforting before Aaron came but decided to let them have some alone time when Aaron came over.

"Oh Aaron", Chas cried out, burying her head into the young man's firm shoulders. "I still can't believe he's gone". Aaron started to feel awkward hugging her but decided not to let go. "I know mum, me too", was all he could say, as now he too couldn't fight back the tears. After a few moments Chas pulled herself away from Aaron, still holding onto his arms, she looked at him and smiled. "Oh Aaron, I dunno what I'ld do without you. Look at us, we shouldn't be crying, we're supposed to be celebrating in Dad's honour" Aaron feigned a smile for her benefit but Chas continued. "I want you to be happy Aaron, so stop denying yourself it with him" she said nodding towards Jackson.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you'se are always out together but no one would ever know you'se were a couple. You'se are so awkward and uncomfortable around each other and you can tell its hurting the poor lad. And I know its hurting you too."

"I know mum but people will -"

"Forget about people Aaron. If I've learned anything recently its that the people you care about, and that care about you, are the only ones worth an opinion. So forget about everyone else and focus on the ones you care about." Aaron didn't respond. Instead he just smiled and walked back to Jackson.

People in the village began to talk about their best memories with Shadrach and funny stories concerning him. The moment became quite romantic and sad though, and now couples and people were comforting each other. Beside Aaron and Jackson, Adam was comforting a crying Scarlett, Carl with Chas, Marlon with Rhona, Nikhil and Masie. Even Victoria and Paddy were comforting each other during this sad time. Aaron and Jackson didn't though. Aaron had listened to his mother's words but he couldn't pluck up the courage to put his arm around Jackson. Jackson didn't do anything either because he promised Aaron they would go at his pace, although Jackson's face showed that he felt awkward and uncomfortable beside Aaron and Aaron noticed this but still couldn't do anything, and then became further upset with himself.

To make things worse, Nicola and Jimmy were now making their speech and what with being newlyweds, their's was about romance and love, which only made Aaron and Jackson more uncomfortable. The pair looked at each other simultaniously, would feign a smile at each other then look away again. One of the times when they had turned to look at each other, Aaron became distracted by a disturbing site. Behind them two was Smithy Cottage and police car had just stopped right outside it. Jackson didn't notice Aaron see it and neither did anyone else because they were at the back of the crowd.

'This was it', in Aaron's head. Time to face the music. He could tell Jackson about everything but he didn't want to upset him. Anyway as far as Jackson was concerned Aaron had still hit Wayne outside Bar West which was due to come back to bite Aaron eventually, although Jackson had forgotten about it completely. Aaron couldn't bring himself to do anything. A goodbye would be too painful. After all the fighting, physically and emotionally, that he had gone through to get Jackson, this was about to put a big end to it, and Aaron couldn't stand it. He was going to face the music alone, and let Jackson move on, because he deserved someone better, Aaron thought.

He desperately wanted to give Jackson a goodbye kiss but he couldn't. However it would've been the perfect timing. At the end of Nicola's speech all the couples in the village embraced each other in a big smooch and of course Aaron and Jackson were the only couple in a relationship not kissing, which made Jackson even more uncomfortable, and Aaron more nervous to try and pick up the courage. He turned to face Jackson who subsequently turned to face Aaron. Both of their hearts were beating rapidly and Jackson opened his mouth as if to prepare for a kiss. Aaron's eyes shifted around the kissing couples surrounding them and as his eyes fell into a deep gaze with Jackson's, he too opened his mouth.

"I left something in Smithy, back in a sec", Aaron said hastily, and then he was so embarassed that he quickly ran back towards the cottage, leaving Jackson alone at the back of the crowd, feeling ashamed of himself. He wasn't quite sure what for. Being gay? Having a boyfriend? It was Aaron not accepting himself that made Jackson doubt himself too, and he hated that, but loved Aaron. It was a catch 22.

So that was it for Aaron, the mechanic thought to himself. He was slowly making his way to the police leaning against their car doors. Jackson hadn't noticed the police car still, as he was always facing the commotion of the celebration.

"Aaron Livesy?" the police woman asked, and Aaron shook his head, which was hanging in shame, to confirm it. The police man continued their rant. "You're under arrest for assault and causing bodily harm to an innocent victim . . " They went on talking their legal nonsense as always but Aaron's mind was more focussed on Jackson. How could he have bottled it. He couldn't even say a proper goodbye. He had fought so much to get to here and he had grown so much, just to give up in the end. And now it was too late. He took one last look at Jackson. He could see the builder's head hanging with sadness and Aaron could never forgive himself for doing that to him. The couples were still going at it and Jackson was standing their alone, without Aaron, which he was going to have to get used to now. A single tear fell from Aaron's eye onto the ground.

". . . will be held against you", the policeman finished his rant and took Aaron's hands together behind his back to cuff him, but Aaron flung his hands out of the policeman's grasp and turned to face the two officers. His face was in shock at what he'd done but he had made a quick decision in his mind and he needed to go through with it. "Hey!" the male officer shouted but Aaron interrupted him with "One sec", before he started running back down the street. The police were quick to follow him but they weren't as fast. Aaron was now sprinting down the road towards the whole village, kissing couples and innocent bystanders.

"JACKSON!", he shouted, trying to get Jackson's attention as quick as possible, but in doing so he got the whole village's attention. Everyone turned around to see Aaron sprinting towards them, followed by two police officers, so everyone was a little taken aback, especially Jackson.

"Aaron what are you do-" Jackson tried to ask as Aaron came close to him but Aaron cut him off in one big kiss. He threw his arms around the builder's neck and held on so tight, squeezing his lips against Jackson's and sticking his tongue into Jackson's mouth so that the pair were full on kissing right in front of the whole village. Everyone was still in shock and were oblivious to what was going on, but a few residents, namely Chas, Adam, Paddy and Victoria were all smiling at Aaron overcoming his fears. Chas even said to Carl: "Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen", but Carl just rolled his eyes.

The police officers hesitated at first, not expecting this situation either, but they took action and broke up the kiss, seeing as it looked like it was never going to end. They pulled Aaron's arms from Jackson's next and cuffed them behind his back, and then began dragging him back towards the police car.

"Aaron!" Chas and Jackson said together with worry, and both of them, along with Adam and Paddy chased after Aaron. Only Jackson knew what was going on so the others were in a greater state of shock. The officers lowered Aaron's head under the roof, pushed him into the car and slammed the door, but the window was open so he was able to stick his head out. Jackson was first to make it to the car. He put his hands on the door, where the window should be.

"Aaron, no you cant- you cant go!", Jackson was on the verge of tears as he cried out to Aaron but the police woman interrupted him. "I'm sorry but he'll be in jail for 6 months now, if he's lucky and keeps his nose down."

Chas had now caught up with them and cried out "No, no! You can't take my Aaron away. He's my baby." But it was too late. Even Paddy and Adam didn't get to say anything, only look on. The car started to take off and the four people outside Smithy were all standing in tears.

"I LOVE YOU AARON!" Jackson shouted, hoping Aaron would hear him. Aaron stuck his head out of the car and could still make out Jackson's rugged face. He shouted back.

"I LOVE YOU TOO JACKSON!", and within seconds, the car was out of site and Aaron could neither be seen nor heard.