Last chapter is up.

Thanks for reviewing:
Luna Dark Light
Victory Is For the Weak
Ryu Earth

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or make any money from this!

After drowning in self-pity Iruka made his way to the Hokage tower. "You can do this!" He gave himself courage and strode towards Tsunade's office. He kind of had hoped to run into Shizune and apologize to her, but it seemed the assistant was nowhere to be found. 'Now that I think about it, would Tsunade-sama still be in her office?' His entire sense of time was off, but he decide to try his luck. He knocked and heard a grumble from behind the door. After a minute Tsunade yelled he could come in.

"Iruka-san? From where the late visit?" The chuunin stepped closer, holding his breath. "Ah, wait…" The Hokage seemed to remember something.

'Now it's coming!' Unconsciously the teacher closed his eyes.

"You're here to see if the Hatake-brat brought your report." Iruka's eyes shot open in confusion. "He did, don't worry. Making him write your report word for word seemed to have worked. You've got to tell me your secret." She winked as the chuunin could only nod.

"I-I'll let you get back to work." He mumbled and quietly left.

'The mission, did Kakashi do it?' Iruka asked himself while staring aimlessly in the dark before him. 'Maybe he didn't! I would be in even more trouble now since I didn't say anything to Tsunade-sama.' He bit his lower-lip not knowing what to do. If Kakashi really wanted to make his life miserable, he was screwed. 'No, I'm not giving up! He better watches his back from now on!' The teacher shook his fist angry in the air.

'I might have said he should watch his back but… I can't find him.' Iruka's head dropped down as he admitted his defeat. He had been running around the village for hours but still nobody had seen the silver-head. "And I need to get to the Hokage tower, my shift's about to start." He mumbled promising himself to continue his search afterwards. He greeted his colleagues as he entered the mission office and dropped down behind his desk. He sighed and felt someone stare at him.

"You still haven't talked to that person, have you?" Nagisa asked when he looked at her. He shook his head. Now Nagisa sighed, it hadn't taken long for her to understand that there was someone else in Iruka's heart. She had given up on him and was now frustrated that, whoever it was, had been playing with her dear colleague's heart. She couldn't believe she had given him up for some jerk. "Maybe it would be better to forget about her." She suggested carefully and the brown-head snored.

"That would be the smartest thing, but every time he does something…" He clenches his hands around some papers imaging it was Kakashi's neck.

"He?" Nagisa suddenly repeated and his hands' strength lessened. He had never told her it was a guy.

"Yeah, he…" He looked apologizing at her. He should have told her and looked straight in Kakashi's eye over her shoulder. 'He's glaring at me!' He thought shocked.

"That makes it even harder, doesn't it." Nagisa got over her surprise and smiled sadly. She never had any change to begin with. Iruka pulled his eyes from Kakashi's single one and smiled back at her.

"Don't worry…" He stopped when a hand slammed a report between them. Surprised the two colleagues followed the arm to its owner. Iruka blushed seeing Kakashi up close for the first time in a month. Nagisa saw this and smirked knowingly.

"I better get to work, bye Iruka-kun." She smiled sweetly and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Her eyes narrowed at Kakashi before she walked over to her desk.

"Kakashi-san!" Iruka tried to get the silver-head's attention who was looking at the woman's back. "Thanks for the hard work." He said when the copy-nin finally looked at him. "My mission," he continued as his fingers straightened the report, "did you actually do it?"

"Do I get a reward if I did?" Came as answer, which made the chuunin glare.

"It seems you don't want any rewards from me anymore." He knew Kakashi understood the actual meaning as his single eye widened. Suddenly the copy-nin smiled again, waved and poofed away. Iruka glared at the empty spot. 'Now I still don't know if he did it or not.'

'Maybe I should ask Tsunade permission to visit the farm to check up on it.' Iruka sighed as he walked home. He had given up on getting a straight answer out of Kakashi. After entering his home the chuunin dropped his shoes and vest in the hall. He wasn't in the mood to put them neatly away. He stretched himself as he walked into his living room and glanced at his kitchen. Was he glad he had already eaten. After work a couple of colleagues had invited him to grab a bite to eat. He continued his way towards the bedroom while opening his pants. He was going to drop his pants and pullover in his room, he figured he could wear them tomorrow again. Afterwards he would take a nice long shower, washing away everything that was bothering him. Yes, it sounded like a great plan, but the moment he felt a pair of hands cover his it flew out the door. Without a word he turned and pulled Kakashi's mask down.

The kiss was fierce, they both had seemed to have waited too long for it. The copy-nin's hands traveled over the chuunin's hips towards his buttocks and groped them before slipping inside the already lose pants. A moan slipped from Iruka's lips and he felt the other harden. Before he knew it his pants and underwear had been removed completely and his legs were clinging around the jounin's waist. His back got pressed against his bedroom door and he felt the silver-head grab his dick. Kakashi started pumping him while he shifted his body against his uke's. Now he didn't need his other hand to support the brown-head anymore and moved it to the other's hole. He started teasingly running his finger around it and inserted a couple of times, but didn't go deeper than the tip of his finger. Iruka was clinging desperately at Kakashi, the teasing was driving him crazy and he could feel his climax coming closer. He moved the other's face back toward him and captured those lips again. His kiss was sloppy as he had lost all reasoning and he creamed in the other's mouth when he came. Kakashi didn't let his lips go far and his heart fluttered when he received for the second time a sweet, loveable kiss. He could feel Kakashi's hands switch and his hole got lubricated with his own cum. His reasoning returned a little and for the first time he felt the bulb in the copy-nin's pants.

'He made me come first.' He realized surprised as the first finger entered. Kakashi released his lips and he found himself staring deeply in those mismatched eyes. A second finger entered and a groan of discomfort got kissed away from his lips. "Kakashi!" He panted feeling the other scissor him while his cock got grabbed again.

"Ready to come again?" The silver-head chuckled as he felt the chuunin react to his touch immediately.

"Stop… teasing…"

"But I need to prepare you, I don't want to hurt you." The jounin kissed him again and Iruka greedily sucked on the lower lip. It had never taken so long to prepare him and now he wanted the copy-nin badly. "Maybe we should go to the bed." Kakashi suddenly muttered and got a glare as answer. Deciding he better took charge himself, the chuunin linked his arm around the jounin's neck and let his other slide down to Kakashi's pants. He released the copy-nin's throbbing length and pushed him towards his opening.

"Get in already!" He hissed impatiently. This drove every doubt from Kakashi's mind and he kissed the teacher fiercely while sliding inside him. Slowly he started moving, still making sure he didn't hurt the other. Iruka's hips started moving in time with him making him go deeper with every thrust. It didn't take long for both of them to come. Iruka felt his reason return completely and unconsciously tightened his grip on the jounin. He didn't want him to go. He didn't want to wait another month before he could feel him again.

"Now…" Kakashi's voice sounded breathless and Iruka's stopped breathing. "We are going to the bed!" The brown-head started breathing again and looked shocked and hopefully at the other, who just kissed his doubts away.

Iruka stayed as silent as he could. He had been awake for a while now but he refused to open is eyes. If he did, Kakashi would leave for sure. He couldn't release his clinging hold on the other even if he wanted to. "Stop taking missions!" The silver-head suddenly ordered out of nowhere and brown orbs revealed themselves to the world.

"What! Why should I?" Kakashi kept his eyes on the ceiling refusing to look at him.

"I can't go around doing two missions at the same time!" He stated matter-of-fact.

"Who told you to do my missions?" Iruka glared at him, but the mismatched eyes still weren't looking at him. He huffed in annoyance and crawled on top of the other. Finally Kakashi didn't had any choice but the look at him.

"I won't allow you to leave the village!" He stated and Iruka got even more annoyed.

"And who are you to decide if I leave this village or not?" Instead of answering the copy-nin kept his eyes locked on the brown ones above him. "You're not going to say anything?" The chuunin could feel himself losing his patience. "Forget it!" He yelled in the end and got off the other. He raised himself from the bed only to get pulled back on it. His lips were caught in a searching kiss. Iruka sighed in confusion. "What is it you want from me?" He asked searching the normal covered face for an answer.

"For you not to go on missions." Kakashi smiled and got a bored look back.

"And why, oh why can't I go on missions and don't dare to answer you can't do two missions at a time!" The chuunin warned him not to use the same excuse again. He was good at making stupid excuses, but this time the copy-nin just held his mouth. Iruka rolled his eyes at the childish behavior. "Let go…" He started to move Kakashi's arms from him, but he only tightened his grip. The brown-head glared at him but the jounin avoided his eyes and dropped his head on the chuunin's shoulder.

"I-I don't want to lose…" He mumbled and the glare changed into confusion.

"Lose what, is this some kind of bet!" The teacher yelled angry.

"No!" The copy-nin's arms tightened even more. "I just can't…" Iruka sighed in defeat. He wasn't going to get a straight answer out of the older man.

"You do know that Tsunade-sama isn't going to send me on a suicide-mission. I'm a teacher for crying out loud." He went back to the problem at hand.

"Anything can happen on a mission. A D can turn into an A or a S before you know it." Kakashi shot back.

"Of course I know that, but I'm not going to let it control my life. I'm a ninja, I live for Konoha and if that would demand my li-…" A hand covered his mouth and he looked surprised into Kakashi's eyes.

"Don't say that. You can't die… I won't let you!" Brown eyes widened in surprise finally understanding the other.

"You… don't want me to die? That's what's been bothering you?" Iruka almost couldn't believe it. He actually meant something to the copy-nin. Kakashi looked everywhere except at the man before him and the brown-head thought he saw a hint of redness on the other's cheeks. Suddenly he couldn't help but smile. "I won't die."

"You can't know that!" Finally the jounin looked him in the eye.

"I can't but… if someone is waiting for me I'll make sure to come back home." Now it was the chuunin who averted his eyes while blushing.

"So," Kakashi got his playfulness back and pulled the younger man on his lap. "You want me to wait for you?" He forced the brown-head to look at him. Iruka felt his heartbeat increase as he looked in those mismatched eyes. This was it, if he ever wanted to be with Kakashi he had to be honest now.

"Yes." His voice sounded serious and stable. The jounin seemed surprised with the straight forward answer and the chuunin forced himself to continue. "And you can't sleep with other people." He made his demand and he stared intently at the silver-head.

"Then… does that mean you'll also wait for me." Kakashi teased him.

"Of course!" Iruka puffed in feint annoyance.

"I can live with that." The copy-nin ran his tongue over the cinnamon skin of the neck in front of him. A moan escaped the chuunin's lips which got to Kakashi's crotch and he pushed the brown-head on his back. The look in the jounin's eyes told Iruka he wasn't going anywhere soon.

A brown-head walked casually from the academy towards his house. Today Kakashi was supposed to get back. He knew the copy-nin had succeeded his mission since he had sent one of his ninja dogs which he always did when he was on his way home. It was his way of putting the chuunin at ease. He could be sweet in his own way. Iruka smiled while waving at one of his students, who was helping her mother with groceries. "Maybe I should make something special for dinner." He thought aloud.

"Yeah, maybe you should!" Came a whisper behind him, making him jump slightly.

"Sakura-chan, don't do that!" He panted turning towards the female. She was the only one who would do that, except Kakashi of course, but he would sneak a grope.

"How are you, Iruka-sensei?" She asked cheerfully.

"Fine, Sakura-chan, how are you?" He answered politely.

"Good, good, so what is this about a special dinner?" She leaned forwards to look him in the eye as he leaned backwards.

"Can't I pamper myself once in a while?" He asked innocently, but he knew she wouldn't buy it. Sometimes he wondered if she knew.

"So it isn't for someone special?" The pink-nin raised and descended her eyebrows a couple of times very suggestive.

'She knows!' Now Iruka was certain, but he didn't really know how to react. Because to be able to react he needed to know what Kakashi and he just were. Sure since that one fateful night they had been sleeping with each other for about six months now. Sometimes the copy-nin stayed for a meal, most of the time after a mission. But Iruka knew that when he came back from a mission, he wasn't his first priority. Not that Kakashi didn't visit him the same day that he came back. He had too since most of the time he seemed to have lost his mind and jumped him the moment his eyes fell on him. But every time he could smell the soap on him and he wasn't going to believe he washed himself specially because of him. No, something else was going on and he didn't think he had any right to ask what it was. He was already getting more than he thought possible.

"Well, you better get home in time. Bye Iruka-sensei." Sakura disappeared just as suddenly as she had appeared.

'I wonder if she's training on that.' The brown-head thought when he was alone again. He continued on his way home and found a little dog waiting for him. Between his teeth he was holding a piece of paper, which Iruka accepted. He petted the dog quickly before he could disappear again. Once gone, the chuunin opened the letter. He read it… and read it, before making a face in disbelieve.

"Be ready, I have another appointment!" He read aloud and suddenly got angry. "Who the hell does he think I am? His fuck-buddy to toy with when he's in the mood?" He yelled angry. This was a night the copy-nin wouldn't forget he promised himself.

He could feel the other the moment he entered his house. Iruka sat on his couch and glared at the dark shadow walking closer. "Iruka-kun!" The teacher relaxed a little when he heard the happy voice. It seemed like the mission hadn't been that hard and Kakashi wasn't in a need for sex. It didn't take long for the copy-nin to jump the chuunin but Iruka lost it when he smelt the soap.

"Get off me!" He yelled angry and pushed the silver-head of him. The copy-nin looked shocked at him and he felt his anger increase. He finally released the paper that hadn't left his hand once and watched it be snatched out of the air.

"Oh, Iru-…"

"Stop it, get out!" Tears were threading to fall.


"Get out!" The first tear rolled over his cheek. 'No, I can't let him see me like this!' The chuunin thought angry as he tried to hide his face, but his shin got pulled upwards in an iron grip.

"Iruka-kun…" Kakashi sounded so sad that the teacher almost wanted to believe he really was sorry. More tears fell but got wiped away immediately. "That note was for Sakura-chan." Brown eyes widened in shock.

"You… and Sakura…" He had lost him to a female, a younger, more powerful female. He wanted to yell, scream dead, but he couldn't. The only thing he could do was cry even more. Kakashi pulled him against his body and embraced him tightly.

"Let me explain, Iruka-kun. Sakura-chan knows about us."

"I know…" Iruka wanted to push the man off him, but he couldn't. Instead he clung even more to him while hiding his tear-stained face in the jounin's chest.

"And she's a little overprotective when it comes to her old sensei." The copy-nin continued. "She told me she would kill me I hurt you." The chuunin was getting a little confused. That didn't fit in his theory. "She even made me promise to visit her before going to see you." Iruka's breath got stuck in his throat.

'Here it comes.' His heart started a marathon. What did he wanted to hear?

"And she won't let me leave until she's done a medical check-up…"

"And shower?" The brown-head sounded a little hopeful and raised his head to look at Kakashi, who rolled his eyes.

"She goes nuts if I try to leave without showering. Always telling me you don't like blood and…" Iruka was staring intently at him.

"That's it?" The jounin stopped his rambling and looked innocently at the shorter man in his arms.

"What did you think? I was doing Sakura-chan." He shuddered a little. "She's insane. Just thinking how she used to stalk Sasuke…" He shuddered again. The chuunin could only stare at him and suddenly felt so embarrassed. Here he was crying in Kakashi's arms because he thought he was cheating on him with Sakura, while they weren't even officially dating. He blushed bright red and shuffled out of the arms that were holding him.

"I'm sorry…" He didn't know what to say. He sat down on his couch again and felt it move under him as Kakashi joined him.

"Don't be." The copy-nin caressed a lock of brown hair behind the teacher's ear. Suddenly Iruka clenched his hands. He had to know. He had to ask.

"Kakashi, what are we?" It took all of his will-power to look the other in the eye. The jounin stiffened and pulled his hand away.

"Don't do this, Iruka."

"I have to know! I can't keep doubting! I… I…" Iruka felt like he was ending it even if every bone in his body was against that. A silence passed between them and the chuunin gave up. The jounin was never going to say the things he wanted to hear. He looked down at his legs and waited for the other to leave. The couch moved again as Kakashi got up and made his way towards the front door. Tears started to fall again and as the teacher tried to stiffen his cries he suddenly jumped up hearing a bam. He looked up to see the copy-nin's fist in his wall.

"Shit," The jounin mumbled but didn't turn around as he continued, "it has to be you." Iruka's eyes widened. This was what he had wanted to hear all along. His feet moved on their own as he stepped closer to the other. Kakashi turned around slightly hearing him come closer and the chuunin pulled his mask down before capturing his lips in a bruising kiss. Somehow they made it back to the couch where the copy-nin moved his lips to the younger man's ear. "If you leave me I'll kill you." He promised darkly and Iruka pulled him in a sweet kiss.

"I won't leave you."

The End

Stephke23: That it, Kakashi finally admitted it has to be Iruka. The way I wrote him I can't imagine him saying I love you after only six months. Hope you liked the story! R&R