Hey guys! This is the last and final chapter! I hope you enjoy it and I hope you guys know that it's been a pleasure writing for you guys. I know this story was a little slow but whatever.

I do not own Pokémon

I hope you guys enjoy!

The Final Chapter

Despite being very irritated, Brendan had taken Athena by the hand and dragged her to the DNA technological device. He sent Athena a look that clearly said, "we'll talk later," which Athena responded to with a nod. Brendan sighed, pushing up his sleeves and begun to concentrate on the screen. Numbers, line, and words flash across the screen, moving fast. Brendan felt a weight leaning on his back.

"What does that mean?" Ash exclaimed, he touched the screen with his finger and made an annoying little smudge on the screen. Misty fumed.

"Ash! Sit!" Misty screeched as if he was a hyperactive pup (which he sort of is), pointing to a chair on the far side of the room. Ash obeyed.

Athena sat next to Brendan, watching him as his fingers work quickly on the keyboard. Different pages of research and information flicker across the screen, most were crimes located near the area. Suddenly, snapshots of deceased people flash across the screen with small inputs of identification at the bottom, most of them looked terrible with bruises, cuts, and gushes across the face and body. Then, suspects' addresses came to place. Brendan presses a key on the board, pausing it. He turned to the others.

"It wouldn't show who the kidnapper is but it will show where he or she is at," Brendan explained. He stared at May and Dawn's best friends and then, at Drew and Paul. "Are you guys ready?"

"Go," Paul said, his voice hard as steel.

Brendan nodded, grabbing his friends' hand in support and for once, Paul didn't pull away. One by one, everyone grabbed a friend's hand. Today was it, where justice would be held. Brendan believed that today was their final battle. This was it. There wouldn't be a sequel of disaster and everything would be unleashed. Everything would fall into place for once and for all. Things were going to get better than falling down into a black hole.

Athena nudged Brendan, a small and tired smile on her face. "What are we waiting for?"

Drew suck in his breathe when he saw Brendan tapped the key again. Warehouses, swamps, and small huts dashed across the screen. They all looked like something out of a horror movie. But one stood out. It was a quick picture that was barely noticeable by him or the others until he saw something strange in the yard.

"No!" the green haired boy hollered, startling everyone in the room. In a much more quieter voice, he said, "Go back…to the factory." He cleared his throat, his fingers shaking and probably ice cold from fear. "It's a lumber factory, go back to it."

Brendan went back and everyone stared at it. There it was with its gruesome glory. It was taken during the day but the sky was white with sad spirits and the grass was dead. The surrounding trees were black and that's what Drew noticed. In the back, a blurry man hunched over. He was carrying something in his arms and was leaned down at something. Drew knew what that was.

A coffin.

Drew couldn't breathe. His heart was beating to an irregular rhythm and Drew could only pray and hope that the person in that foul mans' arms was not May. 'Dear God, let it please not be May!' Drew thought, his face turning pale. Or Dawn. The bluenette that was a sister to him! Oh, he was going to be sick.

"There! Don't you see it! It's in the back and there's a man! He's holding someone and that thing right there!" he pointed at the coffin, "that's a coffin! He's the killer! He's the goddamn bastard who took Dawn! The DNA sample took Dawn's and the kidnappers! Don't you see that there's a link! My bet is that he took May too!" Drew hysterically hollered.

"I agree," Brendan said, scribbling down the address to the lumber factory. He looked up at the others. "Who's staying here with the girls?"

"What?" Misty said, her eyes flashing with rage.

"Think clearly, Misty! This guy is dangerous! He has two of your best friends in the entire world and he might come back for more. He might take Leaf, Athena, or you hostage. Don't get me wrong, I think you are more than capable to take care of yourselves but for right now, we can't take any chances." Brendan said.

"We need all of muscle we can get for this rescue mission. I say that the girls drive up to the police station, get help, and then go to the hospital to wait for us," Ash said, putting a gun and ammo in his belt. He gives his spare to Misty; he brings her close to him.

"If a man ever looks at you that makes you feel threatened, you shoot him and call us, got it?" Ash says seriously, looking at straight in Mist's eyes.

"Got it."

Ash grins and brings her in a tight hug and presses his lips against hers. Misty tightens her grip on Ash, bringing back her tears. Truth be told, she was scared. Ash pulls back and gives her a reassuring smile that made Misty go weak at the knees. Misty grabs her mallet off of the bed and hands it to Ash.

"You go kick some ass," Misty said when Ash accepts its. He stares at her with puppy dog eyes and gives her another kiss.

Watching, Leaf sighs happily. She leans against the wall while Gary packs up his weaponry. Leaf clasps her hands together.

"I can officially say that they are so back together!" Leaf gushed. Gary rolled his eyes and joined her by the wall. He smirked when he saw the happy couple across the room.

"Way a go, Ashy boy," Gary said with a deep chuckle. Leaf stared at Gary with a sad look on her face.

"What's the matter with you?" Gary scoffed.

"Misty gave Ash her mallet and well, she loves that thing so much. I wonder if I should give you something for good luck," Leaf exhaled. To her surprise, Gary bursted out laughing.

Leaf immediately blushed. "What are you laughing for?" she asked, embarrassed. Gary leaned in close to her and kissed Leaf on the cheek.

"Because you are too adorable to take on. I don't know what you are upset about. The guys and I are goin' whoop their butts! We don't need luck."

"Gary, I need to be reassured. And…" Leaf paused. "And I think I know what would do the trick." Leaf pulled out her video camera and poked a few buttons on it. Then she shows Gary the image where the video or picture being thrown away in the trash can. "I deleted the airport videos and more that's similar to it. Now, its just memories." Leaf smiled and moved closer to Gary, and hugged him. She hid her tears in his shirt, "Gary, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen."

Gary rubbed his fingers lightly on Leaf's back and closed the space between them with an embrace. "Everything is going to be okay, Leaf, I swear by it."

And then he kissed her with such determination and hope, Leaf just had to believe him. Gary slipped a dagger in Leaf's hand.

"Be safe, honey. I'll be back before you know it," he saw. Leaf looked down at the dagger and saw that the white part of his yin and yang necklace was wrapped around it. Leaf smiled.

Athena was analyzing the area while Brendan packed up. Athena now noticed why Drew was so drawn to it. The lumber factory was practically written out with death and abandonment. It was depressing and Athena just had turned the screen away from her. She saw Brendan finishing up and handed him the last thing he needed, an envelope sealed shut.

Brendan looked down at it, curiously. "What's that?" He then made a move to open it.

"Don't open it!" Athena hissed. Brendan raised an eyebrow at her. Athena tucked the envelope in the pocket of Brendan's vest. "At least not now."

"What is it?"

"It's my answer to you," Athena said and kissed Brendan on the cheek. "But it's not important right now." She smiled. "Go get 'em, tiger."

Brendan blushed and leaned down to give Athena another kiss. But what pulled away by an anxious Drew. Brendan chuckled and waved goodbye to the girls. Then, he left. Athena giggled.

"Let's pack up quickly and check out!" Athena said, carefully started to work on the technological equipment and Misty begun to stuff personal items in bags.

But Leaf just glance at the door where Gary had just walk through. Was it wrong to still say that her nerves were still there? Leaf wanted to race out into the hallway and towards Gary on how much he means to her, how much she forgives him for all of the stupid things they both did, how much she loves him. Oh, so dearly does she love him. Yet, Leaf decides against it. She pulled the necklace over her had and went to go help Misty pack the personal belongings.

With the Guys

The boys, supposedly you can say, were pumped up. They were ready to find the girls and take that kidnapper out. They can finally say that they were finished, done, completed! And it feels good to say that, too!

Brendan was driving with Ash in the front seat, calling out directions. The radio was on and was controlled by Gary who sat in the back, between the furious Paul and Drew. They were 100% ready to bring on the fight.

The Lumber Factory

Dawn couldn't sleep this previous night before and May was nervous. Tony barely came up anymore. He used to come up and visit them all the time, take notes on their life. He would ask questions about their home life and their dreams that they wished to accomplish. Dawn and May had eagerly rambled on about themselves, happy to get some chitchat in. But when Tony made lesser trips and soon stopped altogether, May and Dawn knew that their time was drawing near to the end.

May and Dawn were currently sprawled across the couch, flipping through the entry stories. No matter how sad and depressing they are, neither of them could stop reading them. Soon, they would have to write one. Make a record of their existence and for some strange reason, the two girls wanted to. They wanted to make themselves known to others when everyone else has died nice and warm in their beds. They wanted to share their stories.

"Hey Dawn?"


"Should we start writing our entries?" May asked.

"We should…but not yet. Let's just rest," Dawn said softly, closing her blue eyes. Silent peace filled the air and for a mere second, they weren't in an attic of an abandon lumber factory, they were safe and sound at home.

That all changed when the front door to the factory slammed shut loudly and muffled voices begun to talk. Dawn and May looked at each other and gulped.

Leaf, Athena, and Misty

Misty, Leaf, and Athena had just driven from the police station. They had successful told the station about the kidnapping and told them to get some backup for the arrest. Now, they're on their way to the hospital. It was a long drive from the police to the hospital, 34 miles to be exact.

The atmosphere was calmer and the girls' were in light spirits. Everything was going along perfectly. Before they know it, May and Dawn would be back at home at least.

"So, I saw you and Ash looking pretty cozy back at the hotel," Athena teased, snickering at the redhead whose turning red.

"Shut up! You and Brendan look pretty spiffy too!" Misty exclaimed. Athena laughed.

"Spiffy? Really Mist? Come on, you can do much better than that!" Athena said, Misty huffed. But, she stole a quick glance at Leaf who was quiet. She was sitting straight in her seat, her fingers gripping the necklace and her breathing was hard.

Misty softened, "Leaf? Are you okay?"

Leaf shook her head, "I'm not okay…" she buried her head in her hands. Misty scooted over and comforted Leaf by giving her a hug.

"What's wrong?" Misty asked.

"I feel like things won't go perfectly as we hoped…I feel like something is going to happen...why am I the only one that feels this?" Leaf moans. She wraps her arms around her stomach. "I feel sick."

"There's a brown paper bag in the pocket of the backseat," Athena said.

Leaf unbuckled her seat buckle, ready to crawl backwards to get the bag. But when she stood on the back seat, Athena suddenly cursed and swerved. Leaf slipped and heard a loud, painful snap and everything went black.

The Boys

Brendan slowed down when he saw two cars parked outside of the lumber factory. Now, everyone had quieted down. Drew pulled out his gun and looked at that the others; they were more than ever ready. Drew smiled at them with aprecitation. He really loves these guys; they were like brothers to him. And nothing is ever going to change that. Brendan parked.

"I'm going to stay and keep the engine running," Brendan said and the other boys nodded. They hesitantly opened the door and slowly stepped out but when they heard Dawn's scream echo across the land, the slow mode was switched to fast forward quickly.

Drew kicked the door opened and pointed his gun towards the darkness, shouting, "FREEZE!"

It was silent except for a couple of foot shuffling. Drew looked around, nervously; sweat bullets raced down his forehead. It was too quiet, Drew looked at his peers. They were looking inside, unsure of themselves. Was this the right place?

But then, a whimper came out and the next thing you know, Paul gasps and leans against the wall, clutching his leg. "Paul! What's wrong!"

"I'm HURT, Ash! Don't be stupid!" Paul sneered at him. Ash backed away and pointed his gun inside, ready to aim fire. Drew's eyes widened.

"Don't! Dawn and May are inside!" Drew said. Ash put his gun down by his side.

Wrong move.

Ash immediately falls to the floor, being shot as well.

"Stop!" Dawn cried but only to be silent by a loud smack across the face.

"Silence!" a feminine voice snarled. Drew knew that voice but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Ash moaned and leaned against an old piece of machinery, holding his wound. But when Ash leaned back, the lights flickered and Drew finally saw the face. In the sharp flicker of the lights going on and off, Drew noticed the details.

It was female.

She is blonde.

She is bloodthirsty with her eyes gleaming red.

She is Terra.

Drew glared menacingly at the darkness, smashing his fist against the wall. "Enough games, Terra!"

Drew friends' stared at the green-eyed male who looked furious. They were shocked and dumbfounded that the evil mastermind was Terra, Drew's crazy ex girlfriend. They all wondered if Terra's foul posse was apart of this too. Terra barked an order to turn on the lights.

There she was. Terra stood in front of Dawn and May—who were tied up—pointing a gun straight ahead. She looked normal with her hair in perfect spirals and makeup done. But that didn't hide the glint in her eyes that made her victims' blood run cold and Drew's and Paul's boil. Drew ever wondered what made him attracted to her.

"Why!? Why Terra! We are over, damnit!" Drew hollered. "I don't want to date you anymore and you had to drag MAY and DAWN into this!?"

Terra laughed venomously, "May dragged herself into this!"

"What are you talking about?" Paul sneered, getting annoyed more and more by the minute.

May was silent, a finger on her chin as she thought. It was obvious that Terra and May never got along but the brunette always thought that Terra looked familiar to her. Whilst Drew and Paul kept throwing insults and shouts at Terra, May looked at her. Realization dawned over her.

"I get it now," May said, her voice was quiet but everyone in the room heard her. "You're Elena Joans, you were in an arranged marriage with Billy Stevens but you were in love with Wally. Oh my gosh, it makes so much more sense now. Terra-I mean Elena, I am so sorry!" May said. All eyes were on her as May made her confession. "You were so angry…so much hate in your heart and all of it was directed towards me. You thought I was stealing Wally away from you when I really wasn't! I actually hated that creep! Elena, we were best friends! I would never do that to you."

Dawn shared a questioning glance at May, raising a blue eyebrow as if to say "you were best friends with a psychopath?"

"Elena, I'm sorry you had to think that way for a long time. And the others, they had no idea about all of this. I didn't bother to tell because I never figured it was that important to discuss. Turns out that it was. Elena, I hope you would find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me."

Seemingly to be overwhelmed with emotion, Elena had placed the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. Silence filled the floor as everyone watched Elena's blood spilled across the floor. May looked back at Tony, her sapphire blue eyes staring at him. Was he going to let them go?

Tony grinned and cut them free and dropped his weapons. Right when that happened, Paul rushed over as best as he could with a wounded leg and yanked Tony away from Dawn. He set Tony in a tight headlock, ready to squish his head like a walnut.

"Don't do it, Paul!" Dawn cried.

Paul's face didn't react but his hands shook to snap Tony's neck like a twig. Tony looked up at him with sad eyes, "Do it."

Right when Paul was about to do it, Dawn pushed him away. "No! I want him to go to jail and have the court make its decision. And if they want him to be executed, I want him to make an entry."

May nodded, "I agree."

"What the Hell is an entry?" Drew asked. May smiled.

"I'll show you." May turned to Tony, "I know this is a weird question to ask but can I have them?"

Gary put Tony handcuffs and backed Tony into a wall. The spiky brunette stepped back and pointed his gun at him while Ash checked for other weapons. Ash stepped back after he finished, "He's good."

"Yes, you can have them. I have a few requests on what to do with this place if you please. Take out the nice furniture in the attic and do whatever you like with it. And take home the black booklet…it's in my back pocket." Ash reached in and took out an old thick black booklet. He handed it to May. Tony continued, "It's yours to keep. It's the records of our side of the story. And for this factory, burn it. Business is official closed for good."

Ash and Gary, soon escorted by the police, walked out Tony. More police officers came in and took Elena away and others went to fulfill Tony's final request. Drew let out a breath and pressed his lips to May's temple.

"So…can I trust that this is our last adventure? No more crazy people?" Drew asked, half joking and half serious. May giggled, finally feel relieved from everything.

"Yes, I think so," May tease, wrapping her arms around Drew's waist. Man, has it been forever since she felt something this good! "But Drew…this isn't our last adventure."

Drew pulled back and looked at her with curious eyes. "What?"

"It may not have fights, blood, kidnapping, or death involved but everyday with you by my side, we will have an adventure," she wrapped her fingers over Drew's hot hands. "And if you agree to be by my side, our endless adventures would be better than what we can imagine."

"Will I agree to be yours? May, come on! I saved your life twice and I would do it again, without a doubt. May, you are the only girl I would ever want to be with. I know we are young and we will always make mistakes but the only mistake I will never make is to stop loving you. I promise to love you to the end of the earth and beyond the galaxy."

May smiled wide, her eyes brimmed with tears and she embraced Drew into a kiss. This was the kiss of all kisses, the kiss that brings others to shame. It was perfect and the scene was perfect (for the most part). The couple couldn't be happier.


"Guys! Leaf is hurt!" Brendan said, causing May and Drew to pull apart. May grabbed the entries and the booklet in one hand and took Drew's other hand, and together they ran towards Brendan's car.

The Hospital

Misty gasped in relief when she saw her friends unharmed and engulfed them both in hugs. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

May and Dawn hugged Misty back with all of their might. Soon enough, Drew, Ash, Brendan, Athena, and even Paul joined the hug-a-thon. Except for Gary, oh no, he went to the front door to ask where Leaf's room was. And went straight towards it.

Gary slowly opened the door and saw Leaf sitting in a wheelchair as she looked out of the window. He looked at the long beautiful brown hair cascade down her down, mesmerized how it glowed in the sunlight.

"Gary…?" Leaf asked. Her voice was exhausted and small. Gary crossed the room and kneeled by her side.

"I'm here Leaf, I'm here," he said as he reached and took her hand in his, rubbing it with his thumb and kissed it. Then, Leaf begun to sob.

"Y-you promised n-nothing bad would h-happen," Leaf managed to say, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Gary stood up and hugged Leaf, "what's wrong, Leaf?"

Leaf didn't answer him and hysterically kept crying, saying that he was going to leave her. Gary pulled her towards him, making her look at him…then, that's when he realized what happened. Leaf only cried more.

Leaf had to have her foot amputated and a metal one has replaced it. Gary did what he could only do; comfort her. He pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

"Leaf, baby…shush, please stop crying. I know this is hard…I know," he petted her hair. "Baby, please calm down…I'm not going to leave you. I will never make that mistake away. It took me a long time to realize it but I love you. I love you for who you are. I love you if you have a metal foot or not. I love you even if you have an entire leg that's metal. I will I love you for now, forever, and always. And if someone asshole teases you about it, I'll personally kick his ass." Leaf giggled slightly. Gary smiled, caressing her cheek. "There…there's the Leaf I know and adore. The Leaf I know doesn't let things get in her way. She's perfect and I want her to know that."

Leaf beamed, "Thank you for making me feel better, Gary. You are an amazing person. I honestly don't know how I would respond if it was vice versa. You are a dream come true, Gary."

Gary leaned in and kissed her.

Meanwhile, Dawn and Paul were standing next to each other and were not saying a single word to each other. However, Dawn kept stealing secret glances at Paul as she fixed her coffee. Paul had a quick operation where he got the bullet taken out and had a cast on his leg. Paul leaned against the counter for support as he tried to fix his coffee. He grunted when he almost spilled his hot beverage. Dawn pushed him down in his wheelchair.

"I'll help you!" Dawn chirped and grabbed a new cup. "How do you like it?"


"Okay!" Dawn exclaimed as she begun to fill up the cup. Paul scooted up to her and hugged the blunette around the waist.

"I'm really glad you are okay, Troublesome," he grumbled. Dawn looked down and smiled brightly at him.


"And uh…"


"I'm sorry. I talked to Reggie and he told me the truth. I lied and I wish I could take it back," Paul said, looking away with a scowl on his face.

Dawn smiled down at him and sat down on his lap (surprising Paul) and gave his drink to him. She kissed his cheek. "It's okay!"

Paul looked away to hide his blush.



"Would you like to go out this Saturday?" Dawn asked with a smile.

Paul looked at her and smirked, "I guess that wouldn't be all bad."

Dawn giggled and she kissed Paul's cheek.

Misty and Ash walk in the cafeteria, seeing that the two had made up and smile at each other. Ash wrapped his arm around Misty and kissed her temple.

"You're awesome Misty," he said to her. Misty grinned at him.

"You're great too, Ash," Ash beamed, "Do you want to hear a secret?"

"Of course!"

"Last year at prom, I was thinking that it would be the greatest thing ever to trash the prom*** but I was wrong, this…this right here in the best thing possible," Ash's smile widened and scooped her into a bigger than life kiss.

The Aftermath

Tony was executed two months later after his trial and during his time before that, he wrote a book called "The Change." It became an instant best seller. It was ashamed that Tony would never know that.

The group graduated high school and college with no more troubles for them to conquer. May reunited with Max and the Rochambeau after the trip to the hospital. They moved back and started a comfortable, new life. May and Drew had moved in together a year later after college graduation and are previously engaged. May got a new job as a special education teacher at an elementary school while Drew works with Brendan at the police station. They are talking about having a child of their own.

Brendan and Athena got married right after high school graduation. Athena is 5 months pregnant with a baby old named Nathan. Athena is currently not employed, Brendan fretting that she shouldn't work if she's with child. It was something that Athena had rolled her eyes at but didn't bother to argue.

Misty and Ash had moved in together after high school graduation and decided not to go to college. They were eager to start their lives together as fast as possible. They got married of what would have been the sophomore year of college and have a little girl named Lilly. Misty has a private owned business where she teaches little kids to swim and Ash is an engineer at a college.

Leaf and Gary also decided not to go to college and moved in 3 years after high school. They are previously engaged. Leaf works as at a receptionist at a large building and Gary is an electrician.

Dawn and Paul were not so surprisingly, the last to move together. They are, however, a strong couple that just took things more slowly than their friends. Dawn has her own little store in the local mall and Paul is a personal trainer.

Throughout the years, everyone is still best of friends and love each other for what it's worth. They live through the dark ages and a new era begins. Because, after all

to die would be an awfully big adventure

I like to thank for all of the reviews and for everyone who has inspired me and/or motivated me to go on. I hope you think that this story was successful like I think it is. I had the time of my life writing this chapter for you—it's like 2:21 AM in the morning. Man, the crazy stuff I do…

*** By the way, this is something that I want to talk about real quick. In Death Wish, I was like "hey, guess what Misty's thinking during prom" and I never actually said anything after that. I wanted to for a long time but I never really had the chance. So yeah, better late than ever!

Goodbye everyone