The bar she was in was poorly maintained. The smell of stale beer and urine filled the atmosphere. A band no one cared about played ripped off songs on a tiny stage in a corner. She sat at the bar, only concentrating on her shots and dumbfounding the bartender at still being conscious after thirteen shots of tequila.

Alcohol never really affected Ryoko too much and so she found drinking to be a thing to entertain her when she was bored with life at the Masaki household. About once a month she would sneak off for the night and spend the evening in a bar, trying to forget about Ayeka, Washu, and all the others. Except Tenchi. When it came to him, she would simply try to forget how he could never seem to choose one of them. She sighed as she picked up another shot and gulped it down. Would he ever stop stringing all of them along? Her heart was starting to get tired of never knowing whom he really cared about.

"Hey there pretty," A guy said behind her.

Ryoko turned around to find a rather nasty looking man addressing her. His clothes looked they hadn't been washed in weeks and the aroma of whisky clung to him like a cologne. She could hear the bartender fix up another shot behind her and walk off, probably to take care of another customer. She stared at the guy for a moment before she decided to respond. "I'm sorry pal. I'm not interested."

"Oh it wasn't me, it was my friend. He's just shy," The man pointed next to her.

As if he materialized out of thin air, Ryoko looked over to find an even cruddier looking guy sitting next to her. Inwardly, Ryoko cringed. Why could she never attract nice looking guys? Why did they always have to be scum? "Um, still the same answer. Thanks for the interest anyways."

"What? My friend is not good enough for you?" The first man said in an angry tone.

Her head swung around to look at him. While she was distracted, the second man slipped something into her drink that quickly dissolved. "Have you ever thought that maybe he is too good for me?" She bit back sarcastically. She was starting to get annoyed by the situation.

The man put up his hands, looking as if he realized he had offended her. "Hey! I didn't mean to upset you. Sorry, go back to your drink. We won't bother you anymore."

Mumbling under her breath, she turned back around to her drink and downed it quickly. She could feel that the two men still hadn't left. She turned around to find them both standing there, smiling at her. "What the hell is your-" Her words cut off as she blacked out mid sentence.

The first man caught her as she fell forward. The second man quickly tossed some yen on the table to pay for the liquor and they carried her out the door of the crowded bar while the bartender never even noticed.


Sometimes, late at night, Tenchi would sneak outside. He would walk through the woods near the shrine and think about everything. The night was chilly so Tenchi had an overcoat on top of t-shirt. He was staring to get older. Thoughts of college and careers were filling his head. Thoughts of falling love. He knew most boys his age thought primarily of sex when they thought about girls, but then again, most boys his age didn't have six women that were in love with them. It was so complicated to him. Each woman had a good quality to her; part of them that Tenchi loved them for. And yet, all of them were dear friends to him also. How could he choose one of them and risk ruining the friendships with the rest? How could he put any of them through pain such as that? Tenchi's thoughts suddenly froze in his mind as he heard a scream in the distance.

"No! Get off me!"

Without any hesitation, Tenchi took off in the direction of the scream. He could tell now that it was a woman and he could hear the yelling of two men also. The cries of the woman would be load then muffled and loud once more. He was spurred on desperately by the anguish in the woman's voice. As Tenchi neared the area he skidded to a halt as it suddenly went quiet. He heard a few more muffled noises and then a thump as something hit the floor of the woods. A car roared to life, startling Tenchi, as it tore off into the night. He approached cautiously into a clearing in the woods he never knew was there. A road path led away from it and he could see fresh tire tracks in the dirt.

Forgetting about the car for the moment, he ran over to the crumpled form on the ground. She laid with her knees pulled up to her chest tightly, her arms wrapped around them and her head buried against her legs. Tatters of fabric were all that remained of her clothing, which clung to her shaking form. Cuts and dirt were visible from the moonlight that filtered down between the tree branches. It was then that Tenchi realized with a sinking feeling that the woman lying on the ground had cyan colored hair. "God, please no," He whispered as he approached her and knelt down.

He reached out and touched her gently, hoping not to startle her. The woman sprang backwards in a rage, trying to defend herself. "No, don't touch me!" She screamed, her eyes open and staring at him, yet seeming not to see him at all. "Don't hurt me!" She pleaded as she continued to move backwards.

Tenchi's heartstrings snapped as the worst thing he ever thought could happen was made into a reality. He advanced towards her cautiously as she continued to scream, still not seeming to see anything. Finally, he managed to wrap his arms around her. He spoke to her, trying to get a response. He held on tightly as she fought against him, tears starting to well in his eyes as she beat her fists on him and begged him not to hurt her. After what seemed forever she went limp in his arms as she collapsed from exhaustion. He gathered her up, holding her against his rapidly beating heart.

"Hold on Ryoko," He prayed as he took off towards the house with her.


Washu looked over at her alarm clock as the banging sounded on the door to her lab. 2:30 am. Whoever the hell was beating down her door better have a damn good excuse or she was going to kill them, she decided. She made her way to the door and swung it open, preparing to yell at whomever was on the other side, but stopped as the color drained from her face.

"Washu," Tenchi's voice cracked as he spoke to her. "Ryoko's..." She could see he was about to break down. She silenced him and ushered him into her lab quickly, making an examination table appear in the middle of the room and instructing him to lay her on it. She changed hurriedly into her work clothes and rushed back to Ryoko's side to find Tenchi standing near her protectively, seeming to be unaware of the tears he was shedding. "Tenchi, what happened?" She asked him.

He looked up at her dazed. "I'm- I'm not sure. I was walking in the woods and I heard screams. When I reached the place Ryoko was laying on the ground..." He looked downward at the girl lying unconscious on the bed, unable to say anything else.

A lump formed in Washu's throat to see Tenchi so upset. "Why don't you go lay down on my bed Tenchi? You look tired."

"But-" The young man protested.

"I can take care of Ryoko," The red haired scientist cut him off. "She will be okay with me Tenchi. I promise if I need any help, I will come get you."

Tenchi gave into defeat. He turned to Ryoko once more and looked at her. Washu was shocked as he let his hand brush against her cheek then bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Ryoko," He sighed before walking off to sleep in Washu's bed.

The scientist turned towards her patient, only now allowing her tears to show. Calming herself, she started what she knew would be a long couple of hours ahead.

AN: Well? Was it any good? I will have the next chapter up soon, but if you like it, please write me and let me know. I tried not to be too graphic about the rape scene.