Reviews for Shattered Dreams
knapper11 chapter 6 . 1/10/2015
You were brave for writing a story like this, and it's generally well-written. I'll give you that.
Well done. The rest of this review is personal preference, so please don't be too offended.
I am SICK of stories in which Ryoko is turned into a god-damned pity case. The pattern is always the same: Ryoko gets WAAaaay... overboard rape-related psychological damage.
And when she's good and damaged, when EVERYTHING has been taken away from her, Tenchi becomes attracted to her vulnerability and dependency issues. What a guy, right? And then there's MORE Tragedy, because resolution to the plot obviously isn't in the game-plan. Never mind that Ryoko's got magical superpowers or anything.
What makes Ryoko a lovable character is her RISE from tragedy in all the series; How she becomes a better person despite her awful past. Her care-free attitude and positive energy for life!
I suspect stories like this are projection on the part of the author. If you or a close friend are a victim of abuse, or want sympathy for your depression ... I hope you get better. Or if you're a man that's attracted to fragile, broken, and vulnerable women... eww...
Nekoyasha12 chapter 6 . 7/6/2013
It's been nearly a year hun...
Where's the next chapter? XD I soooo loving this!
I so can't wait 'til the moment comes where it's revealed what happened to Ryoko and Ayeka is even more put into her place. Bwahahahaha!
ps. I never liked her.
xXColdFusion13Xx chapter 6 . 6/9/2013
magtreefrog chapter 6 . 10/18/2011
Well, that's one way to force Tenchi into a new role. The story got better and better as Ryoko became the reserved one and Tenchi, recognizing his feelings, became more the pursuer. Too bad you left it. The story has lots of potential.
MaceEcam chapter 6 . 12/8/2009
Please continue this story...
TheArcanaQuotes chapter 6 . 7/12/2009
*is busy crying in a corner*
Carlalalita chapter 6 . 2/18/2009
Loving it! Your characters are right on track and the storyline is unique and interesting.

Please consider coming back and completing it!
Pnut chapter 6 . 2/11/2009
I wish you had continued this story! _
UzuNamikaze chapter 6 . 1/29/2009
good story i hope that you continue it
Moshm4n chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
A very excellent piece of work. You should continue it. It is unfinished and is begging for completion.

Although a lot of people say the characters are out of character, I have this to say. As a story, be it the OVA itself, or someone's imagination, must challenge the qualities of the characters consistently, otherwise it's dry, becoming redundant and predictable. However you have to be critical to the characters core qualities at the same time. Tenchi falling in love is a huge step to take, so it takes a great deal of character development to achieve this. Although this development was present in only short bursts, I believe it did well, and if you choose to continue writing this, I think it will have a good believable end result.
IamACritic chapter 6 . 11/16/2008
wow this story is awesome. Are u even going to continue? cause i will this story has a balanced of taste and class.
purrbastian chapter 6 . 7/2/2008

New to the story and I must say that I totally love this!

I like how Ryoko's a little OCC here.

It shows she has depth.

Anyways, can't wait for the next chapter!

Ocion chapter 1 . 4/26/2008
I would have to say, the author has clear potential as a writer, while this may have been a short chapter, the care to each small detail of the story is clear and obviously thought out well, I recommend this and will not ramble on much as I want to read chapter 2 and finish off this great great story.

As for this chapter, its a great start. 5/5
EurekaXRenton chapter 6 . 4/11/2008
love the story next chapter
Daemeon the Twilight Arbiter chapter 3 . 12/9/2007
that was a beautiful chapter. I love how it ends,keep up the good work.
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