Tiger's Eye

An Avatar: The Last Airbender fan fiction

Summary: Black Sun didn't work. They were forced to leave behind their loved ones and retreat to the Western Air Temple. Katara just couldn't understand how things could go so wrong when they were so close. Then Prince Zuko arrives to try and join their group. Katara can only hold back the hate she feels for him and his betrayal in Ba Sing Se that almost killed Aang. Zuko shows his change through helping them and is accepted into the group. Their only shot at defeating Fire Lord Sozin is for Aang to learn Firebending. Zuko becomes his teacher. And while Aang, Sokka, Toph, and the others come to trust Zuko as a friend and part of the group, Katara just cannot let her guard drop. How could she trust a man whose eyes shone like those of a tiger? But the truth was, the more she was around him, the more she found herself wanting to be around him…being drawn in to the point that she can see that they have more in common than meets the eye…

Disclaimer: I do not owner A:TLA! Nor do I own its characters, themes, etc. This story is a ZukoxKatara pairing that starts at the Western Air Temple that will go until past the series finale. The rating will be T for now, but I might need to change it to M in later chapters! Thanks you guys! :) Please enjoy!


Zuko couldn't remember the last time he had frozen in fear. His body seemed to tense in the sight before him. He and Aang had their backs against each other, watching the circling, twisting serpent forms dance around them on the stone bridge that connected the two caves together. The setting sun shone mightily, giving the ancient masters circling a sort of luster to their scales that seemed to define the very meaning of divinity.

Zuko was able to get his thoughts together. The last time he froze in fear was when his father challenged him to an Agni Kai. His black hair and his robes flared about from the wind of the ancient ones created as they fluttered around Zuko and Aang. His father's hatred gave him the scar that plagued the left side of his face. However, Zuko now realized he was facing an ancient, divine power that could snuff him out like a weak ember. Somehow, the Agni Kai with his father didn't seem so much of a fear now.

"Zuko…I think…we are supposed to do the Dragon Dance with them…" came Aang's soft voice. Their eyes never left the blue and red dragons that kept circling them. Down below, the Sun Warriors watched on calmly in the basin of the cliffs. They had grown so quiet, even the drum beaters had died down. Most were kneeled to show their respect to the fire lords. And all they could do was stare up in awe at the first beings to manipulate fire.

"What?" Zuko hissed. "What about this situation makes you think they want us to dance?"

"Well…I think they want us to do something. Let's just try it!"

The Fire Prince grumbled. "Fine!" He got into position with the Avatar.

Zuko had no idea if Aang was onto something or not. To him, he couldn't tell whether the dragons were already judging them or not. Zuko worried, knowing that it was his heritage that brought their clan down. These two dragons were the last two of a magnificent, ancient race thanks to the Fire Nation. Why would they help Zuko out at all because of that? For Aang for that matter?

They started doing the dance side by side. Zuko didn't allow the dragons' circling bodies to distract him. Soon he realized the more he danced, the more he was matching the dragons in a fluid, powerful, yet controlled state of body and mind. As Zuko and Aang danced around the high pedestal on the bridge, they came together with their fists and ended the dance. As the dance came to a halt, the two last dragons settled finally onto the bridges. The red dragon faced Aang, its crimson body long and snake-like, with wings that were spread to help keep the dragon's balance. The blue colored dragon faced Zuko, its scales glistening like sapphire. The two dragons reminded Zuko of his dream he had awhile back while he was very ill. The blue dragon represented his sister, Azula, while the red one represented his Uncle Iroh. He hadn't understood the dream at first, but he now realized that the dream was meant for him to decide his destiny.

Now before him, the sapphire dragon had its fangs bared, smoke curling out of its nostrils. Its burning eyes were like glowing embers. The eyes seemed to burn into his very core, judging his heritage, his lineage, his pedigree. Zuko could smell the intelligent creatures. They smelled of cinder and rain, a scent that he grew up learning that was the dragon's defined aroma.

The chief of the Sun Warrior called out something, and it barely echoed up to Zuko and Aang as they stared nervously back at the dragons. "Judgment time!"

The banished prince could hear the dragons' voices in his head. They had already judged, had already looked into his topaz eyes to see his entire being in that instant. They didn't need another moment to make up their minds. Zuko couldn't believe what he was hearing in his head. The dragons'…their voices were gentle despite their intimidating presence before him and Aang. The blue dragon was female, and the red one a male. Ran and Shaw…yeah, those were their names.

The dragons lowered their heads, opening their gaping mouths. Zuko and Aang saw the sparks in the back of their throats. Zuko tried to tense again, worried that maybe the dragons had changed their minds. Aang must have thought the same thing because the two young men backed into each other. The dragons blew out fire from their mouths, bending it as it flowing out like a blaze. The fire was blinding, wrapping around the prince and the Avatar like a tornado. The colors, there were so many of them. Zuko was in awe. It was an aurora of beauty. All the while, he could still hear the dragons' voices in his head. Their words inspired him in a way he almost thought impossible. Slowly, a new drive was filling within him, and he could feel his power strengthening again.

Fire can heal just as powerfully as it can destroy…utilize harmony and you can control fire…utilize hate…the fire will consume you and take over…

Zuko slowly closed his eyes. Their words reminded him in a way of his Uncle. He felt the stab of pain to his chest again upon thinking of Iroh. He had to let the thought go for now, and focus on the dragons. They knew exactly who he was, and they talked as if they knew what his destiny was going to bring.

"I understand…" he whispered, eyes still closed.

The tornado of colorful fire that surrounded them slowly died down. The greens, golds, reds, whites, and blues were all extinguished into lingering smoke. The dragons examined the two humans one final time, their intelligent, glimmering eyes seemingly reaching down to their very souls. With that, the last two ancient ones turned on the bridge and retreated into their caves.

Zuko and Aang faced each other. The Avatar grinned up at the banished prince. Zuko could tell that Aang was just as relieved as he was. They had come here seeking answers, and they received the ultimate truths. Not only that, but Zuko somehow felt that he had a taken a big step towards his true destiny.

I think I have finally found the right path…now all I need is to prove myself to the others…Uncle…wherever you are…I hope we can meet again soon…there is so much I want to tell you…

Zuko and Aang walked together down the tall, stone steps to the tribe of Sun Warriors. The chief awaited them in front. The dragons' fire was beautiful. The prince felt almost harmonized for a moment as he took the experience in. It was easy to realize now that he used to use his anger and hate to fuel his fire. Now he understood. Fire was energy, and it was life.

The sun was lowering more and more into the horizon, striking the cliff across the Western Air Temple's way and creating shadows within their rooms and camp. Katara could only watch the horizon in worry. The sun was burning red and ivory into the sky as it dipped into the earth. Even the clouds looked like they were on fire.

She and the group had just finished eating. Katara just couldn't understand why her brother, Toph, and the others were not worried about Aang. This was the second day they were gone. Momo was missing Appa and Aang, they could all tell. Sokka was currently trying to come up with a new plan, since Black Sun had failed. Katara couldn't blame him too much. It was hard enough to think back on what they had to do. Their father, Hakoda, and many others of their allies and friends were left behind at the center of the Fire Nation so they could escape and devise a new plan.

They don't seem to be worried at all that we let Aang go alone with…him…

Katara had already told Zuko what she thought of him exactly. She still couldn't believe that she fell for him in the Crystal Catacombs in Ba Sing Se. Aang was almost killed because of his decision. Now he was here trying to befriend them and teach Aang Firebending. There was no way he could be trusted. All she could do was worry about Aang. They shouldn't have allowed them to go alone. What if Zuko was faking all along? Now Aang could be dead or back at the Fire Nation with no help.

Katara shook the thoughts from her mind. She needed to take a walk and clear her head. She would die worrying if she sat waiting at the center of the Air Temple, and so made her way towards the forest, heading up the stone steps and barely dodging a race between the Duke and Teo. She tried to keep her thoughts from roaming to the banished Fire Prince and Avatar, but couldn't help it.

How can they ever expect me to trust Zuko? How can I? After what he did to me…to my friends, after what the Fire Nation did to this world? He is nothing but the fire he summons…destructive and uncontrollable…how can you trust something like that?

She wandered onto Zuko's war balloon that was stashed in the glade in the forest. As she studied it, trying to focus as much hate on the prince as she could, she suddenly felt a dark presence behind her. It was a strange feeling; it was like her body was already trying to fear whatever it was that loomed behind her. Slowly, Katara turned around, grunting in shock at the sight before her. There on a rock meters away and staring her down was a tiger.

Katara was stunned by its appearance. Tigers were so rare that some didn't even know they existed anymore. Though they were not shown as much as dragons and phoenixes in Fire Nation culture, the tiger was yet another creature that was linked to fire. Katara had heard so many stories and pictures, but never a live one. Now she was facing it down as it leaped down off of the rock to prowl towards her. It's lithe, powerful body stalked towards. The reddish orange fur seemed to glow in the rays of the setting sun. The black stripes were dark against the fiery fur.

Katara took a slow step backwards, trying to reach for her water canteen only to realize that she forgot it back at the Western Air Temple. Her blue eyes widened in surprise, but she remained calm while facing the predator. The tiger's huge paws were silent upon the earth, its whiskers and ears twitching, its eyes watching.


Katara couldn't believe the tiger's golden eyes as they watched her. They reminded her completely of Zuko's eyes. There was a wildfire there, but also an icy, dark depth that seemed to pull her in. The tiger would never be tamed, and in that case, despite its noble, powerful, divine form, would never be friend or foe.

Another step back and Katara accidentally tripped on one of the war balloon's lines. No sooner had her back hit the ground did the tiger pounce and pin her down. It didn't attack after that, just stared down at her. Katara dared not move, and kept their gazes locked in a heated stare down. She was confused at the moment. She felt as if the tiger meant no harm. It felt more as if it was searching her soul for something, or trying to tell her something in return. It was hard to keep the tiger's eye, reminding her fully of Zuko. The only time his eyes seemed to have lost their fire was when she let her guard down in the Crystal Catacombs with him.

The tiger's hot breath was hitting her neck, soft growling coming from its throat. Another tense moment passed, and the tiger stepped away from her. It beheld her a moment longer as Katara was quick to get to her feet. Soon after though, the large, wild cat turned its striped body and disappeared into the brush of the surrounding trees and bushes of the glade. Sighing in relief, the Waterbender almost collapsed. She immediately started heading back to the Western Air Temple.

She had no idea what her meeting with the tiger was supposed to mean. She could fully say for sure that it never meant harm, but more so to look within her and tell her something…something she was unsure of.

I guess I better keep this to myself…there isn't a point to tell the others and have them worrying. I should be honored that I was able to witness such an entity. And its eyes…they reminded me so much of Zuko's eyes…

A/N: So there is the Prologue! I don't want to reveal too much on where I am gonna go with this story, but I will tell you that I am going to stick to the storyline closely at parts, but there will be much more focus on Zuko and Katara, along with their growing relationship. I will also be adding some major new things as well, but they are a secret! :) Well, I hope all of you enjoy it anyways lol. Thanks for reading and reviewing! XD