Reviews for Tiger's Eye
CutestTrex chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
I know this was made 9 years ago. But please continue!
PoetKnowit20 chapter 4 . 11/5/2011
I am a huge shipper of this pairing so I PRAY YOU WILL UPDATE SOON! I know lots of things get in the way, but i just adore you stories and the way you write! So hopefully i will be seeing the next chapter soon! Thanks :)
Azrael Jinsei chapter 4 . 12/24/2010
Thank you for writing this. I can't wait for the next chapter.
xSummonerYunax chapter 4 . 11/26/2010
Wow, this chapter brought back so many good memories from the show. Your descriptions of the scenes and characters remain very true to the episode. I actually forgot about the fight with Azula and Tylee till I read the ending! That fight scene was nicely written. Very action-packed, just like how it was in the show. I have a tiny bit of a soft spot for Mai and have always felt that the way she found out about the breakup was a bit harsh, but we're in this for Zuko and Katara. Can't wait to see the building of that relationship in the next chapter! Really great chapter! :) Looking forward to seeing what happens next chapter, and what will go on past the series finale!
zutara4evr chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
haha no more maiko!

Aipom4 chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
YAY!let zutara begin!
AnnaAza chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
This sucked—WHOA...just kidding! I loved it as usual. However, you shouldn't copy most of the episode out in your own words. Sorry if I offended you or hurt your feelings!
Anonomys Reviewer chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
I think this story has alot of potential but all you're doing is recapping all of the episodes while throwing in something about tigers here and there. I think the best thing for this story right now would be for you to come up with a chapter that's completely original. Again I think this story would be great if you made it your own instead a written form of the episodes.
Dead Account 33456 chapter 4 . 11/21/2010
Yay new chapter! I liked how close this chapter stuck. It has been a while since I've seen the show, but I'm not sure if they hijacked a zepplin to get back. Anyway, the chapter rocked. Keep it up Kayla, it's awesome!
Rememberthetimes chapter 3 . 10/1/2010
Lol I luv this what up with the tiger lol try to update asap
xSummonerYunax chapter 3 . 9/27/2010
Yess, finally an update, and a wonderful one too! lmao Sokka is so silly sometimes that it's almost idiotic. I'm glad he's traveling with the more rational Zuko. I do remember the episode where Zuko goes to rescue his father but vaguely though, so re-reading this brought back some memories from the episode. I really love how Zuko is characterized here. Very serious and very intelligent and understanding as well, demonstrated by the scene where he and Sokka encounter the tiger. I can't wait to see how it will bring together Zuko and Katara later. Oh, the chance for Zuko to make the final split with Mai is a good idea. They're an okay couple but the cartoon never showed us much scenes with them together for us to care about them lol, and I found Mai to be a little yay, Zuko and Katara all the way! Great update! Can't wait to read the next chapter and hope it'll come sooner!
zutara4evr chapter 3 . 9/26/2010

BlueMorpho2 chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
The problem with reading and keeping up with multiple fics (especially when they are in the same category) is that it's difficult remember which story was which. Between you and Ultimolu, it's really difficult separating which Resident Evil fic is which. In the case of this story, since it isn't updated as often as your other fic, I forget what the plot is about D:

But I loved this update! (I'm saying that a lot, I just can't think of any other way to express my feelings of gratitude..)

By the way, I was looking at your profile and I saw that you were going to become a published author! Congratulations and do you mind telling me what the title of the book is called and what your author name is? (some people have alias for author names)
Dead Account 33456 chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
Yes! New chapter! I love this chapter. Great stuff Kayla. The interaction between Sokka, and Zuko was very reminiscent of the show. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Escaped Ninja chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
Nice story, keep it up *Gives cookie* :D
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