Stephenie Meyer owns everything Twilight. I own a slightly twisted gallows sense of humour and a love of steamy passionate conflict-flings. This is my first attempt at slash…so if this is not your thing or you don't like snobby angrywards and kind skinhead-jacobs please look away now!

Part one of a two-shot.


I take the stairs up to Bella's new office two at a time. I am in a great mood; I have just signed a huge contract with the Seattle branch of a real estate development company and my fledging business is about to float on the stock market. Not bad for an uneducated construction worker from the small town of La Push I think to myself. I can't wait to tell my best friend the news so I decide to surprise her and turn up unannounced..

I manage to charm the receptionist in the foyer and get directions to Bella's office, she was the secretary to the CEO of a multinational corporation. She had only been there for a month and whenever I asked her how her new job was going she quickly changed the subject, so I thought the best thing was to check it out for myself.

I find her office easily enough and knock on the door twice, not wanting to wait for an answer I walk in. There is expensive artwork on the walls and the window looks across the whole city is floor to ceiling, the view is breathtaking. It looks like it cost more to decorate this one office than my entire house. I whistle loudly as I stare into the corner of the room and see Bella, she jumps up like a frightened cat. She looks nervously up at the door to her right that reads 'Edward Cullen. CEO. MASEN MANAGEMENT' and places a finger to her lips.

"What are you doing here Jay-Jay?" her voice is quiet as she rushes up to me and I wrap her petite frame in my arms. She responds by kissing me quickly on the lips. She is like a kid sister to me, I adore her and pick up immediately that although she's delighted to see me, she's not exactly comfortable with me being here.

"Hey, what's the problem?" I ask softly as she squeezes herself out of our platonic embrace and raises her hands to her mouth in worry, looking back at the door.

"You really can't be here Jake, I'm sorry. I'm not allowed personal visitors." She indicates to her boss's door, "If he finds you here he will flip."

"Relax, baby, I've got some great news and if your boss turns up I'll know of a good story. He won't know why I'm really here I promise." I take her sweetheart shaped face in my large tanned hands, "Have I ever let you down?"

She shakes her head and grins at me, calmer now she walks back behind her massive desk and sits down.

"Besides now you're some big shot's secretary doesn't that give you a little lee way?"

"I'm not a secretary, Jacob, I'm Mr. Cullen's Executive Assistant," she raises her eyebrows in humour at my common oversight.

"Sorry Bell-bell," I say as I perch on her desk ignoring her cringing look. "But after all this time I still don't know what the difference is."

I hear the CEO door to the main office slam shut, I hadn't even heard it open and I turn around in annoyance at the rude interruption.

"What the hell am I paying you for Swan?" a brisk voice shouts.

Bella jumps up like she's been shot, but I have never a fan of hierarchy or office politics and so I continue to sprawl myself on her desk and smile at him.

"I-I-I'm so-so sorry Mr Cullen, I was, err, err".

Poor, scared Bella is as white as a sheet.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that." I get up and walk towards him with my hands up to try and diffuse a potential argument.

"Who the devil are you anyway?" he shouts in my face.

I am taken aback; I have never met a more hostile supposed manager. I take a proper look at him; he is dressed like a suited stiff; polished shoes, and a perfect arranged tie and coiffed coppery hair. Obviously he is a vain twat. He is as tall as me but where I am built like a toned brick shit house, he is slim, athletic and his pale skin contrasts deeply with my bronzed Native American tones.

"I'll be your worst fucking nightmare if you continue to talk to her like this," I snarl at him and I see Bella run and stand between us, her eyes pleading angrily with mine.

Why does she want to work with such a narcissistic egoist anyway?


I could hear a frightful commotion in the secretary's office whilst I was on the phone making a very important phone call. I hadn't been completely sure about hiring the Swan girl but she had excellent references and I felt absolutely nothing for her so she was employed. After I had angrily slammed the phone down I crept up to the door and quietly pulled the handle down. I watched Swan and her friend chat to each other before slipping into the office and slamming the door behind me as loudly as I possibly could.

I wasn't jealous that some guy was flirting with my secretary, I'm not the jealous type, and the mousy timid sort don't really turn me on. I don't have time for intimate relations and I would never have an inter-office romance but I will not have personal matters brought into the office. I look fiercely at the lout she has been making gooey eyes at. He is wearing typical blue-collar construction attire; a plaid flannel shirt, cotton work wear trousers and steel toed boots. His head is shaved quite closely and his features are soft and round whereas mine are sharp and hard. In fact we are physically opposites of each other and I imagine our personalities are quite divided too.

I ignore him and look down at Swan who is staring up at me terrified I am about to fire her. Good! I am tempted but haven't got the time or inclination to go through that whole job screening rigmarole again.

"Look I don't care who you fuck out of office hours but on my time you work for me and only me. Understand?"

Swan immediately turns to the other guy and tries to hold him back, what is his name; Jay-Jay? How ridiculous. I enjoy watching his eyes burn into me as she tries to hold onto him but he pushes her aside and takes a swing at me. I duck just in time and he misses, I am enthralled that this angers him further until my secretary yanks desperately on his sleeve.

"Jake! Please!"

I smile as the man concedes and apologizes to her, he looks at me with a face of blind hatred and I widen my smile. This is fun, I sneer to myself.

"Security?" I push a button down on the intercom and immediately two burly guards come in. I point casually at Jake and they stand either side of him as he is forced to leave the building.

"Sorry, Bella," he mouths as he is escorted away.

"Is that the typical kind of friend you keep Swan?" I try to keep the excitement at my victory out of my voice but I can barely hide it.

"No, Mr Cullen," she murmurs and I feel a wicked pleasure at her easy betrayal of her friend. What an excellent afternoon it has been so far!


At first I was so angry at being thrown out of that asshole Cullen's building that I didn't even think about how humiliating it was for Bella. I was absolutely guilt stricken as soon as I calmed down and thought about the repercussions she might experience. I vowed to take her out to lunch as soon as possible to try and make amends. The next day I called her up when she was at home, hoping I had given her some time to calm down and forgive me.

"Hi, Bella."

I could hear her sigh down the phone. "Oh, hi, Jake".

"I'm sorry about yesterday."

"No, I'm sorry, my boss is a dick but the money is so good. I'm sorry he threw you out."

I chuckle lightly and she joins in with me. "Let me make it up to you proper and take you out to lunch tomorrow."

"Erm, okay…" she hesitates.

"What is it?"

"Well, he's, cut my lunch hour in half. I only get thirty minutes."

"What! Why? Because of me?"

"I don't know, maybe, I guess."

"What does your contract say?"

"I haven't exactly signed one yet."

"What! Bella, what's wrong with you? Did you fancy this guy or something? Where's your common sense of judgement?"

"No, I don't fancy him Jake. He's a wicked megalomaniac, but I think underneath all the bravado and cussing, he could be an alright guy."

I shake my head, trust Bella to see the good underneath a total monster.

"Look, he can't treat you this way, it has to stop. I'm taking you out for lunch at 12 and it might take a while, longer than thirty fucking minutes anyway."

"Oh, Jake, promise me you'll have me back by 12.30."

"We'll see."

"I do like it that you're always on my side. See you at 12."


"And Jay-Jay? I think it's better you meet me outside the office block."

I laugh with her and end the call.

The next day I am abnormally excited at the prospect of taking Bella out to lunch. I had been thinking about Edward the previous night. Men like that absolutely sicken me, the ones who use their testosterone inflicted power to exert control over women. I found the idea of getting into another argument with him both frustrating and strangely appealing. I shook the idea away from my head and found the most working class blue collar outfit I could, purely to piss Edward off if I saw him. It hadn't missed my notice how he practically recoiled when he saw my boots and skinhead; I bet the man has never done a day of physical backbreaking work in his life. He probably gets his buff physique from some lame gym routine with a personal instructor, I sniff at the idea.

Bella is uneasy when I meet her outside of her work at 12. She looks like she has been crying and I know she is trying to put a brave face on for me.

"What's the matter, honey?" I ask her gently as she buries her head in my warm chest.

"Just a typical morning working for Masen Management," she blinks through wet eyes and I take her little hands in mine as we walk over to her favourite pizza joint.

The place was jam-packed and I am secretly pleased that it takes us ten minutes to get a table. I don't want to get Bella into trouble or fired but I sure as hell want another opportunity to give Edward Cullen a piece of my mind. Bella and I chat easily, she tells me about her new beau Mike Newton, who sounds very dull in a long line of dull and mediocre boyfriends. She asks me about my romantic connections but I swiftly change the subject back to her.

"Shall I get the cheque?" I ask after she finishes the last of her pizza Americana.

"Yes, please. What's the time?"

I tactfully ignore her question until I have paid and tipped the waitress before I casually look down at my watch.

"Ten to one." I finally reply nonchalantly.

"You're kidding," her face drains of all color and she picks up her bag and coat, and starts hurrying to the way out.

"Wait for me," I chase after her all the way back to her office. As she pleads with me to go, I follow her into the building and dart up the stairs close to her. She is just about to push me out of the foyer, when she sees the foreboding silhouette of Edward Cullen tearing his young receptionist off a strip for the way she handled a phone call. I push past her and wave cheerfully at him.

"What is this son of a bitch doing here?" Edward snarls at me as he spins around and Bella flinches at the violence in his face.

"I've come to see you actually, Mr Cullen, on a business matter," and I smile smugly as I manage to catch both of them off guard. "I thought we should meet since you've just signed a five year binding contract with my company Black Buildings."

"What?" ask Edward and Bella in incredulous unison.

I lick my lips in delight at them as Bella's frown turns into a sunny beaming smile and Edward looks like he is going to self-combust in anger.


That fucking sneaky bastard, I inwardly rage to myself. I am going to rip him apart by the balls. I can feel my blood pressure rising as I tighten my hands into fists. He looks delighted with his surreptitious scheming and I very vaguely recall a private moment from my youth that if I had the ability to do so, would cause me to blush.

"Follow me," I command as Mr Black falls in step behind me with Bella by his side and we walk to my office. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him stroke her arm and it occurs to me that they may have been seeing each other for a while. We leave Bella in her office and I open the door to my much bigger, glitzier space and summon him inside. I watch intrigued while Jacob takes in the size and décor of the room, he obviously knows style and wealth when he sees it but he says nothing.

"Well, I just want to introduce my self formally, I'm Jacob Black." I could feel his eyes laughing at me and I fought the urge to scratch them out.

He takes off his lumber jacket to reveal an over tight white shirtsleeves that cling desperately to his giant biceps and an unwanted image of his possible tight ass comes into my mind at full throttle.

"I hadn't got round to telling Bella so please don't punish her or anything for something she didn't know."

"Punish her? Would I?" I laugh in mock earnest.

"Well, you've cut her lunch hour in half after what happened yesterday."

"You think that was on your account do you? Didn't she tell you it's only because today I had a meeting this afternoon with some mysterious Mr Black figure and I needed her full attention?"

The smug smile is wiped from his face and he looks back towards Swan's office with concern but recovers quickly.

"Well, anyway, I think you should know straight off the bat that I don't take kindly to the way you treat her or any of your staff around here. If you think just because -"

"They are my staff Black, I will treat them how I choose. Are we done here?" I interrupt him. No one is going to lecture me in my office.

He smiles at me and I want to shove my fist into his smug, arrogant mouth.

"Sure, Edward, sure"

I hate that he is using my first name, I hate that when he stands up I catch myself staring at his dick because it's at my eye level. But above all I hate that inside me, deep inside, something I had forgotten about long ago, something I had pushed deep down inside me has started to stir once again…

As soon as I catch myself staring at him, I jump up and impulsively stick my hand out. His unyielding face softens and he takes my hand. A loaded moment passes between us as we firmly and tightly shake each other's hand, staring hard into each other's eyes, daring each other to break the handshake first. At first I refuse to back down but it is starting to get ridiculous so I break the handshake so I can pretend to flick through my diary, signalling that we are through. He smiles broadly in victory.

As soon as he has left both my secretary's office and mine, in a spur of the moment rash decision, I buzz the intercom and ask Swan to join me. She immediately appears with her notebook, her small features hiding behind the door as she peers around the doorframe in apprehension.

"Come in, Swan," I boom trying my best to sound vaguely pleasant.

"Yes, Mr Cullen," she hurries over to the chair on the opposite side of my desk and sits down.

"So, it looks like our company is going to be doing business with your friend's company for quite some time and I want to know that, well, you are going to act professionally when he is here."

"I am so sorry about the other day, Mr. Cullen, and I promise you he hadn't told me about the contract."

Oh God, she looks like she is going to cry, I hate it when women cry. Man up, woman! I silently shout at her. Luckily she manages to keep it together.

"Yes, yes, but I mean, I don't want you, erm, fraternising with him, when you're meant to be working."

"I'm not quite sure I follow," she looks in puzzlement at me.

"Isn't he your boyfriend?" I sigh, how did I manage to employ such an unintelligent, slow secretary? I must be losing my edge.

"No. We're just very old friends," she smiles graciously.

Oh, I think to myself, it seems I was wrong. A small warm glow starts to emanate in the pit of my stomach but I quickly extinguish it.

"Well, that's for the best I think, Swan. You may go now."

I watch her leave and I wonder to myself what the fuck is going on inside my mind.


I call Bella up and she is furious with me to begin with for not being honest with her, but I know how to turn her head, and I promise to take her out to dinner properly on Friday night.

"Well, I'm not sure I'm ever going to leave this place as Mr Cullen is making me send a memo around to the whole company announcing the end of sick pay and compulsory longer working hours."

What a jerk! "Bella, why don't you just quit?"

"I can't, Jay-Jay, there's a recession on. I'm broke."

"Come work for me Bella, I'm sure I can find something for you to do."

She pauses for a moment and then says quietly; "I'm not sure that's the best idea" and I cringe as I remember the last summer we worked together and she developed a crush on me. I had hoped she was over for it but it sounds like she still cared for me very much, as I did her, just in a different way.

"He actually asked me into his office straight after you left to find out whether we were dating."

I ignore the small tone of longing in her voice. "What did you tell him?"

"I said we were just good old friends"

I sigh with relief, I tell her I will call her Friday and put the phone down.


"Excuse me, Mr Cullen," Bella buzzes me on the intercom distracting me from looking over some new blueprints of a housing estate in Vancouver.

"I have Jacob Black on the phone for you." I can hear the fear in her voice and I sigh impatiently. "Put him through."

I hear the phone line click over. "Black?" I bark down the phone.

"Yeah, it's me. What's this I hear about you cutting sick pay and annual leave? There are laws to stop people like you, y'know Cullen."

I like the way he pronounces my name, like it's a swear word and I am sickeningly happy that my twisted memo plan has worked and he has called me to argue. I take slight notice of the chills running over my body as I listen to his deep, thunderous voice.

"And what the dickens has it got to do with you?" I snarl at him. I start to imagine Jacob is in the room with me and as he shouts me down, he is for some bizarre reason starting to strip all of his clothes off.

"For one thing there are unions and employment laws to stop miscreants like you taking advantage of people. "

I watch as he takes off his vest and throws it at me. "If they don't like it they can leave and get another job," I scowl back at him.

"You are the most inhumane zero I've ever met! How can you go around treating people like this?"

Thud. His pants hit the floor leaving him exposed in tight briefs. "I can deal with any complaints or inappropriate attitudes with abrupt termination. If they don't want to work here they can quit. You, sir, it seems are quite the altruistic gentleman but I am not. Nor do I have care to be."

"Prick!" he shouts into my ear as he slams the phone down on him and just as my imaginary Jacob is about to pull his briefs down, he vanishes too. I realize I am breathing heavily from the thrill of talking to him and undressing him in my illicit fantasy.

I can feel heat flooding to my dick and for once in my life I don't resist it, I don't try to think of something banal to keep it down, I just relish the hell out of it. I lean back in my chair and slowly unzip my pants, releasing myself and I close my eyes and think of a certain thorn in my side that likes to argue with me. Ahhh!

I buzz the intercom.

"Yes Mr Cullen?"

"Swan, I want everyone to work late tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? But it's the Friday before Thanksgiving, Mr Cullen."

"Is that a problem for you?"

"No, Sir, I will let everyone know."

I hesitate and push the intercom again.

"And Swan? I am not to be disturbed under any circumstances for the next five, no, ten minutes."

"Yes, Mr Cullen"

"No circumstances, you understand?"

"I understand."

I hang up and take a moment to appreciate my beautiful erection. I can hear Jacob's insults ringing in my ears, the way he shouted 'Per-Rick!' at me was glorious.

It has been a very long time since I have paid attention to my wayward fantasies. A long time ago I had to stop thinking about sex completely as I was beginning to find that otherwise it was all I thought about. It wouldn't do that the son of Elizabeth and Edward Masen Snr was a raging 'faggot', regardless of the day and age we live in. It wouldn't do at all.

I had never even had a relationship with a man but there had been times, moments of weakness and indiscretion when I had found myself in a small city, in a small club, of a certain nature. And these indiscretions kept me alive for up to six months or even a year at a time, until I felt the urge to re-visit them. But there was something about Jacob Black that made me consider pursing my lust by another name here in Seattle.

I open one of the drawers to my bureau and fish out the bottle of Penhaligon's hand lotion that I keep in my small attempt to keep my skin looking young. I squirt the sensuous smelling cream in my hands and am hit by crisp notes of leather and clary sage. I slowly move my hand to my erection and take it in my hand.

I sigh out heavily, it is the first time all year I had indulged myself in this pursuit and I know it won't take long to feel sweet release. I close my eyes and as I imagine rubbing my hand over Jacob's coarse head, I simultaneously drag my hand up and down my dick. I exhale noisily as I continue my fantasy from earlier watching Jacob peel his trunks down and displaying himself in his full glory.

I grunt as suddenly my craving to be able to touch his russet skin reaches its zenith, and I start to twist my hand around myself as I pump. I feel my ass start to rise off the chair as my balls enlarge with the threat of release.

Pushing my shoulders back into my luxurious leather chair, I wedge my feet against my desk as in my mind Jacob smiles smugly at my pathetic, brutal, autoerotic display. With a distorted shout of repressed desire and longing, I discharge my cum and it shoots through the air towards the vanishing form of Mr Jacob Black and I collapse exhausted and spent into the chair.

Eek! Please let me know what you think…