The lights and sounds of the seedy bar in New Jericho's Merchant Zone carried across to him as he stood in the shadows of the abandoned factory building staring at the front of the restaurant. The rover he stood next to did not belong to him, but it was useful to his situation. The restaurant was the best establishment in the Merchant Zone to get good, decent food that was edible to humans.

And their human quarry was inside finishing his meal.

He had two of his personal nine member team inside the establishment playing the roles of slavers. Three more were stationed atop the structure in concealed over watch positions, while the other three were spread out along the outside of the street lingering about as if they were drunks, thugs or Asari hookers addicted to Red Sand, all of which were plenty at this time of the evening. They had been chasing their quarry for two weeks now, finally getting the break they needed with excellent Intel provided by their employer. They discovered that their quarry was staying here, hiding out until called on by his own employer once more. With a population of nearly thirty million, and primarily a human colony, their target felt safe here. Their quarry was an average looking human man, casually dressed with no hint that he had money. Their target looked just as the rest of the Merchant Zone humans looked. Average.

He knew how wrong that façade was.

Their quarry was a superior assassin who was himself trained by perhaps the finest human assassin anywhere in the galaxy. He was a man who was fanatically pro-human and hated aliens with every fiber of his being. He had killed across the galaxy for years, and like the man who had trained him he had never being discovered or caught. There had been some close calls he knew, but their quarry had always managed to slip away. Not this time he told himself. He had not survived all he endured to fail now. Not when so much depended on what this man could tell them. Not when he had so much to answer for. Three events in his own thirty-five years of life had changed his perspective on everything he had believed and been taught to believe.

The first had been that horrible night so long ago. He had buried the memories deep now, only drawing on them to reinforce what he was doing now. The memories no longer tormented him every waking hour. The screams, the gnashing tooth filled maw, and the bloody bodies of his brothers in arms. They were now trapped behind a door he hardly ever opened anymore. He didn't need to. Now he had a purpose. And it stemmed from the second event of his life.

The moment John Shepard halted his skid into oblivion.

Matthew Toombs had been saved by John Shepard twice.

The first time when he pleaded with Toombs to spare the life of the traitorous Alliance scientist working for Cerberus. The last of the vile men and women who had experimented on him. Treated him as an animal. Shepard had kept him from pulling the trigger that day and losing the last bit of who he was to the abyss. Two years of painful recovery and then came the day that he thought Shepard had betrayed him. Betrayed all of them. He should have known better.

Matt knew the day Shepard took command of their unit that he was special. He should have trusted in him. He should have known better than to believe the rumors. Shepard was different. Shrewd and devious yes, yet filled with compassion for his men and even their families. He was the epitome of a man who led from the front. Never asking of them something he would not do himself. Toombs should have known he would never betray the memories of their brothers.

He believed now.

He believed because Shepard didn't kill him the day Toombs came to take his revenge on him five months ago. Looking back it was probably the stupidest thing Toombs had ever done. It had taken place on Omega just before Shepard had gone through the Omega 4 relay. None of the scum he had gathered around him survived that day he chose to attack John Shepard, Grunt and Miranda Lawson. Seventeen against three and Shepard had wiped their asses on the ground inside of four minutes. It was there, among the blood and gore in that back ally on Omega that Shepard had once more saved him. Dismissing the Rogan he now knew as Grunt and Miranda Lawson, he had fearlessly sat with him among the cooling bodies and told him everything. As John Shepard spoke to him, shared with him all that had taken place in the last months, the old Matthew Toombs slowly died and the new one was born. John returned his life to him. He gave him new purpose and reason to carry on. He gave him the command he now had. And he gave him this promise that day when they visited Akuze together…

"We'll find them Toombs. Every single one of them. Even the ones who gave the fucking orders. No matter how high up they are. But we need to do it smart. We need to do it careful. They are powerful and connected but we are patient and driven Matt. We have a purpose. Just like they taught us in N7 School. I need you Matt. I need the Toombs I had back then. I'll give you whatever you need and they'll answer to you and you alone. I need you to know I would never… never betray you or the memories of our brothers. We'll avenge them Matt. All of them, I swear to you! And they'll finally rest in peace."

That was five months ago and Matthew Toombs was a new man. He had fifty of the most skilled men and women he'd ever seen under his command now. Human, Turian, former members of the Salarian STG. All of them supremely skilled, some of them even more than him. Yet Matt Toombs was their leader. He was a superior tactician and he was friends with John Shepard. They followed Shepard because they believed in what he was fighting for and in following Matthew Toombs, they were following John Shepard.

They were the Nexus Group.

The Nexus Group was not a mercenary band like the Blue Suns or Eclipse. They were very different indeed, almost to the point that most people did not even believe they existed at all since it was almost impossible to get in touch with them. They did not deal in drugs, slavery or smuggling of any kind. They didn't murder or hijack civilian ships. They were more a very skilled and idealist militia. In the five months they had been existence, since right before Shepard had gone through the Omega 4 relay, the other mercenary groups had learned very quickly to not cross their path. Turian. Asari. Samarian. Human. They were the finest group of soldiers Toombs had ever worked with and all of them were driven by justice and honor and compassion. All of them dedicated to one purpose now. A purpose they shared with John Shepard. How John had set them up he didn't know. All Toombs knew was that they had the finest equipment anywhere; sometimes even more advanced than the Turian and Alliance militaries. They had many safe houses and hidden equipment drops on a dozen different worlds. They had two Frigate-Class civilian ships with connections and nearly limitless credits. And while Toombs didn't know all the details as to how John and Liara had accomplished this, but now the Nexus Group had a direct connection to Liara and the finest Intelligence Network in the known galaxy.

The Shadow Broker.

They got their missions through her; they got their payments through her; and they got their intelligence through her. Those members of the Nexus Group who had families, they were moved to Bekenstein and set up in modest yet comfortable homes. In the past five months when Toombs asked for something, he had it in a week. He had to admit to himself, when John made friends, he made some powerful friends.

And then there was Inyan Ale'eri.

The one hundred and sixty-two year old Asari maiden had been the last piece of the life puzzle for Matthew Toombs. Inyan was slim but with a lean muscular figure and plenty of delicious curves that he had taken extensive time memorizing. She was breathtakingly beautiful of course, more so than any Asari Matt Toombs had ever seen. Of course, with the exception of those on his team, he didn't associate with many Asari at all due to his line of work. Inyan's sky blue colored skin and pale blue eyes were like a drug for him. A healing drug that he could take whenever he wanted. Inyan was also one of the most skilled killers he had ever seen. It no doubt came from her time as a slave to a Batarian Red Sand dealer, being beaten and raped countless times, kept addicted to the drug so she would remain docile and subservient. That had ended nearly twenty-five years ago when she had been rescued by an Alliance survey team, though she still bore the scars on her back and shoulders. She had returned to her family on Thessia but left after only a few years to seek those who had hurt her. Shepard had found her on Omega working for Aria T'Loak and convinced her to work with the Nexus Group.

He and Inyan had clicked almost immediately and become lovers the second night after they had met and now she was a permanent fixture in his life and quite happily she felt the same way about him. Matt was quite sure he wouldn't be able to share her with others and he let her know this after their first night together. That was not an issue for Inyan for she had seen within Matt during their first meld something that appealed to her more than anything she had yet experienced in her hundred plus years. Inyan dismissed out of hand any and all offers or interest by other men and was committed to him and him alone. Matt had tried to tell her that he did not want to hold her back but she would have nothing of that nonsense. Perhaps it was the pain of what they both had endured in their lives and Inyan saw them as kindred spirits, but whatever the real cause, they were a couple and Inyan made no bones about that. His were the only hands that she wanted on her body and she was not shy about letting others know that either. In the few months they had been together Inyan had twice turned down offers from much wealthier and even more handsome human men and even one Turian who had wanted her. There were probably more Matt knew, but he and Inyan had melded often in the last weeks and he trusted her without hesitation. His dark eyes glanced over to where she was mingling among several human men who had no idea they were flirting with death. She wore a violet pantsuit that wrapped around her body like a second skin and showed off all of her ample physical assets. Toombs allowed the small smile to crease his lips as he watched the men practically drool over her. They had absolutely no idea they would never get a chance to have her. She belonged to him.

"Target is moving." The voice snapped out in his earpiece and his attention immediately went to the front of the restaurant and he became all business.

Matt lifted his arm and spoke into his wrist console. "Time to go to work people." He spoke calmly. "Shadow Broker wants him alive. Check your stunners and no mistakes. We take him in the hallway of his room. Quick, clean and bloodless."

"Spoilsport!" The male voice echoed in his earpiece.

Matt grinned when he recognized the voice of his Turian Second Officer. Recommended by John and Garrus Vakarian, Dynos Sulust was the most gifted sniper Toombs had ever seen in action. Cool under fire and absolutely lethal with his M-97 Viper, if he had you in his sights you were dead. Period.

Matt turned as the door to the restaurant opened and he made it seem like he was securing the crate onto the back of the rover he had moved up next too. He watched out of the corner of his eye as their quarry looked around the area intently and seeing nothing that posed a threat to him he turned and continued down the street.

"Team Two move into position for the snatch." Matt ordered calmly. "Team three maintain outer perimeter. Inyan… with me once he enters his hotel."

"Three copies! We're moving."

"Two copies."

"Whatever you wish for darling." Inyan's voice dripped with sultry seductiveness as she spoke to the human men around her but she was really answering him.

"Lead is moving." Toombs spoke lifting the data pad as if he was reading a manifest and beginning to move down the street on the opposite side towards the row of shops. He passed Inyan and the three humans and saw her sky blue eyes settle on him as he walked. He knew that look and he felt a momentary rush of sexual energy before he passed her and it went away. He might have to talk with John about how he and Liara kept their urges from interfering with their duties when they were together.

Toombs stopped at a small electronics stand and began to pore over the items on display as their quarry made his way to the front of his hotel.

"Target is entering hotel." Matt spoke casually.

"Team Three is in position." The voice spoke.

Matt nodded his head. Team Two consisted of two former N7 Commandos and a Turian C-Sec Squad Leader who had been injured during Sovereign's attack on the Citadel. Rocan Sygar basically had been reassigned to some ridiculous duty while he recovered. When Rocan was ready to return to full duty, Executor Pallin had reassigned him to a static Transport Bay post instead of his old Investigative and Reactionary Force position which Rocan considered a very large insult. When Toombs had approached him some three and a half months ago he had jumped at the chance to join Nexus.

Team Two were the most skilled hand to hand combatants in Nexus, and that was what would be needed should it come to blows. Their quarry was known for his physical skills and only the best trained would be able to match him and take him down if it came to that. With a little luck it would not come to that for it would raise questions and get the New Jericho Authorities involved. Something Toombs did not want since most of them were mercenaries anyway. This was a human colony and Toombs had no desire to blast his way off planet and possibly injure innocents. Toombs waited a full twenty count after their target entered the hotel to insure that nothing looked out of order if he glanced out the window. Once he had reached twenty Matt turned casually and began to cross the street. Inyan had ditched her now unhappy male suitors and followed with casual strides, her eyes looking around as if trying to find her next fix.

"Target is on the elevator." Rocan's voice filled his earpiece. "Standing by. You got the rear boss?"

Matt was just entering the hotel when he heard that and he glanced quickly to see Inyan following him into the hotel. "Twenty seconds." Toombs answered as he darted for the stairs, Inyan right on his heels.

"He's moving for his apartment." Rocan's voice was a barely a whisper now. "We're on him."

"Ten seconds." Inyan announced as she followed Matt up the last flight of stairs three at a time. As she saw his hand stab down on the control panel of the door she acted. "Execute! Execute!"

Matt and Inyan burst through the door, both of them holding Karpov K-6 pistols. They heard a shout and then some grunts as they ran down the corridor and rounded the corner in time to see Rocan and Stefan Cartwright, one of the N7 Commandos, firing their tranq pistols from near point blank range into their target. The second N7 Commando, Tom Biggs, was rolling on the floor of the hallway clutching his chest. Matt watched the body of their target drop to the floor like a limp noodle as he skidded to a halt beside Rocan and Inyan immediately drop to her knee beside Biggs. The nerve toxin worked instantly, rendering the victim totally paralyzed but completely conscious.

"Bagged but not yet tagged." Stefan muttered as Matt grinned and looked at Rocan who was returning his tranq gun to the spot on his hip.

"Nice. Both of you. Very nice."

"Piece of muffin." Rocan stated and Stefan laughed.

"That's piece of cake buddy." He said. "But we get the meaning."

Matt turned and looked at Inyan. "Inyan?"

"He will live." She stated as she yanked the knife hilt from the armor Tom wore. "It didn't penetrate his armor."

"Fucker hits hard." Tom groaned loudly.

"You were warned." Inyan scolded him.

"Does this mean you will… treat me?" Biggs asked looking at her with suggestive eyes.

Inyan snorted at him while shaking her head and she pushed herself to her feet while using her hand to shove him in the chest with her biotics gently causing him to groan in pain. "Goddess Biggs... you do not compare to Matthew in any way whatsoever." She stated with a confident smile. "You really should get that through your head."

Biggs smiled as he pushed himself to a sitting position. "It never hurts to keep trying." He said.

The rest of them smiled at the banter between Inyan and Biggs. They all knew Inyan was with their commander and all of them had too much honor to try to infringe upon that fact. Of course it helped that Inyan would probably hurt them badly if anyone really pursued it. She was very possessive of Toombs and did not care who noticed. Matt would just flat out kill them if anyone tried to force themselves onto Inyan. They watched as Toombs squatted in front of their target. His dark eyes were open and watching them. He could see and hear everything they were saying, but was unable to move in any way.

"How long?" Matt asked.

"The toxin will act for six hours Matthew." Inyan answered moving up beside him and activating her Omnitool. "We will need to hit him again before that six hours runs out."

"Who is this guy Skipper?" Stefan asked. "Why is he so important?"

"I… I will tell you nothing!" The man hissed, his head leaning against the corner of the wall unable to move.

Toombs chuckled. "You keep thinking that pal. Your days of assassination are over." He spoke rising back to his feet and continuing to stare down at him. "You'll sing like a humming bird… and then you'll die." Matt took a step back and looked at Inyan. "Inyan make the report and find out where the drop is."

Inyan nodded her head and turned to move down the corridor slightly as she adjusted her Omnitool.

Rocan shrugged his shoulders. "What matters is we got him." He stated.

"Meet one of Cerberus's finest asshole assassin folks." Toombs told them. "The infamous former Alliance N7 Sergeant trained and controlled by the master traitor himself Kai Leng. This is Sergeant Toban Vocuous. Better known to all as The Butcher of Necale Four." Toombs glanced at him smiled at the man. "I have someone who wants to meet you." He told Toban. "It won't be a pleasant get together."



"… Was able to piece together the images that the visions from the beacons gave to John during our melds, using all the information I had uncovered during my excavations." Liara was explaining to Hannah as they sat in the huge room that acted as a library. She sat with her legs curled under her bottom and Hannah turned to face her on the couch.

There was a single large table in the center of the room, with several other couches that were positioned around a fireplace. The large table and the two small tables in front of the couches were covered in data discs and one computer on each table as if someone had been here just recently researching something. When Liara saw that look in Hannah's eyes she smiled. It always looks like this. She had told Hannah as they entered.

"And that is how you found this Conduit?" Hannah asked.

Liara nodded and sipped her coffee. "The Mass Relay Monument on the Presidium was a working Mass Relay with its entry point on Ilos." She said quickly. "A week after the Battle of the Citadel John and I returned to Ilos with enough explosives to destroy the entry Relay there so no one else could use it. Vigil was still operating at the time and we learned a great deal from him, but many of his data banks had been erased. Probably by the Prothean scientists before they died. When the Council sent people there much later, Vigil no longer operated."

"And this is why they have buried it?" Hannah asked.

"They cling to the idea that Sovereign was a Geth creation." She stated with some heat in her voice. "It is one of the reasons they keep John out here in the Terminus Systems. They don't want others talking to him. They don't want him to start others into asking questions. So far they have been able to play everything off onto the Geth. With the Collectors they blamed Batarian pirates and other mercenaries. A part of me thinks they do not wish to lose their hold on power. It will be worse now with Councilor Udina. He hates John to begin with."

"Can't you provide proof?" Hannah asked picking up one of the data pads and beginning to read.

"The only real proof we have is our memories and our visions." Liara answered. "The Council dismissed those even before they made John a Spectre. They would never believe them now that we are together and they know it."

"Why?" Hannah asked.

Liara shrugged her shoulders. "Aside from the fact that I work as an Information Broker here on Illium, and thus the Council considers me a low grade criminal, my youth as an Asari does not lend well to proving our contentions. I may have spent the last fifty plus years of my life researching the Protheans but I am still considered barely more than a child by Asari standards. Other, more senior Asari researchers have dismissed my work because of that. And because I am an Asari pureblood."

Hannah looked at her. "That Asari bartender mentioned that." She spoke.

Liara looked at her oddly. "She did?"

Hannah nodded and continued quickly not realizing the significance of what she had said. "Yes. I don't see why that would matter Liara."

Liara smiled now. "I don't either, but it is a stigma among my people for some reason. They feel it does not help our people grow when two Asari produce an offspring together. The term Pureblood is a great insult when used by my people to refer to another Asari. No Asari would use that term openly… well most Asari wouldn't." She corrected herself, as Tela Vasir had indeed called her a pureblood bitch. "Ever since meeting John though, he has made me see that term in a different light. I consider it a badge of honor to some degree now."

Hannah lowered the pad she had been reading back to the table. "So that is what you have been doing these last months?" She asked.

Liara nodded as she became serious. "Someone has to devise a way to stop them when they come." She told Hannah. "And they will come. John has been gathering different artifacts that I discovered during my research, and returning to Prothean digs sites we encountered during our quest for Saren. I sift through the data and try to pick out parts that make sense and that may tie into our visions. Admiral Hackett and Admiral Anderson seem to be the only ones who really believe John and they have been invaluable. They are using their positions and authority to try and get answers as well."

"That's why the Collectors wanted his body?" Hannah asked softly. She hated talking about those moments but she now knew what Liara had done to save her son and it was easier to speak about with her.

Liara nodded in agreement. "It had something to do with the Prothean visions yes." She answered. "We don't know what exactly… but we are certain about that."

"But you have these visions now as well correct?" Hannah asked. "Doesn't that make you a target too?"

Liara nodded her head. "Perhaps. It is something we have considered… but we have taken precautions since the Collector mission. To the best of my knowledge they would need a very skilled Asari Matriarch to draw these memories out of either John or myself. Our melds…" Liara blushed slightly and her azure colored skin became slightly darker. "Our melds have had the added bonus of tuning our minds to one another. It would be very difficult for another Asari to take those memories from either of us by themselves."

"I thought Asari could meld with anyone." Hannah asked.

"We can… but we also have the ability to focus and shield our thoughts. John or I could still meld with another Asari… though neither of us would do that now… but they would not be able to penetrate the shields to those areas of our minds unless we let them. And neither of us will allow that." Liara answered. "It is also part of why John and I can speak with our minds when we are close by. It is not a well known skill of my people, for it is very rare, but it is a skill some of us have. It also makes our melds much more focused and powerful."

"Like this morning?" Hannah asked. "You were melding I assume?"

Liara blushed even more and turned away shyly. "I apologize for that." She said finally. "Even when… even when we do not meld… John has a knack for making me feel incredible things. Many believe Asari do not feel pleasure as you humans do, but I assure you that we do. Sometimes I am unable to contain my rapture during a meld when it is combined with the physical pleasure he makes me feel. I… I lose control." She said meekly. "He is… he is very gifted physically… and as you humans say, he pushes all my buttons just right… if you get my meaning."

Hannah chuckled softly. "Yes I do." She spoke. "Though I guess as his mother I should be proud that he has this ability. His father certainly did with me."

Liara looked at her. "Thomas Shepard?"

Hannah nodded slowly. "Yes." She said softly.

"John does not speak of his father very often and it is not usually in terms I can repeat." She said.

"I'm not surprised." Hannah told her. "The falling out they had was very bad. It came to blows actually. It's been near ten years since they have spoken now."

"Does your husband hate aliens as much as John believes?" Liara asked.

"I think it's more a combination of false hate and blame." Hannah said. "Thomas lost his younger brother during the First Contact War. They were never very close for odd reasons when they were boys; the Shepard men aren't exactly predictable."

Liara smiled. "Yes… I can attest to that."

"Well… Thomas and Kevin were just starting to become close. Very close." Hannah explained. "This all took place before John was born obviously and he never knew about his Uncle Kevin. Kevin was killed during the Turian attacks. Thomas never forgave them for taking his brother from him. That hate has bled over to other alien species that had nothing to do with Kevin's death. When John decided to join the N7 Program, Thomas took it as an insult to him and his brother's memory. He demanded John change his selection. He swore to bounce him from the family inheritance, anything he could think of."

"Inheritance?" Liara asked.

Hannah nodded. "The Shepard family has extensive holdings on Earth and in some of the first human colonies. They were always a big player in Earth politics and business. Their assets are not secret, but they are also not very well known. If I had to guess I'd say they were in the range of five to seven hundred million credits by now. I never really paid much attention."

"John does not know this?" Liara asked.

Hannah shook her head. "I doubt it." She said. "He never really cared for that part of the Shepard family and he never asked. "Thomas and Kevin were the only Shepard males to go into the Systems Alliance. Well… then John when he was old enough. And they never really cared for me either." She said with a smile.

"How… how large is your family?" Liara asked hesitantly.

"Large enough to be a headache if they wanted." Hannah spoke. "John hasn't met half of them… so it means little to him. I never really associated with them unless I was with Thomas at some family function. And given what he has with you and the friendships he has forged with the others, I doubt John would tolerate them very much. Many of them are anti-alien in some way, shape or form. It's sad on their part. Anyway… when John refused to do what his father wanted Thomas flew into a rage the last time. He hit John hard. Twice in fact… until John hit him back, using his biotics."

Liara winced knowing the strength that her Shepard had with his biotics. "He was injured I take it."

"Thomas broke one of John's ribs and split his lips." Hannah said as she remembered that day. "John broke his father's arm and shoulder. Thomas didn't really know just how strong John had become. He never recovered completely from the shoulder injury and had to step down from command of ships."

Liara grimaced. "Oh goddess!" She gasped.

Hannah nodded. "It wasn't pretty." She said. "I imagine he is spitting nails now knowing that I am here. Steven would have contacted him and let him know. We're divorced but we are still very close."

"And when he discovers that John and I are Bondmates, this will not make things better." Liara said softly.

Hannah looked at her. "That is not something you ever need to worry about Liara!" She spoke quickly moving closer on the couch. "I have never seen John so happy. So focused. So full of life. It's because of you Liara. You are his universe now and if I know anything about my son… I know when he sets his mind to something he does not let anyone knock him from that path."

Liara smiled at her. "He is my universe as well." She spoke. "More so than I can put into words."

"Then you build from there and…" Hannah stopped talking when the electronic beep sounded in the room.

Liara looked up instantly. "Yes EDI." She asked.

-Dr. T'Soni… there is an incoming transmission on the Sigma Beta frequency- The synthesized female voice spoke. –Assistant Manager Inyan of Nexus Imports is requesting a confirmation on the delivery of the rug you ordered-

"Thank you EDI." Liara said quickly. "I will be right there." She looked at Hannah. "Our VI. John and I saw this exquisite rug while we were on Thessia recently. I ordered one for our home here. I've been waiting a week for her to contact me."

Hannah nodded. "Of course. I'll be here looking at this information if you don't mind?"

"Of course not." Liara said. "I'll be back shortly."

Liara left Hannah alone in the library room and quickly made her way to the kitchen. She glanced around as she descended the stairs into the wine cellar portion of the large basement and turned to stop in front of the floor to ceiling rack of expensive wines. She lifted her arm and called forth her Omnitool. When the device flared to life on her arm she quickly typed a code and looked at the wine rack. "The goddess bless me and all that I do." She spoke.

A soft hum followed and the wine rack slid aside to reveal a steel door that would have been better suited on a starship than in a basement with four intricate vertical encoding strips on it. Liara quickly punched in a code using all of the strips and they immediately turned green and the door slid open. As she stepped through, the door sealed and lights began to come on as she descended a short flight of seven steps into an expansive room with a single desk and a virtual display of two dozen different communications panels and terminals with data feed from across the galaxy. It hadn't taken much to get all of the equipment here, the old Shadow Broker had two cargo holds full of extra equipment of the kind he was using and it was a simple matter to bring a full set up here and establish it for use. .

"The usual channel EDI?" Liara asked as she moved to the chair and settled into it.

-Yes. Inyan is standing by- EDI answered.

While Liara was here on Illium and the NORMANDY was docked, EDI was a godsend to her and John both. She had full access to the SB network and was always helping Liara to better correlate all of the information she received and only informing her of important items so that she and John could spend as much time together as possible.

It had been a tedious two weeks of constant work among the many conduits and systems of the NORMANDY for whenever they thought they had cleared her systems, EDI would find another Cerberus bug implanted within her software or systems somewhere. However, the day she had declared herself free of Cerberus monitoring devices, all of them had breathed a sigh of relief. And it almost sounded as if EDI was more pleased than the rest of them. Liara was smart enough to know however, that there still might be more that even EDI could not detect so over the course of the next week she sent out tidbits of information to see if any reaction from the Illusive Man or Cerberus would come. None did and only then did Liara begin to expand her use of EDI's systems, adding her own very sophisticated security measures just to be sure. Now it was a simple thing.

Liara reached up to touch the immense display, activating one small COM panel with a simple touch. "Operative Inyan… this is the Shadow Broker. Confirm please."

"Nexus Group Team one. Alpha Code 34619." The female voice answered.

"Identity confirmed. Proceed." Liara spoke.


Inyan turned back to Matthew with her Omnitool active as he moved up to her. Rocan, Stefan and Biggs had secured Toban with unbreakable Turian plasti-cuffs and then knocked him out with a sedative. They had dragged him into his apartment to wait while the rest of the team readied their transport.

Matthew stepped close to her and looked at the Omnitool. "Shadow Broker… this is Operative Nexus. Our target is secure. Requesting delivery options."

"Casualties to your team or civilians?" The synthetic sounding voice asked.

"None." Toombs answered. "As instructed."

"Deliver the package to Safe House Fourteen. Standard security protocols are in effect. Remain until contact made with Operative Archangel or Operative Praetor. Payment will be transferred immediately with an additional bonus for meeting secondary objectives."

Toombs nodded. "Understood."

"Operative Nexus… should concerns arise… you are to terminate the target with extreme prejudice and deliver the corpse. Do not risk the target escaping."

"I acknowledge the order." Toombs said. "Nexus out.

Inyan looked at him as the transmission ended. "I'm guessing this guy is very important huh?" She spoke in a whisper soft voice so only Matt heard her.

"Sure looks that way." Toombs spoke turning back to look at the inert figure of Toban. "Apparently his actions have pissed off some rather powerful people if John and Liara ordered us to take him alive."

"Goddess… you think?" Inyan said playfully. Of all those in Nexus Group only Matt and Inyan knew who Liara really was or the fact they she and John were Bondmates. It was a secret they had sworn to each other to never reveal for they used Shepard and Liara as a sounding board for their own relationship. "After hearing you and others speak of him, I take it getting on John's bad side is not good for your health?"

Matt chuckled as he looked at Toban. "Usually those who get on Shepard's bad side end up dead… so yeah… it's not a good proposition." Matt looked back at her. "Safe house fourteen huh?" He said softly. "I think I might take you to a fine dinner when we are done since we are going to be there."

Inyan pressed close to him with a seductive smile of her own and slid her arm around his waist possessively. "Does that include desert?" She asked with a whisper and a twinkle in her eyes.

Matthew Toombs had become something so very special to her. A human he may have been, but Inyan didn't care in the least. He treated her like some precious jewel to be propped up and worshiped. While he was not the most handsome human male she had ever encountered, there was a certain aura surrounding him that others did not have. An aura of confidence mixed with pain and strength. He was a complex man and his rough exterior aside, he could make her quiver in bliss in their bed. He was very intelligent and quick witted and he treated her as an equal, which is something Inyan found so very attractive about him. Her own people regarded her as barely more than a child in terms of age, but with Matthew she was equal. It was no different than how John treated Liara and this was one of the main reasons she was so very drawn to Matthew. And so very committed to wherever their relationship took them. She doubted very much she would find another man like Matthew and she wasn't about to let him slip away.

"Inyan… you are desert." Toombs said with a husky voice close to her cheek.

Inyan's sky blue eyes glittered in delight. "Ohhh… I love it when you talk dirty Matthew. Let's hurry." She said.

Toombs nodded with a smile and turned to the others. "Ok people. We're going to Illium. Let's move this piece of shit and get off this rock."

"No arguments here." Rocan stated coming to his feet.

"Illium." Biggs spoke. "Now that is going to be a nice break."

"Just don't sign anything Biggs." Toombs spoke. "Remember the last time you did that? Shepard had to pull a lot of strings to save your indentured ass."

Inyan smiled as well. "A few months as an indentured servant might have been helpful to his personality Matthew." She spoke.

Biggs waved his hand at them as he hauled Toban up. "Yeah… yeah. Laugh it up." He spat while the others grinned.


Liara leaned back in the chair with a satisfied smile. "That should put a crimp in the Illusive Man's neck." She said smugly.

-The Illusive Man will not be pleased when he discovers Toban is missing. He will assume it is us- EDI's voice echoed.

"Too bad." Liara spoke. "Toban has a lot to answer for. He is ex-N7 and John has plans for him before turning him over to Alliance Command. The information he has in his head about Cerberus could be invaluable. He's is the most active assassin within Cerberus at the moment according to Miranda. Having him out of the way will be a bonus. Besides… Nexus Group is only a myth. No one believes they even exist."

-Shall I inform Garrus to meet Nexus Team?-

Liara nodded. "Give him the timeframe and let him know John will be there as well. He'll want to see Matthew anyway."

-Very well Liara-

"And EDI?" Liara spoke as she rose to her feet. "Advise Doctor Galor that the Shadow Broker has need of his skills and to prepare for a full interrogation. Give him the details when Nexus team reaches Illium."


Liara began to make her way back up into her main home to continue her conversations with Hannah. Learning of John's past and family from her was enlightening to say the least since she knew he did not like talking about it because of the shame and hurt he felt.


Dentara guided her car over the city below as they headed towards the outskirts. She glanced at Shepard out of the corner of her eye and saw him sitting there silently. He made her very nervous and he knew that. The Spectre John Shepard had made a reputation for himself of doing the impossible and eliminating his enemies with ruthless purpose and efficiency in the process of doing the impossible. Watching him in her office and seeing him now, the way he moved, the way his eyes took in everything around him, Dentara didn't doubt the reports any longer. Whatever else was said about John Shepard, this human man was extremely dangerous.

She saw him finally smile and look at her with those emerald eyes. Eyes that made her shudder. Those emerald green orbs seemed to be looking right through her and into her soul. "You have no reason to be afraid of me Commander." He said evenly. "I'm not as bad as all the stories tend to make me out to be."

"That depends on who you ask." Dentara spoke.

John chuckled. "Well… I suppose that is true." He said.

"I have known Commandant Rahli for more years than you have been alive." Dentara told him. "How did you get her to trust you so completely? She has never shared information about her family with anyone… yet she speaks to you about them as if you know them."

"I do." John answered.

"You are not going to tell me are you?" Dentara asked.

"No." He told her calmly. "If Rahli deems it necessary to inform you that is up to her, but I will not violate a friendship because you are curious. Would you care to tell me why Asari High Command is so concerned with what Liara is doing?"

"If you are her Bondmate as you say… then you know who her mother was?" Dentara asked.

John nodded his head sadly. "I know who she was." He replied. "We were… we were there the day she died."

Dentara's eyes grew a little wider. "You were there?" She gasped.

John met her gaze. "How do you think she was killed?" He asked.

"The official reports state…" Dentara began.

"The official reports are only accurate to a point." John interrupted her. "They say she was killed in a lab accident on Noveria while working with Saren and Sovereign. The truth is somewhat different and far more painful."

"The supposed sentient machine you and your fleet destroyed." Dentara asked. "The ones you still say will come."

John smiled at her. "I see you have done your homework." He said.

"It is my job to know these things." Dentara said. "I would be a poor investigator if I did not. My sources tell me it is the reason the Council has limited you to working in the Terminus Systems. They do not want…"

"They do not want me shooting my mouth off. Yes I know. But hiding from the facts will do them no good. The Reapers are very real Commander Dentara." John stated. "The sooner more people begin to believe that, the better off this galaxy will be and the more we will be prepared."

"Is that how you got the Council to keep from arresting you after they learned you were working for Cerberus?" She asked.

"I never worked for Cerberus." John said maintaining his calm demeanor but his voice had a hard edge to it Dentara noticed. "I worked with them. I used their resources to finally bring an end to the Collector threat against humans. That is all. The Citadel Council knew what I was doing the entire time Commander. I'm not actually on Cerberus's favorite persons list at the moment you know. I took a couple of things from them when I finished my mission against the Collectors. Things that were very expensive and worth a great deal. To say that upset them would be an understatement."

"I assume your ship is one of those things?" Dentara said.

John nodded his head with a smile. "Yes."

Dentara shifted her eyes as they began to leave behind the traffic of Nos Astra. She watched as Shepard called forth his Omnitool and typed on it quickly. "Set these coordinates and we should be there in a few minutes."

Dentara complied and then looked at him again. She was becoming more comfortable in his presence, thought she was still very wary. "Asari High Command is concerned because Liara T'Soni is the only daughter of Benezia, she inherited all of her mother's wealth and records and she is an Information Broker. One of the most influential outside Council space. And she has risen to that in little more than two years. It is not exactly the most noble of professions. She is an Information Broker who seems to have far more contacts and resources than they realized. I.E. you Commander."

John smiled. "She is very good at what she does isn't she?" He said with a modicum of pride in his voice. "Must be her background as a Archeologist."

"She is… or was a Prothean expert until she met you." Dentara agreed. "One of the finest."

"She still is one of the finest." John spoke evenly. "And your government and her fellow researchers wanted nothing to do with her or her theories because of her age. Why take an interest in her all of a sudden?"

"It's not sudden." Dentara told him. "They have been watching her since she came to Illium. They did not… they did not want a repeat of Benezia."

"And that is why Aethyta is involved?" John asked.

"Liara is her daughter!" Dentara hissed. "She does not want harm to come to her! She agreed to watch over her for Asari High Command in order to keep them from overreacting."

"And being involved with me doesn't help matters either I assume." John said.

"What do you think?" Dentara asked him."You defeat Saren and then are mysteriously "killed". You magically return two years later with extensive ties to Cerberus, an avowed alien hate organization, and cause major upheavals in your trek to destroy the Collectors. Then you come back into Liara's life and that debacle at the Trade Towers ensues. Asari High Command is still trying to sort all of that out! Then she begins disappearing for days at a time and when she returns it always seems to be with you. Would you be concerned Commander?"

"Maybe." He answered. "But then I would just find out if this person was a true threat or not."

Dentara shook her head. "That is not the Asari way." She said.

"Perhaps it is better than all this sneaking around." John said pointing his finger out the cockpit. "See that house on the second ridge."

Dentara's eyes grew large as she saw the exquisite home built on the side of the mountain side. She looked at Shepard. "This… that is your home?"

John nodded. "Nice and quiet." He said. "Off the beaten path as we humans say." He typed once more on the Omnitool. "I have deactivated security measures. You can set us down on the landing pad to the east."

"And then what?" Dentara asked.

"Then you can meet and talk to Liara yourself. And you can meet my mother." He replied.

"What will that accomplish?" Dentara asked.

"You want answers right?" John asked.


"I can't promise all of the answers you want… some of them are just too sensitive to allow just anyone to know… but I can promise you'll get quite a few." He told her. "You just have to trust us."



It had been his home for many years now, and while he did take frequent trips off his super secret space station, he always returned. His eyes right now were gazing upon the lush green sections of the unexplored world his station currently orbited. The planet was just coming into its life cycle phase and primitive lifeforms were beginning to spread rapidly. He lowered the glass of Jim Beam Dark to the arm of his chair and took another long drag from the brand of homegrown cigarettes that he spent a great deal of money on. He had been called many things in his lifetime. Murderer. Butcher. Monster. Those were but a few of the nicer names. However, even with all that, he considered himself simply a human patriot.

The soft chime indicating an incoming message drew his attention and his eyes shifted slightly as he rotated his chair around a hundred and eighty degrees to face the holopad. When it was activated it would project the image of the person, or persons he was talking to as if they were actually in the room with him.

"Accept." He spoke the single word knowing already who was calling him.

The face, shoulders and then the body of the man appeared sitting behind a large polished oak desk with several flags behind him and the double windows of the office he was in. The shades were drawn at the moment, blocking out the bright sun of Earth. The man appeared to be in his middle sixties, though still in excellent health. His brown hair was beginning to gray at the temples, but his steely grey eyes were alert and intelligent.

"Senator Wilcox." The Illusive Man spoke with a nod of his head. "What may I do for you?"

"We need more." Williams spoke.

"Perhaps you could be specific Senator." The Illusive Man said. "More could encompass a great deal."

"More information on Shepard." Williams told him.

"Senator Williams… you already dealt for what their was." The Illusive man answered.

"You must have more." Williams hissed. "What you gave me was barely useable. And we paid well for it."

"Indeed. However, there is nothing else to give you." The Illusive Man answered. "Not without considerable risk to Cerberus. Risks I am not willing to take."

"What risks?" Williams asked. "Perhaps we can help each other then."

The Illusive Man shook his head. "I'm afraid not Senator."

"What about the medical data and procedures used to bring him back?" Williams asked. "Can you at least supply those?"

"The medical files you are inquiring about were destroyed with Lazarus Station. Given the sensitive nature of the work being conducted there, no backups were ever made." The Illusive man told him. "Even if I had them I would not provide them. While your vendetta against Commander Shepard is commendable Senator… once you revealed this data, he would know who gave it to you."

"So you are frightened of him." Williams spat. "He's an alien loving traitor to his people! And you fear him!"

The Illusive Man was becoming bored with this conversation rather quickly. "Senator… I am not frightened of Commander Shepard. I am also not of the mind to have him direct his full attention, nor that of the Citadel Council, to my organization."

Williams smiled then. "So the Turian raids did hurt you more than you let on." He spoke.

The Illusive Man held his temper in check with the pompous politician. "We suffered setbacks yes… but Cerberus is fully intact Senator. You underestimate Commander Shepard Senator Williams. Just like I did. I would be careful where I walk."

"Then perhaps it is time to go to someone who can help me." Williams spoke with a definite hint of arrogance. "Cerberus is not the only source of information out there."

The Illusive Man didn't blink at the suggestion, but his mind did race with scenarios and ideas. Perhaps he could subtly shift events in his favor with a few simple words. "If you are referring to the Shadow Broker, Senator Williams, that is entirely up to you. However, I will warn you that Commander Shepard may or may not have ties to the Shadow Broker that you do not know of."

The human Senator stopped for a moment and thought about that response. "That is… that is interesting." He said.

"Indeed Senator." The Illusive Man spoke. "Have a good day sir."

He cut off the transmission before Williams had the opportunity to respond. "Fool." He said. He doubted the vendetta against Shepard would have any long term staying power. The man possessed the uncanny ability to make others believe in him.

Shepard had destroyed the Reaper base and left only bits of technology for Cerberus to collect and use when they could have had the entire station and set humanity up for decades to come as the dominant species in Council space and beyond. The man's sense of duty and honor had overruled that course of action and the end result was a break in their relationship. Shepard had stolen his ship, his AI and two of his brightest and best operatives. The Illusive Man no longer had access to any of the NORMANDY's systems or the AI known as EDI. Whoever had conducted the purge had done top notch work. Shepard now also had all of the resources of the Shadow Broker at his command with the woman he loved behind it all. The Asari Liara T'Soni was the wildcard in his eyes. Shepard was predictable to a point, push him past that point and he would become as predictable as the wind. Liara T'Soni however, she was not predictable in any way, shape or form.

Their last communications had ended rather abruptly, much like the one they had after he destroyed the Collector base.

"We can leave this two ways." Shepard spoke to him. "I'm going to do exactly what you brought me back to do, but I'm going to do it my way. You can accept that or not, I don't care, but Liara is untouchable to you. If even one freckle on her head is so much as pushed out of place I will come for you. And I won't stop until you are dead and Cerberus is nothing but a memory."

"And how do I know you will not act against Cerberus Shepard?" The Illusive Man asked.

"Because I'm telling you I won't." Shepard answered him. "I've had the data from Lorek for months and I have not used it. As long as we have an understanding… that data stays private and out of the public. There are good people in your organization, Miranda and Jacob among them, and then there are the monsters. I will not put those good people in danger because of you and your penchant for experimenting on unwilling children and adults under the false guise of furthering the cause of humanity. Use that on those who don't know better but that is bullshit and you and I both know that."

"What else?" The Illusive Man asked using his willpower to keep his anger and emotions in check.

"Oriana Lawson is no longer yours or Cerberus's concern." Shepard spoke once more. "Miranda and I will see to their relocation and Cerberus will not attempt to find out where she is."

"There is no need for that." The Illusive Man said.

Shepard had chuckled. "You don't honestly believe I'm going to leave Miranda's sister at your mercy after Miri told you to get fucked do you?" He said. "Miranda is my friend… and I will not have her worried that you might take action against her sister because of what she did."


"I'm telling you we don't have to be enemies." Shepard said. "Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. We both want the same thing but we differ greatly on how to achieve that. I will not put others at risk, or conduct brutal experiments in order to achieve my goals. And if I find it out there… by you or anyone… I will put a stop to it."

"So we will be enemies." The Illusive Man said.

"Not unless you cross the line and I find it." Shepard answered him.

"Can I then expect a mutually beneficial exchange of information when it pertains to the Reapers?" The Illusive Man asked.

Shepard paused for a moment. "I'll give on that. Cerberus has gifted people working for them as I said. Their input could be useful."

"And if I do not agree to these terms?" The Illusive Man asked.

"Then the data that I have from Lorek goes to the Alliance." Shepard told him rather bluntly. "And I come after you and Cerberus."

"I seem to be getting the short end of the stick as the saying goes."

Shepard shrugged his shoulders. "I'm offering it, which ought to tell you I'd rather be neutral parties as opposed to enemies. We have bigger problems."

The Illusive Man nodded. "Yes we do. Very well. We have an agreement. I assume that if you break this agreement I will be free to act as I choose?"

Shepard smiled. "You can try." He said. "But I won't unless you do something stupid."

The loss of Miranda Lawson had set Cerberus's Advance Gene Therapy and Bio-Synthetic Research back nearly a decade. Knowing Miranda as he did, he was quite sure that she had copies of all the data from Lazarus Station and he chastised himself for not asking her about them before Shepard helped her with her sister. It was then Shepard had earned her utter and complete trust and it was then that he began to change how she viewed things. The Illusive Man was angry about how those events took place and that Miranda had betrayed him, but he was unable to act against her. He should have seen it coming really, so he had no one to blame but himself. Her sister's family had been relocated within three weeks of the destruction of the base and no matter how many inconspicuous fingers he had put out; their presence now was a mystery. He would eventually find out he was sure, but to go after her meant he had to contend with Shepard. Cerberus was not yet strong enough after the recent loses to do that. He knew Shepard and what he would do… the man was a single minded heat seeking missile when he wanted to be. Any actions taken against Miranda's sister would bring the full wrath of Shepard down on Cerberus and added to that was the fact that Liara T'Soni would provide him with everything he needed to bring Cerberus down completely. Miranda's actions stung deeply after all he had done for her, but without substantial support he was powerless to take any sort of action.

While a superior weapons master, the loss of Jacob Taylor was not as damaging to the whole of Cerberus and the Illusive Man had already dismissed him as insignificant. His head canted up when the chime sounded.

"Sir… another incoming transmission. Agent Talbert." His assistant's voice spoke.

"Accept." The Illusive Man spoke watching as the figure of the armored soldier appeared in the holopad this time. "Talbert… the purpose of your transmission?"

"Agent Vocuous never made it to the meeting sir." The human answered.

The Illusive Man's head came up alertly and his eyes narrowed. "Explain."

"We were at the meeting location and on time as instructed. He never showed." Talbert explained. "I ordered my men to go to his location at the hotel and they found nothing. It's like he just vanished."

"You searched his room?" The Illusive man asked.

"Yes sir. No signs of a struggle. No signs of forced entry. Nothing. Totally clean. Too clean." Talbert said.

"Your assessment?" He asked.

"If someone snatched him sir, it was one of the most professional jobs I've ever seen." Talbert answered. "They left nothing. No sign that they were here. Questioning individuals will get us nowhere. Joab is a haven for those who don't want to be found."

The Illusive Man sat back. While Kai Leng was truly the most lethal assassin he had ever met, Toban Vocuous was the finest Special Ops soldier he had even seen. The man was precise and just as lethal as Kai Leng in his own manner.

"Alliance?" The Illusive Man asked.

Talbert nodded his head. "It's very possible sir. Some of their N7 units are that good."


Talbert nodded his head again. "He's more than skilled enough for this type of Op sir. Hell… he could pull something like this off in his sleep given the crew he has around him. Alien or not."

"Thank you Benjamin. Sweep and purge the area. Leave no signs that Toban Vocuous was ever there. If that means you must resort to secondary means please do so." The Illusive Man said. "When that is complete… make contact with your people within the Alliance and see if it was them."

"That could take a while sir." Talbert said.

"I understand." The Illusive Man said. "Just do not disclose your cover or compromise yourself or your men."


The Illusive Man leaned back in his chair as the transmission ended and he spun it around to stare out the view window. Was Shepard responsible for this? He had never been in contact with Toban Vocuous. Never met or heard of him. Why would he act against the deal he made? It wasn't like him to take such a risk.

Or was it?



Dentara had been an Investigator for over three centuries and she had learned all of the small tricks of the trade that criminals would use to try and lie their way out of their crimes. She was also a superior judge of character and had often been brought in on cases that were not her own to get her recommendation of certain individuals. As she stood in the foyer of Shepard and Liara's home and watched as Liara T'Soni folded herself quite willingly and without a second's pause into his strong embrace, Dentara knew that what he had told her was very true. She could detect it within a few seconds really; the total devotion and aura of love that coalesced around them as they shared a soft, lingering kiss. Looking at them Dentara suddenly realized that they fit together seamlessly like the pieces of a puzzle. She had seen other Asari with their human Bondmates of course, but there was something so very different about John Shepard and Liara T'Soni. It was something so very powerful, an aura of boundless energy coming together. It was very nearly a palpable thing and it managed to stun her for a few moments.

{Is there something that I should know John?} Liara asked as she pressed closer to him uncaring of the fact that Dentara was only two meters away watching them intently.

{We haven't made a whole lot of progress towards making your people see things our way Lee.} He told her. {Having another Matriarch on our side wouldn't be so bad.}

{Who is she really working for?} Liara asked.

{She wouldn't tell me.} John answered. {At least not outright.}

Liara glanced at Dentara who was watching them. {It will be a simple enough task to find out.} She said confidently.

{Liara…} Shepard began.

{You are right however.} She told him turning her azure eyes back to his face. {Rahli approves?}

John nodded. {It was her idea actually. I got to talk with her before Dentara here.} He answered. {I figured having two of the most powerful Matriarchs on Illium in our corner can't be all bad.}

{You have an idea don't you?} Liara asked.

John nodded. {One that I will look into… yes. I will tell you as soon as I confirm it Lee… you know that.}

{What do we tell her?} Liara asked.

{Everything.} John replied. {Well… almost everything. More than we told Rahli. We don't need to worry about putting Commander Dentara in a bad political situation. I get the feeling she is not one to follow most rules and does what she feels is right to get the job done. If we give her all the facts and let her make her own decision I believe she will come to the same conclusion as we have.}

Dentara was watching them closely and while their lips were not moving she could tell by their eyes and the miniscule shifts of their expressions that they were talking to one another. Her eyes grew a little wider as she realized they were communicating with each other within some sort of psychic bond that only they shared. Dentara had heard of such bonds but in all her life she had never actually seen one. It was said that both the individuals needed to be extremely powerful in shaping and harnessing the willpower needed. They also needed to have melded countless times in order for it to work and each meld supposedly made the connection much clearer and focused and that much more powerful. Their ancient writings said such a bond only happened between two individuals who had transcended the emotion of mutual love for one another and were almost one being entirely.

Dentara stepped closer without really thinking about it for it was fascinating to see. "You are speaking with your minds!" She gasped softly, seeing both of them turn to look at her.

Liara shifted slightly and grasped John's arm in both her hands as she nodded. "Yes." She said.

Dentara moved closer to them. "How… how is this possible?" She stammered. "Do you know how rare this is among our people? When did…"

Liara held up her hand. "Please Matriarch Dentara… one question at a time if you would." Liara told her.

Dentara looked at Shepard. "You… you were telling me the truth." She gasped again.

John shrugged his broad shoulders. "Go figure." He said with a smile.

"How… how did this happen?" Dentara asked. "What you… what you share has not been seen among the Asari for over a millennia. Did your mother know? Does anyone else know that…?"

"Lee…?" John spoke quickly.

Liara laughed softly at his reaction to the barrage of questions and squeezed his arm. He hated trying to explain what they shared together and the scientific ramifications of it were more than he wanted to get into. As far as John was concerned the connection they shared with their minds was meant to be and just was. Liara felt the same way but she had more patience for the scientific portions of it than her Bondmate. She pulled on his arm until he leaned over and she softly kissed his cheek.

"Hannah is on the patio." Liara told him. "I will speak with Matriarch Dentara while you visit with her. Then we will have dinner together."

"Sounds good to me." He stated happily. He kissed her soft violet lips and as always Liara shuddered inwardly at the sensations. She watched him with adoring eyes as he turned and headed across the room towards the open patio doors.

Liara turned back to Dentara. "Matriarch Dentara… welcome to our home." Liara said with a warm smile. She motioned with her hand to the study where only this morning she had been telling Hannah almost the exact same thing she would now tell Dentara. "Perhaps we should sit for a time. This will not be a short story."

Dentara… now very eager to hear all Liara had to say after seeing what she and Shepard shared nodded and began to follow her across the foyer to another room.

Systems Alliance Frigate


Admiral Bill Coryn watched as Steven Hackett returned to the large conference room table with two glasses in his hands. They had served and been friends for over two decades now and Bill Coryn knew how Hackett felt about John Shepard. He knew how David Anderson felt for the junior officer. They could see something very special and unique in Commander John Michael Shepard and after meeting with him, William Coryn saw it too. Shepard was a natural leader with the drive and will and charisma to shape the events all around him. As well as the people who he associated with. It was a trait that very few men in human history had, and those that did usually went on to make history in some shape or form whether it be good or bad.

"So what do you think Steven?" Bill asked as he took the offered glass as Hackett settled into the chair beside him at the table.

Hackett looked at him. "You know what I think Bill. The better question is what do you think?" He said as he sipped his drink.

"I didn't know what to think going into this I'll be honest with you." Coryn replied to the question evenly. "Nothing in his file attests to what he has accomplished."

Hackett nodded his head. "And now you know why Anderson and I feel like we do about him. We've seen this young man at work Bill. What he has done. No matter the odds, no matter the risk, he never gave up. Never backed down. And those that followed him deserve just as much credit."

Coryn nodded. "Yes they do… but it was Shepard who inspired them." He said. "Just listening to him talking during the briefing he gave us… I thought the damn chairs were going to get up and fight with us."

Hackett chuckled. "He does have that effect on people."

"If I was facing what he will face when he returns I don't know if I would be able to do what he is doing." Coryn spoke thoughtfully. "He's got some brass balls I'll tell you that. And I see the no back down in him that you mention. He gets that from his parents I see." Coryn knew Thomas Shepard personally and had recently met Hannah Shepard. Neither of them had any back down in them either.

"Yes sir." Hackett said sipping his drink once more.

"David… you want to chime in here?" Coryn spoke turning to the QEC communication relay on the top of the desk. The device activated and the figure of Admiral David Anderson appeared.

"I know that Alliance Command has been ignoring him for three years." Anderson said. "Even with me supporting him. Now… after what we saw happen on Aratoht… now we are finally starting to listen to him. Something we should have done a long time ago."

"David… I've only had this job for little more than a year." Coryn spoke. "There is only so much I can do in that short a time frame."

"I know sir." Anderson spoke.

"I read every report… seen every fitness evaluation… and I can tell you right up front I have no intention of throwing Shepard to the wolves." Coryn said. "I will not let a politically driven vendetta against him succeed. That being said… he will need to bend a little." He spoke looking at Hackett and then Anderson in the QEC transmission. "This needs to play out so that the politicians see for themselves what is going on."

"Will they come onboard Bill?" Hackett asked.

Coryn nodded. "Given what he showed us from Aratoht… yes I believe they will." He replied. "I'll make them see even though he presents a pretty convincing case all by himself."

"He won't like being cut out of the loop sir." Anderson spoke.

"He won't be out of the loop." Coryn answered. "Not entirely. He'll have you and Steven here giving him regular updates. This thing will not get out of the Inquiry stage I swear to you. There will be consequences so to speak, but Shepard is willing to accept them initially. Steven and I already talked to him about it and he understands. And we'll need to protect him from the Batarians. They'll want blood."

"Prison?" Anderson gasped.

Coryn shook his head quickly. "Hell no! That's not what I'm saying. More like House Arrest. At least until this thing with the Batarians blows over. And he'll need to have no contact with his friends or… or his wife. Or very limited contact."

Hackett leaned forward now. "You didn't mention that Bill." He said.

Coryn shook his head. "No I didn't. I saw how they acted together and I realize that might not be the easiest thing."

Anderson shifted on his booted feet. "Easy? Admiral… there is no John Shepard without Liara T'Soni. And vice versa." He spoke. "They have been through too much together. Endured more than most couples in order to get to where they are."

"I know." Coryn spoke. "But she is an Information Broker. Not the most reputable of jobs out there." Coryn didn't notice the extremely fast look that Hackett and Anderson shared and he continued. "And she is an Asari. While I have no issues with her… there are those who will feel she is influencing him."

"She's been part of this since the beginning Bill." Hackett spoke. "And she is one of the foremost Prothean Scientists anywhere in the galaxy. Liara T'Soni is outside the normal chain of information for Asari High Command because of her youth in Asari terms but she's light years ahead of most of our people. That's what they have been doing these last weeks. Going to her former dig sites like on Therum and collecting any information they could. Then Liara tries to translate it."

Coryn nodded. "I know… and I…" Coryn stopped and looked at them. "Will she help us?"

"That is not in question Bill." Hackett answered immediately. "How much can she help us is the question we should be asking… especially if we try to keep her from seeing John. Or vice versa for that matter. You saw how protective she is of him… and he of her."

Coryn nodded his head. "Yeah I noticed that."

"Their relationship is different from what we are used too sir." Anderson spoke. "I've spoken to others that have been with them since this all began. Garrus and Tali the most. You met them on Illium. They differ somewhat in their explanations but all of them have said the same thing in different ways. Whatever Shepard and Liara share, all of them believe it was somehow pre-ordained. Meant to be. Even more so since it was Liara who actually recovered Shepard's body in the first place. She refused to let him die sir. And she took a lot of bad people down permanently in the process of getting Shepard's body back. That ought to tell you something right there. She may not look like much at first… but she can definitely lay a hurting on someone."

Hackett thought for a moment and then looked at Coryn. "I'll take care of it Bill." He spoke.

"How?" Coryn asked. "We don't need her to become a problem Steven. She is apparently just as important as Shepard in the grand scheme of things."

"Yes she is and if you try and keep them apart and it will be a problem Bill." Hackett spoke. "There's another way though."

"I'm listening." Coryn said.

"Mars." Anderson spoke up now knowing where Hackett was going because it was something they had discussed before.

Hackett nodded. "Mars."

Coryn shook his head. "I'm not following. Mars?"

"The Mars Archives." Hackett spoke. "Dr. Liara T'Soni is a Prothean Expert. The Mars archives are a treasure trove of Prothean artifacts that the Alliance has had in storage for three decades. There is only a small science team working there now. Turn her loose in there. She's been able to translate other smaller artifacts from her dig sites that have hinted at a weapon of some sort. There's no telling what she can find in the Mars Archives that will expand on that. If not more. It certainly can't hurt." Hackett said. "And if need be we can arrange for her and John to have some time together discretely."

Coryn nodded without hesitation. "I can deal with that idea. I'll leave you to work out the details Steven. In the mean time… I want all fleets put on a Category Three Alert. Everyone is to begin extra training drills as well as implement overhaul to the begin installing the newer weapons systems we have developed. No unnecessary leaves unless it is a dire emergency."

"Understood." Anderson said.

"You know David… this would be a lot easier if you hadn't stepped down as Councilor." Coryn spoke with a smile.

Hackett and Anderson both chuckled softly at that knowing how Anderson felt about his old job. "Can you see me kissing ass on the Citadel sir. I certainly can't."

Coryn laughed as he sipped his drink. "No… though that images does provide hours of humor." He spoke in reply. He set his glass down and looked at them. "The two of you tapped Shepard in the very beginning of all this and you know him best. Just so we are clear… I will not let the only real weapon we have against the Reapers be crucified by some ass kissing politicians looking to make points. We're going to need him…"

Hackett nodded. "That we are sir. That we are."

"He's never let us down Admiral." Anderson spoke. "Shepard does not know when to quit. He don't think that word is even in his vocabulary. Once he latches onto something he will hunt it down like a bulldog sir. Right to the end."

Coryn nodded. "Good. We'll need that attitude to rub off on the people around him. We'll meet with you when we get back Anderson." He said.

Anderson nodded. "Understood."

Coryn looked at Hackett as the QEC disc shut down and Anderson's image disappeared. "Steven… I'm drafting orders to appoint you Commander of all Forces should anything happen to me."


Coryn held up his hand. "It needs to be done and you know it." He said. "I'm making you my Deputy effective immediately. Make sure your ship has the new retro fits and then I want you out there somewhere. Stay away from ARCTURUS Station because if the Reapers do come here… they'll hit there first. I need you alive and functioning Steven."

Hackett nodded slowly. "I'll see to it." He said.

Coryn nodded his head. "I'll leave you and David to handle Dr. T'Soni however you deem necessary. If you do arrange for them to have time together, for god's sake make sure they don't get caught."

Hackett nodded with a laugh. "We're talking about John Shepard sir. Probably the sneakiest and deadliest sonofabitch to ever come out of the N7 Program."

Coryn nodded and laughed as well. "That's what I'm worried about."


Shepard stood next to Miranda in the briefing room, the image from Toombs's ship and the prisoner being transmitted directly here. Toban Vocuous was inert as they watched Inyan adjusted her Omnitool and passed it over Vocuous's head once more.

"Miranda?" John asked.

Miranda Lawson stood in her usual thoughtful repose position. Hips slightly canted to the left and her arms crossed over her more than ample chest with two of her fingers touching her chin. Her black hair cascaded well past her shoulders to the middle of her back; having grown out quite a bit since they had begun working together. John remembered the first time he had seen her, drifting in and out of consciousness. Her stunning blue eyes had looked so much like Liara's that for a fleeting moment he thought he was being woken up in a hospital. Until his foggy mind registered that there was none of the azure blue skin he had fallen in love with. Their relationship had started off rocky enough, Miranda keeping him at arm's length with her arrogance and brutal nature. When she had come to him for help with Oriana John had jumped at the chance. He wanted to get to know this woman who had brought him back from the brink and he wanted to know why.

Their friendship had blossomed after they secured Oriana's future and safety from her father. Miranda began to open up to him more and more, partly because she knew that John was in love with Liara and did not wish to simply get into her pants because of her beauty and body. Over the course of the following weeks and months they had grown very close as friends and John had a hunch it had been Miranda who secretly sent him the data about the Shadow Broker that finally brought him and Liara back together. There was a true person inside that exquisite looking female exterior and that person had only needed the right nudge to finally begin to show her true self.

Miranda looked at him. "What?" she asked.

"The Graybox?" He asked.

"What about it?" She asked him. "I know how they operate and the basic principles behind them… but I've never had one."

"This was your idea Miri." He stated with a grin.

Miranda's eyes narrowed. "I didn't think you would actually go through with it John!" She snapped with just a little bit of surprise. "I knew who he was the moment Matthew and Inyan described him, but I have never seen or worked with him before thank god. The Illusive Man kept the different cells separated for a reason Shepard. Jacob and I did some devious and underhanded things in our time, and we killed a lot of people who deserved it, but this asshole is a stone cold killer. He's almost as bad as Kai Leng."

"Miranda's right boss." Toombs voice filled the internal COM though they could not see him in the transmission. "We came upon three targets he had taken out while we were chasing his ass. He's brutally efficient and has no qualms about taking out innocents in his way."

It had taken some time for Toombs to come to realize that what had happened to them on Akuze was not under Miranda's guidance. That operation had been run by another cell of Cerberus operatives. They had worked together twice now since the formation of the Nexus Group and Toombs had developed a grudging respect for her that Miranda returned.

"EDI?" John asked.

-Preliminary scans from Inyan's Omnitool do not reveal very much data Shepard- She answered. –Most Grayboxes are protected by memory induced codes and locks. With slight adjustments to scanning parameters, we may be able to seize surface memories that could help us to discover the code. However there is no guarantee of success. Legion and I agree that neither of us possess the necessary working knowledge of Grayboxes to attempt accessing one-

"Doctor Galor's interrogation drug is quite effective EDI." Miranda said. "One injection and we had that Blood Pack mercenary singing."

-It is possible Doctor Galor's drug may elicit varying reactions that could trigger the correct memories to unlock the Graybox- EDI answered. –However, we don't know if it will work because it has never been tested. And it may well kill the subject-

"We need Katsumi." John said. "She knows more about Grayboxes than any of us."

-She would be a valuable asset in trying to break the code- EDI answered. –Or devising another way-

"EDI… is she still on the Citadel?" John asked.

-Her last status report eleven hours ago placed her there, yes Shepard-

"Contact her and let her know to complete her assignment and return to Illium post haste." John spoke. "We'll keep Mister Vocuous here on ice until she can confer with Doctor Galor."

-Understood Shepard-

"Matt… proceed with your instructions. I want at least two of your people on this asshole all the time. I don't care that he is popped full of happy drugs." John stated. "He's dangerous and I am not going to take any chances."

"I got ya Skipper." Toombs answered. "I assume the Shadow Broker told you where we are going?"

Shepard nodded. "I'll have Garrus and Grunt meet you there. They'll get you whatever you need and we'll all meet there when Katsumi gets back. Midday tomorrow more than likely if I know her."

"See you then." Toombs answered. "Nexus Leader out."

John turned to Miranda when the transmission ended. "Let Oriana know Miri." He said.

Miranda looked at him. "Why?"

"There are only a few groups in the galaxy who can do what Toombs and his team did Miri, you know that." John told her. "The Illusive Man will eventually figure out it was us and then he's going to press hard to get back at us."

"He'll never find her Shepard." Miranda spoke. "Not now."

Shepard nodded. "I don't think he will either but it never hurts to cover your bases right?" He said. "He knows I rely on you… and the easiest way to hurt me is to hurt you. That is through Oriana. I know you have told her pretty much everything you have done Miranda."

"What?" She gasped. "How do you…"

John looked at her. "Because I know you." He stated plainly. "You left that person in the past eight months ago Miranda Lawson. Stop trying to make amends for it. You are not the same. None of us are. The moment we came back through the Omega 4 Relay everything changed. We have moved on from there."

"It's… it's not that easy Shepard." She stated.

John moved closer to her and looked down into her blue eyes. "Yes it is." He spoke. "You just need to let go."

"And what if I can't?" Miranda said.

"You can. I know you can. And the reason I know that is because Toombs trusts you." John said. "If Matt trusts you after what happen on Akuze… then I know you have changed."

"I killed her Shepard." Miranda spoke softly. "I hated her… the crazy bitch. But I got her killed. I let go of her."

"You let go of her so we could close the doors and save everyone else." John said. "You had no choice and I would have done the same thing."

Miranda met his emerald green eyes. "I've killed before." She said softly. "I've had people killed and killed them myself. How do you… how do you deal with that John?" She asked.

"You do better." John said. "It's all you can do."

"Do the faces every go away?" Miranda asked him gently.

John shook his head and pulled Miranda into an embrace, an embrace she accepted easily. The embrace of a friend. "No…" He told her. "They never go away. You just learn to make friends with them.

"Gee… thanks." Miranda said with a soft chuckle as she inhaled his masculine scent and felt her body flush. Thankfully for her John pushed her to arms length quickly enough that she felt nothing else.

"You are still Miranda Lawson. You are still the same person." He told her. "You've changed since you met me… but don't think of that as a weakness. Change is part of life. Grab onto that change… because it's made you a better person in my book."

Miranda smiled at him. "Careful Shepard… now you are beginning to sound like Samara right before we went through the Relay." She said.

John grinned. "Is it working?"

"No." Miranda answered. "But keep practicing."

Shepard laughed and swung his arm over her shoulders. "C'mon…" He said. "Let's have a chat with Mordin before we call it quits for the night. You and he can fill me in on this secret serum you have concocted."

"It's not a serum you asshole!" She snapped as they walked down the corridor out of the Briefing Room. "It's a biomechanical virus that acts against inorganic material. Since Harbinger and the other reapers have shown they are connected in some mechanical way, if he is infected than all of them will be infected. At least in theory."

John nodded. "Yeah… so all I have to do is invite Harbinger to sit down and have a drink with me. He drinks this serum and all of the Reapers fall over dead with just their organic parts left twitching on the ground. Nice." He said. "I would have thought after hanging around me for so long you would have figured out nothing is ever that easy for me."

Miranda laughed. "Yes… I have noticed that."

"You know… you are much more attractive when you laugh." John said. "Maybe you should…"

Miranda's hands flared with biotic power. "Don't you dare go there Shepard!" She snapped at him with wide but happy blue eyes. "I put you back together… and I know right where to start disassembling you!"

John held up his hands as they walked. "Check fire! Check fire! If I don't get back for dinner Liara and my mother are going to be pissed."

"Was bringing that Matriarch into the fold wise John?" Miranda asked.

"The Asari are the most stubborn in dealing with and believing what we are trying to tell them." John answered. "The more we have in our corner the better."

"Please tell me Liara hasn't revealed what she actually does!" Miranda spoke.

John shook his head. "No. We haven't become that trusting of others outside our little family." He told her. "Don't worry."

"You told me not to worry right before we went through the Omega 4 Relay John." Miranda said sarcastically. "Whenever you say don't worry… I immediately begin to worry more."

"That's not fair!" John protested.

Miranda grinned. "Life isn't fair." She said. "Suck it up."