Hi! I know I haven't updated in a while, I had better things to do! I discovered this cool site called neopets! It's awesome. Anyway, on with the story! This is dedicated to ChichiX for finally realizing she was being mean and not reviewing my stories… heheheh. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!!!!" exclaimed Goku as he walked into the large, palace like domain that happened to be the base of his previous opponents. The "palace" was much like most Mastorian cities, dome shaped and beautiful, but it was more like taking the towers from a castle, the domes from a Mastorian city, and the high stone walls from Tolkien (Ya know, Tolkien, the guy who wrote Lord of the Rings? His books exist in this universe, MUAHAHAHAHAH).

"Wow, this stuff looks expensive… Hey, a Frisbee!" said Goku, running over to the wooden table. The inside of the palace was expensively decorated, and the hallway was a mix of marble and rare woods. Well made china and gold trophies lined the walls and tables, while lamps, expensive, of course, illuminated the hallways nicely. Goku reached over for a plate and through it like a Frisbee.

"Yeah, I rock at Frisbee!" yelled Goku, reaching over for a bowl. Meanwhile, the flying plate smashed into one of the framed medals, knocking it down. The medal crashed into a fragile wood table and broke it. Goku decided to try his luck at throwing 2 Frisbees at a time, and chucked them in opposite directions. Whilst on bowl hit the chandelier near the high ceiling, the other went through the nearby door and crashed into a window, breaking it.

"Okay, what are these things?" asked Goku aloud, walking over to the fish tank. Labeled near the top was "Rare fish. Don't touch. Last in the universe. Currently reproducing in Ajinn's palace on Mastor. Last pair in the world." "Yummy fishes!" exclaimed Goku, grabbing one. Goku tried to put it into his mouth, but it wriggled free and landed on the ground, where the falling chandelier crushed it. The other fish jumped out of the water and landed next to it's mate. It was almost a sad, sorrowful situation until Goku throw a bowl at the wall, the rim scraping the many paintings and medals, everything falling down. One of the medals was shaped like a star, and the pointy end came down and cut both fish in half.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" screamed a voice from afar. Goku could only look up before a huge energy blast hit him dead on, and he flew straight threw six walls, each made of pure, 12 foot gold.

"Ow… gold is hard…" Goku muttered, trying to get up, but he was kicked through the wall, into a large room, where someone sat up on a throne, sipping wine. Goku decided to take control of the situation, and blasted the ground with a huge energy blast, trying to overwhelm his attacker. But it was to no avail, and his attacker grabbed Goku by the head and rammed him into the gold, again and again until Goku felt unconsciousness seeping into him.

"Nice work Ajinni." said the king. He was obviously a king, as he sat upon a large gold throne, sipping expensive wine that Goku had not even seen Frieza drink.

But Goku wasn't dead yet. He powered up, and launched an energy blast at his attacker. He, rather SHE, deflected it easily, but Goku flew forward and fired a Special Beam Cannon at her chest point blank, putting a hole in her heart. "HAH!" screamed Goku, firing a huge energy blast into her stomach, then another, then another, killing whoever had attacked him without a care as to who she was. Slowly, the smoke rose up and filled the room completely.

"Deserved it too!" yelled Goku, breathing hard as though he was a horse who ran a mile in 10 seconds. As the smoke cleared, the woman who had attacked Goku lay on the floor, her slender body red with dark blood.

Goku was suddenly rammed against the wall again, the "king" angry about what he had done to the woman. Smash, smash, smash… Goku yelled as the king broke his arm, and threw him onto the throne. Then, the "king" crushed Goku's ribs with a sharp boot, and suddenly punched Goku's face continuously until Goku's face was a mass of broken bones and flowing blood.

"CHILD! YOU HAVE KILLED MY WIFE! YOU SHALL PAY!" said the king, powering up an incredibly large energy blast. But do you think Goku was dead yet? Hardly. Goku powered up an energy cutter attack and launched it at the king right before the super energy blast hit Goku. The energy cutter split the huge energy wave, and deflected it to the right and left of Goku.

"You bully! I guess you'll get what your wife got too!" yelled Goku, charging forward and unleashing hundreds of amazingly powerful blasts at the king. "HAHAAHA! I am Ajinn, king of my nomadic race, the Nomads! You cannot defeat me, boy!" yelled Ajinn, grabbed hold of Goku's head and then ramming it into the wall.

"HAH!" screamed Goku, launching a kick at Ajinn's head. Overwhelmed, Ajinn went flying into the wall, but Goku jumped into the middle of the room. He healed himself with the healing power he had shown Piccolo earlier. Goku was lucky he had kicked Ajinn so hard; if not, Goku would be dead already.

"Okay you! I'll kill you if that's what I'm going to have to do! I didn't do anything to you!" yelled Goku, getting into his trademark fighting stance.

"CHILD! You have no idea what you did! You destroyed my precious china! A planet purger like me is supposed to have tons of that in MINT CONDITION!" screamed Ajinn, flying out of the rubble and dusting himself off. This was when Goku finally got a good luck at him. Ajinn was wearing white armor and a long, black cape. His skin was aqua, but his eyes were black with hatred. His leg armor only went down to his knees, but it was dark blue. The same was with his arm armor. However, in the center of the his white chest armor, was a long line going downward, and then a line going across the first in a crude, jagged line.

"Well, let's go!" yelled Goku, charging forward. Ajinn simply smiled and moved to his right in less than the blink of an eye. Goku had no idea what had happened before Ajinn kicked him in the stomach, and then blast a hole in his liver.

"AAACK!" murmured Goku, dropping to the floor, clutching his stomach where the liver was. Ajinn simply smiled and picked up Goku by the legs, and then threw him through the walls. Goku landed on the desert outside, the sand getting into his wound, causing more pain to Goku.

"So, boy, you'll have to die. I'll stuff you with feathers and put you on the mantle above the fire. Yes, that will be excellent. I'll even take your tail, dry it out, squeeze it until it cracks, and then wrap it around your neck as though it was a scarf. Oh, I can't wait!" exclaimed Ajinn, cackling at Goku's beaten form.

Goku only had enough time to look up before Ajinn crushed his head into the sand. But in his glance, he had noticed some bright light… must've been all the injuries to head.

"Hey, Ajinn, can't you see that light-" Goku was cut off as Ajinn blasting his neck, burning the vocal cords. Goku just lay on the desert floor as Ajinn beat the hell out of him, cursing about his dead wife the whole time.

But, that light couldn't be nothing, could it, Goku thought. And of course, it wasn't nothing.

Soon, the light grew brighter and brighter, and you could see the silhouette of a round ball, but you couldn't really make it out.

"And this is for blasting her heart! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE-" Ajinn was cut off as the mysterious light smashed into him. Ajinn flew into a mesa, the light ripping through his back, and then his chest, as though it was some kind of sphere… It was a space-pod! The purple windows and the spherical designs easily gave it away. And out emerged… Brolli!


Heh, a nice way to take care of Ajinn, eh? This chapter had a lot of swearing in it, but hey, wouldn't you be mad if someone came along and killed your wife with an energy blast? Kind of long too, but I had to make up for my lack of updating. Goodbye until next time!