Since the end of Ouran, I've been on Ouran Withdraw! I've been reading some of the fanfics and I wanted to write one (most of the time I've been doing Naruto but...) I got this idea from reading one of the fanfics when Haruhi gets pregnant. Here's my version: (by the way its from Haruhi's POV)

Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club

Who's The Father?

Chapter 1: Feeling Sick

I woke up this morning feeling very nauseous. As I got out of bed, I felt very dizzy and found that I had to sit back down again.

"Good morning, Haruhi!" My dad greeted me when he opened my door, "It's a beautiful morning and...are you okay? You don't look so good." I struggled to stand up,

"I just feel sick." I said plainly. My dad pursed his lips,

"Maybe you should stay home." I thought about it. Staying home didn't sound like a bad idea. I was about to nod...when I realized...

"I can't stay home! I have an important test to write." I grabbed my uniform and ran to the bathroom.

"You can stay home for one day. I'll make you some soup and nurse you back to health." My dad offered. I stepped out of the bathroom in my uniform,

"I can't afford to miss a day, dad. I'm on a scholarship, remember. I have to keep on top to stay at Ouran." I kissed my dad on the forehead.

"But Haruhi!" My dad pleaded, "What if you're really sick."

"Nah, it's probably just the symptoms of a cold." I headed to the door, "Bye dad."

"A cold? In the middle of June?"

By lunch, I was feeling much worse. I laid my head on my desk.

"Haruhi, are you..." Hikaru started.

"Okay?" Kaoru finished. I looked up at the twins and tried my best to smile,

"It's just a cold."

"A cold? In the middle of June?" The twins said in unison. I sighed. It had to be a cold. What else would have these symptoms?

"What are the symptoms?" Kaoru asked. I thought for a moment,

"I feel sick, dizzy, tired, and I am suddenly craving chocolate...but then again I never had any breakfast." The twins exchanged a worried look.

"Maybe you should see the nurse." Hikaru sounded concerned. I looked at Hikaru. He was so sweet and caring. What was the reason I broke up with him again? Oh yeah. The same reason I broke up with Kaoru. The two could only allow one other person in their life and that was each other. Plus Hikaru had a terrible temper and Kaoru was selfish.

"Nah, I'll go see her if it's worse by the end of school."

"Want us to get you some lunch?" Kaoru asked. At the word lunch, my stomach flipped. I clamped my hand over my mouth and ran out of the room. I ignored the stares from people and the shouts from the Hitachiin brothers. I ran straight into the boys bathroom and into a cubicle. I had gotten used to using the boys bathroom, though once or twice I went into the girls bathroom. Once inside, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I threw up, which didn't seem right since I hadn't had any breakfast. No one was in the bathroom but once I felt better, I heard the main door open.

"Haruhi!" A familiar voice called. I stepped out of the cubicle into the arms of Tamaki. I looked up at him, "Are you okay?" He asked, "The devil twins told me that you weren't feeling well." I nodded,

"I've been feeling sick and well I just vomited. Also I feel dizzy and I still haven't got my chocolate!" I suddenly felt frustrated. Tamaki gave me the same look that the twins had given me, "What?"

"Haruhi, you should see the nurse." Tamaki said firmly.

"But, it's just a cold..."

"Please." He sounded pleading. I sighed and gave in. Off to the nurse we went.

"Mr. Fujioka." The nurse looked at her notepad then laughed, "I'm sorry, I mean Miss. Fujioka. You had me confused there. Why are you wearing a boy uniform?" She obviously hadn't been to the Host Club. I sat on the hospital bed, clicking my heels together. Tamaki had returned to class but he said to let him know the results. I was planning to tell him after school, at the Host Club, that I had been right and it was just a cold. He really was a protective boyfriend.

"Now, what are your symptoms?" The nurse asked.

"I feel sick, dizzy, tired, and I am suddenly craving chocolate...but then again I never had any breakfast." Why did I feel like I was repeating myself. The nurse nodded as she jotted thinks down on her notebook. She reminded me of Kyoya.

"Now this is personal," The nurse looked up from her notebook, "but when when was your last period?" I blushed. I never talked about this kind of thing since I lived with my dad and all my friends are guys...well Renge is a girl but that would spoil my secret if I talked about it with her. I shrugged,

"I don't know. I don't really think about it." The nurse nodded and pasted me a stick. I looked it over confused, "What is this?"

"A pregnancy test." She said plainly.

"What? No, I don't need one of these! It's just a cold."

"That may be true...though I highly doubt that. Don't worry it's just a test." I nodded to myself. Right, it's just a test.

"So...what do I do?" Well, I've never used one before so how should I know how to use one?

"Pee on it."

"Excuse me?"

"Urinate on the stick."

"Right..." This nurse was quite blunt. She showed me to the nurse's bathroom. In I went and like she said I "urinated on the stick". I handed it back to her.

" it a cold?" I asked. I wanted to get out of this room. It was getting weird. The nurse looked at the pregnancy test,

"One moment it's about to tell me the results." She studied it and then frowned.

"What? What is it?"

"The pregnancy test says..." She held it up and pushed it into my face, "that you are going to be having an extra family member." I looked at the pink plus sign staring back at me. I clamped my hand over my mouth. I think I was going to be sick again. I can't believe this is happening.

The next chapter: Telling The Club

Fave and Review and tell me what you think. Your reviews will help me decide what to write next. So the first question, you can help me with is, what are the reactions of the hosts? Include each one of the hosts reactions in your review and sorry if the hosts seem OOC. Until the next chapter!