Hello boys and girls. This is your old pal Vanessa Osbourne! This is a fic about a whale…no! This is a fic about being happy!

Wrong again! This isn't even a fic! It's another poetry project I'm doing. Probably way better and more formal than the crud I'm writing here now.

So, as said in the title and above, this is a 'book of poetry' I'm writing for this fandom. I'm working on a similar project in the Mario fandom. I just thought I'd write some poems about different people, places, and objects in this fandom.

And so, the first poem of the 'book' will be about Fanboy (of course.) On with the disclaimer…

Disclaimer: As I am forced to write thee, It is for mercy I plea. For it is you I truly dread, Because you leave me an aching head. Your letters adorned with the ugliest bold, Drafting you grows exceedingly old. For even the ones you refuse to haunt, Get sick and tired of your monotonous font. So as I beg the creators of the show, To remember the sad truth that we all know, (maybe acknowledging this shall earn us some rum) None of us own Fanboy and Chum Chum.


He's the hero of the town

Craziest young bloke around

Favorite food is nachos with cheese

Favorite drink is Frosty Freezy Freeze

His daily life is quite insane

From causing mischief, he cannot refrain

Pretending he has super powers

Heck, he lives in a water tower!

Teacher wishes he would sit still

Annoys the clerk by requesting refills

Superheroism is what interests him best

Wishing somehow, he could go on a quest

If you ever see him, you should also spot

His shorter side-kick, who he loves alot

And his purple costume, with a hint of green

His chubby colleauge making him look lean

The funniest of all, is his name

When compared to ours, it's not the same

But it's ring, you should enjoy,

The young lad's name is Fanboy.

Yes, I know, it was sort of corny. Just thought I may add some poetry to this fandom. If this is liked a lot, I'll continue. I'll probably randomly choose things to be the subject of my poems, so it's not going to be in any particular order. I hope you all enjoyed. R&R if you feel like it. Flames, eh, will make a sandwhich hybrid (half grilled cheese, half egg salad.). Peace!