Veriti peeked around the doorway to her brother's throne room to try and catch a glimpse of the stranger. He had just come in to town from Passaj, a rather long trek across the land. Yet his cloak and robes showed no signs of dust from the dry Angaran plains. Either this man was of some political standing, warranting him travel by carriage or horseback, or there had been a miracle and it had rained recently, and the usually omnipresent dust had given way to soggy earth and mud. But rain was unlikely. Since the great Golden Sun had risen more than ten years ago, the weather and land activity had changed, and there was scarcely any rain around Ayuthay.

Yes, the stranger must be royalty, or some sort of ambassador. He carried himself well, and his robes certainly had cost a pile of coins. But he was not Sanan or one of the Morgal beastmen-Veriti was sure of that. She never recalled the other ambassadors having blue hair...what would a blue-haired man want in Ayuthay? Could he be from northern Angara? Or was he was from a further land?

"Veriti! Where is my sister?" Her brother's voice pulled her from her thoughts...there was no time to be ruminating on this stranger's motives (or outward appearance) when Paithos needed her. She tousled her curly brown hair, smoothed the front of her dress, and entered the throne room.

Bowing before Paithos, she took a knee and looked up at him. The blue-haired man stood to her left. She tried not to look up at him and risk her curiosity showing.

"Yes, my king?"

"This man wishes to look at our Alchemy Well. He says he is studying Alchemy." The king paused and frowned slightly at the stranger. "Apparently he was unsuccessful in Passaj with their Alchemy Forge and wants to look into fixing the connection between them..."

"My Lord, if I may?" The stranger spoke. Veriti risked looking up at him. "I hope to fix the Well so Ayuthay may once again prosper. This will enable me to study its inner workings and the history of the Neox people, and it would also aid this city in its time of economic trouble. I believe I have the Psynergy needed to activate it." His voice was soft, but there was strength to it. He smiled slightly and looked down at Veriti. One of his eyes was covered by his thick hair but the other, a brilliant shade of aquamarine, seemed to bore right into her. She suppressed the urge to shiver and smiled back. He was strikingly handsome, and radiated with some sort of power. Psynergy, perhaps?

King Paithos stood. "I must admit, I would not normally condone experiments being conducted on such an important machine." He frowned again. "But this city has fallen into disarray. Any chance we have that someone can activate it again is a chance worth taking. I certainly do not possess the Psynergy needed to fix it. Perhaps you can, Sir..." The king trailed off. "You never did state your name, did you?"

The stranger inclined his head slightly. "With due respect, King Paithos, my name is something I wish to keep secret, at least for now. There are other Adepts who may seek my services and my power, and it is best that no wind carries my name to them."

Paithos sighed. "If you wish to remain anonymous, that is your prerogative. But you must understand I cannot grant you asylum if there is any chance harm might befall my city while you stay here."

The man shook his head. "No, my Lord. Those who might seek to attack me do not even know I still stand. As long as I remain anonymous, there is no threat to anyone."

"Very well." Paithos motioned for Veriti to stand. "My sister will escort you to the Alchemy Well. I have business to attend to with some traders from Tonfon and then I will be with you."

The Adept bowed and turned his gaze to Veriti, half-smiling again as she stood. She tried not to stare as she studied him. Long hair of a resplendent teal color, blue and white robes, brown traveling boots and a brown cloak. He carried no weapons, save a small knife hanging from an ornate belt. His hair hung over the right side of his face...possibly to hide a scar? But his features were striking and his pale skin immaculate. Were all powerful Adepts this beautiful…and this mysterious?

"Um...this way please." She walked out of the throne room and exited the palace, the stranger following her silently.

The townspeople smiled as Veriti passed, but the smiles turned to looks of bewilderment as they caught sight of the Adept. His hair color was off-putting enough, but the sheer amount of clothes he was wearing definitely marked him as a foreigner. The weather in Ayuthay usually called for nothing more than a simple dress for the women, and just breeches for the men. The children normally ran around barefoot.

Veriti was so lost in thought about the stranger's purpose that she jumped when he suddenly spoke.

"What do you know about the Well?" She turned her head to find him staring at her. His gaze was a bit unnerving, but he was half-smiling again, so she was put slightly more at ease.

"It is very old," she said. The Adept continued to stare with the same quizzical expression. " was created by the Neox many years ago, as a partner to the Forge in Passaj that they also built. It can only be activated by a powerful Water Adept and the Luna Mask."

"The Luna Mask?"

"Yes. It fits into the well like a key. The ancient Exathi people of Passaj created it, as well as the Sol Mask that starts the Alchemy Forge. We have replicas of both masks in the palace for reference, but the actual masks have been sealed away..."

They had reached the Well, and she stopped outside the doors.

"It is all very mysterious," Veriti said. The words were flowing like water now, as the stranger looked thirsty for more information. "The ancients wanted to make sure that only powerful Adepts could start the machines. So they locked the secrets away for years, and only those with the knowledge can make the Well and Forge work. Very arcane knowledge."

The Adept smiled. "Luckily, I have spent many years studying Psynergy and hunting down such arcane knowledge..." He turned abruptly. "What is your name, again?"

"Veriti," she said. He nodded.

"Veriti, Veriti...a beautiful name." She blushed. "Very similar to the world 'verity,' meaning 'truth.' Am I correct? Or, shall I there verity in that statement, Veriti?"

She blushed further. "Ah, yes, I suppose so..."

The Adept laughed, but one bright blue eye that Veriti could see still seemed stern. "Then perhaps you can help me uncover the truth behind this arcane mystery of yours." He chuckled again. "I like that. The woman of truth and the man seeking the arcane details."

He walked toward the doors and put his gloved hands on the gilded handle.

"But if we are to be partners, you must be able to call me something..." He frowned and looked at her. She shrugged, secretly thrilled with the idea of helping such a powerful and beautiful Adept.

"Ah," he said, smiling suddenly. "I have it.

"Call me Arcanus."