Reviews for Truth, the story of Alex and Veriti
leontinees chapter 10 . 8/14/2011
Oh my, I wept too while reading this! T_T So beautiful but sad, totally amazing the mix of these two feelings!

This whole fanfic is like a masterpiece, even if I dont agree with your Veritis looks. The story is captivating and wonderful!

p.s. I would like if you arrange chapter 7, cause seems to be cut off or incomplete
Nomadic Sorcerer chapter 12 . 6/23/2011
Oh wow, I thought this fanfic had been completed already. Boy was I excited when I saw it updated again!

I'm glad that you decided to add this chapter - not only so that I would get to read more, but it needed to be a bit more complete from where it left off in chapter 11...

It was very interesting to see Chalis and Blados as teens. For some reason, I'd always pictured them far older than Amiti, but it was quite interesting to see them portrayed as not a whole lot older. From what you see of Chalis and Blados in the game, it's truly hard to picture them anything else than cold, mean and deceitful - this chapter was nice, for it shed another light on their characters and caused the reader to realize that there's truly so much more to them...

As always, your take on Alex seems truly accurate. Of course, he can be interpreted in many ways, but he couldn't be purely evil - not from everything he's been known to do throughout all three of the games. I felt as though you got his character right on, which is quite an accomplishment; for Alex isn't an easy character to figure out, let alone in writing!

The writing style and grammar was quite good. Very readable and easy to follow :)

This was truly an amazing fanfic. This has definitely been my favorite take on the Alex/Veriti story by far. I hope you continue to write more stories in the Golden Sun genre.

Also, congrats on finishing your fanfic! While it's great fun to write a story, it's always such a great feeling to finish one as well :D
Narutita chapter 7 . 4/2/2011
what happened with this chapter? its broken
Nomadic Sorcerer chapter 11 . 2/22/2011
This was a very wonderful fanfic.

It seemed as though you took all the details given from the game and wrote this out to coordinate rather perfectly. The only inconsistency that I found would have been that Veriti was always the one recognized to have caused the starting of the alchemy well, and no one really knew of the water adept except for some members of the royal court. It's not really a big issue, and it was a wonderful fanfic all the same.

You got Alex's personality rather well IMO. He seems like such a hard character to figure out. Right when you think he's the bad guy, he proves you wrong. It's so hard to decipher what he's thinking, and I think you portrayed him rather well.

I was very excited to find this fanfic, as there aren't a whole lot out there for Dark Dawn yet. I look forward to reading future stories from you. I'd be interested to see what you would write out of after Amiti's born, and perhaps the cause of Veriti's death.

This was a very enjoyable read, keep up the good work!
Knight-Dawn chapter 11 . 2/8/2011

I just wanted to say that, whether this is the last chapter or not, I am quite impressed with your story.

This is exactly the sort of fic I went looking for when I finished playing Dark Dawn... Only, since I finished it three days after it came out, there weren't any. That's why I wrote one myself- though, unlike yours, mine is just a quick one-shot.

I'm glad to finally get to read an awesome Alex/Veriti fic that I didn't write myself, though, so thank you!

Keep up the awesome work!

goldensun1126 chapter 11 . 2/3/2011
this is a really really good story! I'd elaborate but it's nearing midnight and i'm tired and can't think straight. But i hope chapter 11 is not the last chapter? is it? that'd be terribly disappointing, because this is an incredible story. you have such a great writing style and the characters are well rounded and true to their game-personalities (well Alex is for the most part). so it'd be really cool if you'd consider writing more on this story, or even write a sequel to it. Like one of Amiti, Alex's son falling in love. Well good job, and i look forward to seeing more works by you.
inkbubbles chapter 11 . 1/11/2011
This is
Crying onion chapter 9 . 1/9/2011
whoa I read this story from chapter 1 but i never had time to review...

Anyways...I think you write your story well and nothing to say about it. However I find Alex a bit OOC; ok for him to be tempted to settle down and have a family upon seeing happy people cheering for him but still the romance part with Veriti was a bit... I mean I could never have bring myself to see Alex ever in love with someone or even caring for them (sole exception being for Mia and I'm one of those people saddened by the revelation made in DArk DAwn..cousins? No way! Long live to imilshipping!).

Well I hope the story won't turn in some kind of cheesy romance with Alex being heartbroken when he is about to leaving Ayutay...

Still it is your story, your choice so go ahead and please update soon!

PS: hope my english is not very bad, i have an excuse, I'm french!
HotChickBV chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
Would like to say I love this story, read the whole thing so far, and I signed up just so I can give you positive feedback, keep up the good work! And even though u were peer pressured for the love scene I'm glad you were! P lol I was wondering if there was going to be one, so icing on the cake. But with or without it, its a REALLY good story, and I think you did a great job keeping it in character, especially with so little back story to go on. Thanks for writing this! :)
Anne Iriel Devay chapter 6 . 1/7/2011
*Starts to follow the story*

Whoa, this is awesome I really like it. Say hello to a new reader~

Sorry XD

Anyway, I like this story a lot I'm expecting the new chapter~
MEL0NE chapter 6 . 1/7/2011
I love this story 3

Its really beatiful
goldensun1126 chapter 1 . 1/5/2011
Very good story! Nice character development and story line. Both Alex and Veriti have very well thought out personalities for people we know so little about! Keep typing!
Mystwalker chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
This is really nice! You've captured Alex, although he seems to be a bit nicer than he actually is. It works, though, because we all know he's capable of acting that way. Veriti has a believable personality, and I can't wait to see where you go with this!