A/N: Hey there. Wow. Ok. Well, I've gotten so feedback (cough cough 3 reviews cough cough) But, anything is good. I tried to bring out some flaws in Nanu in this chapter and hopefully added some needed humor. Enjoy(:

Story Time and Quiet Time in the Museum

Chapter 2

"So, you guys remember that time we stole Mr. Jeije's spare set of rope? The one we used to build that huge swing out of, in Kah's room? Well, after I died—which wasn't very long amount of time—Mr. Jeije died too! AND when it came time for weighing the heart, he spotted me by Anubis and started ranting on and on and on and on. He just kept going about how he knew it was us and everything!" Nanu leaned back on the sets of the marble stairs. Her white loose fitting tunic hung above her knees, and sported her tan sandals. A simple linen hood came over her hair and covered her tan forehead. Her bright brown eyes twinkled at the thought of the memories.

"I remember that. And you two made me test the swing to see if it was stable enough." Ahkmenrah groaned and placed a hand on his lower back, "You hadn't even secured the ropes fully!"

"Oopth." Kahmunrah chuckled quietly form his spot next to Nanu. Most of the museum had taken seats on the floor in front of them, wanting to hear stories from the three Egyptians pasts. So far, Teddy had fallen of his horse twice from laughing so hard. This worried Nanu and she began to think the man was safer on the ground than on that four legged beast.

Theodore Roosevelt objected and stated that "Little Texas" was not a four legged beast.

"Nanu, you mean to tell us that back during your sand and stone time, you and the brothers were like three peas in a pod?" Amelia asked. Nanu looked a little confused. Larry clarified by simply asking, "You were best friends?"

"We were Best friends, yes. But, Peas in a pod? No. We were very human, I assure you!" Nanu smiled and swung her linen covered arms around the necks of the two men sitting on either side of her, "We did fight sometimes, but that was… what's the word? Unavoidable? I mean, Kah's the older brother and Ahk's the younger. They were always trying to show each other up, and most of the time me too."

"Yeth, but it wath tho easthy to show you up… After all, you were terrible at all the thportth that we played." Kahmunrah shrugged and smiled devilishly. Nanu looked hurt for a second, but then retorted.

"At least I can sew… After the last time you tried, I was glad you accepted defeat." Nanu smiled sweetly at Kahmunrah and Ahk snorted. Kah's smile disappeared.

"Oh, we have got ta' hear this one." Jedediah said from his spot on the floor. He sat next to Octavius in front of the steps and cheered as Nanu nodded.

"Oh pleathe. It wathn't that funny." Kah mumbled.

"Brother, you forgot to put a head hole on the tunic!" Ahk laughed freely as Nanu smiled wider.

"Alright, alright. So, as usual, Ahk and Kah were trying to show me up. So, as a servant, I resorted to the things I could do that they couldn't. Ahkmenrah and Kahmunrah weren't exactly trained in doing the jobs that I did, mainly since they were royal." Nanu clapped her hands together and looked to Kahmunrah, "This guy is strong and has wonderful aim when it comes to hunting. This guy," she patted Ahk on the back, "… is fast as a gazelle and as flexible as a piece of cloth. So, I decided to choose something which utilized none of those."

"This time, she actually had a fair chance of winning. And I am glad I did not win this challenge." Ahk put his hands up in front of him, signaling defeat.

"She choose thewing." Kah added and rolled his eyes.

"Well. That is quite the sight, I imagine. Kahmunrah and Ahkmenrah sewing in order to prove they are better than their best friend." Larry laughed, shaking his head and shoulders bobbing.

"Oh, you haven't heard the funny part yet. I'm used to repairing these stupid cicada's tunics," she bobbed both boys on the head, "So I knew how to make them and sew them. I gave them both a needle, some thread, two pieces of fabric and one piece of advice…"

"'Make sure you have enough holes.'" All three Egyptians repeated the phrase in unison. Nanu continued on, "But, of course, this one," Nanu looked at Kah who smiled sheepishly, "Didn't listen to me… Not that he ever does."

"So, brother goes to put the tunic on to show Na' that he could do anything she could do." Ahk started laughing.

"And of course there was no head hole!" Nanu giggled.

"The when he put it on, he couldn't see and he stumbled around like a drunken idiot-" Both of the Egyptians laughed, ignoring the deadly glares from the pharaoh's brother.

"Before he ran into a wall. Yeth, ha ha ha." Kahmunrah finished the story and soon the whole room was laughing. Kah's face was one of defeat and he frowned. He hated it when they laughed at him.

Nanu's smiled was huge and Ahk was laying back on the stairs laughing joylessly at the memory he had just been reminded of. Kahmunrah caught they eye of Nanu, who carelessly slung her arm around his neck and smiled.

"But, hey. Apparently Kah's too manly to know how to sew a tunic." Nanu shrugged and Ahk nodded happily, "This kid over here," Ahk was now being singled out, "He did it half right, even though the thing was quite ugly."

The laughter roared up again and soon Teddy Roosevelt found himself on the floor. Larry smiled at the trio on the steps and checked the time. 30 minutes.

The time was announced from Larry and soon exhibits found them selves on their way to their spots around the museum. With in seconds, the party atmosphere turned into a lull. Most exhibits were talking casually with one another near their places, and just taking it easy.

Nanu found herself wondering where she should go. Bastet, who was perched on the front desk was laying down comfortably, and talking with Anubis. Hathor was sitting on the desk next to Bastet, her legs swings back and forth. The Goddess had successfully gotten all of the packing peanuts out of her hair and had tamed the mess of navy blue.

"…I know of the other one, but it's with Tut and should be safe." Anubis was speaking to the two Goddesses, he sounded cautious, "I would not worry greatly of Apep."

"Yes… But isn't the sarcophagus that Ra enclosed him in near there…?"

"Yes, Hathor, it is. That's what I am worried about." Bastet stood, stretching her legs and swishing her tail. Nanu entered the conversation as it seemed to be ending.

"What of Apep? I thought he was dead?" Nanu questioned, worried. The last time she had a run in with that snake Apep, good things did not happen. Anubis panted and glanced to Nanu.

"It is nothing my child, do not worry." Hathor placed a hand on Nanu's shoulder, "Now, why don't you go and catch up with your… lover boy?" Hathor pointed over to Ahkmenrah.

Hathor received a swift punch in the arm.

"He is not my lover boy." Nanu mumbled crossing her arms.

"Oh, right. I forgot, you have a thing for Kahmunrah." Hathor giggled and placed a hand over her mouth. The glare from Nanu was dangerous.

"You're in for it now, Hathor." Anubis chuckled and patted Nanu on the head, "You know, you're not supposed to deny it. That means 'yes' when it comes to relationships."

"How in the name of Osiris would you know that?" Bastet purred, raising her eyebrow-like stone whiskers.

"Just because I'm half Jackal, doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of romances…" The jackal uncrossed his arm and began to walk away, "I'm going to find out where I will be placed tonight. Oh, and Nanu? Don't kill Hathor. She's Ra's favorite."

"Oh don't worry. I won't kill her. I'll just hurt her… badly."

"Oh, forget it Nanu." Bastet hopped off the counter to follow Anubis, "She's the goddess of love, she's gotta' call 'em as she sees 'em."

Hathor smiled apologetically at Nanu before sauntering off to Larry, with Anubis and Bastet. Rolling her eyes Nanu followed the three Gods and over heard Larry's directions.

"Anubis, you are going to be positioned behind Ahk's coffin, which is down that hallway to your left," Larry looked to Bastet and back to the piece of paper he was holding in his hands, "Bastet, you are going to be sitting on top of the coffin, and Hathor you will be near the last pillar of the right in the tomb room."

Nanu went on her tippy-toes and peaked over Hathor's shoulder.

"What about me, Larry?" She asked and smiled.

"Nanu…" Larry searched the paper and flipped it over, "Nanu you are going to be with Kahmunrah in his display. You mainly just have to act like a servant, I guess. The paper McPhee gave me doesn't really specify."

Nanu nodded bashfully after receiving looks from her three God friends. She smiled sarcastically to Hathor who was beaming. Kahmunrah was already in his display case, sitting on a large stone throne that had many hieroglyphics and pictures inscribed into it. The stone was an off tan color, and reminded Nanu of the throne Osiris sat upon himself. Stepping into Kahmunrah's scene she grabbed a plate off of the table that was positioned next the throne. On it where bundles purple grapes, and some bread slices. Kahmunrah looked at her questioningly.

"I'm your new servant." Nanu said as she arranged the grapes and bread neatly on the gold platter. Kah smiled happily and patted the arm of his throne. Nanu sat happily on the arm rest and spun the platter.

"Y'know… I really did miss you guys when I died. I missed you guys a lot. Sure, the Gods and Goddesses are cooling and all, but you guys were my best friends. I would have rather been with you than them." Nanu slugged Kah playfully in the shoulder.

"Would you have rather been with jutht me? Or Ahk too?" Kahmunrah laughed suggestively. Nanu laughed.

"I don't feel obligated to answer that." Nanu chuckled and spun the platter again. Kah raised his eyebrows, before poking Nanu in the side, causing her to jump and drop the platter. A small yelp was let out of her throat.

Many of the exhibits near Nanu's and Kah's looked back at them suspiciously, before Nanu waved them off and apologized for her clumsiness. Nick, Larry's son, was laughing across the room behind the front desk. Apparently he had seen what Kahmunrah had done.

"Well," Nanu started to pick up the grapes and bread of the floor, "That was not very nice."

"Well, I am not a very nithe perthon." Kah prodded the servant in side once more before she placed the platter down and put her hands on her hips.

"Psh. Sure. Says the man who saved my ruff more times than I can count." Kahmunrah rolled his eyes, "And yes, Kah, even that one time you lent me your sandals counted as saving me."

Nanu looked at him and sighed.

"Things sure have changed. Haven't they Kahmunrah the bloodthirsty."

"They sure have Nanu the Beautiful." Kahmunrah responded with the nickname that his mother had given Nanu when she first met her. To be truthful, Nanu was quite pretty, with thin brown eyebrows and tanned skin. Her brown eyes sparkled and her hair was long and straight. There were many other things considered ugly about her too. Like the large scar she had that ran from her bottom lip to the base of her chin. Many men considered her ugly because she was not of noble birth. Most man considered her ugly for the one thing Kah did not… On her right and left ears, from the sides where her ears met the side of her face, across, a sliver was missing. This was the reason Nanu kept her hood up most of the time.

The accident was one caused by the trios own stupidity. The three had snuck into one of the pyramids, and stealthily made their way through the tombs and catacombs. After about an hour in the pyramid, a guard had found them and chased them out, only to be caught by other guards. As a punishment, Nanu had the top part of ears cut off. As they boys punishment, they were not allowed to see Nanu for three weeks. During those three weeks, Nanu was submitting to punishment, from being beaten to extreme physical labor. The boys pleaded with their parents for it to stop, but when the three weeks were up, Nanu was released.

To this day, she still doesn't like to talk about it.

But, Kahmunrah had heard stories from the other servant girls of some scars that Nanu does not want anyone know about. Apparently, when the servants go to the wash room every 5 days to clean, she doesn't like to bathe with the other girls, but chooses to do it alone when everyone is done. One of the girls even said that she has these long jagged scars on her back, like she was whipped with a rope.

Kahmunrah did not doubt that was from her punishment.

Tenderly touching her back, Nanu turned her head and looked at Kah. He was smiled and rested his hand on the center of her back.

As the sun began to rise, Kahmunrah grabbed his scepter, and Nanu grabbed her platter. They two froze as the sun hit them. They both had smiles on their faces.