Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

"I don't suppose you guys have a calendar around here?"Edward Nigma asked, coming out of the hotel elevator.

The Blackwell Hotel had become a hot spot for both the slashers and Rogues. The floors were cleaner than before and the lobby was refurnished. Jacob was now more or less running the front desk.

"Billy has one,"Chucky said."Today's June 19th anyway."

"Hmm. That means today's Father's Day,"said Two-Face, absently flipping their coin.

"Like we have anything to celebrate,"Freddy said."My father was an abusive ass that got what he deserved when I killed him."

"We're with you,"Two-Face replied."but we thought you were the son of a hundred maniacs. Your real father's probably just as crazy as us."

Freddy rolled his eyes."Great. Friends like you make me wonder why I haven't hung myself."

One, you're already dead, so it wouldn't do much. Jason wrote. Two, for once we agree. I should have killed Elias when I had the chance.

"Rage issues again Jason?"asked Jonathan with a laugh.

Shut it Crow! You and Jacob were lucky not knowing your fathers.

"Yes, but he got stuck with an evil grandmother, and Jacob got a psychopathic religious nut for a mother,"Edward pointed out."Then there's the fact that Chucky, Freddy, and Candyman happen to be fathers."

"We were killed before our kids turned 13, thank you,"Chucky said."Then they come back to bite us in the ass later."

"Yet your arm comes back and strangles Glen,"said Joker with a laugh."Someone isn't going to be getting the Father of the Year award anytime soon."

"Never said I would, Clown."

"Let's face it,"Candyman said."Fathers suck!"

"I'll drink that!"yelled Chucky pulling a bottle from the couch.

"You'll drink to anything!"snapped Freddy"But pass the damn bottle around."