Disclaimer: Not at all mine.

A/N: I'd like to thank everyone again for reading; you motivated this story's creation! Extra thanks goes to DaWhoGirl32 (you're awesome!) for encouraging me after I'd written the first chapter and was undecided about posting this fic. This chapter is the conclusion to the story: It's Monday again, and everything should be the way it was before at the CBI. But is it?

Under the Rose

Chapter 9: Normal or Not

Lisbon sat in her SUV in the CBI parking lot. She was early as usual, so she had plenty of time to collect her thoughts before heading into the building.

What a difference a week made! Last Monday she had no idea what the days ahead had in store. That she could be that embarrassed, that charmed and that frightened in the span of five days had surprised her. And who knew that something like the past weekend could happen between her and Jane? Two days full of affection and romance and laughter had admittedly floored her.

But now she worried: what was today going to be like? He'd said the week was up. That meant (hopefully) that his over-the-top pranks weren't going to continue. But after his confession of love last night, and her admission that she felt the same way… something was going to happen. It had to. It couldn't really be just the same as ever, could it?

She found herself treading carefully through the bullpen as she made her way to her office. Jane's couch was unoccupied, so it wasn't that she was trying not to disturb him. It was almost as if she was expecting something to jump out at her, like more outlandish flowers or inappropriate underwear.

As the rest of the team began to arrive and the workday began in earnest, Lisbon still couldn't shake the expectant feeling. She moved around, greeting VanPelt, Cho, Rigsby and Jane in turn as each arrived. She got her coffee as usual, and while she did bump into Jane again in the kitchenette, he did little more than offer her a warm smile as he began to fix his first cup of tea for the day.

She received no reason to doubt his word that morning. He still bantered with her as usual, but kept it within the old boundaries. No silly presents or harried deliverymen materialized to disturb her. Everything seemed normal; so why was it just making her more agitated? She couldn't figure it out.

-I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, that's what it is,- she thought. –Something has to happen, and until it does I'll never relax.-


The first indication that she was right came immediately after a group briefing on their newest case. When the meeting was finished, Lisbon opened the door to the room and let the team out in front of her. Jane waited until the other three left, gently pushed the door closed again, and swept her into his arms almost before she knew what was happening. He kissed her fast and fiercely and then simply walked out, leaving her to say, "What the hell was that?" to an empty room.

She followed after him, and by the time she caught up he was already stretched out on his couch. She gave him a pointed look and raised her eyebrows, but he just smiled back at her and shrugged. He obviously had no intention of explaining himself. Not that she'd really expected him to.

The second incident occurred when they had to conduct some witness interviews that afternoon. There were a lot of people to deal with, so the team was spread out thinly. Only she and Jane were paired off to talk to an entire family on a large dairy farm. They'd exited her vehicle, and were walking down the long driveway towards the house when Lisbon felt Jane's right arm slip around her waist. His thumb hooked into a belt loop, and after two awkward steps he perfectly matched her stride and pace. His hand stayed there until they climbed onto the porch and knocked on the door.

But the trouble didn't start until they were invited inside and began questioning the family. Jane was in rare form, even for him, and managed to accuse both spouses of adultery, expose the youngest son's drug problem and earn himself yet another solid punch to the nose. And all in less than fifteen minutes. Lisbon seethed with anger as she walked with him back to the parked SUV. -Good luck getting help from that group in the future,- she thought darkly. -Any further questioning will be like pulling teeth.-

When they got into the vehicle and Jane took his hand away from his sore nose, she wordlessly handed him the tissue box. He took one to dab at his streaming eyes, and then he started to laugh.

For some reason, that was the last straw for her. "You think this is funny, Jane?" she snarled. "Alienating every single person in a large group of potential witnesses and making our job a lot more difficult is funny?"

"I can't help it, Lisbon. I'm doomed to see the humor in human foibles, even my own to a degree," said Jane between chuckles.

"Well forgive me if I don't join in your amusement," she snapped as they started the drive down the lonely country road. "You know, even though you always deserve it, I'm actually starting to get tired of watching you get punched. Boxers take too many hits to the head, Jane, and you know what happens? They get brain damage! Though in your case I sometimes worry if it's already too late to prevent that." She was further irritated when instead of acting apologetic following her speech, Jane dissolved into a further round of laughter.

"Lisbon, you're right, this isn't funny. But you are funny. It does my heart good to know that you're never too busy or upset to really let me have it."

"Yeah, Jane, I'm an absolute riot. See how hysterical it is when I request your transfer and toss you out on your ass so fast it'll make your head spin."

"Oh, well done, my dear. Managing to get two parts of the body into a single threat. That's bound to finally make me straighten up and fly right."

Lisbon's tone went icy. "Watch it, Jane," she bit out. "I put up with a lot from you, but you're edging towards genuine disrespect and that's where I draw the line."

The smile vanished from Jane's face. "What? Lisbon, I didn't mean… look, I'm sorry," he began, but she cut him off.

"Just stop, okay? Stop. Just sit there and be quiet for the rest of the trip," she said.

And to her amazement, he was.


That evening, Lisbon sat at her desk and attempted to concentrate on the day's paperwork. Unfortunately, her mind kept focusing on Jane and the inevitable evening confrontation. She'd been relieved at first to know that last week's games had indeed stopped, but how was she supposed to deal with today's change? Stolen kisses and affectionate touching at crime scenes, coupled with even worse behavior and back talk?

She shook her head and frowned. This was going to be unpleasant.

"Thinking about how you're going to dump me, Lisbon?" said a voice from her doorway.

She looked up to see Jane leaning against the doorframe, scowling unhappily. "Excuse me?" she asked.

"So what'll it be, hmm? The 'it's not you, it's me' speech? Unlikely, since it obviously is me," he said, anger underlying every word. "How about the 'we should just stay friends' tactic? That's usually good for letting someone down gently."

"Uh, I'm still confused on this end, Jane. What are you talking about?"

"Your whole body language, your posture, the cool look in your eyes. You're going to end this before it even begins, and you're going to give me a terribly clichéd excuse to do it."

"Jane, hang on a minute-"

"I've got it: you're going to use the 'we can't because we work together' reason! Forget it, Lisbon, this means too much to me. I can't believe you think that I would let you get away with-"

"JANE WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!" Lisbon finally yelled. Jane's mouth was still open, but the flow of words had stopped. "I'm not trying to get rid of you, really!"

"You're not?" he asked, sounding honestly surprised for once.

"I'm not. But we do have to talk, Jane. I knew things were going to change; they had to. Some changes aren't acceptable, however. Your behavior is bad enough, seriously. I don't need or want you dialing it up. And as for the fact that we work together, yes, it does make a difference. We have to watch the way we act when we're here."

"Why? Everybody thinks we're sleeping together anyway, and I for one don't care."

"Well, that's your luxury as a consultant, Jane. You don't have to care. I'm an official agent of this organization, though, so I do," she said, and let her head drop into her hand in frustration.

He walked over and sat in the chair in front of her desk. "No, Lisbon, you don't. What you have to do for the CBI is your job, and you do that better than anyone else does. Better than anyone else could."

She raised her head again and looked at him. His face was open, his eyes were calm, and his smile was gentle and real. "Thank you," she said. "That's very nice of you to say."

"It is, isn't it? It also happens to be the truth. They get your best, Lisbon. You don't owe them anything more."

"I was serious, though, Jane. We have to be discreet."

He rolled his eyes, but nodded. "I understand. Everything has to stay 'sub-rosa.' But it's late, and we're the last two here again, right?"

"That's right. What's your point?"

"My point is there's no one to be discreet for at the moment." He stood up, walked around her desk and pulled her up and into a tight hug. "I love you. I can tell you're still angry with me about today, and I want to make it up to you."

She finally relaxed as her arms went around him. "I love you, too. Yes, I'm still mad, but I'm cooling off. Don't worry."

Jane shook his head. "But I am worried. You saw how upset I was when I first walked in here; I even misread you! This all seems so fragile, Teresa; I don't want it to shatter. So, tell me how I can get you to forgive me."

She found herself smiling at his uncharacteristic vulnerability. Being together really must mean a lot to him. She wasn't too surprised, when she thought about it, to find how much being with him meant to her, too.

She took a deep breath and pulled back slightly to look up at him. "Take me home," she said, and reached up a hand to smooth a few blonde curls away from his face. "Make me dinner," she whispered when she stood on tiptoe to nuzzle his ear. "Be good to me," she murmured, right before she pressed her lips against his.

He smiled against her mouth and returned the kiss. She let herself get swept up in the moment and slipped her tongue between his soft, willing lips. His sigh of complete happiness warmed her almost as much as his arms around her.

When they separated, she looked him in the face again. "Just be good to me, Patrick," she repeated, "And, God help me, I have the feeling I'll always forgive you."

He didn't speak, but the look in his eyes convinced her that that was what he'd really needed to hear.

The End