Jade Stark

Disclaimer: We own nothing!


Lily Potter, nee Evans, stared at the muggle pregnancy test in her hand. It was positive, but that wasn't possible. James was infertile. But, yet again, James hadn't been the only one. Of course, she had never planned on cheating on James. One drink too many on both her part, and her friend's part, next thing they know they're waking up together, in the same bed, naked. It had all been one big mistake that neither of them had intended. When Lily had come home, she had immediately confessed to James what she had done. He had been a bit angry, but had quickly gotten over it, and forgiven her. He too knew that she had never meant to do it. And then, they had gotten married as planned.

But now, here she was, a month following her mistake, and three weeks after her wedding, holding the pregnancy test in her hand that showed positive. Her hands shook. She knew that the baby wasn't James'. They were looking to adopt a child, and then blood adopt later. So the father could only be one person…

Lily left the bathroom, and went and found her husband. He was currently reading through Auror reports.

"J-James?" She asked shakily.

James looked up at her. "What's wrong, Lills?" He asked, standing up and coming over to her.

"I- I'm… James, I'm pregnant."

"You're what?" He asked.

"It must have happened when I was in America."

"But you are pregnant?"

"Yes. I took a test." She handed him the muggle pregnancy test. "It came out positive."

"We're having a baby." He said, before grinning, and wrapping Lily in a hug and spinning her round.

"You aren't mad?" She asked.

"Of course not. The child may not be mine biologically, but I can still love it like it's my own, and I swear to Merlin that I'm going to."

Lily smiled, her eyes brimming with tears. "We're having a baby!" She practically squeeled.

Jade Lily Potter was born on the thirty first of July the next year. As the Potters had decided on keeping her true heritage a secret from all but two, they had inevitably brought a prophecy down on her. The two who knew were her Godfather, Sirius Black, and Albus Dumbledore. Neither the Potters, or Sirius Black new that Albus Dumbledore had his own plans for Jade, and that included removing those who cared for her from the equation. So, on that fateful Halloween night after Jade's first Birthday, Dumbledore ordered Hagrid to fetch Jade from the ruins of her home, and bring her to Privet Drive. He left her on the doorstep of her Aunt and Uncles house, knowing the treatment she was likely to receive, but it was all for the greater good. Just as sealing the Potter's wills were also for the greater good. It had to be done.

A/N: So, what do you think? Please review! Should it be continued?