Reviews for Jade Stark
DalkonCledwin chapter 12 . 6/8
Care of Magical Creatures is an Elective, which is a type of class that students aren’t allowed to enroll in until they are about to start their third year at the school.
Currahee506 chapter 27 . 5/18
More please
elizapi chapter 27 . 2/20
I would so love to see more of this. Finding a good story that combines the teleological worlds without making the enemy of one world powerless to the heroes of the other world is nearly impossible it seems. You’ve got a good thing going here!
DalkonCledwin chapter 10 . 2/7
Wait… huh? We don’t get to see the reaction to Dumbledore being the Headmaster?

It’s actually conceivable for Loki to have masqueraded as Salazar Slytherin back during the Founding of Hogwarts.

It’s worth noting that Tom Riddle is considered a half-blood despite having a muggle for a father and a squib for a mother. As such, Jade would be considered a half-blood since her father is a muggle and her birth-mother a witch.
DalkonCledwin chapter 9 . 2/7
I am so looking forward to the reaction they will have to hearing who the Headmaster of Hogwarts happens to be
DalkonCledwin chapter 7 . 2/7
In the old 70's (or was it 60's?) Incredible Hulk TV Series, the Hulk often made friends with children, and it was only when adults came round that he became a danger to those children.
DalkonCledwin chapter 5 . 2/7
Every child deserves to have Hot Chocolate!
DalkonCledwin chapter 2 . 2/7
Oh yes, I remember now... don't recall if I finished this one yet, but I doubt it.
DalkonCledwin chapter 1 . 2/7
I seem to recall reading this chapter before, but I don't seem to have left a review. I love that you left open the possibility that Jade is half-Asgardian, although that might have too much overlap with your other story, so that probably isn't going to happen...
Leticia Moriarty chapter 10 . 1/28
hi I love your story and I dont mean to nitpick but wouldn't jade still be a half blood not muggleborn? her mum was a witch still yes her mum was a muggleborn but still a witch and isn't a halfblood a child from a witch and a muggle and a muggleblorn is from two muggles?
Amy0701 chapter 1 . 1/14
Have you ever spoken to a 5 year old? Too many complex speech patterns
RAY chapter 27 . 1/5

I have just finished reading chapter 27.

I hope you post new chapters soon.

Best Regards, Ray
Vice Admiral chapter 1 . 1/2
An excellent crossover story. PLEASE continue to finish the story.
cally.lloyd.14 chapter 27 . 12/14/2019
loved it cant wait for moreXD
AlyssJocelyn chapter 27 . 12/14/2019
I hope you update soon, this is an awesome story.
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