A/N – This is a sequel to Across the World with Me, which is the sequel to Anything for Me. I thought of something new to do with the story line and decided to post it. It's definitely a good idea to read those before this if you want any chance of understanding my crazy ramblings.

Chapter 1 – Upset in Surburbia

Dom and Letty are lying in bed and Dom wakes up suddenly at the sound of his son's rustling in his crib. He looks over Letty at the video monitor and notices he is still fast asleep and smiles to himself.

He looks down on Letty sleeping and kisses the side of her face. Still more beautiful than he had words for.

The sound of his door being pushed opened causes him to lift his head and look into the face of his eight year old daughter Ana.

"Hey Dad."

"Dad? What happened to Daddy?"

"Dad." Ana says, shaking her head with more attitude than he is okay with.

Dom gets out of bed and walks over to her.

"Good morning Ana."

He leans down and kisses her on the forehead.

"Dad, I heard some weird noise outside."

Dom is immediately on alert. His face is serious and hard.

"What noise?"

"I'm not sure Dad."

Dom reaches above the door and takes down a shotgun and heads down the hall and down the stairs. He stops on the landing as he looks out the window and sees men wearing ski masks approaching his house in the first rays of sunlight.

He turns and runs back up the stairs.

"Ana, wake up your mother. Now!"

He runs into Caden's room and lifts him out of his crib and runs down to Vinessa's room and shakes her awake.

"Letty let's go!"

"Dom, what's…"

When Letty walks into Vinessa's room and sees Dom's state and the weapon next to him she walks over to him and takes Cade as he scoops up Vinessa.

"What's going on Dom?" Letty demands taking Ana by the hand and heading down the stairs quickly.

"At least seven men out front."

As they pass through the dining room Letty grabs a gun out of the cabinet and they head to the bookshelf that leads to a hidden garage.

As soon as the door closes behind them their front door is blown off the hinges and men burst through their back sliding glass door.

Ana and Vinessa's eyes go wide.

"Shhh!" Dom orders and they jump into the waiting SUV.

Dom navigates them out into a passageway that lets out into woods.

Letty leans over the front seat and grabs a cell out of the glove compartment and dials Mia and Brian's number.

The morning rush is in full swing at Brian and Mia's house as Mia stands in the kitchen fixing breakfast plates for her children.

"Liam! Stop!" Luci wails.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to." The boy apologizes to his big sister.

"Guys come get your plates."

The phone rings and Mia looks at the clock. It's 6:00 in the morning. No one ever calls at this time. Who was that?

Brian comes into the kitchen and grabs the phone and pushes his son towards the counter.


"Grab the kids and get out of the damn house right now! Meet us at the plane!"

Brian doesn't need second warnings. He drops the receiver and grabs Liam.


"Let's go now!"

Brian opens the drawer and gets a gun. Mia takes Luci in her arms and they run out the back door and the ground in front of them is immediately sprayed with bullets.

Luci screams and Mia yanks her back into the house and grabs Liam from Brian as he takes aim and kills three of the men and backs back into the house.

"What the fuck!"

"Wine cellar."

Brian and Mia snatch up their kids and make a break for the wine cellar knowing that it's their only way out.

"Han, the kids will be up any second. Stop!"

"No," he says, putting his hand under her nighty to grope a breast. He stops mid feel as an explosion rocks their house.

The phone rings and Nola grabs it as they run to their kids' rooms.


"Some shit is going down, you have all that security but I think you should get out of your house now."

Nola looks out of the window as Letty finishes and sees her front gate hanging off its hinges and men coming onto her property.

"Shit!" She grabs Noella in her arms.

Han runs into the room and grabs her and they head down the back stairway. They run out of the back of the house and loop around to the garage just as men start heading towards them.

They jump into their truck and Nola puts her crying children on the back floor of the vehicle. Han floors it and they drive out of the garage.

Brian and Mia head down to the cellar and lock the door behind them. They make their way over to the part of the basement that's under construction and get out of the house there. They make a run for the nearby woods.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mia says panting never stopping.

"Don't know."

Brian pulls out his phone and calls Letty back.

"We can't get to our cars. We're in the woods near our place."

"Dom, go left. We got to get Mia. We'll be there in 3 mins."

"We're in the western part near the back roads."

After a while they hear the car approaching them and Letty throws the door open for them. Mia and the kids squeeze into the back and Brian jumps up front.

"Dom, what the fuck is going on?"

"Don't know. But when I find out who brought this to my family, they're dead." Dom vows.

When they get to the airstrip they load the kids onto the plane. Luci is crying and runs into Ana's arms as soon as they are on board.

Letty looks out the door.

"They're here."

"Tell him to start this up," Dom orders. Brian uses the intercom to call the pilot and tells him that they are ready to takeoff.

Han and Nola jump out of their truck and run over to the plane. As soon as they are on Dom closes the door and they all buckle in for takeoff.

Noella, Luci and Nolen are inconsolable. Everyone remains silent as Mia and Nola calm their children.

"Dad, what is going on?" Ana asks Dom.

He puts his arm around his daughter and clinches his jaw. "I don't know yet. I'm going to find out."

The older kids are in the sleeping quarters of the plane watching movies. The twins are sleeping and Cade is resting in Letty's arms.

Everyone is on edge. Dom is fuming, Mia is crying, Brian is pacing, Han is considering smoking, Nola has her face buried in her hands and Letty is shaking with rage.

"What the fuck was that?" Brian says. "Three simultaneous hits."

"Who would target the six of us?" Mia asks. "We had our babies in those houses."

"We've pissed a lot people off over the years," Letty says. "It could be any number of people."

Dom gets up quickly and reaches for the sat phone and starts to make a series of calls. When he's done he punches the table causing Cade to jump and start to cry.

"Shhh. It's okay baby," Letty coos to her son.

"Roman's boat exploded, no one can find him. Tego is dead. Santos is unaccounted for. Tej's place was hit and Talli is dead. Gisele is good, she took out the men who tried to kill her in an alley outside her club. She's meeting us in Barcelona. Rosa and Marco are fine nothing came their way, but they are getting out just in case. Elena…is dead."

Mia gasps and covers her mouth.

"Someone hit our whole fucking family!" Brian says.

"Talli was pregnant," Han says looking down at Nola's belly.

Nola's hands grab her stomach automatically.

"Whatever this is it's fucking huge," Letty says. "I'm not going to be looking over my shoulder when I'm putting my babies to bed at night."

A/N – Thoughts?

I'm off to finish reworking my part of Chapter 6 of That's the Way Loves Goes. Wish me luck and speed.