HA. Told you I would post again soon ;)

Anywho, enjoyyyy ;)

Love you all! *hearts*


"I think…I think I've got it." A voice was saying, just as Cynn was coming to. "Yes yes, see how her breath is coming back? That's a sign that she's going to live. Her lung was severely severed, however, so she's going to need some bed rest. I did my very best sewing it back up, but you never know…"

"At least…at least she's not dead." Another voice replied, sounding strangely tired.

"Ulfric…Have you realized you've not told me anything about who this strange woman is? I'm rather curious about her…You seem to care for her an awful lot." The other voice said, almost complaining.

"There's a reason I asked you in particular to do this, Fraumont…You're from Cyrodiil, you don't know her. Anybody else would have recognized her. What does this tell you?"

"You, er, don't want me to know who this is, do you?" Fraumont inquired quietly, sounding put down.

"No." Ulfric replied simply, and then Cynn decided to open her eyes, her wide yellow eyes, slightly slanted, which marked her as an elf.

"…Ulfric?" She asked, her voice incredibly scratchy and hoarse. Her eyes had trouble adjusting to the light, even though the room was rather dimply lit. She could glimse a forest doused in darkness outside a nearby window. They must not be in any of the cities…And it was apperantly very late at night.

"C—Yes?" Ulfric nearly said her name, and suddenly she felt a coarse and calloused hand gripping her soft and fair one. "Are you okay?"

Cynn thought the question was rather daft, however she didn't feel like saying so. She simply struggled a little in order to sit up. She allowed Ulfric to put some extra pillows behind her to support her. She looked at the man she assumed was Fraumont, and wasn't pleased with his appearance He was dressed in light leather armour, all but his hands, which were bare and covered in blood. Cynn almost cringed at the sight of his hands; she had the sneaking suspicion that it was her blood. She studied Fraumont's face. He was a dark elf, but didn't wear that smirk that so many dark elves were accustomed to using. In fact, he looked rather befuddled and hopelessly confused.

Then she turned to Ulfric. He wasn't dressed in his regular fine clothes. Actually, he sported some very normal looking clothes, and Cynn decided she preferred these clothes to the horribly rich ones that screamed royalty. Finally, after she was done observing the two of them, she said in a quiet, shaky voice "I'm not sure...Where am I? What happened? And where is that…that man?" She was embarrassed by how small and scared her voice sounded. Disgusted, even. But her voice was simply echoing how she felt; scared and small.

"Fraumont? Would you mind leaving us for a moment? I'll call you if you're needed." Fraumont nodded, before leaving the room with a small sigh.

"There, that's better. I can explain it all to you now." Ulfric said tenderly, still gripping her hand.

"A man, I don't know his name, apparently kidnapped you in the middle of the night whilst you were sleeping. He took you back to the fort where you slaughtered all of his comerades, took everything you had and dressed you in ragged clothing, and then locked you in one of the rooms of the fort. I think the reason you didn't awake sooner was because he force-fed you sleeping herbs while you were asleep, but I'm not sure. Anyway, when you finally awoke, I think you spoke with him and then he decided to leave a laceration in your side with your own weapon. And then I finally found your room after searching the entire fort, and I killed him. Does that sound about right?" Ulfric said very quickly, his grip on her hand tightening and loosening at different times while he told the story. It became incredibly tight while he explained the part about the strange man cutting her, and loosened when he talked of killing the man.

"…Okay, I guess it kind of does…I have a few questions, though…How did you know where I was?" Cynn asked, her voice still weak, thought that didn't hide the fact that she was suspicious of him.

"Uh…I actually had one of my agents tracking you…"

"What? Why would you do that?" Cynn exclaimed, surprise suddenly encompassing her voice. She had been under the impression that she had complete privacy, aside from Sithis and Lucien and the Night Mother all watching her. She'd even left Shadowmere back in Solitude, just so she could be alone!

"I just….I was worried, okay? And look, it ended up saving your life…"

"I suppose it did, but still! You could have told me."

"I didn't exactly trust you to trust one of my men so easily…"

"Whatever." Cynn muttered, then looked at her arms, which had become crossed across her chest. She caught a glimpse of the bandages tightly wound around her waist, and frowned. She could see some of her warm blood seeping through the bandages.

And then suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her, and she felt a sensation that reminded her of being stabbed in her side. It was agony, and she let out a weak scream. Ulfric seemed completely taken by surprise, and now both of his hands were on her cheeks, turning her face towards his. She shook herself free of his grasp and screamed again. It was just so painful and sudden, she had to scream to save her teeth from being crushed by how she would have grinded them. Her eyes became squeezed shut and she loosened up a little as the sensation faded. It felt almost worse than when the actual wound had been inflicted.

Her breath was heavy and uncontrolled when she finally opened her eyes again. There was now a dull pain at the back of her mind, and she tried her best to ignore it completely.

Fraumont was in the room again, feeling her forehead and looking in her eyes,

"Are you okay?" was the first thing he asked when he noticed her eyes were open again. Cynn just shook her head, unable to force the words from her mouth. She felt so weak and tired all of a sudden, and wished she could go to sleep.

"I'm sorry…it seems as though your muscles spasmed…It can be incredibly painful. Do you want some painkillers to help with the spasms? They're likely to happen again, and often."

Cynn just nodded and watched as he pulled some herbs out of cowhide bag. "Here, swallow these. If you can. You jaw may be locked up."

"I think…I think I can." Cynn murmured, realizing that was why she couldn't talk. She reached out a hand and let Fraumont drop the leafy herbs into her hand, and she threw them into her mouth, swallowing them frantically. She noticed at once that the pain at the back of her mind was beginning to fade.

"Ulfric…Fraumont…if you don't mind, I'd like to try and get some sleep…I'm so tired…Sithis, I'm so tired…" Cynn didn't realize that she had said that last part aloud, but doubted either Fraumont or Ulfric would recognize the term she had used

When she checked the expressions of both Fraumont and Ulfric, she realized that they had not even heard what she had said, because their expressions were the same.

"Yes, yes of course. You need some sleep to heal." Fraumont said, nodding knowingly.

Ulfric rose to his feet. "Want me to blow out the candle?" He asked tenderly, almost sounding nervous that she might explode with pain again.

"No, leave it." She replied. "But could you move all these pillows?" She asked him quietly.

"Yes, of course." He replied, and then removed the pillows from behind her back.


"No problem." Ulfric said in response, his eyes locked with hers. She felt that same tingle running down her back that she had felt when he had given her that letter of admission into his camps, and she smiled faintly at him. She wondered why he was so nice and caring to such a lowly assassin.

"Goodnight, Ulfric."

"Goodnight." He replied, closing the door behind him.

And then, Cynn fell into a sea of sleep, not even dreaming because she was so tired.



Hope you liked it…wrote it rather fast...I was anxious to finish this chapter because I thought you all might be frustrated with me for that horrible cliffhanger in the last chapter haha xD

As always, thanks for reading ! Reviews would be nice…