Chapter 9-What Lies Deep In The Heart.

Continuing peering the view outside of their balcony, Torrie walked back into the room. She took off her black dolly shoes and sat on the bed.

Torrie had already unpacked her things, settling in. She had already put her make up bag in the bathroom. Her dresses were hanging up. She was settled, ready for a vacation with Stacy.

Torrie did not prepare herself for what would be happening tonight.

The pretty blonde walked into the dining room. She went to the mini bar and got herself a summer juice drink.

"I may be so tired, but this place is beautiful Stace" Torrie smiled.

The tall blonde peeked a smile as she curled her legs on the couch. It had been a few hours since Torrie and Stacy arrived in Mexico for a small vacation.

If it was anyone else, Torrie would have stayed back in LA. She loved Stacy the most, the two blondes had been through so much. Their friendship was like Triple H/Shawn Michaels. Torrie & Stacy have been friends for about 12 years, still going strong.

Stacy was like a sister to Torrie, she loved and missed her so much. As Stacy moved into the entertainment world. She was so proud, happy for Stacy's success. Torrie remembered the moment, her best friend confessed that she was dating actor George Clooney.

Torrie was shocked, but she would stand by her best friend and support Stacy.

It was definitely the truth, that Torrie was in Mexico. Sole reason. Her best friend.

"I know its beautiful, we certainly need a vacation" Stacy said, as she leaned on Torrie's shoulder.

Torrie nodded "Definitely" as she sat chatting with her best friend. Torrie wondered if she should tell Stacy about the passionate night she shared with John Cena over a week ago.

"So do you want to go out for dinner, I'm hungry. Plane food is horrible" Torrie said.

Stacy's eyes peeked from her phone, it seemed she was waiting for a certain phone call. A potential call, that could have Torrie and Stacy disagree.

"Yeah sounds good, we can go out for drinks and dance the night away"

"My feet will swell up, size of Big Show's but I don't care. I'm going to get my dancing shoes on" Torrie put her juice drink glass on the glass table.

Stacy nodded as she laughed "I missed you Tor, I'm so happy you decided to come along" The tall blonde smiled sweetly.

Torrie hugged her best friend. "So am I, we'll dance the night away. Watch movies, sunbath, go do water sports it's going to be so much fun" the excitement lit up Torrie.

Stacy nodded, as Torrie looked away. The former Diva checked her phone. Still the call, or message hadn't come through.

"So what are you going to wear tonight? Casual or sexy?" Torrie asked.

Stacy responded "Hmmmm, I don't know. Probably sexy"

"Show off those legs of yours, which you made a career out of" Torrie giggled a tease.

"Says the "Innocent" American Good Girl" Stacy teased back.

Torrie silently gasped "Hey! I'll have you know, I was very innocent in WWE" The innocence shone in her.

Stacy laughed out loud "Babe, you were the furthest way of innocent. You were always stirring up trouble"

Torrie bit her lip gently, smirking "Yeah, I know how to have fun"

"Do you want to have like a fashion show? Like you can decide what I wear and I'll decide what you wear?" Torrie asked.

Stacy just giggled.

"Remember like we used to years ago, at the arena. We got all the other girls doing it" Torrie said.

Anyone who knew about WWE, there was a era called the golden divas. The world was entertained by beautiful, strong, sexy women. They gave a whole new meaning of the word "Girl Power" Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler were part of that era.

The two pretty blondes, were combination of strength, innocence and beauty. Sure years had passed on, but Torrie and Stacy would be remembered as the golden Divas, they were still best friends.

"Sure, that would be fun"

Torrie smiled, she was definitely happy that she had decided to come along after all.


Monday had come back around again, everyone knew what took place on Monday Night. It was broadcast entitled "Monday Night Raw"

As always, John Cena was there. A red sports car drove down the entrance. The car turned into a parking space. The face of WWE emerged from the open car door. He closed the door.

His baby blue eyes gazed around briefly, he saw production trucks. The parking lot was quite empty. Hardly any superstars had arrived. John Cena was always the first to show up at the arena.

He wouldn't have it anyway, he loved WWE. He gives everything he has every night. His heart, mind, body and soul. Cena was proud of that. Loads of people, even his friends have questioned his hectic schedule.

But John doesn't fault it, or complain. He works hurt, tired, exhausted as long as he's doing the best he can. Making people in attendance have the time of their life. He's doing everything he wants to do.

Sure, everything comes at price. With the packed schedule, always travelling. John hardly sees his family. Ever since, his adorable niece had been born. John has only seen her a few times. He is never there, with family gatherings. They let him be who he is, and support him from the background.

His marriage had hit breaking point. Lumbering John with a mixture of emotions, but all he does with any situation.

Rise above, overcome and never give up. He carries on with his life, pushing forwards even if his heart is in pieces. Cena's on the edge of crumbling. He always manages to hold it together, and continue to be true to his heart.

That's who he is, so many people are sick of it. But John is just who he is. John Cena is comfortable with that.

John got his belongings, he stepped into the arena getting ready for tonight's broadcast.


Torrie walked into bedroom, she started to wonder what she wants to wear tonight. She turned to Stacy's side. Something then confused the blonde.

Why hadn't Stacy unpacked, usually Stacy is the first to unpack then she tells Torrie off, because she has yet to unpack.

Torrie continued to wonder, she walked over to other side. There was no make up bag, Stacy's hair accessories weren't even unpacked. No curler, straighter. The black suitcases remained up right, zipped up.

Torrie turned her head, she walked back into the room. "Hey Stace"

"Yeah" Stacy was pouring herself a cold drink in a glass.

"How come you haven't unpacked? Usually you're nagging me too" Torrie told.

Stacy slowly put the jug back down on the table. She curled her hand on the glass. "Oh, I'll do it…later"

Torrie blinked at her "Ok, who are you? What have you done with my BFF?"

Stacy giggled a little nerve. "No its still me, just feeling quite tired from all the….travel"

Torrie looked at Stacy, "Oh okay" she walked back into the bed room.

Stacy took the opportunity to check her phone.

"Hey Stace, are we going to pick what we are going to wear?"

Stacy looked at her. "Oh…..yeah, come on" Stacy grabbed Torrie's hand, they were both walked into the bedroom.

Stacy went to Torrie's closet, she picked a pink beautiful dress with white lace. "This one, definitely"

Torrie smiled, "Okay, I'll be wearing that I guess"

"That, silver heels and hair in curls. You'll have guys falling at your feet" Stacy giggled.

Torrie just giggled "Well my outfit is picked out" she went over to Stacy's case. The tall blonde, started to lie her clothes on the bed so Torrie can pick for her.

Stacy just hoped, that her phone doesn't ruin this lovely girly night.

Torrie tapped her fingertip on her chin, she looked at the various outfits. "I'd say, black short dress with red heels, hair in this clip" Torrie handed Stacy the fancy hair clip.

Stacy just nodded, she smiled back. "Well lets get ready, for our night out"

Torrie just smiled back candidly.


"They wanted me to ask you if you're ready?" A crewmember told John Cena.

Cena was doing his usual Make A Wish greeting, something John loves to do and it's a true honour. "Don't need to wait," The West Newbury Native was being pulled in so many directions at the moment but as soon as John had a greeting. He stopped, and went to the greeting.

A woman gave John all the details, of each child and the families so John would know everything he needed to know.

John opened the door, happiness filled the room. It just bought a smile to his face . John got down on one knee, he embraced the delighted child. He stood back up, embraced the other.

This is what he loved about his career path, he just loved to see the smiles on people's faces. It warmed him, let his smile shine on through all the broken pieces of his own smile.

As John granted the wish, being the most superstar in wwe to grant wishes. No matter what, how he felt. If John could stand, he was breathing. He would make sure that wish is granted. He would never ever say no.

"Thank you so much" the young mother had tears in her eyes, ecstatic. Her daughter met her hero.

John smiled back, shaking her hand. "No problem"

Torrie stood in front of the mirror, dressed in a beautiful pink dress. She sat down on the edge of the bed to slip on her silver sandals.

Standing on her heels, Torrie fiddled with her golden locks. She was in the process of getting ready to hit the Mexico town with her best friend, Stacy Keibler.

A smile surfaced on Torrie's face, she was happy with what she looked like. Torrie was ready for the night.

Torrie opened the door, smiling at her friend. Stacy had her back to her. The tall blonde exchanged words on the phone before she turned back to Torrie.

"Well, will I do?" Torrie said, twirling once.

Stacy glanced at her "Oh…right, uu-mm Tor. There's been a change of plans"

Torrie's smile slowly faded, she was dressed and ready to go. "What?" Stacy bit her lip gently, smiling sympathetically.

"We are going to have take a rain check"

Torrie stood on the same spot, upset "Oh…why?" she questioned. Her head cast downwards to gaze at the heels before she looked back up at her best friend.

Their night had come to a erupt night, because of a phone call. Torrie wanted to know what was going on?

"Well, George has just phoned me. He's got in early"

"So…" Torrie wanted more of an explanation, why should a sudden arrival ruin their night.

"He's supposed to be flying in tomorrow afternoon, but he just phoned me. He decided to take the trip early. He's downstairs"

Torrie looked at Stacy, before tonight. She hadn't seen or spent anytime with her friend in months. Now Stacy seemed to have changed their plans because of her boyfriend has arrived in town.

Stacy had just broke a promise, as Torrie stood there. Did Stacy even know she had?

That promise. Neither girl would ditch the other for a guy, even if it's the most successful guy on the planet. Girlfriends first.

Stacy had cancelled on Torrie, the fellow blonde that's been her best friend for 12 years….

"What? We can still go out Stace" Torrie asked.

Stacy fiddled with her hair, "Well George is taking me out. But we will spend tomorrow together, promise" Stacy tried to make Torrie feel better, but the Boise Native certainly didn't.

She felt hurt, upset. "Is that the only reason you asked me to come along? So I can meet the great "George" Clooney? You can flaunt your success in my face….its always been said, I'm the screw up out of the two of us" Torrie snapped.

"No, Tor. Of course not. I'm sorry I honestly didn't know till minutes ago. George was here. Look I know….."

"No you don't, I am so beyond tired right now! The only reason I didn't stay home because I wanted to spend time with you…and there's a big chance we won't be alone on this trip" Torrie told frustrated

"Tor, I'm sorry I really am. I didn't do this on purpose" Stacy said sincerely.

"I thought it was going to be like old times….me and you on vacation but I see exactly how it is…."

"Torrie, will you stop acting like a drama queen. I'm taking a rain check tonight but doesn't mean I won't tomorrow."

"You're choosing to spend tonight with guy over me! You're best friend! My friends/family are the most important to me. You know that better than anyone!" Torrie shouted hurt.

Stacy rolled her eyes, she was sorry but Torrie was acting like she was leaving Torrie in Mexico alone for the week. Stacy just changed tonight's plans. "You're being a Diva about this"

"So what? You'll be all loved up with Mr "Fantastic" Torrie hissed, with a flick of her hair

"Newsflash he's not that much of a catch anyways! While I'm here for a week. ALONE!" Torrie screamed furiously.

"Well if you had remembered, I did say. Bring Nick with you!" Stacy shot back.

That was the moment, Torrie felt like knife went in her back. How can Stacy not know? Torrie was no longer in a relationship with Nick Mitchell. Her friends knew, even distant friend John Cena knew something before Stacy did. Her best friend forever!

Torrie just glanced at the tall blonde, she turned on her heel and slammed the bathroom door shut after she and Stacy fell out.

"Torrie" Stacy breathed in a sigh.

Their 12 year friendship had suddenly hit the rocks. Or had it already drifted apart, the cracks were beginning to show.


John was sitting down with a group of children, he was signing merchandise while they asked him questions.

"I like you're signature" A young girl giggled. "It's a bow"

John smiled while he continued to talk to the group and answer questions.

"Do you like video games?"

John looked towards his left where the boy sat. "I do, I'm just not very good at them" the children all giggled with their good hearted hero.

"They've gotten so complicated, look at my hands. I can't do any of the joint stick movements, I'm just horrible at them" John Cena told, making the kids giggle.

"Do you like to play Tennis?"

John looked at the girl before he answered. "I love to, but I can't with a small racket because my arms are too big. Last time I played, my racket fly across the court. I sucked so bad…I don't even want to remember the score when I played"

A smile came on his face, when he saw the joy in the children's eyes.

This is what he loves to do, camera or not. John would continue with granting wishes


Torrie leaned against the door of the bathroom, she could feel sting of tears pricking at her eyes. Water of the tears were building behind her eyes but she remained strong, so they wouldn't fall down.

It was at that moment, Torrie realised just how strained her relationship with Stacy had become. Only last year, the two were texting, phoning each other all the time. Dancing, letting their hair down, watching movies together at night, sharing a bowl of popcorn.

They shared apartment in LA, early years of WWE. They were so close, like sisters. Some in WWE compared them to "Triple H/Shawn Michaels" friendship due to closeness. Stacy was there with her when Torrie adopted little "Pepper"

A year later, they hardly spent any time together. No texts, no phone calls. Due to an argument, Torrie found out heat of the moment. Stacy didn't even know about her split with Nick.

Torrie had left messages, even rang Stacy's mother….obviously Stacy didn't get the message.

Torrie let her eyes close, when the door was knocked for 10 time. A firm blonde's voice rang outside the door. "Oh goodness sake, Torrie. Just open the door."

Torrie rose her eyes towards the mirror hanging on the wall, she could see the fate cracks in her reflection. Torrie needed someone to comfort her, hold her….the loneliness returned. All she knew, looking back at the mirror.

It was only her. No other was standing there.

"Tor, I'm sorry okay. Please just open the door, come out" Stacy knocked again.

Torrie closed her eyes briefly, a soft breath slipped through her lips. She unlocked the door, and brushed past Stacy in silence.

The Baltimore beauty looked at her friend, Stacy's hands met her hips at the silent treatment. "Okay, so you're just not going to talk to me then"

Torrie murmured her gloss lips together, she folded her arms. She remained in silence.

"Stop acting like a spoilt brat" Stacy rolled her eyes. "I told you about this trip months ago! Its not my fault that you forgot, and didn't invite Nick.."

Words spilled out of Torrie's mouth in a split second. She snapped on her heel "Nick and I aren't together anymore!" she yelled.

"Huh?" Stacy was caught off guard.

"Yeah I broke up with him! About 3 weeks ago!"

Stacy looked at Torrie. "I don't….understand, why didn't you tell me?"

"I did, I tried. I left you messages"

"I didn't know"

"You would have known that if you had bothered to pick up my dozen messages"

Stacy's fingers circled her lips. "Oh…"

"Everyone else knows, hell even John knows I hardly see him one years to the next"

"It's not like I ignored your messages" Stacy defended herself.

Torrie softly muttered. "Wouldn't surprise me, needn't bother with the broken mess being your best friend"

"You know I would have been there in a flash" Stacy told.

Torrie looked at her. "Till tonight, I haven't seen you in 6 months!"

"I'm sorry Tor, I really am about you and Nick. Stop being a spoilt brat"

"Excuse me?" Torrie's eyes blared.

"People can't just drop everything in their life, just because you need someone to be there for you. I have my own life to live….I am sorry for your break up"

Torrie stood tall, "I have never expected that from anyone"

"Yes you have, you expect people to fall everything so you don't have to handle it yourself. I love you Torrie, you're my best friend always have been, always will but you bounce people like a rubber ball.

"You need someone, when it suits you. If someone can't be there, or you don't get your own way, you act like a spoilt brat"

"I have never done anything like that!"

"We all have our lives to live, I'm sorry to change our plans but it don't give you the excuse to act up"

Torrie scoffed a breath, "Well its nice to know what you think of me" she folded her arms.

"I'm not talking just about tonight, what about John?"

Torrie turned her eyes from the wall back to Stacy. What did John have to do with this?"

"What does it have to do with John?"

"When he helped you through your divorce, you ran and expected him to make it okay for you because you couldn't face it on your own. But as soon…you felt better, you dropped and left John behind."

Torrie's heel stepped back on the carpet, tears were welling in her eyes. She had dished out home truths to Stacy….but somehow, it was Torrie that had tears building behind her eyes.

She had to face up, to her own truths.

"It's time you grow up Torrie! Because soon, you will have to stand on your own" Stacy told.

"No I never did that…" Torrie muttered. She hadn't done that to John did she? He had done everything he could to help her. He did a good deed, took time out of his life to help Torrie through a painful divorce. Did she really just leave him behind? Went forwards with her life…

She didn't thank him, with just throwing him into a closet like a old jumper. Was Cena the only one, Torrie had done that too?

Torrie had so much going on in her mind, while Stacy ranted at her. After a night cancelled, Torrie got more than she bargained for, Once again, it questioned about John Cena.

Torrie ignored her thoughts, she just looked at Stacy. "Enjoy your night, Stacy" Torrie faked a smile, sarcastically she slammed her bedroom door.

Stacy sighed "Fine, be a brat. See you in the morning" Stacy didn't get a response, so she just left the room after argument with Torrie.

Torrie slammed the wardrobe door, before she sat on the bed. Moments on her own, the Boise Belle turned to the mirror.

She had decided to go out herself, not feel sorry for herself. More importantly she refused to believe, the things Stacy had said.

True or not, Torrie didn't want to know.

John Cena stood by the curtain, as Monday Night RAW had started. Hall Of Famer Rowdy Roddy Piper was in the ring, presenting his legendary talk show. The 10 time Wwe Champion, is his guest for tonight.

One thing John Cena knew, being Piper's Pit its going to very interesting. Definitely expect the unexpected.


The glorious sunset hovered over Mexico, a lonely blonde was in the bar. The pretty blonde, freshly single. Torrie Wilson sat down on the bar stool, one leg went over the other sitting like a lady.

She offered a smile to the bartender. "What can I get you love?"

"I'll have just a white wine please" Torrie ordered her drink.

"Drinking alone?" The bartender asked.

Torrie nodded her head, taking a sip of her wine before placing the wine glass on the counter. "Yep, just me. My friend has ditched me for a guy so I'm thinking of gaining company in form of wine" Torrie let her fingers circle the glass.

Torrie sighed softly, drinking alone definitely felt lonely. She didn't want to be stuck in a hotel room all by herself. No a single person for company so instead she decided to go to a bar, try and enjoy herself.

It sure didn't make her feel any better. All she wanted was for someone to tell her "you're not alone" a reaching hand, to let her that but there wasn't anyone.

While she looked up at the television in the bar, Monday Night Raw was playing in the background. Torrie could just make out from the volume what was going on.

She took a few sips of her wine. "Well here's too tonight" her eyelashes flickered up to the screen hanging on the wall.

Torrie watched as Rowdy Roddy Piper talk on the microphone. One of the many legends, she adored. Torrie remembered the hall of fame ceremony, the year he was inducted. Torrie even accompanied him, to the ramp on Wrestlemania 21. Clad in her favourite dress. She just loved that dress, she would love to wear it again. Maybe someday….

Torrie sipped on her wine as she continued to watch. The bartender came to blonde. "Love, It's from the guy at other side of the bar"

Torrie had already been bought a drink. "Oh, thank you very much" taking the glass she smiled at the admirer.

He made his way over, sat on the stool next to Torrie. "You look very familiar,"

"I'm Torrie Wilson, former WWE Diva" Torrie smiled, he took her hand and gently kissed it.

She smiled feeling the peck on her palm. "That's it I knew I recognised you, I'm Eric" He introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Eric"

"So tell me what is a beautiful woman, doing in a bar drinking alone?" he asked.

Torrie gently giggled. "A girl just likes to make a night out of it"

He smiled looking Torrie up and down, he definitely liked what he saw. As they continued to flirt and talk. A sudden melody from the television screen.

The start of the song, got everyone in the arena on their feet pouring out emotion. Torrie was distracted while her ears heard "The Time Is Now" as she talked to Eric, her eyes kept wondering back to the screen.

She watched John Cena emerge from the black curtain, he did what he loved to do every night entertain the crowd. John stood in his camo shorts, black trainers.

black "Rise Above Hate" t shirt, 4 black wrist bands two on each wrist and armband hanging comfortably just under his t shirt sleeve. A baseball cap on top of his head.

He saluted the crowd before he made his way down the ring for Pipers Pit, John climbed on the steps. He entered the ring, took a microphone.

No one knew what Piper had planned. What the hall of famer was going to say to the face of WWE, John Cena.

Piper went to address the negative energy Cena gets every time he enters the wwe ground. Wherever John goes in the world, there is always a group of people that told Cena to go to hell, John understands that. He don't pander, or plead people to like him…if you don't, Cena is fine with that.

He's extremely loyal to the ones that have been there since day one. They know who he is, what he stands for. He loves his beloved "CeNation" John Cena don't change who he is just because some people, just don't like him.

He will continue to be true to his heart, it would not break or falter the CeNation leader. Stand for something, or fall for everything, that is what John believes.

Never Give Up, Hustle. Loyalty, Respect words that John lies his life by.

That hasn't changed for years, it won't. no matter what life throws at him. John Cena will adapt, overcome push on forwards.

Piper kept on pressing John, telling him that Cena needs to be honest with the people. If he's wearing a mask, if the "boos" are getting to him. He will lose everything. Cena responded by telling what he believes.

Torrie continued to keep her eyes on the screen, the beautiful smile was on her face hearing John's heartfelt speech. She just loved it.

What she didn't notice, is the mysterious stranger had his back against the counter. Unnoticed by anyone, he dropped a white pill into Torrie's wine glass since her eyes was on television screen.

Torrie could be in serious danger? She just didn't know anything about it.

John Cena continued to defend himself to Piper, he listed the arenas that were hostile. Piper wouldn't stop, he kept on pushing and pushing. He told that Rock comes in, one night and John Cena proceeds to give his all every night, people just adore, love The Rock when John is forced to stand in the shadow, and be hated just because he's living his dream.

Piper gave John Cena, his hall of fame ring with a thousand word gesture. John's hand gripped a fist, holding the ring.

John shook his head, emotion in his face. "I'm in a good place, you don't know what you're talking about"

Piper let his action, speak louder than words. He slapped John Cena across the face, John had his head turned, after being slapped. His cheek grew red with anger, he could feel the blood starting to rise up after being slapped.

Cena hated to be slapped by anyone, punched is fine. But slapped….it just always angered him.

John kept his eyes on the mat, feeling the blood rising. His eyelashes blinked as he gained control. John slowly took off his hat, he turned back to hall of famer that slapped him.

He grabbed the hand of Piper, put the ring back. With a shake of his head, Cena shook his head. He got emotional, but he had kept it together.

John Cena walked up the ramp, he embraced his dog tags in his hand kissing them.

He left without saying another word.

People had to wonder? Just what was going through John's mind as they slowly make their way to Wrestlemania 28 when John Cena and The Rock collide in a "Once In A Life Time" battle. Even though The Rock hardly shows up, he is favourite. Is that really getting to Cena deep, deep down.

Will John Cena be able to hold it all together, when his life takes a very unexpected turn?


Torrie had kept on watching, she couldn't believe the slap Piper delivered to John. Torrie's lips drew apart, in shock.

She loved how John took control, remained who he is. Torrie knew exactly who John is? She knew there was no deep, buried surface. He was himself. He was John Cena, she knew oh so well and quite possibly loved.

She hadn't taken a single sip of the drink, she didn't know a pill had dissolved at the bottom of her glass. After seeing Cena on the screen.

Torrie felt happy again. Even if he wasn't there by her side. Just seeing him on the screen, warmed her inside. It bought the smile back to her face.

The guy is a true inspiration, just with a smile, a look. No words. Her heart warmed. The loneliness faded away. Torrie just let her own smile shine on like the stars in the sky.

Torrie greeted goodbye, moving from her stool. If she hadn't seen John just on the television, Torrie would have drunk the drink that had been spiked. The bartender took it, put it down the sink. The guy just disappeared into the shadows after Torrie had left the bar.

It may sound weird, but in a way. John Cena had saved her yet again. Even if neither of them knew.

Torrie walked out of the bar, she saw the midnight colour In the sky. There was a gentle breeze that blew her locks off her shoulders. Torrie caught a cab, went back to her hotel room.

Once she reached her hotel, Torrie took off her dress and changed into a pair of white pants, a pink tee cut to her stomach. She decided to make some microwave popcorn, watch a movie.

As she sat there, idly eating a piece of popcorn. Her mind started to run wild with thoughts. "Maybe…Stace was right…"

Torrie got out her iphone, she sent a text to her best friend. "Hey Stace, I just wanted to say….I don't know if you'll read this or just delete it? I'm sorry for being a brat….you were right, and I'm so happy that you're living you're life."

"You'll always be my best friend, no matter what. As long as you're happy, I am. Anyways I'll see you for breakfast tomorrow so I can make this apology in person. Love ya always. Torrie xx" Torrie smiled softly, she sent the text and hoped she'd get a reply tonight.

You know who your friends are? True friends stay around when times get rough. They make up when you fall out. They both know, how important the friendship is. True friends are true from the very start….

Torrie let a few popcorn pieces in her mouth, she leaned her head on the pillow. Once again, her mind debated over her feelings for John. Did he really mean more to her? Why did he stay around when she had treated him poorly? Why did he listen? why didn't John leave?

If she had really dropped him, shouldn't he have just left her and not took the time once again to help her out? Was there butterflies fluttering in her stomach? Did she have the race in her heart? Was there something special blossoming in secret. Why was her mind drifting from past to present, both involving Cena in some fashion.

Had a red rose finally started to bloom in the sun….

That was the moment, her mind went right back to the beginning when she knew…her and John's friendship would last forever.

She remembered the moment, it became strong.


All the Diva could feel was pain, her heart was in pieces. The tears in her eyes felt like they had been there a very long time. She had tried to hold it together, but it was so very hard.

Torrie had kept her personal life a secret, but it was slowly unravelling. Due to her messed up divorce proceedings. Torrie had taken time off work, without consulting a authority figure. She had told someone about her problems, they said they would pass on the issue but it seemed, the message never reached the board.

Torrie had her phone to her ear, she was trying to plead her case. "I know…I did…but it wasn't a vacation trust me…I took unauthorised absence…I know. I'm so sorry for that but I had to leave, it was so important" Torrie Wilson pleaded.

"Please….I'm so sorry, I did try and get the message across…" Torrie said over the phone.

Torrie had to take a week off, to fly to Tampa meet with her lawyer so she can start her divorce. Peter, her soon to be ex-husband was not making it easy for her. He was being truly unfair towards his wife. Proclaiming he had depression, his wife was unsympathetic that led to his release from wwe.

He was trying to stick the knife in anywhere it would hurt Torrie. Peter was trying to take valuable things away from her, including her adorable Maltese Chloe since he bought the dog for Torrie.

He knew how much Torrie loved Chloe, so anyway he could hurt her. He would do it.

There's no depth, or trick he wouldn't try.

Torrie could lose everything, because from the call. It seemed her career could be in jeopardy.

"Please, I can't make that…..I have to go back to Tampa. I know you're giving me…a chance…please"

The next sentence, bought tears to Torrie's eyes. As she pleaded scared, a young blue eyed man was making himself a coffee, he had heard the conversation. "No, please don't fire me….don't let me go, please I can't lose my job. I love it so much…. please…"

Torrie let a tear fall down as she heard a dialling tone. Her career was now in jeopardy. Torrie let the phone slip into her palm. "Oh god" she muttered, her fingertips dapped her eyes to get rid of the tears.

"Torrie, are you alright?"

Torrie heard another voice, she turned to see a friendly face. John Cena was standing there. "Huh? Ohh…err yeah I'm fine thank you for asking" faking a smile, she quickly wiped her eyes so John wouldn't see any signs of her being upset.

"Really? You seemed pretty upset a minute ago"

"No, No…I just had a bit of trouble" Torrie covered with a fragile smile.

"I didn't mean to ears drop, but sounded more than a "bit" of trouble"

Torrie looked at him, she wanted so badly to cry to John, tell him everything. The whole nightmare. Maybe John could scare Peter into backing off, let her keep Chloe.

Cena's career had skyrocketed to the top, he was doing movies too. Torrie didn't want to burden him with her problems. He didn't need, some weeping woman crying on his shoulder due to the betrayal, horrible actions of her ex husband.

"Excuse me" Torrie tried to make a getaway but John held on her forearm.

She stepped back, to face him.

"Here, you seem to need it more than I do" John extended a hot chocolate to Torrie.

She gave him a weak smile, to hide the tears. "Thank you"

John looked at her, "Torrie, if you ever need someone to talk too. I am here for you"

She held onto her cup, "Thanks for your concern, but I am alright, thank you"

John glanced at her, "Alright," he took her hand, left a number written on a piece of paper. Torrie opened her hand, saw a room number on it.

"Anytime" he winked friendly, collecting the wwe championship from the table. He left the canteen.

Torrie held onto the piece of paper, a soft smile surfaced on her face feeling comforted.

Later that night-

Torrie slowly walked alone at night, she had gone out for a walk to clear her mind. Her life had gone down a bad direction, that the blonde wouldn't have thought would happen.

When she married Peter Gunner, all those years ago she didn't think in her wildest dreams would she ever hear the word "Divorce" she hated it, from the rooms. The lawyers, the paperwork, detailing sharing of assets. She just hated it.

Torrie slowly kept on walking, the sky was dark. Rain drops were falling constantly from the sky. It was a very dark, rainy night. It had same simarlties to Torrie's heart.

Torrie felt the rain dripping from her locks, she felt bottom of her jeans wet from the puddles. Her blonde beautiful hair was brittle, wet blowing everywhere.

She felt so alone, Torrie didn't know this kind of pain existed. She couldn't understand why this had to happen. She could only fear for her future….not only was she in fear of losing her loving companion, Torrie may lose her job over her divorce.

Things just couldn't get worse.

Torrie looked up at the sky, all there was darkness. Rain. It made a emotional look on her face surface.

She needed someone, a friend…..

Torrie stuffed her hand in her coat, a small white piece of paper was in her hand. She opened it, saw a room number.

"Should I? yes, no, no yes…"


Of course, Torrie went to John. She felt so very alone, it would be nice to spend some time with a friend. Everyone needs to be comforted once in a while. Torrie couldn't do this alone…anymore.

Torrie remembered, the night. Silence hit the corridors, a single knock opened a whole new door to friendship.

The dripping, soft hearted Torrie Wilson shakily put her hand on the door. She knocked it. Vulnerable, alone, the blonde stood.

She watched as the door slowly opened, John Cena came into her vision. His kind blue eyes gazed at her. He could see the look on her face, the dripping wet hair. Emotion etched in her face. She had turned to him at a moment of need.

Already, he looked sympathetic. She looked so small, dripping wet. "Torrie, god you're soaked." Cena spoke.

"It's raining" she mumbled.

John let out a gentle smile. "I wouldn't have guessed, come on in" He touched her shoulder, but the heartbroken blonde didn't move.

Her emerald eyes just had tears, She didn't take a step in, seemed she was having trouble.

John understood, he could see it was hard for her. "Alright, come on in. at your own time…" he moved away. She continued to stand there, soaking wet.

"If My door has to be open all night, so be it" he smiled softly.

The smile warmed her slightly, John had moved further away from her. Torrie took a few soft steps, rubbing her forearm entering Cena's hotel room.

Usually Torrie was strong, she's been through a hell of a lot. Tonight….there was a vulnerable side to her. Torrie had tried to surpass, John's help but she wanted someone to be there for her, after all….everyone needs someone.

John noticed Torrie was completely in the room, he walked by her and closed the door. She remained there, head down and soaked in silence.

"You must be freezing, here" he extended a towel so Torrie can dry herself. Luckily her clothes wasn't wet, it was just her hair and coat, bottom of jeans. Nothing else.

Torrie took the towel, dried her hair. She stood there in the same place for almost 5 minutes.

"So are you going to sit down or stand all night?"

Torrie just stood in silence, before she slowly sat down on the couch. Her eyes shown the vuneralablity. John presented her with a hot drink to warm herself up, Torrie took few sips while she kept gazing around the room.

"So what made you change your mind?" John asked.

Torrie put her drink on the table. "I just couldn't be alone tonight. Everything is hard, wrong, just a nightmare. I can't deal with it anymore" softly she explained.

"What is going on?"

"I don't want to burden you John?"

"Torrie, you're obviously in need of someone to lend you a ear. I'm giving that to you. Just tell me, you can tell me anything" John pressed.

Torrie let her eyes close softly, before she started to explain to someone who was willing to listen. For many weeks, its just been her and her mind. All she felt was pain, more tears.

"Gosh, I don't know where to start" Torrie breathed.

"From the beginning, I'll try and work it out for myself just no riddles ok?" John said grinning softly.

"Ok" Torrie nodded her head, letting a very faint giggle pass.

Torrie took a few sips to warm up her mouth, "We…lll you know that I'm getting divorced?"

John nodded "Yeah"

"Well I started my proceedings a few weeks ago, Peter is being a heartless bastard towards me. He's trying to act like the hard done by husband, saying he suffered from depression. I was a unfeeling wife, too wrapped up with my own career….he's blaming the cheating on me?"

Torrie could see John's expression change, his blue eyes were turning icy. She continued to explain, let it off her chest. Oh boy, boy did it feel good.

"Go On…" John breathed.

"Well he's been a jerk to me, trying to take valuable things that he knows means the world to me….."

"Let me guess, the son of bitch don't actually want them?"

Torrie shook her head "Nope, he just wants to punish me…." tears were welling up in her eyes as she came to a hard point "H-e-e's" her voice was choking on her tears.

John leaned closer, to comfort Torrie. "What sweetheart?"

"He's trying to take my baby off me?"

"Your baby…"

Torrie swallowed her tears "My baby, Chloe"

John's eyebrows rose in confusion. "How can he do that?"

Torrie lowered her gaze to her hands, catching tears. "Because he bought Chloe…for me…and he wants to take her back"

"Oh," John tapped his chin thinking of a way to help Torrie.

Torrie nodded her head, she touched her dry locks. "I know, like I said…a total nightmare…"

John looked at Torrie, he could see the hurt in her eyes. He wanted to help out anyway he can. "Tor, let me ask you…do you think the judge would…frown upon I don't know say….I shove Pete's teeth down his throat for treating you like shit?" John asked.

Torrie listened to John, a giggle broke through her lips. John had cheered her up.

"Good one John" Torrie giggled again, brushing her tears away.

"Why are you laughing? I was being serious" John grinned.

Torrie smiled again at her friend. "I think they would frown upon it, but thank you for the kind gesture"

"Damn, I'd so enjoy that"

Torrie giggled, feeling her guard was down she came closer, leaned on John's shoulder. "Thank You"

"For what?"

Torrie smiled up at him. "Just being who you are"

John grinned handsomely. "What's that then?"

"Such a good friend to me"

John embraced the blonde, "You're welcome" That split moment, a real light smile came on Torrie's face. Nothing felt better than an embrace, a heartbeat from a friend.

"Tor, I'll help you through anyway I can"

"Really? You don't have to"

"No I know, but I want you to know, hope you do. You're not alone"

Torrie leaned on his chest, "I have been,"

"Well now you're not, I'll help you through. Promise you"

Torrie could only find two words, to sum it all up. "Thank You"

That promise had lived up to it, it wasn't broken. John did help Torrie through, he was right till the end. It was his embrace that surrounded her, when she was officially divorced, free from such a nasty ex love. One that turned love into hate.

John helped her through her divorce, he even stuck around to help her pick up the pieces. The amount of times, John had Torrie's tears on his shirt. He had been the one, she held onto. One she tried very hard to hold onto.

He tried his best, it was worth it. John had saved Torrie from losing Chloe. He had come up with an idea the next following week. That Chloe was still in Torrie's procession, the white fluffy puppy hadn't fallen into Peter's clutches just yet.

John took over as Chloe's owner for a short time, so Torrie wasn't the owner so Peter could not take her. Chloe even got to stay with Torrie, because at the time it was John's decision.

Not only that, John found out about Torrie could lose her job. He went in her place on this important trip so wwe didn't have an issue. Torrie's job was safe and sound. She got a warning but nothing else was mentioned.

For good measure, John did punch Peter in the face right after the divorce….Torrie didn't condone violence, but she loved that!

Thanks to John Cena, Torrie didn't hardly lose anything. With Cena beside her. Peter couldn't harm her in anyway. Torrie had got the upper hand, Peter was left with hardly anything. Only regret….he didn't break Torrie. She became stronger, somehow taller.

Torrie was so very thankful, words couldn't describe what John had done for her. That moment, the Boise Belle wondered did she really thank John? Sure she had the words "Thank You" but did she really show her gratitude in the best way possible.

A sudden knock on the door, interrupted Torrie's thoughts.

Taking in a breath, Torrie put the bowl on the table. "Coming, I doin't think I ordered room service" Torrie walked to the door. She opened the door.

Her heart felt the relief when she saw Stacy Keibler standing at her door.

Was Stacy here to make up with Torrie?

End Of Chapter, okay! I had to leave it there because it would have been a verrrry long chapter than it is already lol. Now we know, how Torire/John bond is strong :) 1 piece of the puzzle.

Close call for Torrie! thank god, John was on RAW I wanted to do something that links it together somehow.

Thank You for all the reviews! :D keep them coming!

One RAW note, Damn what a brawl! John got his lip busted. I was so happy when he slapped Brock Lesnar across the face! I can't wait for Extreme Rules. I hope John don't get the F-5 for 2 weeks. 1 in london (I'm There!) , two on his birthday! I will try and get another update by Monday. Will have to see!

Anyways Until Next Time.

Chapter 10-Will Stacy/Torrie make up? John gets a phonecall from Liz's lawyer. Torrie tries to do something drastic to get John from her mind.