A/N: Might as well post everything I've got while I'm in the mood. Here is the first chapter of Albus Potter's first day at Hogwarts. It had to be done.

Albus sat back in his seat, looking around to his cousins. His father's words were still resounding in his head. James saw his face and said, "Al, you won't be in Slytherin." Albus looked up at Rose. Her face said everything he needed. Albus got up and left the carriage. He heard Rose tell James, "Leave him be," as he retreated down the corridor. At the very end of the train, he finally came to a carriage that was empty, but for one person.

"Do you mind? Every where else is full," Albus said. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy looked up from his staring out the window.

"Not at all," Scorpius replied, indicating the seat across from him. "You must be a Potter."

"Oh, er…yes, I am," Albus said, uncomfortably. Scorpius saw the uncomfortable look on Albus's face and pressed on, "You look just like your dad. My father has a picture of him at our house."

"Does he?" Albus asked. Scorpius nodded.

"They were friends at school," Scorpius said.

"I thought I knew all Dad's school friends," Albus said. "Who's your father?"

"Draco Malfoy," Scorpius said, brightly. Albus suppressed choking on his own saliva. "What?"

"I'm not exactly sure I'd classify what our fathers had as 'friendship'," Albus said, trying to keep a straight face. "From the way my dad puts it, your dad tried to kill him a good few times."

"Well…" Scorpius said, mulling over the topic. "They're friends now. And we can be friends."

"Sure," Albus said. "Are you a first-year, too?"

"Yep!" Scorpius exclaimed.

"Any idea where you'll be Sorted?"

"Slytherin, I hope," Scorpius chattered excitedly, "my whole family has been there. It's practically tradition."

"My whole family was in Gryffindor, but I just know I'll be shoved off into Slytherin," Albus said, glumly.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Scorpius said. "I'm proud to be a Slytherin, like my mother and father before me, and like Severus Snape!"

"Severus…Snape…" Albus said. "One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew," he said softly, echoing his father's words.

"Sorry?" Scorpius said.

"I was named after him," Albus said, "my middle name – it's Severus."

"Is it really?" Scorpius asked. "That is totally awesome! I wish I had a great namesake like Severus Snape."

"I'm named after two headmasters of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape," Albus said. "Albus Severus Potter."

"Your name is Albus?" Scorpius said.

"Everyone calls me Al," Albus said, blushing.

"Al, then," said Scorpius. "I'm Scorpius, and if you can think of a good nickname for me, you'd be the first."

"Scorpius," Albus repeated. "It's interesting."

"It's awful, just say it," Scorpius said, finally falling from his cloud of bubblyness. However, Albus was saved by the woman pushing the trolley of candy.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" she asked.

"Oh, um," Albus said, taken quite aback. "Sure."

"Some of everything?" Scorpius said, taking a handful of money from his pocket. Albus shrugged and did the same, and together they bought almost half the contents of the trolley, not that it matter, because the trolley magically refilled itself after. Halfway through their makeshift meal, Rose showed up.

"Al, sweets are bad for your teeth," she said.

"Bugger off, Rose," Albus said, but she sat down anyway.

"Who's your friend?" Rose asked, extending her hand.

"Scorpius Malfoy," Scorpius replied, his mouth half-full with cauldron cake.

"Oh. Pleasure," Rose said. "You really should get your robes on, you two." She vanished as quickly as she had come.

"Must be a Weasley," Scorpius said.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Albus said. Scorpius held up the wizard card he'd just gotten.

"Striking resemblance, don't you think?" Scorpius asked.

"Ron's her dad," Albus said.

"The Weasleys are the heroes of the Battle for Hogwarts," Scorpius said.

Suddenly the door to the carriage opened and a boy neither of them recognized stood at the door.

"May we help you?" Scorpius asked.

"Got room for one?" the new boy asked.

"Sure," Albus said, moving some of their sweets to make room for him. The new boy sat down, and then noticed the other two looking at him expectantly.

"What?" he asked.

"Introduce yourself?" Albus prompted him.

"Oh! Liam Fitzpatrick," the new boy – Liam – said.

"Albus Potter."

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy."

"Oh, no," Sean said, "A boy named Potter was harassing me, so I came down here."

"About yea tall, black hair, obnoxious, and wearing Gryffindor robes?" Albus asked. Liam nodded. "Accompanied by a redhead, permanent smile attached to his face?" Liam nodded again. "James and Fred. They think they're funny. James is my brother."

"Gee, that's not very funny at all," Scorpius said.

"What's Gryffindor?" Liam asked timidly.

"A first year and Muggle-born to boot," Scorpius said. "They should know better."

"They do," Albus said. "They probably thought they were being funny."

"What's Gryffindor?" Liam asked again, interrupting.

"When we get there, we're sorted into one of four houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin," Albus explained. "Scorp's sure he'll end up in Slytherin, but they have a reputation for being evil little gits."

"Hey!" Scorpius objected.

"Oh, come off it, it's true," Albus said. The door opened again. Rose Weasley walked in uninvited, and sat down next to Liam, across from Scorpius.

"May we help you?" Scorpius asked.

"You can't," Rose said, turning her nose up at him. Growing up with Ron as a father had taught her more than she needed to know about Purebloods like the Malfoys. She turned to Albus. "James has asked me to inform you that he's almost certain you won't be in Slytherin, and to please accompany me back to our carriage."

"No," Albus said. "I don't want to get a reputation as James Potter's little brother." Rose sighed in annoyance, stood up, and left, swinging her ginger hair behind her. "Whatever house I'm in, I hope she's not," Albus grumbled.

"Having second thoughts about Slytherin?" Scorpius laughed.

"Of course not," Albus said. "Who'd want to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" Liam looked very scared to be put on the spot like that, and Scorpius burst out into fits of laughter.

A/N: So yeah. Any particular houses you'd like the kids to be in? Next chapter is the Sorting! Leave me a review!

Samantha / samlover14 / LilyLuna