Future Leo is a mortal and the head of Magic School, Paige is married to Henry and Phoebe is married to a Resurrected Human Cole. Piper and Leo only have two boys and the rest sisters have 3 girls each.


23 years in the future, November 16th

"Paige! Leo! Wyatt! Phoebe, come here, now!" shouted Piper in terror

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Phoebe as she came in but stopped as she took in the sight

Piper was in the living room, crying but it was something else that held her sight, her second nephew seemed was very pale, sweating and looked restless and he had a stab wound

"Oh my god, what's wrong with Chris? Demon?" asked Phoebe

"I don't know, one minute he was talking and the next he screamed in pain and this happened" said Piper, panicking

Instantly two orbs appeared and it formed into a 25 year old Wyatt and Paige

"You rang mom-" started Wyatt, jokingly but stopped when he saw his injured brother "What happened?" asked Wyatt, switching his tone instantly

"I don't know, Paige go orb Leo fromMagicSchool" said Piper

Paige nodded and orbed away to get Leo

"Mom, what happened? Did a demon attack? Which demon attacked Chris?" asked Wyatt

"I-" before Piper could explain again

Orbs appeared and it formed into Leo and Paige

"Paige, what is going on?" asked Leo but stopped when he saw his youngest son wounded on the couch

"What happened?" asked Leo now frantically

"I don't know, he was fine, we were just talking when he screamed and fell, just few minutes ago and since then he is being like this" said Piper, biting her lip

Leo froze and his eyes went wide in shock when he saw where the stab was, and when he looked at Paige and saw her reaction, he knew she recognized too. He knew Piper wouldn't recognize it as she was in the hospital in labour, but he knew, he and Paige was there 23 years ago when he failed to save his youngest son and he died, the wound was exactly in the same place.

"It can't be…" whispered Paige

"What? What can't be?" shouted Wyatt, and Piper looked them in confusion

"It's exactly at the same place, same day, it can't be" said Leo, shaking his head, his worst nightmare almost coming true, since Chris had died, he had tried and done everything for him, he was there for him and tried to protect him more, because he didn't want this Chris to suffer the same fate he had before, for his failure, and he wasn't the only one, Piper and Paige did it vigorously too, they kept him safe but now, the wound in the same place brought up his old fears

Phoebe and Piper looked confused at first but then their eyes went wide in understand, Piper froze up, she hadn't been there when it happened but looking at her husband's reaction, she understood

"What? What is happening that nobody would tell me?" shouted Wyatt, not even more agitated, it seemed his family knew what was wrong with his little brother but they wouldn't tell him that and it was frustrating him

"No…it's not possible" said Piper, future Chris died on his 23rd birthday; they hadn't thought that it would affect Chris too, as it was Chris's 23rd birthday

"It can't be a coincidence" whispered Paige

"No…" whispered Leo as he sat next to Piper, near Chris

Wyatt felt scared when he saw how his father was acting; his dad was the one who was extremely calm, in any situation, for his father to break down was scaring him.

"Paige, heal him" said Piper

Paige came out of her stupor and placed both of her hands on top of her nephew's wound. The golden glow appeared from her hands, both of them but for some reason it wasn't having any affect on the wound

"This can't be happening…" whispered Piper

"Maybe…maybe he wasn't meant to be" said Phoebe, when Paige couldn't heal Chris's wound

"What the hell do you mean by that?" shouted Wyatt angrily and for once Piper didn't scold him for using swear words

Wyatt was a pacifist; he was exactly like his father, the pacifist one out of the two, Chris was the fiery tempered one, like his mother, nothing could break Wyatt's temper but when Chris was concerned, he would easily switch from a pacifist to activist in only a matter of seconds.

"Wasn't meant to be?" asked Piper, her voice dangerously deep

Before Phoebe could open her mouth again to make amends, a vase which was near Phoebe, blew up

"How dare you say that? My son is meant to be! He is meant to live, he is only suffering the mistake of one bastard Elder, he is meant to be, don't you dare say that!" said Piper and the side table which had been next to Phoebe also blew up

Phoebe opened her mouth to say something but stopped herself, knowing she had made her sister mad

"Wyatt, help your aunt heal Chris" said Piper, after she controlled her voice

Wyatt, though confused, complied and held his arms out too, helping his aunt heal Chris. All of then held their breathe, waiting. Suddenly the combined golden blow from both of them started to affect Chris's wound and it started healing. After few minutes, Chris groaned and opened his eyes

"What the hell…" he whispered as he tried to sit up

But he didn't get a chance when he was tackled by Piper and Leo

Wyatt smiled too, seeing his brother was fine, he sighed. Paige and Phoebe also sighed in relief

"What's going on?" asked Chris confused but froze in shock when he saw his mother, not the younger version, but his mother and she looked considerably more older than when she died, which isn't exactly possible. He then looked at Leo and his eyes went wide too, by the looks of it his father had aged too?

"Okay…where am I? Actually, when am I?" asked Chris confused as he took in the appearance of his aunts too, who looked older than they were when they had died

"In your house duh dude, did whatever stab you had, knocked your memories out?" asked Wyatt joking, as Chris was safe now

Chris looked at the source of the voice and instantly froze in shock as he took in the appearance. It was Wyatt, but he looked drastically different, Wyatt's hair was shorter, and he wore a red t-shirt and blue jeans, not black which was his favourite colour. He kept staring at Wyatt in surprise

Piper and Leo looked confused but then they seemed to understand what was going on, when they saw how confused Chris looked

Leo looked at Piper and she nodded

"Okay…everyone out, we are going to talk" said Piper

Paige and Phoebe followed Piper's command and were leaving but Wyatt now looked concerned again

"What? Why? Tell me, is anything wrong" asked Wyatt

"Wyatt, sweetie, leave, I will tell you what's wrong after we go through this" said Piper

Wyatt seemed reluctant but when he saw his parents didn't look scared, he resigned and complied, leaving the room.

Piper and Leo then looked at Chris

"It's 2027, 16th of November, your 23rd birthday" said Piper smiling

"2027, that's my time? But it's different, unless I changed it" said Chris and looked up

"What's the last thing you remember?" asked Leo, controlling his emotions, surprised at the prospect that this seemed to be the son he lost years ago, or so he thought

"Uh, Gideon stabbing me, Aunt Paige was there, she was crying and so was dad and then whoosh, here I am, waking up" said Chris

"Look's like Paige's theory was right, your spirit must have came back to your 23 year old self instead of dying when you vanished, which is why in your birthday today, you received your memories and the wound too" analysed Piper

Piper then smiled, she loved her son, one way or another but she always hated herself for letting him die in the first place, now that she knew that he never died but simply emerged with, well…himself, she felt slightly happy

"Welcome to the future you created, although I wish you had done that without almost giving me and your father a heart attack" said Piper "Let's go, we need to give your brother an explanation and celebrate your birthday"

Chris smiled and nodded

Piper started to leave the room and Leo was about to leave too, but Chris then stopped him

"Dad?" called out Chris, because he hadn't said anything but he knew his dad need to hear this

Leo turned at that

"Thanks dad, you're great" said Chris

"What do you mean?" asked Leo, confused slightly

"You're a great dad, nothing like before, I can tell, I have both sets of memories now, mine and this times one too" said Chris

Leo froze at that but then smiled, he felt happy at that, he always found it unfair that just as he was getting to know his son, he was taken from him, and he tried everything to not neglect Chris. But to hear it from him, made him feel better

Piper smiled at that, she knew Leo took it the hardest and to see Leo fine, made her happy

"Okay, let's take this happy reunion outside, I know an Aunt who is very anxious to smother you and a brother who is so angry he wants some answers" said Piper

Chris smiled and got up

Things had became better