Title: A Shocking Betrayal
Chapter: 6:
Happily Ever After…Or Close Enough
Setting: during ZEO; Jason is already back as the Gold Ranger and Tommy and Kat are a couple. King for a Day hasn't happened yet though.
Kim and Tommy broke up because of a letter she sent, but what really happened? Why did Kim send the letter? Was the letter that Tommy received the same one sent by Kim? What happens when they find out that someone else sent the letter and they find out just who that someone is and that person's reasoning. Will they be able to handle the betrayal? Relationships will be made and destroyed.

Chapter Word Count: 9,122

A/N: here is the final chapter! Yes, we've reached the end. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and read and loved this story so far.

A/N 2: ok…I had the chapter finished since last night, but just as I got ready to upload to my account to post it, the internet went down as they were doing some repairs in the area and we didn't get it back until this morning, which is why it's a day late and I'm sorry about that. but, it's here now, so for one last time, read on.

Disclaimer: Power Rangers and all its affiliates belong to Haim Saban. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made from this. This is a work of fiction.


O.P.D.: Sunday 22nd April, '12.

When she heard those words, Melissa shivered as a chill ran through her. She never expected Caroline to show up, and she never expected her to find out what she did. And it was all shocking, considering what she knew about her and her daughter's relationship.

"Why do you care?" Melissa folded her arms, "last I check, you were barely acting like a mother to Kimberly? So why are you acting so concerned now?"

Caroline glared at her, "why I care now is none of your business, the point is, I do. The fact of the matter is, you hurt my daughter, you almost destroyed her; because of you, she almost lost Tommy, her friends, her life and the life of her babies!"

Melissa flinched as the words were thrown at her. Yes, she knew that what she did was horrible and she regretted it more than anything else, but, she was tired of it being thrown in her face, so…she got defensive.

"I don't need you to tell me what I did!" Melissa snapped as she walked away from Caroline. She felt fidgety and restless and cornered. She didn't want yet another person throwing her mistake in her face.

"Yes you do!" Caroline replied heatedly, "it seems you're too far up your own ass to see straight and you need someone to pull you out! Do you even regret anything you did? Do you even regret destroying your son's, and your husband's, trust in you?"

The words make Melissa flinch and she whirled around to face Caroline, "don't bring them into this!"

Caroline took a step closer to the woman, feeling her blood boiling as the anger rushed through her, "I will bring them into this, because you're the one that started this, not me! You're the one that took it upon herself to decide how my daughter's life, your son's life, is supposed to run, without any thought to their feelings! What kind of a mother would willingly destroy her son like that?"

Melissa really didn't want to hear Caroline's words because she wasn't ready to deal with the big mistake she had made. "And what about you? What kind of a mother would leave her daughter and go across the world with a man?" she scoffed, "You Caroline, is in no position to cast any judgment on me."

"Let me tell you something," Caroline said, "contrary to what you may think or believe, I do love my daughter. And as for me going to Paris with Pierre and without Kimberly, that was her choice. Did I want to take her with me? Of course I did, but Kimberly wanted to finish high school with her friends, and after everything I had put her through with her father, complying with her wishes was the least I could do. Leaving Kimberly was hard, but I left her because I knew she would be taken care of. I trusted you to be there for her because I couldn't and you, you destroyed that trust. You put my daughter through such hell in the last few months and all because of what? Nothing!"

"It wasn't nothing!" Melissa shouted. "I thought I was doing what was right. Kimberly being pregnant ruins Tommy's life and I wanted to spare him that. He's only seventeen; he should be out enjoying his life, and finishing school, and going off to college, have a career, then get married and then have children. But now, he can kiss all of that goodbye because he's a teenage father. In his senior year of high school when all his friends are out having fun, he'll be stuck at home playing daddy."

Caroline gaped at Melissa; she couldn't help it. "Are you listening to yourself right now? Did being away from your husband and son teach you nothing? Did my daughter ending up in the hospital, almost losing not only her life but her babies do nothing for you? How can you stand there and still spout that crap?"

Melissa opened her mouth, "I di—

"Shut. Up!" Caroline hissed and she took a step closer to Melissa. When she spoke, her eyes became cold and her voice was as chilling as the winds during a winter storm in Antarctica, "listen to me and listen to me good; my daughter did not ask to be pregnant, but she is, and did you not stop to think that her life will be just the same as Tommy's? you didn't do this because you were trying to protect your son, you did this because you're nothing more than a spiteful, selfish bitch that did not want her perfect life to be ruined or complicated and Tommy being a teen father did. You deliberately tore apart he and Kimberly, with no regards to their feelings.

"You didn't care about Tommy, or Kimberly, all you cared about was yourself. You think they're the first set of teens to become parents? News flash, they're not! Tommy and Kimberly love each other and they are determined to make this work, and they're not alone in doing so. They have a huge support system; people that are willing to be there and to help them out. What you did; what if Kimberly, after realizing that Tommy didn't want to be with her, decided to have an abortion? What if something had gone wrong and she had died? What if after receiving your letter, she had decided to leave town? To take away the babies from Tommy, never allowing him to see them, or her, again. How would Tommy have reacted to lose the girl he loves and their kids? Would you have been able to stand by and watch as your son's life deteriorated? To watch as he went through life in a haze, wondering every moment where his family was, and how they were, if they were okay and missing him as much as he missed them."

Melissa looked away even as tears built in her eyes, "he would've understood."

Caroline scoffed, "do you really believe that? Or are you saying that to make yourself feel less guilty? Or is it something you tell yourself to help you sleep at night? Would you have been able to comfort him as his whole world fell apart, knowing that you were the one to cause it? That you were the one to put the dead look in his eyes and that despair in his heart, that you were the one that ripped his world apart? And do you really think that Tommy would've understood that his own mother destroyed him? He would've hated you."

At Caroline's words, Melissa let out a gasping sob and one hand flew to her chest as the other wrapped around her waist. She knew her son and husband—and everyone else—was angry with her for what she had done, even her own sister was, but never once did she stop to consider the fact that Tommy would hate her. Yes, he had told her he would never forgive if Kimberly had died that day in the hospital, but hating her…the thought truly had never crossed her mind. But now, Caroline was forcing her to think on it.

"Imagine Melissa," Caroline continued. Her voice was low, dangerous and filled with an almost sadistic glee when she saw the woman's reaction to her words, "just imagine it; whenever you come into a room, Tommy leaves; you walk next to him and he twists his body out of the way to avoid touching you; every time he looks at you, his eyes are hard and every time he talks, his voice is emotionless; sometimes, sometimes he won't be able to look at you."

"STOP IT!" Melissa shouted as she closed her eyes, hoping to block out Caroline's words.

Caroline took a step closer, "he can't stand the sight of you because every time he sees you, he's reminded of what he lost; of the children and the person he loves more than anything not being in his life, knowing it's all your fault; whenever he sees a happily married couple, or he sees a family, his heart breaks even more and despair swallows him as the ache in his soul becomes even more pronounced."

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Melissa cried, slapping her hands over her ears.

"No!" Caroline reached forward and pulled her hands away, "you don't get to block me out. You will hear exactly what I have to say! Can you imagine? Your only child looking at you with hatred in his eyes because his life is incomplete because he lost his family and it's all your fault. Can you see that? Can you live with that? And if that's not bad enough, then imagine your husband walking away from you, ending your marriage for what you did, for how you broke Tommy, how you sabotaged his relationship with Kimberly and how you destroyed the friendships between Kimberly and the others. He will hate you, do you understand that?"

"No," Melissa moaned as she collapsed to the floor.

"And if you still can't imagine that," Caroline continued, "then, imagine your grandchildren wondering where their daddy is; wondering why mommy cries all the time and is never happy; wondering what they did that their daddy didn't want them; wondering why daddy doesn't come home; wondering why they don't have daddy or grandparents or aunts and uncles like everybody else and then, when they find out the reason why, imagine that they wonder why you hated them so much, you took their father away and then, imagine them hating you for it and imagine Kimberly hating you for putting her children through that pain and imagine Tommy and everyone else hating when they find out just what you did."

"I-I-I oh God," Melissa gasped out, "I'm sorry…I'm so sorry…" sobs escaped her as Caroline words sunk in. She remembered her actions, the look on Tommy's face, her sister's disappointment…it all came flooding back to her.

Caroline stared down at her, her gaze impassive and merciless. As far as she was concerned, Melissa didn't deserve one ounce of pity or mercy. Turning away, she headed to the couch and sat down; she crossed her legs, leaned back against the couch and folded her arms as she waited patiently for the woman to be finished with her breakdown.

Melissa ignored Caroline as her cries continued; she never expected to feel the way she was feeling. Soon though, her cries lessened until they stopped.

"Are you done now?" Caroline asked in a bored tone.

Melissa wiped her eyes and slowly got up off the ground. She tried to compose herself as she sat down in the chair across from Caroline. When she spoke, her voice was resigned and subdued, "What do you want Caroline?"

"I told you," Caroline sighed, "we're going to talk about Kimberly, her babies and Tommy. Melissa, do you really understand what it was exactly that you did to those teens? Do you have any idea the pain that you put them through?"

Melissa bowed her head in shame, not wanting to hear Caroline's words, but unable to move away.

"I'm going to say something to you, it may shock you, but you need to hear it," Caroline said, "you were right when you said that I wasn't a mother to Kimberly. I admit I failed when it came to her, especially during her childhood. When I was in Paris, I missed her, but my pride stopped me from initiating contact. She is my daughter and for years, I allowed her to fear and distrust me. She should've hated me, but she didn't."

Caroline looked away briefly before looking back at Melissa. "A friend of mine lost her daughter and the last conversation the two of them had was a fight. They never got the chance to make up. That's the reason I came back home, because I didn't want that to happen to me and Kimberly. So, I came home, and I apologized to Kimberly and I basically thanked everyone else for being there for her when I wasn't."

"Why," Melissa cleared her throat and continued, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because," Caroline said, "believe it or not, I don't want you to live the rest of your life, the way I lived the first half of Kimberly's. The only difference between us would be, whereas Kimberly never hated me, you run the chance of Tommy hating you, and trust me, you don't want that. I want you to make back up with the others, especially Tommy and Kimberly because I know you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't."

Caroline stood and headed towards the front door. When she was next to Melissa, she stopped, "don't let your pride keep you from being with your family."

With that, Caroline walked out the front door, closing it softly behind her. When it was close, she leaned back against the door. She had done what she had come to do; she spoke to Melissa and she could only hope that she took what she said to heart. She knew what it was like being cut off from her child and these last few weeks gave Melissa just a glimpse of what she had gone through. And Caroline knew that if Melissa wanted to stop that from being her life, she would have to fix what she did wrong or at least make the effort to.

With a sigh, Caroline pushed away from the door and headed to her car. She got in and strapped herself in. Turning the car on, she stopped and looked back at the house. 'I've done my part. Hopefully I got through to her. The ball's in her court, what happens next, is up to her.'


It's been about two weeks since Caroline's visit with Melissa; everyone knew of the visit and they had understood that the ball was now in Melissa's court. When Pierre had been told of Kim's pregnancy the day Caroline spoke to Melissa, he had been shocked, but happy, and had been a doting grandfather ever since, and protective father ever since, which delighted Kim to no end.

Now, the others were in school, and as was the norm, Kim was sitting on the back porch at her parents' house.

"Hey sweetie," Caroline greeted with a smile as she walked out of the house and over to Kim.

"Hey mom," Kim looked up at her, smiling when the woman sat beside her. She shifted closer and rested her head on her mother's shoulders. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Caroline smiled, "just thought I'd join you."

"Aww," Kim grinned, "so sweet."

Caroline laughed as she gently tapped her daughter's nose. The two were quiet after that for a while, just enjoying the warm breeze and each other's presence.

Sometime later, Kim sighed and shifted a bit more. "Mom?"

"Yeah sweetie?" Caroline looked down at her daughter.

"Do you think she'll ever apologize?" Kim asked.

Caroline knew instantly who she was referring to and let out a sad, yet slightly angry and resigned sigh, "I don't know sweetie. Why do you ask?"

Kim stared out their backyard before sitting up, "Because, I know Tommy, and I know that as hurt and betrayed and angry as he is, he misses his mom. They need to reconcile, but Tommy won't make a move until Melissa does." Kim went quiet for a few minutes, "I had thought that after you had talked to her, she would step forward; that she would come and apologize. I know that James misses his wife, but, he too won't do anything unless Melissa shows she's really sorry for what happened. And I know she is, we both do, so I don't understand what's holding her back now."

"I don't know either," Caroline said as she wrapped an arm around her daughter's shoulders, "maybe she still needs to come to terms with it? Or maybe she really wants to come and apologize and ask for forgiveness, but she's just either really stubborn, or her pride is too big."

"Whatever it is," Kim huffed, "she better get over it."

"I agree," Caroline nodded, and then, she changed the subject. "What time are the others coming over today?"

"Well," Kim said, "there's a teachers' meeting or something, so they only have a half day at school. So, before one o'clock maybe?"

Caroline looked at her watch, "It's twelve fifteen now, so I guess they'll be here soon and they'll probably be hungry."

"Yeah," Kim laughed, "especially Rocky." Her communicator went off and she raised her wrist to her mouth. "Yeah?"

"Hey Beautiful," Tommy said, "listen, we're gonna be a little late coming over to your mom's."

"Is everything ok?" Kim sat up straight.

"Cogs in the park," Tommy said, "we're on our way there. Billy went to the Command Chamber, but Trini and the others on heading your way."

"Ok," Kim sighed, "be safe ok? All of you."

"We will," Tommy smiled, though he knew she couldn't see it. "Love you."

"I love you too," Kim said as she ended the communication.

"They'll be fine," Caroline said, reassuring her daughter, "they've been doing this for a while now."

Kim grinned over at her mom, "Look at you being all supportive and all knowing."

"Shut up," Caroline laughed.


"Well that was fast," Caroline said as she looked backwards. She yelled out, "IT'S OPEN!"

"Hey, hey, hey little crane," Zack said as he led the others to the back porch.

"Hi Zack," Kim smiled, "Hi 'Sha, hi Tri."

Trini and Aisha smiled their hellos as they took seats on the porch steps in front of Kim.

"Tommy and the others," Aisha started.

"Are at the park, I know," Kim interrupted with a smile, "Tommy called and told me."

"Isn't that sweet of Flyboy?" Trini teased with a grin.

"So how are you guys liking being back at AGHS?" Caroline asked.

"I never realized just how much I missed it until I came back," Zack chuckled. "I mean, don't get me wrong, being in Switzerland for the Peace Conference was amazing."

"And so was going to all those places," Trini added with a smile.

"But nothing beats being back home," Zack finished, spreading his arms wide to emphasize his point.

"Hear, hear!" Aisha laughed. "Being in Africa was a wonderful and life changing experience, but, I missed home and I'm glad to be back here."

"You guys have really gone places because of being rangers, haven't you?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah," Kim nodded, "like the time we went to Phaedos."

"Oh that was so amazing and the jungle was beautiful," Aisha smiled, her eyes lighting up in remembrance.

"Tell me about it," Caroline encouraged, her voice and eyes filled with excitement at knowing about their travels.

The three exchanged looks and then they launched into tales about all the places they had gone when they were rangers. That was the scene the ZEO rangers and Pierre walked in on almost an hour later, and for the rest of the day, Caroline and Pierre sat and listened as the rangers—former and current—told more stories of trips they had taken and some of the fights they had.


A few weeks later, Kim was walking around the mall; she was by herself as she had convinced the others that she would be fine, but even then, she knew that just as Zordon kept watch for any troubles by the Machine Empire, he was watching over her. So, with a smile, Kim headed to one of her favourite stores.

She was in the maternity section, after spotting a pink and white sundress from outside, when she heard her name.


She turned around and she froze when she saw who it was. "Melissa."

Melissa stood a few feet away, staring at the young teen with regretful and hopeful eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Kim asked as she shifted slightly on her feet.

"I know I don't have the right to ask," Melissa started, "but I was wondering if I could talk to you."

Kim's eyes narrowed at her, "I think we've talked enough. And I'd rather not end up in the hospital again, considering how our last talk went."

Melissa flinched at the words, knowing she deserved them, but she stood her ground. "Please? Just hear me out, and after, if you want to leave and you want nothing else to do with me, then I'll respect your wishes."

Kim bit her lip as she thought over Melissa's words. She really didn't want to talk her, simply because she really was afraid the woman would repeat what she had written in the letter and she really didn't want to end back up in the hospital, because she knew that if she overwhelmed herself again, this time, neither she nor her babies might make it. Tommy's face flashed into her mind; she remembered the sadness and disbelief and hurt in his dark eyes as he tried to come to terms with his mother's betrayal and she remembered the pain in his voice as the distance between mother and son grew.

She knew Tommy, and she knew that he had been really close to his mother and to not have Melissa around for the last month had really hurt him. And she knew that despite the anger and whatever else he was feeling, he missed his mom, and it was that thought that had her sighing and agreeing to speak with Melissa.

"Alright," Kim nodded, "we can talk, but not here. Let me pay for this, and then we can find somewhere to go."

"Thank you," Melissa's body near sagged in relief. "I'll wait outside, if you want?"

"Okay," Kim said and then she turned and headed for the cashier, all the while wondering, and hoping, she was doing the right thing. When she was done, she left the store, pausing as she got outside. She spotted Melissa sitting on a bench just a few feet away and with a sigh, she headed over to her. Easing herself slowly down on the bench, Kim rubbed her stomach before looking at the woman that had almost ruined her life. "You said you wanted to talk, so talk."

Melissa took a deep breath and released it, "first of all, let me say something I should've said a long time ago. I am so sorry for what I did; for reading your letter to Tommy and keeping it from him for writing that horrible and cold letter and breaking my son's heart, for writing that letter to you, and for putting you in the hospital and causing you to almost lose not only your life, but the life of your babies as well."

Kim stared at her, letting her words wash over her. When they sank in, she swallowed softly before answering. "I'm going to be honest; I'm completely shocked by your apology because I never thought you would do it. I mean, I knew my mom had spoken to you and I hoped that at some point you'd be willing to apologize and move forward, but when you made no move in the last few weeks to do so…"

"I know," Melissa nodded as she let out a sad laugh, "I stayed away all this time because I was so ashamed by what I had done. Tommy can't stand to be around me, James barely speaks to me and my sister, she's very disappointed in me and what I did. She can't understand why or how I could've done something like that. And truthfully, looking back now, I cannot believe that that was me. I can't believe I was so cruel.

"I'm not even sure what I was thinking to tell the truth. And the excuse I gave, I really did believe I was doing the right thing. But now, I see that I was wrong. It was not the right thing to do, it was in fact the worst thing I've ever done or ever could do. I broke my son's heart, almost ended your friendships with the others and pretty much destroyed you and Tommy's relationship. I had myself convinced that I was right, that what I was doing was for the best. But it wasn't. James was right when he said even if you hadn't come home, or if you had taken my letter to heart and ended things with Tommy, he would still be a father; he would be going around with a hole in his heart either not knowing or knowing his family was out there and he couldn't have them."

Melissa paused and swallowed back the tears that were starting to clog her throat. Closing her eyes briefly, she got her emotions under control and then, she continued, "Kimberly, you have to believe me; I never meant for you to end up fighting for your life, and I truly am sorry for what I did. I know now that my wanting Tommy to have a full life didn't mean cutting you and your children from his life, that he could still have that life with you by his side. You make my son happy; there's a joy and a sense of peace and contentment in his eyes whenever you're near. It took a while for me to see it, but I do, and I almost destroyed it. I thought being a teenage father would ruin Tommy's life, but I understand and accept now that if anything, it'll make him more responsible. The life that I almost created for Tommy because of my actions, wouldn't have been a life at all because you wouldn't have been in it. I wasn't thinking at all when I did what I did; I read that you were pregnant and I panicked and I am so sorry. I know I don't have the right to ask, but do you think you could ever forgive me?"

Kim looked away briefly before looking back at the woman. As she thought on what to do, she absently chewed her bottom lip. 'Can I really forgive her? Is it that easy? I know Tommy misses his mom and being around her. And I know that James feels the same. If I could forgive my mom, then I can forgive her; if not for me, then for Tommy and James.' Letting go of her lip, she sighed before giving Melissa a small smile, "I forgive you."

Melissa blinked once, then twice, then a third time. "What?"

Kim let out a small laugh. "I said I forgive you."

Tears filled Melissa's eyes. "Thank you."

"I didn't do it for you or for me," Kim said, "I did it for Tommy and for James. You're Tommy's mother and James' wife and I know that they love you and they miss you."

"I figured," Melissa smiled, "but I thank you nonetheless."

"You still have to talk with everyone else," Kim said, "because they were all there when everything happened and they deserve to hear what you just told me."

"I will," Melissa nodded. "I just wanted to talk to you first."

Kim smiled and then she slowly and carefully got up off the bench, "I gotta go. I have to meet my mom in about ten minutes at the entrance."

"Oh, alright," Melissa said as she stood up as well, "well, thanks for letting me talk to you."

"You're welcome," Kim said as she grabbed her bag. She turned and walked away, but stopped after a few feet, "Melissa?"


"I forgive you," Kim said, "but that doesn't mean I trust you. You broke that when you did what you did and you apologizing isn't going to fix everything like that."

Melissa sighed, "I know. I have a ways to go before things go back to the way they used to be, but I'm willing to work on it."

"Good," Kim smiled. "I'll see you around. Bye."

"Bye Kimberly," Melissa gave a little wave and watched as the teen walked away. With a sigh, she dropped back down on to the bench and tipped her head back so that it was resting across the bar. She knew that things would be ok now. Getting Kimberly's forgiveness was the hardest part as she knew that the others would take their cue from her. She understood about the trust issue and wasn't surprised by the girl's words. She knew she'll have to work to earn back Kim, and everyone else's, trust, but she was willing to do so.

"I have to," she whispered. "It's the only way to get my family back."


Two days later, Melissa got her chance to say her piece to everyone else, but the situation was not one she had prepared for.

It was around seven in the night and everyone was Caroline and Pierre's place. Kim was in the kitchen with Trini and Aisha while everyone was out in the backyard.

"Aren't you ready to pop yet?" Aisha asked with a smile as she looked at her best friend.

Kim grinned, "Nope. As strange as it sounds, I love having them in here."

"You know you're a weirdo, right?" Trini laughed. "You'd think you'd want them to be born already."

"I know," Kim smiled, "but I'm patient. My due date is in like a week. My doctor said I'd give birth between the twenty-eighth and the thirtieth, so, I can wait."

"Those boys are going to come when they are ready and not a moment sooner," Aisha snorted.

"I know, right?" Kim laughed. "Tommy's so excited; he wants them to be here already."

"We should go before he comes looking," Trini laughed, knowing how protective of Kim Tommy was.

"Too true," Kim giggled.

The three of them turned to leave the kitchen, but stopped when they heard water hitting the floor.

"Did you knock over a cup 'Sha?" Trini teased.

"No," Aisha shook her head, "I was just gonna ask you if you did."

"It was me," Kim squeaked out.

"You knocked over a cup?" Trini's brows furrowed. "How? You're in the middle of us?"

"No," Kim shook her head, her breathing already starting to increase. "My water just broke."

"What?" both girls were stunned and as one, their eyes drifted to the floor where they saw the puddle beneath Kim's legs.

"OH!" Kim wrapped her arms around her stomach as she double over from the cramp.

Aisha grabbed Kim's hand, "Tri, go get the others!"

"On it," Trini nodded as she hurried out of the kitchen.

"Breathe Kim," Aisha instructed softly, "remember the lessons from Lamaze class; in…out…in…out…"

Multiple footsteps could be heard and soon enough, everyone was in the kitchen.

"Beautiful?" Tommy called as he made his way to Kim's side.

"It's time Tommy," Kim looked up at him with a smile, though it held pain, "our babies are coming."

"Alright," Tommy easily slipped into leader mode. "Girls, you can grab the bags; Jason, Rocky, help me with Kim; Billy, Zack and Adam go start the cars."

"Got it!" within minutes, the teens had all left to do what they were told.

Jason moved to Kim's other side, while Rocky walked behind her.

"Easy does it sis," Jason said softly. He couldn't believe it was happening.

The parents could only watch with smiles on their faces as Kim was led to the car and the other teens did everything else.

"Why were we here?" Hugh asked with a grin. "They had everything under control."

The other parents laughed.

"Come on," Su Li shook her head, "let's get to the hospital."


Over twelve hours later;


"Push Kim, push!" Tommy guided as he held Kim's hand in his.


Tommy winced at her shout and groaned when he felt her grip on his hand tighten to painful proportions. He worried that by the time she was done, he wouldn't have any feelings left in his hand.

"Come on Kimberly," Dr. Christopher encouraged, "just one more big push and you'll have your son. You can do this."

"Ok," Kim nodded as tears ran down her cheeks.

"I love you Beautiful," Tommy whispered as he wiped her forehead.

"I love you too," Kim smiled at him. She took a deep breath and let it out on her next and last push.

"That's it," Dr. Christopher said as she gently pulled the baby's shoulder, "you're doing it."

"ARGHHH-AHHHHH!" Kim screamed as she felt the baby pass through.

The moment he was out, the room was bathed in the child's cries.

"Whoa!" Dr. Christopher grinned, "he's got a pair of lungs on him."

"First baby boy Oliver," a female nurse said, "born 9:12 a.m. 9/25/96."

Dr. Christopher smiled at Tommy. "Wanna do the honours dad?"

Tommy's eyes lit up and he let go of Kim's hand and moved to where the doctor was. With a broad smile, he cut the umbilical cord.

"There," Dr. Christopher said as she handed the baby off to Tommy. "Say hello to your son."

Tommy's hands shook slightly as he took his son. "Oh my."

"Let me see him," Kim pleaded.

With a smile, Tommy walked over to her and gently and carefully handed the baby to her. "Here he is."

"Hi," Kim cried as she held her son. "Hi there. I'm your mommy." She looked up at Tommy, "he's so beautiful and so perfect." She pressed a kiss to his forehead, ignoring the bloody mess. When she pulled back, she smiled up at Tommy, "our little Damien Thomas."

Tommy grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Can I take him to clean him?" a female nurse asked with a smile on her face. She could see the obvious love on the two teen's face for the baby in their arms. She knew, like the others, that the waiting room was filled with family and friends and was secretly glad that the two has such a huge support system.

Tommy took Damien from Kim and handed him to the nurse.

"So, Damien Thomas?" the nurse asked as she walked over to the cleaning table.

"Yeah," Tommy nodded.

"Nice name," the nurse smiled as another wrote it on the chart.

Kim smiled as well, but lost it at the cramp. "Oh God."

"Here comes his brother," Dr. Christopher said, "He really wants to come out, doesn't he? Ok, Kimberly, get ready to give me a nice, big push."

"Ok," Kim whimpered before she nodded, "I'm ready."

"Now Kimberly," Dr. Christopher said, "Push!"


Tommy wouldn't be ashamed to admit he was terrified then and there, but he pushed it out of his mind, "I know, and I love you."

Soon, a second cry filled the room.

"And he's out," Dr. Christopher smiled, "dad?"

Tommy grinned shakily and moved to cut the umbilical cord once again.

"Second baby boy Oliver," the female nurse from earlier said, "born 9:15 a.m. 9/25/96."

"Here you go," Dr. Christopher said as she gave the little boy to Tommy.

"Hey little man," Tommy smiled, not even bothering to wipe the tears in his eyes, "I'm your daddy. You wanna see mommy? Let's go say hi to mommy."

"Oh Tommy," Kim cried as she took her son, "look at him."

"What's his name?" the nurse that took Damien asked.

"Ryder," Tommy answered, "Ryder Dominic Oliver."

"Let me clean him up for you," the nurse said as she took Ryder.

Tommy looked down at Kim. "I love you Beautiful."

"I love you too Handsome," Kim smiled at him. She was exhausted, but completely happy knowing that her sons were finally there.

Almost an hour later, Kim and her babies had been completely cleaned up, the sheets on her bed changed, her IV changed as well, and she was lying down watching Tommy who was sitting in the rocking chair with both boys in his hands.

A knock on the door got their attention.

"Come in," Kim called out and she smiled when she saw everyone pile inside.

"Hey new momma," Aisha grinned as she walked over and pressed a kiss on her best friend's forehead. "How do you feel?"

"Tired, and in some pain but happy," Kim replied, smiling when she everyone move to Tommy.

"Mind if I hold one?" Jason asked.

"Sure," Tommy nodded, "just, sanitize your hands first."

After doing what he was told, Jason made his way back to Tommy's side. He carefully picked up the baby on the left.

"Watch his head," Alicia cautioned her son as she helped hold the baby properly.

"Hey little man," Jason grinned down at the sleeping baby, "it's your uncle Jason."

"Dad," Tommy carefully stood and walked over to his father, "meet your grandson…or at least, one of them."

James' eyes filled with tears as he took the baby from his son. "Hello there."

"So?" Rocky said as he gazed at the baby in Jason's hands. "What are their names?"

"Dad is holding Ryder Dominic," Kim said and she smiled when she saw James' reaction.

"Ryder?" James repeated, more tears filling his eyes. He let out a little sob as he looked down at the baby in his arms. "Hello Ryder. Your great-grandfather would've been so proud to know you have his name."

"And who's this little guy?" Adam asked, motioning to Jason.

"That," Tommy smiled, "is Damien Thomas. He's older by three minutes."

"Look at the hair on their heads," Tanya smiled and wiped the tears running down her cheeks.

Both boys had a head full of Tommy's dark hair.

"Tommy was the same way when he was a baby," James grinned. He walked over to Caroline. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Caroline smiled at James before looking down at Ryder. "Bonjour Ryder. Je suis ta grand-mére." (Hello Ryder. I am your grandmother.)

Pierre walked over to Kim and kissed her forehead, "they are magnifique."

"Thanks papa," Kim smiled up at him. She looked out at the room, smiling when she saw Trini take Damien from Jason. "We have something to ask."

"What is it?" Maria asked as she cooed at the baby in Caroline's arms.

"Well," Kim smiled, "Trini, Aisha, we were wondering if you could be godmother to Damien?"

"Like you had to ask!" Aisha exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh.

"Of course we will," Trini smiled over at Kim before shifting so that Aisha could see their godson.

"And we want Kat and Tanya to be godmothers to Ryder," Tommy grinned at the two girls, "that is, if you guys want to?"

"I'd be hurt if you didn't ask," Kat laughed.

"We'd be happy to," Tanya smiled.

"Rocky, Billy," Kim continued, "will you guys be—

"Done," Rocky cut Kim off with a huge grin.

"You don't even know which boy," Kim laughed.

"Oh yeah," Rocky smiled sheepishly, prompting the room to erupt into laughter.

"We want you and Billy for Ryder, and Zack and Adam for Damien," Tommy said still chuckling.

Adam wiped his eyes and smiled, "I'd be honoured."

"Well what about me?" Jason mock glared at Kim and Tommy.

Kim beckoned him to her side, and when he sat down next to her, she shifted until she could lean against him. Jason in turn wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"You're my big brother in everything but blood," Kim told him as she held his hand, "that in my mind, kinda trumps godfather, no offence to the others. Besides, I know you won't let that stop you."

"You're right," Jason grinned, "it won't." he puffed up, "I always knew I was the more special one of the group."

"You wish," Trini said as she gave Damien over to Aisha.

Caroline went over to Kat and Tanya and handed Ryder to Kat.

"Kimberly," Kat smiled, her voice thick with tears, "he's so beautiful. Hello Ryder, I'm your Auntie Kat."

"I'm Auntie Tanya," Tanya smiled as she grabbed one of his fists.

Soon enough, the babies were passed to everyone before making their way to Tommy who placed them in the bassinet next to Kim's bed.

"How long are you staying here for?" Zack asked.

"Two more days," Kim answered, "and then, I go home."

"Which home?" Billy asked, knowing that Kim split her time between her parents' house and the Command Chamber.

"Zordon has to see them," Tommy said as he moved to Kim's other side, "when Kim leaves the hospital, we'll go see Zordon and Alpha and then, we're staying at her parents' place just for the first month or so."

"You know you guys could live with us," Caroline said, "we have no problem with it."

"She's right mon petite croissant," Pierre smiled at Kim.

"I know," Kim nodded, "but, I've lived the last few months at the Command Chamber, and to be honest, I want to be there. I stayed there and had planned to live there before everything was fixed, and I still want to. It's my home."

"I understand," Caroline nodded, "I may not like it, but I do understand and I respect your wishes."

"Besides," Kim smiled, "Tommy's moving in with me and you're just a teleport away if, and when, we need help."

"Remember that," Alicia grinned, "all of us here plan to be there for you two, so don't hesitate to come to either one of us."

"She's right," Juan nodded in agreement, "we're all family, and we're all willing to help."

Tommy looked around and couldn't help but to feel sad that his mother wasn't there. Sure, he was still angry at her, but, he still wanted to be there. He looked up and saw his dad looking at him and he could see the same longing in his eyes. They both wanted Melissa there, but they knew it wasn't possible.


"Come in!" Kim yelled out.

The door opened and everyone froze when they saw who it was.

"Hi," Melissa said as she stopped in the doorway.

"Hey," Kim smiled over at her, "come on in."

"Are you sure?" Melissa asked, not wanting to cause any troubles, "because I can come back."

"No," Kim shook her head, "I want you here. You're family Melissa, and besides, I already forgave you for everything that happened."


"You said you wanted to earn my trust again," Kim interrupted gently, "and what better way to do that than to start now?" she looked at the room in general. "I know you guys are shocked and maybe upset, but like I said, forgave her, and you should too. We're family, all of us, and family stick together. She made a mistake, and she knows it and she also know that if she messes up again, then that's it. Just give her the chance to make things right. Everyone deserves a second chance."

Melissa swallowed and walked over to stand in front of James. She looked at him for a few seconds before shifting her gaze to Tommy. "I am so sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you like that and I regret it with everything in me. You're my son, and your happiness means everything to me, and I almost destroyed it. I made a huge mistake, and I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to, whether or not you forgive me. But, can I at least have the chance to earn back your trust? To earn your forgiveness?"

Tommy stared at his mother for what seemed like a long time before he slowly got up from Kim's side and make his way over to her. He stood in front of her before he closed his eyes. When he opened them, they were filled with tears. "I have been so angry and hurt over what you did, and I couldn't understand why you would do something like that. But I've missed you so much. I needed my mom and you weren't there." He looked at Kim who smiled encouragingly at him, despite the tears in her eyes, and then he looked back at his mother, "You have your chance. Don't mess up."

Melissa let out a sob. "I won't. I promise I won't."

Tommy pulled his mother into a hug, burying his face into her neck. "I love you mom. Always."

"I love you too," Melissa cried. After a few minutes, she pulled back from the hug and looked at her husband. "I'm sorry. You have no idea how much. Please, give me another chance…that is if you still want to be with me."

James pulled her into a hug, "Of course I still want to be with you Mel. I was just hurt and angry and disappointed by what you did, but I had no intention of leaving you. I love you too much to do so."

Melissa buried her face in her husband's chest and cried. She felt as if a weight was released from her; she had Kimberly's and Tommy's forgiveness, and James still wanted to be with her.

"Well," Caroline said as she walked over to the two. "Now that all that drama is over with," she grabbed Melissa's hand and led her over to the bassinet. "Come meet your grandsons."

"Grandsons?" Melissa was shocked; she had thought it was a boy and girl.

"Apparently the doctor got it wrong," Kim laughed as she snuggled into Tommy's side.

"What are their names?" Melissa asked as she picked up on of the babies.

"Damien Thomas and Ryder Dominic," Tommy said. "You have Ryder in your hands."

Melissa looked over at James when she heard Ryder and then she smiled at him first then at the baby. "Hi sweetie; it's your grandma Missy. I messed up big time, but I'm making up for it and I promise you, I won't mess up again. Not now…not when I have so much to lose."

Everyone had tears in their eyes as they listened to her and they knew, she had really learned from her mistakes.

For Kim, she couldn't be happier; as far as she was concerned, her world was now perfect and complete. In a few days she would take the babies to see their other grandfather, but for now, she was content. With a happy sigh, she relaxed further into Tommy as conversations picked up around her, and she allowed it to lull her to sleep, safe and secure in know that her family was back together, and she knew that they would be stronger than before and nothing would tear them apart again.


An alarm went off and a hand reached out to slap it, shutting it off. The owner of said hand groaned as she sat up in bed. She let out a yawn and looked around and saw that the other side of the bed was empty. With another yawn, she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom through the connecting door. Almost twenty minutes later, she walked out and headed down the hallway and down the stairs. She could hear giggling coming from somewhere and she followed it. It led her to the kitchen, and when she got there, she stopped and stared in shock at the scene before her.

Her two little boys were making a mess on the floor with eggs and flour and water.

"What is going on here?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Mommy!" the boys yelled as they left the mess and ran over to her, throwing their arms around her legs.

"You're awake," Damien said with a toothy grin.

"But daddy said we have to make you breakfast in bed," Ryder pouted.

She looked down at her sons with a smile. "Well I'm sorry for messing up your plans, but I couldn't sleep any longer…not when I missed my babies."

"We missed you too mommy," Damien grinned, his dimples winking at her.

She knelt down and kissed a cheek each before rubbing her noses against theirs in an Eskimo kiss.

"What about mine?" a male voice teased and she looked up and saw her husband grinning at her. Her breath caught in her throat at the joy brightening his dark eyes, the same shade of eyes as the boys. In fact, the boys looked just like her husband, with one exception, their smiles were all hers.

"Don't I get a kiss too?" her husband walked over to her and the boys.

"Of course you do Tommy," she grinned up at him, "but, the loves of my life come first." She looked down at the boys. "Isn't that right, guys?"

"Uh huh," Ryder twin giggled before looking up at his father, "mommy loves us more daddy."

"No, she doesn't," Tommy mocked frown as he bent down and grabbed the twin, making him squeal with laughter, "Just for that, you get to suffer from the Tickle Monster."

"No!" Ryder squealed even as his father's fingers moved across his belly. "No daddy!...No Tickle Monster!...Mommy make daddy stop!"

"Handsome," she laughed.

"I'll help you little brother," Damien declared before he jumped at his father's leg.

She could only laugh as her husband pretended to stumble before falling to the ground, mindful of the child in his arms, and the one on his leg.

"Ahh!" her husband yelled out as the two boys got on his stomach and started tickling him. "No! You're not supposed to tickle the Tickle Monster!" he looked up at his wife. "Kimberly, a little help?"

"Oh no," Kim shook her head with a laugh, "you're on your own. Get him boys!"

"Traitor," Tommy growled, but his eyes were sparkling with happiness.

"I love you too," Kim blew him a kiss.

Tommy's eyes narrowed at her before he grabbed each twin and bent his head close to theirs, whispering.

Both boys nodded, their faces split by the wide grins they were sporting and Kim took a tiny step backwards.

"What are you up to?" Kim asked as she looked at them.

"Get her!" Tommy shouted and all three yelled as they rushed towards Kim.

"AHH!" Kim let out a slight scream and turned as if she was going to leave, but stopped and allowed her sons to catch her. She fell backwards onto Tommy who dropped to the floor, allowing the boys to pile up on them.

"NO!" Kim shouted between laughter when she felt not only her husband's hands, but their sons' as well at her sides.

"Got you mommy!" Ryder laughed.

Squeals and laughter echoed in the house as the family had fun.


A few hours later, after the Tickle Battle, as they had taken to calling it, capital letters and all, in the kitchen, Kim was sitting on the porch steps. Her gaze drifted around their yard and she couldn't help but to smile as she took in the sights. Sure their house was away from neighbours, almost seemingly out in the middle of nowhere, but that was what they loved about it. They were surrounded by a small forest and there was a lake a twenty minute walk away. To her, their house was perfect. Her gaze drifted back to her family and pure joy rushed through her. It's been five years since she gave birth to her sons and life couldn't be better.

Their last year of high school had been filled with so many ups and downs; she had given birth to the boys at the ending of September, which was the biggest up of the year, and Melissa had been accepted back by the others. The first downside had been three weeks later when Jason had almost died from the Gold Ranger powers, which had turned on him, and he had had to give them back to King Trey. Christmas had been another up, because Tommy had proposed to her on Christmas Eve. They Christmas party that night at Ernie's, had turned into an impromptu engagement one, but everyone was as happy and excited they were. Things were really looking up, until Spring Break when she and Jason had been kidnapped and used as sacrifices by the new baddie at the time, Divatox, and they had been turned evil and forced to fight the rangers. Of course the rangers had broken the spell over them fought the monster and won and things had gotten better.

Then graduation came around and they said goodbye not only to their high school careers, but their ranger ones as well as they had had to give up their powers to a new generations of rangers. It was bittersweet as they were sad to lose their powers, but at the same time, excited to move on with their lives.

Shaking her head, Kim's gaze refocused on her family. She watched them for a few minutes before getting up. She walked until she was some distance away from them. She started on some stretches before moving into a gymnastic move, and then another, followed by another until she was doing a complete set of routines. She lost herself in her movements and was completely oblivious to the fact that her family had stopped what they were doing and had moved to the porch to watch her.

"How does she do that?" Damien asked, awe in his voice as he looked at his mother.

"Your mom's been doing this for a long time," Tommy smiled down at his son, "since she was your age."

"Really?" Ryder looked up at his father with wide eyes.

"Yeah really," Tommy nodded, "I think she was even a little younger."

"Wow," Ryder breathed as he looked back at his mom. He snuggled into his father's side. "Mommy is so pretty."

"Yes she is," Tommy laughed. He wrapped an arm around Damien's shoulders, pulling his son into him as they gazed at the woman that meant so much to them. He knew that in a few weeks he wouldn't be able to enjoy moments like this as he would be gone, an archaeological dig with Anton Mercer, but until that time, he planned on enjoying his time with his family. Like any other family, they had their ups and downs, and dealing with twin boys was no picnic in the park, but as far as he was concerned, he was living his happily ever after, or something close, and he wouldn't change a thing in the world.

A/N 3: and that's the chapter and the end of the story. Again, thanks to everyone who has stuck by this story. Now, one last time; review so that I can know what you thought.

Mika the Dark princess; Taeniaea; ultranx; eagle219406; brankel1; Dean Winchesters Baby Girl; undertaker's Ministry4life; red lighting; Young at Heart21; sabina21; will zona; oldtvlover; Vodams; VampsGurl; Falcon4Crane; Pinkrangerfan; angels death; little princess of mercury; slytherensangel26; hopelessromanticgurl; Ghostwriter; Undying Angel; andyg2525; RFK22; mae-E; hansongirl14; Xedra27; genbo; jj