The young lieutenant strode up to his comrades with the confident swagger of a man who had just gotten the better end of a deal.

The captain and colonel both raised their eyebrows and offered their young friend indulgent smiles. The sergeant snorted. "Man, what'd you scam this time?"

Templeton Peck grinned and withdrew a few pieces of paper from his pocket. "I got us all two weeks leave." He handed out the papers, relishing in the genuinely impressed looks on his comrades' faces that replaced their tolerant smiles. "Not bad, huh guys?"

"Not bad at all." Hannibal agreed, examining the paper. He looked up. "We're not gonna end up in the brig if we try to use these, are we?"

"Of course not." Peck looked offended by the very idea. "These passes are one hundred percent legit."

"It's just the way you got them that was dishonest." Hannibal said.

Peck grinned. "Exactly."

The captain had been standing quietly behind B.A. and Hannibal, examining his own leave pass. Now he folded the paper, pocketed it, and took a few steps forward to stand next to Peck.

"Y'know," Murdock said thoughtfully. "When I was in high school, we had a name for guys like you: Faceman."

"Faceman?" Peck repeated.

"Yeah," Murdock went on. "That was what we called those guys who were so charming that they could get anything from anyone without ever having to ask a question."

"That sounds like Peck alright." B.A. agreed.

Peck stood up a little straighter and flashed them that smile that could win almost anyone over. "What can I say? Some of us just have...the gift."

Murdock grinned and put an arm around Peck's shoulders, herding him toward the officer's mess building nearby. "C'mon then, Faceman. I'll buy you a drink. Or are you even old enough to drink? ...I'll buy you a soda."

B.A. walked alongside them, leave pass in hand. He turned to Peck. "I guess you're all right," He gave the lieutenant a rare smile. "Faceman."

Hannibal grinned, placed a cigar in his mouth, and followed his men into the mess hall.