Devil Fruits: A Report

Compiled by Dr. Vegapunk,

using facts and figures from the Mariejois Archives


IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION, that the current state of information we possess on Devil Fruits is both impressively comprehensive and scattered to the point of complete and utter uselessness. One who dedicates themselves to the systematic study of these enigmatic kudamono finds themselves needlessly hampered, for even the most basic of information is scattered across several thick volumes. Volumes, indeed, that lack any table of contents or index.

IT IS FOR THIS REASON, then, that I have endeavoured to systematically record and store this knowledge in a concise, easy to read, and above all useful manner, that my colleagues and successors need not spend countless hours searching that could otherwise have been spent in productivity. I simply wish I had invented a time machine so I could have sent a copy of this book to the past, obviating the nee- A moment, kind reader.

IT SEEMS I HAVE SUCCEEDED, in building a time machine to send myself a copy of this book- along with the machine's schemata to the present, or the future's past, as the case, undoubtedly, is.

ALL THAT FOLLOWS HENCEFORTH is transcription from that volume


Fruit Name: Obv.

Classification: Logia, Zoan, Paramecia. The first type enables the control of and transformation into a specified material. The second allows the transformation into a form that is reminiscent of various living things, including humans. The tird imparts some other ability.

Rarity: F through A, One, Zero. F means that sixty-six are present. Each additional rank is eleven less. One is self explanatory, Zero indicates either a mythical fruit of unconfirmed existence, or a variant confirmed to be eradicated worldwide.

Destabilization Index: The ability of this fruit to cause chaos if a completely average civilian ate it and began attempting to abuse the ability it granted. Zero equates harmlessness. Ten thousand equates an instantaneous apocalypse. Seven thousand equates the immediate fall of the World Government.

General Description: The appearance, size, and taste of the fruit, it's appearance, and how much must be eaten for the ability to manifest itself.

Ability Description: What the fruit provides the user in exchange for vulnerability to Kairouseki and seawater.

Historical Description: The known users of the fruit, their impact on world history, applicability to FT and VC.

C-Notes: Notes on concrete details of the fruit and it's mechanism of action.

S-Notes: My own speculations on the applications and limits of the ability.