By: Bard15

Summary: back in the episode "Personal" when they were going through the list of Deeks shooting suspects he mentioned and ex-girlfriend, Sylvia Gray; that he had to get a restraining order against. Since they never gave us a back story they left it up to our imaginations...and of course our imaginations are gonna throw out some good ol' H/C and Angst to fill in the gap! And for me, a lot of "team bonding"! Since we really don't know how old Deeks is, or how long he was a lawyer in in uniform I'm placing this story when he was in his early twenties!


Three cases back to back had left the team little time for paperwork and now that the last case had been closed yesterday afternoon Hetty was not accepting any excuses; short of the world coming to an end, they would not get any new cases until each team member had every form filled out completely and on her desk.

They had been at it for several hours when the Deeks phone jarred them out of their 'paperwork' stupor.

Without looking away from the report he was reviewing on his computer he flipped open his phone and answered absently, "Yeah, Deeks."

Glad for any distraction from the tedium the other three agents looked over at the detective, noting a confused look cross his face as he listened to the caller.

"What...who? No! No, that's impossible, you're..." Deeks exclaimed, sitting up straighter in his chair.

Apparently having been interrupted by the caller the three agents watched with growing concern as Deeks seemed to become more agitated by what the caller was saying.

"I'm where? In that horrid hell hole, where you had them send me. Not any more sweet cheeks...out now..." the voice said rather angrily.

"How is that possible...and, and, how in the hell did you get this number?" Deeks asked tightly.

"That really isn't important now..."

"Like hell it isn't...they were supposed to lock you up and throw away the key." Deeks ground out angrily, rising from his seat and pacing the bullpen in agitation.

"Now, that hurts. After everything we are to each other, everything we went through to be together..."

Deeks ran a hand over his face in frustration, replying slowly, "Everything you put me through, you mean. We don't have anything...we never did!" The detective took his agitated pacing to the area outside the bull pen in, adding, "This is so not happening again...I won't let're going back..."

"Really, Marty, you were always so melodramatic. Of course it's not happening again...I was wrong then, I just didn't understand then how incorrigibly stubborn you could be, but I understand will be different this time..." the caller explained lightly.

With his back to his team, Deeks didn't realize he had their full attention as he gave mirthless laugh, replying sarcastically, "Different...really; so you won't try to kill me or my friend this time..."

The three agents exchanged startled looks with one and other, the same thought going through each of their minds- "Was Deeks being threatened?" Exchanging a quick nod with Callen, Sam picked up his phone and quietly directed Eric to trace the incoming call to Deeks phone.

"Why would you bring up such hurtful things...I said I was sorry countless times, it was a misunderstanding...why can't you let it go? It's all in the past," the caller said petulantly.

"Let it...let it go! You tried to kill me Sylvia; and, because of you Taylor Martin is, no, not something easy to forget..." Deeks spat out frustration. "I don't know how you got out but it's so not happening, I'll see to it..."

"I see there is not talking to you right now...I'll call later when you're not so overwhelmed..."

"What...wait, Sylvia, don't hang up...tell me where the hell you are!" Deeks demanded harshly, "Sylvia...Sylvia..."

"Damn it," Deeks cursed loudly, slamming his cell shut angrily and storming out the front door.

"Wait... Deeks...where are you going," Kensi called, jumping up to race after her partner, followed by an equally concerned Callen.

Sam watched Kensi and Callen race after Deeks as he scooped up his ringing phone, disappointment clear in his voice, "Thanks anyway Eric, as soon as we know something we'll let you know. "


Deeks really didn't know where he was going, he just knew he needed to escape...memories as frightening and painful as the memories of his childhood, memories he thought he had safely tucked away, were coming crashing back to the forefront of his mind with startling clarity.

This couldn't be happening, not again, not now; not after all these years. His fear was suddenly replaced by an overwhelming anger as he lashed out blindly, his fists repeatedly making contact with an unforgiving surface.

"Stop. Deeks stop...Deeks...God, Callen, his hands..." a distant voice pleaded. "Deeks...please..."

Suddenly someone grabbed him tightly from behind, pinning his arms to his side; he fought against the hold until a familiar voice penetrated the fog in his brain, "Deeks! Deeks, settle down. Marty, snap out of it..."

Callen's rare use of his first name and the worry bleeding through his voice pulled Deeks back to himself and he shook his head and looked up to the openly frightened expression on his partners face, "Kensi...what..."

"You back with us now," Callen's voice sounded in his ear.

"Callen? Uh, yeah...I'm...ah, I'm good now," Deeks stuttered.

Callen released Deeks and spun him around, pinning the detective to the wall with a hand to his chest, and eyes momentarily taking in the bloodied and bruised knuckles, "Want to explain why you just went ten rounds with a brick building?"

"Who was the call someone threatening you," Kensi demanded with concern.

Deeks didn't look at them, just shook his head and slid down the wall till he was resting on his haunches, his injured hands held loosely in his lap; he replied absently, "I just can't believe it's happening was supposed to be over..."

The agents exchanged uncertain looks before Kensi stooped down to her partner, grabbing his chin gently and turning his head so their eyes met, "Look at me. Tell me, what is it... what's happening again?"

"Sylvia. Sylvia Gray," he replied blandly; then hissed in pain when he attempted to drop his head into his injured hands.

Grabbing the detective by the arm, Callen hoisted the injured man up, "Let's get you cleaned up; then you have some explaining to do."

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Though anxious for answers to what could have their liaison officer so spooked, the walk back to the mission was made in silence, Deeks glassy eyed stare making it obvious to the agents the man was not up to answering their questions at the moment.

Hetty and Sam were waiting for then outside the door when they approached.

"What the hell happened to you," Sam demanded, seeing Deeks hands.

Looking at his hands sheepishly, Deeks replied with a shrug, "Brick building—one; Marty Deeks—zero."

Noting Callen's tight look and the shake his head, Sam immediately backed off.

Hetty reached out and took Deeks arm, "Come inside and let's have a look."

Deeks meekly allowed himself to be lead into the building by Hetty while the three agents hung back.

"What's going on...I've never seen him so spooked before," Sam asked.

Callen turned to Kensi, "Sylvia mean anything to you?"

Kensi frowned, "I know I've heard the name before...I just can't, wait; wait...Sylvia Gray...that's it! Last year, when Deeks was...when he was- shot; we were going over the suspect list. The name Sylvia Gray was on it...he said it was an old girlfriend, and that he had to take out a restraining order against her."

"A restraining order," Sam exclaimed. "What in the hell happened with this woman that Deeks, of all people, would feel the need for a restraining order?"

"And who's Taylor Martin? The way he talked to her on the phone it sounds like she was incarcerated somewhere...we can have Eric look her up," Callen said.

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Hetty didn't say a word as she led the too quiet, glassy-eyed detective to the infirmary and carefully proceeded to clean and bandage his abused hands.

He snapped out of his daze when he realized she no longer had hold of his hands, and saw that they were resting limply on the treatment stand.

Looking up to meet her concerned expression he sighed loudly and gave an embarrassed laugh, "I guess I have some explaining to do, don't I?"

"We only want to help Mr. Deeks," Hetty replied, "And I have to say that you have your team very concerned."

Deeks shook his head, "I can't do this again, I can't see anyone else get hurt..."

"What about the danger to yourself," Hetty asked, a hint of knowing in her voice, "We can't stand idly by and watch you get hurt...again... either."

"I don't think I can tell this story to many times, guess we better get everyone together," Deeks said quietly.

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A/N: While I have a few ideas where I want to take this story, I could use a little help with coming up with some evil things Sylvia can do too Deeks...'mind games', property damage, and knowing full well what he went through as a child, some physical/mental abuse to try to keep him in line and with her. The character of Taylor Martin is going to be either a fellow LAPD rookie or lawyer that tries to help Deeks get away from Sylvia...