(Well after a very long time, I finally got a computer. Meaning I write and update those people that fallowed me. So very long ago. If they are still around I apologise for the long wait. I know there are a few spelling errors. I will fix them as soon as possible. But for now for those people who have waited. Here is the next chapter.)

"To see a real human infront of me." She walked around me. "Your hands, your feet and ur face". Cam blushed and smiled. "Its... Uh, good to meet you to." Pinkie came out from the kittchen with a tray of goodies. "Lunch is seved!" She was carrying 3 milkshakes. A dozen cupcakes and muffens. As well as three slices of cake. Cam tured to pinkie. "Thank you Pinkie pie." "Your welcome."

Cam and Pinkie dived right in, eating the cake and drinking the shake. "Mmm Pinkie that was good, thank you." He did'nt want to say anything about how this is not what he usely had for a meal. Twilight was still eating. As cam looked at Twilight he asked. "So Twilight, what books did you see my kind in?" "Oh well it was a species book." "Do you know how i could of got here?" "No i don't sorry."

Twilight was a little worried. She had read of humans and how they can be mean, violent creatures. Always trying to get monitary gain. They were dominet top of the food chain kind of people. She had also read humans were omnivores and loved to eat meat. Almost on cue Cam said. "Why do you look so worryied Twilight, I promise I wont bite."

This got Twilight to blush and Pinkie to laugh. Twilight smiled, snickering at her own seems nice though. Pinkie smiled and pointed to Cams cheeks and face. "He he, you got milk and cake all over your face." Cam looked at Pinkie, "Yeah? Well so do you." Cam snickerd but he saw Pinkie do something that made his mouth drop. Pinkie spun her tongue around her face and ate the cake as well as wipeing the milk from her face. He held back a dirty thought.

"Uhh...How...Did...?" Twilight and Pinkie laughed. "Thats pinkie." Twilight said. "Its because of my long tongue." Cam shoke his head in disbelief. Twilight just smiled and said. "Pinkie, maybe you should let this human..." Cam turned to Twilight and interupted her. "You can call me Cam you know." "Oh sorry. I mean you should let Cam go clean up in your bathroom."

Cam looked back and forth between the two ponys. "What?" Twilight asked. "You ponys have bathrooms?" Cam said. "Of course we do slly." Pinkie replyed. "What'ed you think we did?"Pinkie said. Cam rubbed the back of his head. "uhh... You dont wana know." Pinky hopped up and down. "But i do wanna know." Pinkie said. "Yes i'm quite curious." Twilight said. Cam sighed. "Ok fine." Cam motioned them to get closer. They moved closer and closer. Then Cam whisperd something.