Hartley sat in silence as the three strange guys walked around his apartment like they had lived there their entire lives.

"This is a lot nicer than ours," the harlequin said happily.

"Yeah," muttered his look-a-like.

"We didn't come here for decorating ideas," said the Black Flash. Hartley gazed up at him. He was obviously the leader. He was swift and the most serious. His green eyes were cold and slanted. He was an evil Flash if there were ever one.

"Aw. Okay," said the harlequin.

"You knew why we came here James," moaned his doppelganger. Hartley finally felt the need to know.

"Who are you? All of you?" he asked. The Black Flash looked at him. His eyes narrowed.

"It doesn't concern you Hathaway."

The doppelganger looked at Hartley sympathetically.

"We aren't staying too long," he said.

"But you're in my house now. So I think it does concern me," he meekly stated.

"Even the truth won't give you any answers," the harlequin said almost in a somber tone. He gave a quick smile though as if to reassure Hartley.

"Found it," said the Black Flash. He held up a newspaper. One that mentioned the hero of Central. Flash.

"That's Flash? He looks… different," said the doppelganger looking at it closer. Black Flash frowned.

"It's our only lead. He's the only one," he nodded his head toward Hartley, "Thanks. Let's go."

The three walked out leaving a very confused Hartley Hathaway. Hartley picked up his phone and punched in a number he had long since memorized but never thought he'd use.

"Cold? You know if any villain has been cloning lately?"


"That wasn't very nice Bolt," said the Harlequin.

"Yeah. If that were me I would be insulted," said the doppelganger. The Black Flash sighed.

"Sorry. But this isn't our dimension. I don't know who to trust here other than you two."

"Kay Bolt. But he was there Hartley," the harlequin said, "Where will we stay if not with him?"

Bolt stopped and sighed.

"I have some money. We will stay at a hotel tonight. Hopefully we shall find trainers soon. You two seem eager."

"And you aren't?" asked the doppelganger raising a brow.

"Well… I don't exactly want to run into Flash. I don't think I could exactly handle the pain."

"Uncle Barry," whispered the Harlequin. The doppelganger put his hand on this shoulder.

"It's alright James," said the doppelganger.

"Hartley, James. This is going to be one hell of a ride," said Bolt.

"We knew that before coming here," said James.

"Yeah and there is no turning back. Otherwise we'd be locked away with the other rogues of Central," added Hartley.

"Yeah. Still insane though."

"What? The fact that the Central Rogues are now dimension travelers too?"

"That. And a few other things," Bolt said looking at the paper in his hand. He didn't want to know why he didn't exist. Looking at the paper. Seeing Flash stand tall and proud. A brunette by his side. Impulse. There was no Kid Flash. There was no him. Was his existence what killed Flash? His eyes grew cold. When one dies it means death misses another. Him living. Perhaps he was the one who killed him. By living.

"Walls. Uncle Barry would have wanted us to live. Live and take down the Lords and the tyranny they have brought," Hartley said.

He would have wanted it. He always thought everyone deserved freedom. He made that clear when he adopted James and Hartley. Both who were close to becoming criminals. They could've lost their freedom in jail if they had become villains. Uncle Barry adopted them. But James and Hartley had taken to calling him Uncle Barry. Just like Wally had before them.

"Yeah. We're doing this for Uncle Bar," he said slipping his mask off his face. A shock of red hair fell around his face, "But we still need to rest for the night. Otherwise we'll be useless."

"But I'm not tired!" yawned James as his eyes began to fall. Hartley rolled his eyes.

"Hotels have television James. Don't you want to see what's on TV that isn't controlled by the Lords and their "standards"," he asked. James eyes widened at the prospect of enjoyable television.

"Television! I want to go to a hotel!" he said excitedly. Bolt grabbed his collar.

"We need to look like civilians first and foremost. We don't need to attract too much attention," he said. Hartley sighed and pulled off his costume. Under it was a simple white T-shirt and a pair of grey sweat pants. James took his out fit off to reveal a hoodie and a pair of jeans. He folded his costume up making Bolt and Hartley laugh.

"I didn't know you could fold your costume into a bag," laughed Hartley. And somehow, it looked like a bright red and gold backpack. James smiled.

"Always another trick up my sleeve," he said with his ever growing grin, "and why aren't you changing Bolt?"

"I'm wearing spandex and have no bag."

Silence filled the air.

"You really have no clothes," Hartley said in disbelief.

"I have Spandex and that's it."

"So your underwear…," James began.

"I have underwear," he cut in. James looked at Hartley.

"You owe me ten bucks."

Bolt's face paled.

"What?" he questioned.

"James bet that you wore spandex underpants. I thought you didn't," said Hartley handing over the money to a very happy James. Bolt sighed and rubbed his temples. Of course.

"Really? You guys are eighteen and you are betting on what kind of underpants I wear?"

"Uh… yeah. We can't be sticks in the mud like other people we know," said James simply averting his eyes.

"I am not a stick in the mud."

"Sure you aren't Wally. Sure you aren't. So hotel?"

I am strange. Do not question my stupidity. But review!