Chapter 2


"Good to see you again, Sam!" Rowan exclaimed as he walked into the room where he kept the Pokémon. "Now today you become a trainer, so you need a Pokémon to accompany you on your journey." "How about a Chimchar, or a Turtwig, even a Piplup would be nice." Sam said with a grin. "I only have one Pokémon left, but it's none of the above." Professor Rowan went over to his table, opened his drawer, pulled out a Pokéball, and handed it to him. "That is your partner."

Sam threw the Pokéball into the air. All of a sudden a flash of light appeared and out of the ball came an Absol. Sam was silent for a moment, but then exclaimed, "This is the best day ever! My first Pokémon is awesome!" "I thought you would like it. It may need to get to know you better before its true power is shown." Rowan stated. "Now here is your trainer belt, a Pokédex, and 5 Pokéballs." "Thanks Prof. Rowan. See you later!"

Sam ran outside to find the same old man waiting for him. "You seem to have a Pokémon now, you little snot! Now, battle me!" The old man glared at Sam with an icy cold stare. "Absol, are you up to it?" Sam stared at the disaster Pokémon. Absol nodded and ran in front of his trainer. "Let's do this. Go, Luxio!" The man threw a Pokéball and out came a wildcat with sparks flying off its fur.

"You have the first move old timer." "Luxio, use Spark!" The electric type began to charge at Absol covered in electricity. "Absol, use Double Team!" Absol created copies of itself causing Luxio to miss. "Switch to Discharge!" Luxio stopped and began to shoot electricity everywhere hitting Absol. "Absol, use Night Slash!" Absol shook off the excess electricity and ran at Luxio, head blade glowing, slashing it on its back. "Hang in there, Luxio! Now, use Charge!" Luxio began to gather energy. "Absol, Faint Attack!" Absol disappeared and appeared again behind Luxio striking it on the head. "Finish it with Night Slash!" Absol's blade began to glow as he delivered the final blow to Luxio. "I won! Good Job, Absol!" Sam shouted as he jumped up and down in excitement.

"You lucky punk! I'll have my revenge!" The old man returns his Pokémon and walks away. "I guess I should take my Absol to the Pokémon Center. It looks tired." Sam walked down Route 202 towards the Pokémon Center, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.