Reid stepped out of the shower and quickly ruffled his hair with the towel. The whole shower was completely steamed over and smelled of Old Spice; it was a comforting scent to him. He dried his body and walked simultaneously into the bedroom, choosing to look at himself through the full-length mirror. He looked and smelled a lot better, obviously, but he also felt different. This had been the first time he had someone to come home to and he didn't ever want that to change. Somehow, the idea of Lila dancing around in his kitchen with his pans and stirring with his kitchenware made his heart flutter. His cheeks were flush and there was a little twinkle in his eye.

He shook his head and chuckled a bit, knowing full well to not let himself get too happy because with every happy road there seemed to be a dreadful dead end. He slipped a pair of drawstring sweats on with a dark green v-neck after brushing his unmanageable hair and headed downstairs to Lila. The sight that befell him when he walked into the kitchen was something he never wanted to forget.

Lila had on soft jazz music and she was in his button down purple work shirt. He could tell the buttons were snapped unevenly because of the way it rode up on her right hip. Underneath, a slight bit of her knickers peaked out and he could see the little crease from where her bum transferred into a pair of tight thighs. She was swaying from to the rhythm of the music and the bun on the tip of her head was rocking with her.

After a few moments he just couldn't stand it anymore; he had to touch her. She wasn't expecting the warmth to run from her hips to her navel, but when Reid whispered hello into her ear she immediately took a deep breath. As she leaned back into him he peppered kisses to her neck. "Whatever you're cooking smells divine. What is it?" He asked curiously.

"Sausage and peppers. I'm just sautéing the peppers now boy genius." He happily hummed in her ear and she set the fork down to turn in his arms.

She was met with a starry-eyed Spencer, who immediately blushed under her scrutinizing gaze. She lifted her hand to caress his cheek and slowly shook her head from side to side. "I don't think I'll ever get over blushing," he said.

He turned his head to nip lightly at the inside of her wrist as his hand drifted to lay with the hem of her shirt. She took a sharp intake of breath at his nip and laid her face in his chest, the steady beat of his heart echoing in her ear.

"I wouldn't want you to. I like that you're sort of shy around me. It makes me feel a bit special. One of us has to be shy I suppose." She winked and turned back around to sway her hips into him.

His grip tightened on her hips, but he let go after a minute. "I'll be back. I'm going to go write, but how long until dinner?"

"Mmmm, about ten," Lila looked back over his shoulder to him and noticed he was worrying his lip between his teeth. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, erm, I'll be back…" He quickly turned to go out of the kitchen.

Something was itching in the back of his mind, and it felt rather uncomfortable. Admittedly – he shouldn't have been shocked when the phone rang considering that fact, but he was. He tried not to let his stomach plummet, but it was inevitable when he saw the number…

"Doctor Spencer Reid here." His voice wavered with uncertainty.

"Spencer. This is Doctor Marcus. I wish I was calling with a better update, but…can you sit down for me?"

Spencer shuffled for a moment before settling on the edge of the couch. He was perched on the armrest with his right hand stuffed in his hair. "What's happened?"

"As you diligently calculated in your last e-mail, your mother's breaks have been getting longer. The most recent has lasted for this full month, which is why I expect you haven't received many coherent letters?" Marcus placed his glasses on the desk before him. Spencer Reid, who he'd known since the boy was eighteen, did not need to be hearing this.

"Yes, no, um – the dates have been inconsistent as well. I assumed, stupidly, that it was perhaps the posts fault, but I suppose not?" Tears had broken to fall lightly down his face, but he wiped furiously at them. Spencer would always do as Daddy had told him. Be strong for mommy – he'd been instructed at the age of eight.

"No, they aren't. We're also losing her to other delusions now. Specifically, she seems to think of herself as a mental patient with terrible burns. We've…Christ…Spencer…I'm so sorry." Marcus wiped quickly at his eyes. This was a patient for fuck's sake. Where was his unwavering composure when he needed it?

"Spencer we've had to restrain her, and it's been as such for three days. I would have called earlier, but your liaison, a Ms. Penelope Garcia, informed me as to why you weren't answering your e-mails."

Spencer's voice broke when he spoke, and tears were now freely running down his face – a pang of hurt plaguing him as it ripped and clawed at his chest. "She's not responding to the med's?"

He knew she wasn't

"No and as you well know we monitor that closely. I'm…Spence', you need to come to Las Vegas." Doctor Marcus spoke with desperation. He knew Spencer – Ms. Reid had told him all the stories. He never got to say good-bye, but this was one person he needed to have that chance with.

"If I do then it makes it real…" He tried – he tried not to break a sob, but it lacerated his chest, and oh God it hurt.

"I know Spencer, I know. Only one of you can live out of reality. She needs you. She always has, but more so now. It's her darkest hour, and quite possibly yours. Do you have someone to bring you?"

"Yes…" His voice was small and hurt. He was slipping – slipping down the couch and from reality…

"Come as soon as you can. And Spencer, I'm sorry. Goodbye until I see you." And with that Doctor Marcus hung up.

Spencer let his phone drop as he walked blindly into his kitchen; feet seemingly carrying him aimlessly, but then again he never just went without purpose. He was a man of reason and Science, but he had no logic for this.

"Ah! There you are sweetie. Dinner is…" Lila stopped dead in her tracks at Spencer's face. He looked completely and utterly lost in his own home. "Spencer, honey what is it?"

He didn't move, didn't speak, and didn't look at her – just stood. Lila shut the appliances off and crossed the room slowly to him, taking his face in her hands. His eyes were completely unfocused and fear settled in her chest. "Please talk to me…"

Reid snapped. He started reciting statistics, half of which Lila didn't understand. She let her hands drop and led him to a chair – where he sat with his hands braced against the table, but still running away from him. She placed her hands over his and let him go, which he went on for nearly five minutes. She was close to calling JJ, but he suddenly stopped and looked desperately to her.

She looked at him curiously at him and implored him with soft words. "What happened Spence'?"

His eyes seemed to soften at the gesture of her words and he shook his head, laughing bitterly. "I have to go to Las Vegas."

Lila nodded her head and briefly wondered why a case in Las Vegas would be such a big deal to him, but then her breath hitched as the realization hit her. "Your mom?"

He nodded and huffed out a breath laced with tension. She could see the despair shining with menacing brightness in his eyes. "Yes…"

Lila stood and crossed the table to kiss him on the forehead. "Do you need me to go and when?"

Spencer couldn't help the dull pang of elation that rung in his chest as she spoke, but it couldn't override the fear – as much as he wished it could. "Tickets and leaving by tomorrow. I'll have to call Hotch in the morning."

Lila nodded and Spencer pulled her to sit atop him, straddling his legs. He pushed his hips out so she rested further up on him, and wished to bathe in her gentle touch as she buried her face into his neck. Her bun tickled his face, but it grounded him so he didn't mind much.

"I'm sorry Spencer…" She kissed his neck and wrapped her arms about his waist.

He pulled her closer and rubbed his hands around her back. Her shirt was soft under his palms, and that too – grounded him. "It has all got to happen one day. I'm just glad you're here with me…" He admitted shyly.

Lila sat up, hands resting on the back of his chair, and held Spencer's gaze with hers. It was never easy to look anyone straight in the eye for him, but he needed comfort – some sort of reassurance. "I will always be with you silly, silly man."

She moved to kiss him lightly on the lips as he picked her up from the bum, dinner forgotten. He carried her, between kisses, into the bedroom as her fingers fisted and tangled into his hair. Control snapped from his mouth as he placed her lightly on the bed and turned to flick off the light, beginning to strip of his clothes.

"I don't want to come home to anything besides you here, in my clothes, and engaged in something particularly alluring such as cooking, or reading…" He began as his shirt fell to the floor.

Lila gasped and nodded her head, but realized he couldn't see her in the dark. "You don't have to come home to anything but if you don't want to Spencer…"

He climbed up on the bed and slid his hands against her waist – the material of his shirt gracing her curves. "I like you in my clothes…"

He nipped at her neck roughly, but smoothed it with his tongue. Her body arched in his hands, and he pushed himself against her – void of any clothing. Her small hand encircled his cock gracefully as she tugged him effortlessly. "I couldn't stand not being surrounded by you today, or any day for that matter. I had to do something, so I came here and picked out a shirt. All the while dreaming of what you looked like in it…what you'd look like with it unbuttoned…"

"Christ…Li…" Reid groaned against her and swallowed her words with an avaricious kiss. Consuming her was paramount in his expedition tonight. His left hand moved down her leg to pull at her knickers and she released them to clamber from them.

"Shirt off?" She asked before doing so.

"No," was all he growled back to her. She obliged and lay back down next to him as he climbed over her.

"You educe consciousness to parts of my body I deemed harsh and disrespectful. Have you any theory as to what you actually do to me, Lila Archer?"

She moaned and pushed against him as he held her wrists above her head – too astounded and befuddled by his sudden shift in personality. He was all of a sudden confident bold Spencer; something she had never seen in him before. Anything she could have said would have been resoundingly dull to his actions so she slid her core against him – imploring him to take her.

As he nudged into her they both groaned at the contact - Lila's a high-pitched approval and Spencer's; a low growl which had been entombed within his chest. He rocked into her and her hips undulated beneath him. Convictions of passion he felt for her spilled from his lips as she perused his slight form with nimble fingers. It wasn't long; they knew it wouldn't have been, before they were both falling apart against articulate words. Spencer spilled within her as his hips moved at a frenzied pace. Lila clutched his cock between her walls as she came around him.

Her legs were still wrapped around his waist as he collapsed atop her, muttering soft words into her hair. She wasn't sure if it had been for his comfort, or hers, but she wasn't intending to stop him. This had been him reaching out to her, void of words. He now understood what it felt like to be insatiably plagued with the need to consume, and he'd done so to Lila. She had accepted him…oh God she had taken him…

"Spence, Spence stop honey. You'll worry yourself into hyperventilation. Don't, please. I would take you each and every time like that if need be. You're beautiful, and you can't hurt me – you wouldn't. I trust you, okay?" Lila implored him from the dismaying thoughts plaguing him.

He rolled to the side and pulled her flush against him, they'd not so much as bothered to pull the sheets down as they fell peacefully back together with one another. The call had torn him apart as he had torn her, but she didn't care. That had been him releasing an immeasurable amount of crushing tension, and she marveled that he released with her.

As he fell asleep she let the weight of the situation collapse upon her. All in one sitting she was going to meet Spencer's mother and potentially witness him breaking apart. She could handle it; she had to – for him. Would he be volatile…soft…broken? Only tomorrow would tell.

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life, the evening beam that smiles the clouds away and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.

Lord Byron

A/N: These two just give me lots and lots of feels...& broken Spence to come...