By: Curtis Wildcat




This was in the fanfic for at least a year. As the story drew closer to completion, I gave it another look and decided that since Mokou only appeared here and had no real bearing on the rest of the story, it didn't fit in with its surroundings. Regardless, I still consider it canonical.


In the dead of the night, there are no humans active. All of those that lived at the village had long since retreated there. Reimu and Marisa, removed as they were from the village, had homes of their own to return to (a fully repaired home, in Marisa's case). Sakuya, of course, had nothing to fear.

Mokou was the only other human who looked down upon the terrors of the night. On this evening she'd situated herself along the edges of the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, considering whether to initiate a fight against Kaguya or just mill about until boredom lulled her to sleep. It had been a day or two since she'd last had anything to eat, but she felt she'd be able to handle things for a little while longer.

A distant rumble tickled the edges of Mokou's hearing, and she looked up at the sky. There wasn't much to see. The ever-present moon, the twinkling of stars, the patchy clouds that promised snow soon to come, the bright blue flames arrowing towards the ground- - -...

The rumbling noise got louder, and higher pitched than anyone would expect. Mokou blinked and rubbed her eyes, convinced she was seeing things, but no: a blazing comet was sweeping down towards the ground, and for the love of Gensokyo she was right in its path!

Thankfully, before the time came when she would have to dodge or die (not like it mattered; it was just the principle of the thing), the comet pulled up fifteen meters over Mokou's head and soared on over the Bamboo Forest. The air that kicked up in its wake jerked her off her feet, and some of the bamboo bent dangerously close to breaking before straightening again. Somewhere in the distance fairies and weaker youkai cried out in fear, including the very distinctive yelp of a wolf.

There was an image captured in her mind's eye: a metal colossus, the source of the flames being several tubes on its back... and in that moment, she thought she'd heard someone yelling delightedly. Belatedly Mokou remembered that same picture showing up in an issue of the Bunbunmaru, but at the time she'd dismissed the article as one of the tengu's imaginings...


...You know what? Forget this. I'm getting myself some food before I get any more delirious.

Her decision made and her stomach growling, Mokou stood up and walked off to see what to do about a late dinner. The high-pitched rumbling slowly faded until it could be heard no more.



This scene didn't last anywhere near as long. While I was working on the Yuuka battle this past month (that is, September 2016) I'd intended to slip this in as a spur-of-the-moment joke, but for once my common sense beat out my brain by several lengths.


Somewhere across the battlefield, three magicians and a rabbit watched the fight in silence. They were as close as they dared for front row seats; any closer, and they risked becoming collateral damage for the brawling colossi.

When Megas triggered its second Spell Card of the fight, it grabbed their attention immediately. Marisa stared at the weapon with a level of stoicism unusual for her, her expression unsure. "Guys?"

The others forced themselves to look away from the fight. "What is it, Marisa?" Alice asked.

The group's only human had some difficulty doing so, but she too was able to turn her eyes away. "...You ever wonder why we're here?"

"Please don't start, Marisa," Patchouli said, shaking her head. "Just... don't."

Marisa scratched the back of her head in confusion as the others continued watching the fight, then dismissed her line of thought altogether. "Well, whatever. This is more entertaining than introspection anyway, ze."