Before I start, I just want you guys to know that this is going to mostly be a My Little Pony fanfic that focuses on my fan characters. So you won't see too much of the Adventure Time characters. Heck, this might be the only time you see Finn and Jake. I don't know why I made it this way. I guess I just don't know another way of telling this story, and writing it was the only way to get it out of my head. Now that that's settled, start the fic.




We now see four strange characters. One of them was a 13-year old boy. He wore a blue t-shirt, slightly darker blue shorts, black shoes, and a white hood with bear ears. On his back was a green book bag. In his hand was a short sword that has brown roots for its hilt and handle. This was Finn the human.

At his side was a yellow, anthropomorphic dog. He closely resembled a pug or a bulldog and had large black eyes. This was Jake the dog.

They were chasing a blue skinned old man. He had a long pointy nose, and a large white beard that splits into wings that he actually used for flying. He wore a dark blue robe that hid his skinny shriveled body, and a gold crown with red gemstones. This was the Ice King.

Under his arm was an 18 year old, light pink skinned girl. She had long pink hair and wore a matching simple dress with a gold tiara. This was Princess Bubblegum, ruler of the Candy Kingdom.

"Give back the princess, Ice King!" shouted Finn.

"NEVER!" shouted the Ice King as he shot light blue energy from his hand. Finn dodged the blast with some flips.

"Don't worry Princess, I got you." said Jake as he stretched himself like he was made of rubber. But before he could reach her, a white streak knocked him to the ground. When he reverted his limbs and got up, he saw who it was. It was a snow-white; anthro canine with a bushy tail and three scars on his left eyebrow, wearing a brown leather vest, a necklace that hung an outer shell of an MP3. "Zero." said Jake angrily as he got back on his feet.

"My name is Shiro." he said "Get it right."

"Whatever. Just quit sneaking around and fight like a man."

"If you insist." replied Shiro. Then a puff of smoke burst around him. When it cleared, a white minotaur stood in his place. However his tail stayed the same and he was still wearing his necklace.

"Yeah, I insist." Jake then reshaped his body to appear muscular. He then charged at Shiro, who answers it with a straight punch.

Our attention then turns to Finn and the Ice King. The Ice King kept blasting at Finn, who kept dodging each blow successfully. Finn then makes a high jump at the Ice King, knocking off his crown and grabbing Bubblegum, bridal style. He and Bubblegum landed successfully, but Ice King plummeted like a rock. Without his crown, most of his powers don't work.

"Give it up, Ice King," said Finn, as he put down Bubblegum "You'll never win."

"I swear it, Finn," said the Ice King "One day I will marry a princess. And you won't be invited to the wedding! Shiro, were out of here!" We then turn our attention back to Jake and Shiro. Jake was already on the ground, looking like a deflated balloon, and had a bruise over his eye. Shiro then turn to the Ice King. A puff of smoke appeared around him again, and in his place was a white griffin, still having his tail and necklace. He swoops at the Ice King and grabbed him with one talon and his crown in the other.

"Yeah, you better run!" said Jake, as pulled himself together. Finn and Bubblegum then accompany him. Finn pulls out an ice pack from his book bag, and hands it to Jake for his eye.

"It's kinda strange," said Bubblegum, looking curiously at the villains.

"Not really," replied Jake "I was going easy on him. That wolf was a chump."

"Not that. Haven't you two notice that ever since Ice King got his new assistant, we've been seeing him less and less. And when they do come back, the Ice Kingdom's defenses become more elaborate."

"Ah don't sweat yourself, Princess." said Finn "So what if Ice King got buff up? It just proves how awesome we are when we beat him. Now let's go to Tree Trunk's for some apple pie."

"Now you're talking my language." said Jake.

We then cut to Shiro and the Ice King. They flew to the trail of the Ice King's castle. That's right, the mountain was now carved to look like a proper castle. Shiro dropped Ice King like a sack of potatoes then landed before him and changed back to his original form.

"Shiro, do you have to be so rough?" said Ice King, angrily. "I'm the Ice King! Do you know what 'Ice King' means?"

"Pipe down your majesty, your fine." replied Shiro, as he tossed the crown over his shoulder, not caring if Ice King caught it or not. The Ice King pick up his crown and put it on his head. They both walked up the trail to the castle.

"Well you could at least accompanied me when I got Princess Bubblegum. Not just disappearing and reappearing when ever you like. Where were you?"

"Doing research for our next raid." When they got to the gates, they were greeted by two anthro polar bears. They wore blue over gray armor, and carried pollaxes with blades made of ice. When Shiro started working for the Ice King, one of the first things he did was replaced the guards. He somehow convinced a neighboring tribe of polar bears to join his newly formed army, and the penguins were reassigned with simple servant jobs like waiters, maids, etc. The two guards opened the doors so Shiro and Ice King can come in.

"And about these 'raids' we go on. When I hired you, you promised me a harem of exotic princesses. But you failed every time."

"No I don't."

"Oh, what about the time we went to the Cat Kingdom, where we tried to kidnap PRINCE Lune?"

"So I was off by two letters. At least with the ring of Fantom we got out before your whiskers became purr-manent."

"It wasn't funny! And what about the time we went to the bottom of the Atlantic, only to learn there was no Snork Princess?"

"Well I heard king of the sea so many times and figured he would have had kids. How was I supposed to know they change to a democracy? At least I was right about the Cimmerian dagger, and you got to admit it came in real handy when we went to Ouroboros."

"And that place didn't even had girls at all! Who makes a city with no woman?"

"I guess the Serpentine had long lives and low birth rates."

"And there was the time we went to Grundo, and the Illiper Princess was under aged!"

"Okay, I'll admit that was a waste of time. You would of think that an organization of evil geniuses would know the deference between magical stones and salt licks. But this time I know what I'm doing. This next mission would be the mother load."

"It better be for your sake." Ice King then raised his hand and started to flash blue energy. "Cuss if you fail to bring me a princess one more time, I'll..."

"Major, your Majesty, your back!" Interrupted a voice. Both Shiro and the Ice King look at the direction it was coming from, and saw it belonged to a brown anthro lemming. He wasn't very tall, he was just a head above Shiro's knee (AU: Shiro is at the same eye level as Finn if that helps), and wore glasses that somehow made him look both dorky and cute. Joining him were a pair of penguins. One had a '06' painted on it's back, and the other had a '12'. (Shiro put the numbers there to better keep track of them) They were helping him carry a bunch of papers and an easel that they quickly set up.

"Lenny," greeted Shiro "I was going to call for you. What do you have to report?" Lenny then sets a line chart on the easel.

"Well, to start with the good news, business at the ski lodge is going great. The income has increased by 25%. Also the meeting with Breakfast Princess and Wildberry Princess went without a hitch."

"What, Princesses were here?" exclaimed the Ice King "Where are they?"

"Once we made our purchase of twenty-eight pounds of beef and pork, thirty gallons of instant cocoa, eleven dozen eggs, forty two pound of waffles..."

"I said WHERE ARE THEY?" Ice King then made his hands glow again, making Lenny jump back in fear.

"They went home."

"You had two perfectly good Princess here, and all you did was buy groceries?"

"Well they hunting game is getting bad this year, and the new settlements are running low on food."

"Never mind him," said Shiro "Is there anything else we should know?"

"Well, the Gunthers want a raise in Krill in their pay."

"Wah." cawed one of the penguins, as if adding a statement.

"Consider it done." said Shiro "Meet me at my living quarters. I want you in our next briefing."

We now see the three of them in a medium sized room. It had two tables covered with many relics, blades, and other things, a caribou pelt on the floor, and two maps side by side on a like posters. The two maps seem odd. They both had the same mountain ranges, same size lakes, but that was about it. The one on the right was older looking, having holes and tares from decay, and implied dark jungles and barren wastelands. The one on the left looked newer and implied a lust forests and fertile valleys. Also, there were random pictures of candy colored ponies pushed pinned to both maps.

"Well, what Princess have you found this time?" said the Ice King.

"One that's more grand then all the Princesses of Ooo combined." said Shiro as he hand Ice King a magazine clipping "Introducing, Princess Celestia." The picture was of a magnificent white pony with long legs and neck that was almost deer like, had long mane and tail that were a rainbow of blue, green, and pink, a spiral horn on her forehead like a unicorn, a pair of angelic wings on her back, and a gold sun symbol on her flank. She wore bejewel tiara, necklace, and hoof coverings.

"Oh, a pony princess." said Ice King giddily "So far, so good."

"She rules Equestria," said Shiro as he stuffs a few items in a pair of saddlebags. They include a yellow dagger with two blades, like the horns of a stag beetle, a sky blue helmet, and a broken black tile. "A country mostly populated by sentient equine. She resides in its capital, the city of Canterlot."

"Okay you talked me into it, let's go."

"Whoa, we can't just go charging in, beams a blazing like we normally do." Shiro then grabbed two books. One was blue and had an emblem of a unicorn's head. The other was crimson and had a dragon headed symbol. He put both books into the saddlebags. "Her castle is crawling with guards. I also heard she has a school that trains unicorns in the ways of magic." He then picks up a bone and stares at it for a minute. It wasn't a very big bone, only about a foot long, and it was decorated with a strange language. He then puts it in one of the saddlebags.

"So what?" asked Lenny "That never stopped you from those other places that's heavily armed."

"I just want to try a stealthy approach this time. But not to worry, Snow Strider will get us in."

"That's great," said the Ice King "Uh, who's Snow Strider?" Shiro did a strange series of hand/paw singles, and then a burst of smoke came around him. When it cleared, a male pegasus pony stood in his place. He had a white coat, a black mane, lunar eyes, and visible hooves. He still had Shiro's tail, vest, and necklace though. He also had vampire-like eyeteeth, but they only showed when his mouth was open.

"I am." said Shiro as he spreads his wings, trying to look impressive.

"Agh, how did you get in here? And what have you done with Shiro?"

"It's still me, you slush head. I've spent weeks making this new form, as well as practicing basic horse movements and mannerism."

"Well, that would explains why the snowmen around here are missing their noses." said Lenny.

"So how is this suppose to break though their defenses?" asked the Ice King.

"Well, at first I was going to enlist in the Equestrian Royal Guard." said Shiro "But lately, I found a better way."


We then cut to a scene where "Snow Strider" was walking though a town of other ponies.

"To test out my new form, I went strolling around Ponyville, a simple little town, not to far from Canterlot. Everything was going smoothly, until I heard someone mention the Princess' name." Shiro's head perked up, and then he starts looking around. "As you may or may not know, I make sure I still have my wolf senses no matter what form I'm in. They come in handy when..."

"No one cares about your anatomy!" interrupted Ice King "Just skip to the part about the princess!"

"Oh, sorry. Anyways, that's how I found her."

We turn our attention to a lavender unicorn. She had straight indigo mane and tail with pink and purple streaks going down each one. She also had violet eyes, and on her flank was a pink six-pointed star, with five tiny white stars around it. Most of you have already guessed that this was Twilight Sparkle.

On her back was a small purple reptile. He had green spikes down his head and back with matching webbed ears. He also has green eyes with slanted pupils. He had a quill in one hand/claw and a long parchment in the other. This is Spike the dragon, Twilight's assistant.

"Remember when I said Celestia ran a magic school. Turns out, one of her students lived there. And from the way she and her friend was talking, she's one of her best." Shiro then followed them, only a few feet away. "I tried to listen in more on their conversation, but I lost track of them." Then a gray and yellow streak knocked him to the ground. Lying on top of him was a gray pegasus with yellow mane and tail, cyan bubbles on her flank, and yellow eyes that pointed in different directions.

"Oops, sorry mister." she said.

(End of flashback)

"So the best way to get into Celestia, is though her apprentice." He then turns to a table with six feather-shaped knives. "Kunais, return!" And on command, they flew at him like they were alive, and three tucked themselves in each wing, and gave the appearance that he had silver tipped feathers.

"Oh I get it," said the Ice King "You'll put in a good word for me. Well, gotta fancy up for my new princess." He then left the room, staring at the picture of Celestia.

"You can't fool me, sir." said Lenny "What are you really going there for?"

"You'll find out soon enough," replied Shiro "Your coming with me."

"Well I guess it would be better as a surpri...WHAT?" said Lenny, turning from calm to fearful.

"That's right, this mission requires your assistance. This form has a serious lack of hands."

"Can't you just bring the Ice King with you and save the trouble?"

"His lust would ruin my plans, and I prefer working with someone with a brain."

"No, no, no. Very time you bring me to these trips we're always chased by cats, snake people, and horned tomatoes."

"But this is a nation of peaceful herbivores. Nobody will eat you."

"But I can't do any of that freaky fox magic."

"It's only me who needs a disguise. They'll except you."

"Really?" said Lenny, now intrigued.

"Your cute, fluffy, and cuddly. Of course they will."

"Well, I guess I could use a vacation."

"Great. Set things up for the next couple of days. Because tomorrow, we head for Equestria."

Fin, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, Ice King, and Gunther(s)(c) of Pendleton Ward
Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Princess Celestia, and Derpy(c) of Hasbro
Shiro/Snow Strider and Lenny(c) of yours truly.