Author's Note: Hey guys, I want to deeply apologize for keeping yall waiting! Truth of the matter is, I had lost interest for a bit and by the time I wanted to continue this story, I had lost the files. Trust me, I have been super upset the past few weeks because I thought I lost some of the story that I had already typed. Luckily, I found it today! So I shall be continuing my story once again! I hope this chapter makes up for how long it's taken me to update! Gomenasai minna san!

The plot belongs to me, but sadly the characters do not.

~WARNING: There is a hint of lime in this chapter, so please read at your own risk!~

"Okay, so here are the rules I can see. One is something about me staying inside, so I guess that means he's hiding somewhere inside a building. Two… "Under the floor"?" Mira questioned out loud. "Okay, well I know for sure the objective is for me to find him, and before midnight. He doesn't expect for me to win, and… the prize? Something having to do with control…?" she wondered. "… kinky." She agreed with Natsu's earlier claim.

"Hey sis… what's kinky?" Elfman asked as he walked up to where his sister was sitting on one of the tables.

"Fried…" she mumbled without really thinking. Suddenly a thought came to her.

"Hey Elfman, would you be willing to help me out a bit tonight?"

Elfman's eyes lit up. "Of course; anything for you sister."

"Excellent…" she said as she began to whisper her plan into her younger brother's ear.

~ :) ~

11:30pm -30 Minutes Left

Mirajane yawned and stretched her arms up high above her head. She had not attempted to physically search out Fried, but magically. Unfortunately, Natsu was right in saying that he really could hide himself well. Having stayed inside the guild, tending to the bar all day, she was unable to leave, even if she wanted.

All of the tables were clean, her bar, spotless. Nodding in satisfaction Mirajane took one last look around the guild to see if she missed anything. Not seeing anything, she exited the guild, locking the door with some sealing magic as she left.

11:50pm -10 Minutes Left

The full moon was high above the sky this night, easily lighting her path. She set out on a light walk towards her home. Looking around at the deserted streets, a sudden sense of unease settled around her, causing her to shiver as the night air whistled around her.

Hugging her arms closer to her chest in an attempt for warmth, she started walking a bit faster towards her home. However, a dark shadow at the corner behind her caught her eye. Not turning around she sped up, walking now almost twice as fast as before.

Her home was about a five to ten minute walk from the guild, but at the pace she was moving, it would only take her about three.

Hearing the footsteps even closer behind her she started to run at a full sprint, but a large lumbering body ran in front of her, causing her to stumble headfirst.

"Hehe, looks like we got a pretty one tonight…" the man behind her said.

"Yeah… looks like we getting' somethin' s'pecial…" he said while licking his lips, his words slurring as he was clearly drunk.

"L-Let go of me…" Mirajane whispered in a frightened voice.

" 'Notta chance sugar. Why don't you just come with us and we'll show ya a bit o' fun." The man in front of her said, small particles of spit flying out and barely missing her face. She scrunched up her nose in revulsion of the smell his breath was protruding.

"Yeah, why d-"suddenly the man behind her collapsed, the man holding her soon followed suit.

With a thump, both bodies were lying on the ground, a familiar purple light surrounding them.

"Mirajane, are you alright?" Fried said, coming out from behind the corner and walking towards her. He stopped when he was a few inches away from her.

Mirajane took the last few steps towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning her head up to whisper something in his ear.

"It's 11:59 (pm)… I win." She said with a small kiss to his cheek.

"It… you… win… huh?" he questioned, confusion showing in his eyes, but soon turned to slight anger. "That shouldn't count Mirajane. I was really worried about you. I thought–"

"You thought wrong." She whispered. "There were no rules prohibiting me from asking help from others. At the moment you just knocked Reedus and Gajeel unconscious." She said pointing to Reedus' bigger frame, the one she ran into and Gajeel, the one who was following her from the guild."

"You… you planned for them to attack you?" he choked out.

"No, not attack; more like… stop me until my knight in shining armor came to save me." She whispered.

Fried laughed. "Well okay, I will admit. This is a first for me to ever lose to hide-and-seek. Even Natsu's nose could never find me. Well played my little demon."

Mirajane smiled and indicated that they should keep walking, knowing that once they were far enough away, Reedus and Gajeel would both wake up.

After a few moments of silent walking Fried spoke. "While that was technically unfair, you did win, so what would you like as your prize?" he asked, having an idea on what she would ask of him.

As they came up to Mirajane's door step, she paused. Turning around so that she faced him with her back to the door, she looked into his eyes. "… I want you to… to…" she faltered.

"Go on Mirajane, you won fair and square. Just tell me." He gently encouraged while bringing his arms around her in a hug. "Tell me what you want, and I'll see to it that I give it to you." He promised while waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"I… I want you to… to tell me the story about how your hair became the color it is today." She requested. Fried's eyes began to get really wide with disbelief.

"I… I could have sworn you would were going to ask for me to stay here with you at Fairy Tail." He whispered.

"No," she shook her head, "I would never have asked you to do that. You told me that you would stay until you knew what you fully planned on doing. I wouldn't restrain you to a place like this. With powers such as yours I'm sure you have many wonderful adventures waiting ahead of you. I would hold you back from them."

"M-Mirajane…" he whispered in awe of her selflessness.

"I want you to be happy Fried… with or without me…" she whispered his words back to him from that previous morning.

"With… I choose with…" he whispered and before Mirajane could stop him he leaned in and captured her lips with his.

Mirajane's eyes opened wide for a split second before closing shut. She wrapped her arms as tightly as she could around his broad shoulders and pulled him close, making the kiss even deeper.

Slowly opening his mouth Fried let his tongue touch the entrance of her mouth, waiting to see if she would allow him inside or not. After a few moments of the sensation, she admitted him in and his tongue gently brushed against her own, causing her to blush a deep crimson. Using the inner strength that he had, he pulled her as close to his body as physically possible. She felt his "need" brush up against her stomach, causing her step back slightly and break the kiss before looking away, embarrassed.

Taking a few moments to understand why she stopped, he finally understood when he saw that she would not look him in the eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed. It's just my body's way of showing you how much it adores you."

"Adores me?" she asked in a cute and innocent way.

"Yes, my body want's you Mirajane. It has for a very long time, but I don't want you to pressure you or anything. I-"

She placed her left hand on his cheek to stop his rambling. "Don't worry Fried. I already told you that I love you. I don't think I'm ready yet to do anything, but just give me a little bit of time, and maybe soon, something might happen between us…" she whispered as she moved her body back towards his so that she could feel him against her stomach again.

"Mirajane… I… don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to d-"

Mirajane pressed her lips against his to stop his protest. After a moment of her being raped up in the gentle kiss, she pulled away from him and walked towards her door. Magically conjuring her keys out of thin air, she unlocked her door –her keys vanishing again- and went inside, gesturing for Fried to follow. After Fried walked through the door, she closed it and it locked on its own.

"Oh, your house is kinda… homey." He said with a smile.

It was a one story house. Straight ahead from her entranceway was a hall that led to another door a few feet down that opened to her moderately large kitchen and bar, where many different wines and alcohol sat. Food and other necessities, such as cups, silverware, and plates, were found in the cabinets around the area. To the left of where they were standing was her living room. It had a flat screen TV, a long, black leather couch, and a table with a lamp and book placed upon it. To the right of the entrance was her bathroom, built with a magical jacuzzi bathtub and shower. Just past that was her bedroom. Inside that room was a magical dresser against the far, back wall that allowed her to store as much clothing as she wished and when she wanted the garment, all she had to do was think of it and it would appear inside. Her bed was covered in a gentle, snow-white comforter while her room was a mix of many different shades of pinks, greens, and whites.

Mirajane walked up to Fried and wrapped her arms around his neck again and pressed her lips against his timidly, unsure of what the boundaries between them were.

Fried, sensing her uncertainty, scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the couch. Gently placing her down, he leaned over and began to kiss her, slowly showing her how to move her lips in sync with his own. A soft, pleased moan forced its way up his throat, causing her mouth to vibrate slightly.

Fried moved slowly so she could easily see his intentions before he did them, allowing her to stop any time she wanted. He moved so that his body was now covering hers on the couch, their lips still intertwined.

"Mirajane." Kiss. "Tell me." Kiss. "If you." Kiss. "Ever want me to." Kiss. "Stop…"

Mirajane smiled into the kisses that he was raining down upon her.

"Oh Fried, you worry too much. Just enjoy yourself. I want this as much as you do." she said and kissed his throat.

Fried gulped before he continued. "B-But how far… do you want to go exactly?" he asked.

"For now, less talking, more kissing." She said with a new light shining in her eyes.

Happy to oblige, Fried leaned down and began to gently massage her bottom lip with his own. Letting his tongue come out to play, Mirajane brought her own out and it almost made Fried lose control right then and there. Allowing their tongues to battle in a heated fight for dominance, Fried's hands began to explore around her shoulders and began to slowly move downwards.

Bringing her hands up, Mirajane caught both his hands in hers and shook her head.

So that's as far as she'll go tonight, hmm? Fried thought to himself. Withdrawing his lips to allow them both to breathe, he stared down at his silver-haired beauty lying beneath him. "Very well…" he whispered, "This is as far as we'll go tonight, okay?"

Mirajane's eyes lit up with appreciation of his willingness to take things slow, even if it killed him. "Thank you Fried."

"Anything for my little demon." He whispered as he brought their lips together once more.

~ :) ~

Again, I am so sorry for the super long wait, but please REVIEW and lemme know what everyone thought of this chapter! I promise to try and update MUCH sooner this time around! Lol, Domo arigato! *bows*

~rEvIeW rEpLy~

Gandhie: Lol no no no no no no! haha I have 100% want to proceed on it. My reason for not continuing sooner was explained at the beginning of this chapter. Unfortunately, I did not recover all of the work I had done, but I recovered a majority of it, so that's why I'm able to continue updating again! :D thank you for your review! If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean by stalled? The plot is taking too long to develop… or?

StarlightDark: lol, your wish is my command! Haha I understand whatcha mean lol thanks for your review and I really hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for such a long wait.

xxShyxx: NOW! :D haha hope this made up for lost time! :)

IceKingII: Hai hai! :) I'm trying my best now that I've found it once again!

: haha awww thank you! So happy you like my story so far. I will admit I do think it might be the best story I've written so far. :D

Wunderland: haha IKR! Anyway, hope this was a good chapter 3 for you!

HeirToTheShadows: lol thank you! I hope you enjoyed this next installment to the story!

lightofdawn: haha ok ok ok here it is! Explanation is up top for yall! Again, I am sooooo sorry for not updating sooner!

Loreto Mustang: Haha thank you! I was really aiming for it to be unique! I'm glad it's not a "typical corny FriedxMira story" haha thanks for your review! Hope you liked this chapter!