Title: Living Life

Summary: When Edward fell for Bella he knew his life would change forever, watch as he navigates this life with just love and a plan.

Rating: M because we all love our OCD lovin'

Pairing: It's always going to be an E/B story

Disclaimer: No, I still don't own these characters. Although I wish I did.

Chapter 1 – Bella
One Year, Today

"Okay everybody can you turn to page 33 in your books?" I asked my senior English class. We were doing some poetry today, no one was really enthused.

It wasn't too bad. I had them during the last period of the day so they were pretty awake at this stage and the boys were fed so they actually were able to somewhat concentrate.

Just as they all opened their books there was a knock on my classroom door.

"Come in" I called thinking it was one of the other teachers coming in.

Suddenly there was great commotion in the class and I turned around and saw a giant bouquet of flowers.

"Is there an I. Swan here?" I heard a voice ask from behind the flowers.

"Yes" I said confused. The flowers were put down on the floor and the delivery guy handed me a slip to sign. After that he was gone.

"Who are they from Ms?" one of my students called out as I picked them up. It was then I saw the card.

One year today, I was saved by an Angel.

Happy Anniversary Bella

Love Edward

"Sorry guys" I said looking up from the card.

"So who sent them?"

"It's my anniversary with my boyfriend" I told them and there was clapping and hollering. "Thank you, and now that you know I can maintain a steady relationship let's get back to the books."

I couldn't help myself but for the rest of the class I kept glancing at the flowers.

A whole year

God, that was fast.

He had stayed over at his place last night and not much was said about it so I didn't really think we were doing anything.


This time last year I had just spent the most amazing day with my boyfriend after finding him looking sick and scared in a supermarket.

How far we had come in one year?

Just wow.

The bell rang signalling the end of the day and I managed to get two of my students to help me carry the flowers out to the car. I didn't want to drop them or anything.

I headed home straight away as I drove I put in my Bluetooth set and called Edward.

"Edward Cullen" He answered, he was still at work so he was still all business.

"I can't believe you did that!" I said and he chuckled. "Really Baby that was amazing"

"I'm glad you liked them."

"The flowers are beautiful Baby." I told him glancing back at them quickly as I drove.

"Well I couldn't fathom not celebrating the anniversary of the best day of my life."

"Best day of your life so far." I reminded him and he laughed. "So what are we doing tonight?" I asked him.

"Whatever you want" He told me.

"Hmmm... I'll meet you at your place then?" I asked him.

"Yeah okay" He said.

"So did you hear from Alec yet?" I asked. Alec was a friend of Edward's sister Alice. He was a realtor who Edward and I had been working with since Edward's birthday.

When I got to Edward's place I had to face the reality, I had no idea what to get for his birthday.

Believe me I had looked and I had no idea.

I was just going with the old reliable of buying new lingerie for sex tonight but that wasn't anything spectacular now was it.

I was cooking his favourite meal when he came walking in. He had given me a key just after Valentine's Day and I had given him one for my apartment. We never really spent the night apart so it made sense that we could let each other in to our apartments.

"Hmmm what smells so good?" he asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Your special birthday dinner" I told him leaning and kissing his lips. "Happy Birthday"

"Yes it is." He said taking in my outfit. I had put on a blue silky nightie I had bought today knowing Edward loved the colour on me.

"Let's get your stomach taken care of before anything else." I told him and he chuckled as I pushed him away "Feed the cat; take your mind off it." I told him.

We soon sat down and were eating when I made my confession.

"Okay I really suck because I could not find anything to give you for your birthday."

"I told you, you didn't have to get me anything." He said and I sighed.

"I know but I still feel bad, just tell me what you want Edward so I can go and get it tomorrow. I was really stuck."

"Okay I'll tell you but what I want you can't buy in a store."

"I think this outfit shows that it's a given we're having sex tonight." I told him and he laughed.

"Not that but now that you mention it..." he said with and I giggled.

"Okay then what?" I asked.

"I think we should go house hunting" He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I think we should start looking for a house." He said.

"Is this your way of asking me to live with you?" I asked and he nodded. "Well then yeah, we can make that a reality." I told him.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Most definitely"

That was in June and after that Edward went into complete OCD mode to try and find the perfect house for us.

And he did, it's beautiful.

Six bedrooms, maybe a bit excessive but he won that argument by reminding me that one of the rooms was downstairs and could be used as a playroom when we had kids.

Three bathrooms, an amazing kitchen and living room.

Huge dining room, grand staircase.

A balcony outside the master bedroom.

Land surrounding the house. Not too much that would be too hard to maintain but enough.

And an indoor pool.

There was a garage and an overhang for our cars and upstairs aswell that could be used as a home gym.

And we had put on offer on the minute we saw it.

That was a week ago and now we were waiting.

And I hated it.

"I haven't heard from him yet Love but there's still time." He explained.

"I know I just I want it so bad." I told him "It's just perfect" I explained.

"I know Love, listen, just head back to my place and relax okay?"

"I have to stop off at my place first and pick up my mail. I forgot to get it last night when you dropped me off." I stated remembering how we had been a bit frisky and were in a heavy make out session against the door to my apartment building until it had started to rain.

"Hmm I wonder why?" He teased causing me to giggle "Look I got to get back to work, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah okay" I said as I pulled up to my apartment. "I love you"

"I love you too" He said before we hung up.

I looked up at my apartment building.

I say I came over about once a week at this stage.

We couldn't move in to either one of our apartments together, we'd kill each other. But technically I was only paying rent on my apartment at this stage.

I just wanted our own space, that was ours together and there was no question we'd just spend every night together you know? Last night I stayed here because Edward had to leave early for work but I had been in his place for dinner most of the evening.

We needed to get this house.

It was time we moved further in our relationship.

I went and got my mail and the lingerie that I wanted to wear tonight to surprise him.

All I can say is thank God its Friday because I plan on having fun with him to the early hours of the morning. I wanted a real celebration of our year together.

So much had happened in this one year it was amazing.

Just as I was about to lock up my apartment again my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi Bella its Esme" Edward's mother said and I smiled. Esme and I had gotten close over the summer when I was working in her Women's Centre and on the children's summer project she ran. She was such a nice person and not at all what you expected from a mother in law type person. Which I was hoping she would be one day.

"Hey Esme what's up?" I asked as I walked down to my car.

"I was just wondering if you were free to go over the plans this afternoon I know you get off work early on a Friday."

Esme was setting up another centre in the city so she could help more people she said she wanted me to be more involved as this one was more for teenage mothers and homeless girls. She wanted me to be involved in the back to education scheme she was planning on setting up.

"Oh God Esme, I wish I could it's just um... well..."

"Are you going to your father's this weekend Dear?" she asked and I cringed wondering how was I going to explain I couldn't come over and help her plan her next charitable project because I was planning on seducing her Baby Boy.

"No, not this weekend it's just that today is Edward's and mine Anniversary." I explained.

"Anniversary of what Dear?" she asked.

"We've been together a year today."

"What?" she asked sounding shocked "It has not been a year?"

"Yeah it has." I explained.

"Wow, a whole year." She said "So what do you two have planned tonight?" she asked.

Wild sex

No I didn't actually say that to her

"Um you know just a nice relaxing evening together, we're not really a pair for going out so we just thought we stay at ho-... his place" I said catching myself. I kept almost slipping up and calling Edward's apartment home. I know it seemed silly but I just wanted to be living with him already it was crazy.

"So no big plans?" she asked.

"No" I said "Why?"

"Just seems like an anniversary would be a perfect time to you know ask a certain question" She hinted.

"Esme he's not proposing tonight." I told her.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Positive, I told you we have a plan."

"But that's not spontaneous or romantic." She said.

"Have you met your son? He's aware of what spontaneous means but I don't think he's ever applied it in his life." I told her.

"Okay but if we get to a two year Anniversary and there is no ring I'm just going start planning the wedding." Esme warned.

"I'll let him know." I told her before we hung up.

This wasn't the first time Esme's wanted to know when Edward and I are getting married. I think she's worried that he's afraid to do it. I know that's not the case. We're just not there yet.

Plus Esme's having Grandbaby fever ever since Rosalie gave birth to Parker during the summer.

Talk about a cute Baby, too bad he the spawn of Satan and her husband.

Rosalie and Emmett had yet to apologise for the way they treated Edward after they found out they were pregnant and I don't think they ever will which was really hurtful if you think about it.

It also stung that Rosalie was already married to Emmett and I wasn't married to Edward. I wanted to just start everything with him already.

Glancing down at my promise ring that Edward gave me last Christmas I took a deep breath and reminded myself that Edward and I had a plan and that this time next year I could be planning my wedding.

That made me giddy.

I already knew what I wanted and couldn't wait for it to be put into motion.

I drove over to Edward's place and let myself in. I had brought my flowers up here knowing I would see them more if I put them in a vase over here. The last time Edward gave me flowers and I left them in my place I saw them all of once before they died.

So whenever he bought me flowers, which was actually quite regular they were brought back to his place.

As I walked in Lincoln meowed at my feet wanting to be fed.

"Hey Buddy" I said as I walked over to the sink and set the flowers in there until I could put them in a vase. I picked the cat up and scratched his head before going to get changed out of my work clothes.

It was just nice to end the week by getting changed and relaxing. I threw on my comfy jeans and a tank top before pulling my hair into a bun while I was mooching around the apartment.

"Come on Lincoln" I called from the kitchen as I dished up the cat food. He sauntered into the kitchen and began eating while I began cutting the ends off my flowers.

I was caught up in what I was doing I jumped when I heard someone walk into the kitchen.

"Hey Love" Edward said.

"Jesus you scared the crap out of me." I told him as he came up behind me and kissed me on the cheek. "What are you doing here early?" I asked turning around in his arms and kissing him properly.

"I got off work early." He said "I got all my work done and I wanted to spend the rest of the day with my beautiful girlfriend."

"You better get going." I teased and he kissed me on the cheek when he stopped and looked across the room.

"Did you feed the cat?" he asked me.

"Yeah just there, is he done?" I asked looking over and seeing Lincoln had knocked over the bowl and just left it. "Smooth, do you want me to get it?" I asked Edward but he shook his head and went to get the vacuum.

Lincoln came back into the kitchen and meowed at my feet.

"Not cool Dude." I told him as he brushed himself against my legs before meowing again.

"Is he still crying?" Edward asked me and I nodded. Edward picked up the cat and poked the cat's stomach and the cat groaned. "Oh crap"

"What?" I asked putting down the scissors I was using.

"Can you call Seth?" he asked.

"Seth Clearwater?" I asked and he nodded. "Sure" I said grabbing my phone and dialling my almost step brother's number.

Yes Charlie was getting married. He and Sue were so cute together it was great. I watched as Edward got out the cat carrier and grabbed some towels.

"Hello?" Seth answered.

"Hey Seth its Bella. Edward told me to call you. I think there's something wrong with Lincoln" I said as Edward gestured for me to hand him the phone.

"Has he gotten sick?" Seth asked me.

"I didn't see any; I'll put you on to Edward." I said handing him the phone.

"Yeah his stomach tender I have no idea what's going on." Edward said. "Yeah I'll be there in twenty minutes." Edward said.

I cleared off the stalks off the counter and wiped it down quickly knowing it would crack Edward up if we left before it was done.

"You're coming?" Edward asked me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked him.

"Hardly the most romantic way to spend the night."

"Oh shut up, it's practically my cat." I said taking the carrier off of him and grabbing my jacket before walking out of the apartment. "Cullen, are you coming or what?" I asked him.

"Sure" He said seeming a bit dazed. We got down to his car and he drove us over to the animal hospital.

"So is this what happened last time?" I asked.

"No last time he threw up everywhere, this is weird." Edward said and I nodded as I held the carrier on my lap.

Lincoln cried in the carrier in what sounded like pain.

"Okay I'm gonna suck as a Mom."

"Where the hell did that come from?" Edward asked.

"I can barely keep it together for the cat, what happens if one our kids get sick?" I asked him.

"This just shows that you're going to be a great Mom." Edward said and I sighed as we parked outside the animal hospital.

Edward took the carrier from me and carried it to the door of the hospital where Seth was waiting.

"Hey guys, let's take a look." Seth said taking us straight back to the office. Edward opened the carrier and tried to cajole the cat out. When Edward has no luck Seth reached in and pulled him out, getting scratched as he did so.

"Sorry" Edward said.

"All part of the day's work." Seth said lifting up Lincoln's paw and examining him before looking up at Edward. "Okay um... this is gonna sound like a weird but um... have you noticed anything weird about Lincoln lately?" Seth asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Has he been off?"

"Well he's gotten fat." Edward said and I glared at him.

"It's his winter weight." I said scratching the sick kitty's head.

"Bella his stomach has grown three sizes." Edward pointed out.

"Hardly" I said.

"Well actually Bella Edward is right Lincoln has gained weight but it's perfectly understandable given her condition." Seth said and Edward and I looked at each other confused.

"Her condition?" Edward asked.

"Well this is embarrassing, but last time Lincoln was in we were more focused with just fixing his or should I say her stomach to stop the throw up and diarrhoea but now that I'm looking at the cat it quite obvious it's female."

"How are you so certain?" Edward asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well she's pregnant."

Edward's face fell.

I laughed.

"This is isn't funny Bella."

"Edward it's hilarious" I said. "You're going to be a grandpa" I teased him and he pouted.

"Hey I thought he or she was practically your cat, ha-ha grandma." Edward stated before rubbing his cat's head. "Seriously?" he asked the cat.

Lincoln responded with a meow that sounded a bit like 'oops' in my opinion.

Seth then went over the details of what how to make sure the cat was ready to give birth and what to do when the time came, plus after care.

Edward and I arrived back to his place at around eight o'clock that night with Chinese food. He still looked confused.

"I can't believe he's a girl." He said shaking his head and I laughed. "Alright it is sorta funny." He stated as I lifted the cat out of the carrier and settled her down on the bed.

"So are you gonna keep the name Lincoln or...?" I asked.

"It would feel weird giving him... I mean her a new name wouldn't it?" he asked and I nodded.

"Just a bit" I explained.

"I think we'll just keep Lincoln." He said as I walked into the kitchen to get plates for the food.

He followed me in and leaned against the door frame.

"I'm sorry tonight wasn't the most romantic thing in the world" He said and I smiled.

"No worries" I told him. "It's good to know Lincoln's okay." I said and he nodded, I then handed him his plate and we ate.

As we were eating I noticed him staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Just thinking" He shrugged finishing with his food and standing up. "You done?" he asked

"Yeah" I told him and he took my plate "About what?" I asked.

"Hmmm?" he asked as he began scraping the food.

"Thinking about what?" I asked helping him clear the table.

"About how lucky I am." He said wrapping his arms around me. "I can't believe it's been a year."

"Neither can I" I told him kissing under his chin. He was so tall it was the only part of him I could reach.

"I love you Bella"

"I love you too" I told him.

He finished clearing up after dinner and we went to go sit down in the living room. Lincoln snoozing in her basket. Her giant belly all swollen.

"So weird" I said and Edward laughed. I noticed his machine was blinking "Babe I think you have a message."

He jumped up and pressed play on the machine.

"Hi you've reached the voice mail of Edward Cullen, I'm not available to answer the phone right now so leave your name and number and I'll try and get back to you as soon as possible" His message rang out before a message from his Mom looking for me came ringing through

"Your home voicemail sounds the exact same as the one for your office." I told him.

"Not all of us can get away with the cute girly thing Love." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Message received at 17:32" the machine rang out before the person we were waiting to hear from started talking.

"Hi Edward and probably Bella, it's Alec. Alice told me I'd have a better chance of catching you both at this number. I've got some good news; the sellers have accepted your offer on the house. So call me back at my office tomorrow and we'll go over the paperwork. Congratulations."

"You have no new messages" the machine echoed before a loud beep and then silence.

"Did he just say what I think he did?" Edward asked and I nodded.

"We got the house" I said

"We got the house" He repeated.

It was then I tackled him.

"We got it!" I squealed before kissing him. He lifted my legs so I was more comfortable as I straddled him. He had his hands in my hair and pulled it down out of the bun. He always liked my hair down. My fingers made quick work of his shirt buttons before pushing it off his shoulders.

He pushed my own top over my head and kissed along my neck as he undone the clasp of my bra.

He threw it off the couch before standing up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him so that he could keep me up. I kissed him hungrily was he walked us towards his bedroom.

When we got there he laid me down on the bed before pulling off my jeans. He then pulled down his own pants before climbing onto the bed beside me.

Our lips joined together again and he hand cupped my breast making me moan.

"Edward" I cried out as he grinded his boxer clad erection against my lace covered wetness. "Please" I moaned as his hands moved down my body. His lips alternating between my lips, my breasts and any other part he could reach.

"Bella" He groaned bucking harder against me. I hooked my feet into his boxers before pulling them down his legs. He yanked my panties down before pushing into me causing me to cry out.

The heat flushed in me as he moved in and out of me. I was on fire in the most delicious of way. I tried to hold off my orgasm because I wanted to keep going but when I looked up and saw his emerald eyes staring down at me intensely I knew it was pointless.

I exploded under his gaze and he followed after me shuddering as he emptied into me. Got to love the perks of the depo shot. He kissed me as he collapsed down onto me.

I moan in satisfaction into his mouth before he practically fell off me. Spent form our activities.

"That was amazing" He said smiling at me and I laughed kissing his cheek.

"That's one word for it." I said when my breathing had evened out a bit. "I love you"

"I love you too Bella."

"I can't believe we got the house."

"Our house." He said beaming as he did.

"We get to live together." I said trying not to squeal like a teenager.

"Can't wait" He said. "Will I tell you what I can't believe?" he asked.


"That it's been a year." He said grabbing my right hand and twisting my promise ring. "Best year of my life." He said repeating his words from earlier.

"Best year of your life so far." I repeated and he laughed leaning in and kissing.

"Well in that case I can't wait to see what's coming next."

Move into together. Start my business. Marriage. Babies.

It was all ahead of us.

"Neither can I baby, neither can I"

I'm back!

I know too long a break, I was so upset not updating. But I am glad to say we are back and as Bella put it in this chapter their life is ahead of us now. So sit back and enjoy the ride but please remember to review would you and feed this attention whores need for an ego boost!

Love The Irish Cullen